• Title/Summary/Keyword: Lateral Resistance

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Performance assessment of multi-hazard resistance of Smart Outrigger Damper System (스마트 아웃리거 댐퍼시스템의 멀티해저드 저항성능평가)

  • Kim, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.139-145
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    • 2018
  • An outrigger system is used widely to increase the lateral stiffness of high-rise buildings, resulting in reduced dynamic responses to seismic or wind loads. Because the dynamic characteristics of earthquake or wind loads are quite different, a smart vibration control system associated with an outrigger system can be used effectively for both seismic and wind excitation. In this study, an adaptive smart structural control system based on an outrigger damper system was investigated for the response reduction of multi-hazards, including seismic and wind loads. A MR damper was employed to develop the smart outrigger damper system. Three cities in the U.S., L.A., Charleston, and Anchorage, were used to generate multi-hazard earthquake and wind loads. Parametric studies on the MR damper capacity were performed to investigate the optimal design of the smart outrigger damper system. A smart control algorithm was developed using a fuzzy controller optimized by a genetic algorithm. The analytical results showed that an adaptive smart structural control system based on an outrigger damper system can provide good control performance for multi-hazards of earthquake and wind loads.

Comparison of Impedance Parameters and Occupational Therapy Evaluation in the Paretic and Non-paretic Upper Extremity of Hemiplegic Stroke Patients

  • Yoo, Chan-Uk;Kim, Jaehyung;Hwang, Youngjun;Kim, Gunho;Shin, Yong-Il;Jeon, Gyerok
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.1980-1991
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    • 2017
  • Many stroke patients undergoing rehabilitation therapy require a quantitative indicator for the evaluation of body function in paretic and non-paretic regions. In this study, the impedance parameters were acquired to assess the physical status in the upper extremity of thirty six stroke patients with hemiplegia caused by cerebral hemorrhage (10 patients) and cerebral infarction (26 patients), using bioelectrical impedance. Prediction marker (PM), phase angle (PA), PM/PA, and resistance (R) versus reactance ($X_c$) were utilized to evaluate the functional status of the paretic and non-paretic regions. In addition, the hand grip strength (HGS) and the pinch strength (lateral, palmer, tip) were measured on the upper extremity of hemiplegic stroke patients. PM was distributed in inversely proportional to HGS, but PA was distributed in proportional to HGS. However, there were a number of patients with HGS of 0, regardless of the impedance parameters (PM, PA, R vs. $X_c$). Paretic and non-paretic status in upper extremity of these patients could not be analyzed using impedance parameters. At the rehabilitation therapist's instructions, they were unable to move the hand and fingers of the paretic upper extremity by cranial nerve damage, motor nerve damage, and severe cognitive decline.

Identification of progressive collapse pushover based on a kinetic energy criterion

  • Menchel, K.;Massart, T.J.;Bouillard, Ph.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.427-447
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    • 2011
  • The progressive collapse phenomenon is generally regarded as dynamic. Due to the impracticality of nonlinear dynamic computations for practitioners, an interest arises for the development of equivalent static pushover procedures. The present paper proposes a methodology to identify such a procedure for sudden column removals, using energetic evaluations to determine the pushover loads to apply. In a dynamic context, equality between the cumulated external and internal works indicates a vanishing kinetic energy. If such a state is reached, the structure is sometimes assumed able to withstand the column removal. Approximations of these works can be estimated using a static computation, leading to an estimate of the displacements at the zero kinetic energy configuration. In comparison with other available procedures based on such criteria, the present contribution identifies loading patterns to associate with the zero-kinetic energy criterion to avoid a single-degree-of-freedom idealisation. A parametric study over a family of regular steel structures of varying sizes uses non-linear dynamic computations to assess the proposed pushover loading pattern for the cases of central and lateral ground floor column failure. The identified quasi-static loading schemes are shown to allow detecting nearly all dynamically detected plastic hinges, so that the various beams are provided with sufficient resistance during the design process. A proper accuracy is obtained for the plastic rotations of the most plastified hinges almost independently of the design parameters (loads, geometry, robustness), indicating that the methodology could be extended to provide estimates of the required ductility for the beams, columns, and beam-column connections.

Seismic Behavior of Web-Continuous Diagrid Nodes (웨브 연속형 다이아그리드 노드의 이력 특성)

  • Jeong, In Yong;Kim, Young Ju;Ju, Young K;Kim, Sang Dae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.375-384
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    • 2009
  • The application of the diagrid structural system has increased of late, but cyclic loadings such as winds and earthquakes cannot be fully understood through only an analytical study due to the difficulty of considering its welding property. In this study, diagrid nodes that had been scaled down to 1/5 of their full sizes were tested to find out their structural behavior under seismic or wind loads. Four specimens were used with five parameters, including the welding method and the design details. Cyclic loading tests were carried out, where a tensile load was applied to one brace member and a compression load to the other. The major failure modes in the tests were only failure of bending with tensile stress and tension failure. The welding method and the design details had no effect on the initial stiffness and yielding stress but play a significant role in the failure mode and energy dissipation, respectively.

Lattice Shear Reinforcement for Slab-Column Connection Subjected to Unbalanced Moment (불균형모멘트를 받는 슬래브-기둥 접합부를 위한 래티스 전단 보강)

  • Park, Hong-Gun;Kim, You-Ni;Song, Jin-Kyu;Kim, Sun-Kyu;Lee, Chul-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.301-312
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    • 2007
  • A slab-column connection is susceptible to brittle punching shear failure, which may result in the necessity of shear reinforcement. In the present study, to investigate the earthquake resistance of newly developed lattice shear reinforcement, experimental study was performed for interior slab-column connections subjected to cyclic loading. For comparison, specimens with existing shear reinforcement method such as stud rail, shear band and stirrup were also tested. The test result showed that the structural capacity of the lattice shear reinforcement was superior to those of the existing methods and was greater than the code-specified strength. On the other hand, the existing methods did not significantly improve the shear strength of the specimens. The shear strengths of the existing methods were much less than the code-specified shear strength.

Application of Depth-averaged 2-D Numerical Model for the Evaluation of Hydraulic Effects in River with the Riparian Forest (하안림 영향 검토를 위한 수심평균 2차원 수치모형 적용)

  • Kim, Ji Sung;Kim, Won;Kim, Hyea Ju
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.31 no.2B
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    • pp.165-173
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    • 2011
  • In this study, FESWMS FST2DH model was used to analyze the change of flow characteristics after making the riparian forest. The additional flow resistance is calculated based on the drag-force concept acting on each tree and the lateral momentum transfer between planted and non-planted zone could be satisfactorily reproduced by parabolic turbulence model in this depth-averaged 2-D numerical model. For model validation, the simulated velocities were compared with the measured data, showing good agreement in both tree density cases of experiments. The previous method using a proper Manning's n coefficient gives reasonable solutions only to evaluate the conveyance, but the calculated approach velocity at each tree was different from realistic value. The proposed procedure could be widely used to evaluate hydraulic effects of riparian trees in practical engineering.

Earthquake Simulation Tests on a 1:5 Scale 10-Story R.C. Residential Building Model (1:5 축소 10층 내력벽식 R.C. 공동주택의 지진모의실험)

  • Lee, Han-Seon;Hwang, Seong-Jun;Lee, Kyung-Bo;Kang, Chang-Bum;Lee, Sang-Ho;Oh, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2011
  • This paper presents the results of shaking table tests on a 1:5 scale 10-story R.C. wall-type residential building model. The following conclusions are drawn based on the test results. (1) The model responded linear elastically under the excitations simulating an earthquake with a return period of 50 years, and showed a nonlinear response under the excitations simulating the design earthquake of Korea. (2) The model showed a significant strength drop under the maximum considered earthquake, with a return period of 2400 years. (3) The major portion of the resistance to lateral inertia forces came from the walls used for the elevator and stair case. (4) Finally, the damage and failure modes appear to be due to the flexural behavior of walls and slabs. A significant deterioration of stiffness and an elongation of the fundamental periods were observed under increased earthquake excitations.


  • Euh, D.J.;Kim, K.H.;Youn, Y.J.;Bae, J.H.;Chu, I.C.;Kim, J.T.;Kang, H.S.;Choi, H.S.;Lee, S.T.;Kwon, T.S.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.44 no.7
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    • pp.735-744
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    • 2012
  • In order to quantify the flow distribution characteristics of APR+ reactor, a test was performed on a test facility, ACOP ($\underline{A}$PR+ $\underline{C}$ore Flow & $\underline{P}$ressure Test Facility), having a length scale of 1/5 referring to the prototype plant. The major parameters are core inlet flow and outlet pressure distribution and sectional pressure drops along the major flow path inside reactor vessel. To preserve the flow characteristics of prototype plant, the test facility was designed based on a preservation of major flow path geometry. An Euler number is considered as primary dimensionless parameter, which is conserved with a 1/40.9 of Reynolds number scaling ratio. ACOP simplifies each fuel assembly into a hydraulic simulator having the same axial flow resistance and lateral cross flow characteristics. In order to supply boundary condition to estimate thermal margins of the reactor, the distribution of inlet core flow and core exit pressure were measured in each of 257 fuel assembly simulators. In total, 584 points of static pressure and differential pressures were measured with a limited number of differential pressure transmitters by developing a sequential operation system of valves. In the current study, reactor flow characteristics under the balanced four-cold leg flow conditions at each of the cold legs were quantified, which is a part of the test matrix composing the APR+ flow distribution test program. The final identification of the reactor flow distribution was obtained by ensemble averaging 15 independent test data. The details of the design of the test facility, experiment, and data analysis are included in the current paper.

Deformation Capacity of Inverted V-Type Brace Strengthened by Built-up Non-welded Buckling Restraint Element (조립형 무용접 좌굴방지재로 보강된 역V형 가새의 변형성능)

  • Kim, Sun Hee;Moon, Ji Young;Choi, Sung Mo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.261-271
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    • 2015
  • Steel concentrically braced frame is an efficient system that can acquire resistance against the lateral force of buildings with the least amount of quantity. In this study is intended to proceed on the research of schemes for reinforcement by supplementing previously installed H-formed brace with non-welded cold-formed plastic stiffening materials restricting the flexure and buckling and acquire a consistent strength on the tensile and compressive force. As for the measures of supplementing previously-installed inverted V-formed braced frame, stiffening materials in the previous studies were converted to weak-axial supplementing materials to suggest a specific scheme evaluating the structural function through an experiment of members, interpretation of members, and frame-focused experiment. Reinforced brace satisfied the requirement to be prevent AISC brace from being ruptured due to imbalanced strength in the beam.

Seismic Performance of RC Column-Steel Beam Connections for Large Columns (대형기둥 적용을 위한 철근콘크리트기둥-강재보 접합부의 내진성능)

  • Park, Hong Gun;Lee, Ho Jun;Kim, Chang Soo;Hwang, Hyeon Jong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.231-242
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    • 2016
  • Earthquake resistance of RC column-steel beam (RCS) joints with simplified details were studied. Simplified details are necessary for large columns to improve the productivity and constructability. To strengthen the beam-column joint, the effects of transverse beams, studs, and U-cross ties were used. Four 2/3 scale interior RCS connections were tested under cyclic lateral loading. The specimens generally exhibited good deformation capacity exceeding 4.0% story drift ratio after yielding of both beam and beam-column joint. Ultimately, the specimens failed by shear mechanism of the joint panel. The test strengths were compared with the predictions of existing design methods.