• 제목/요약/키워드: Language Conflict

검색결과 116건 처리시간 0.028초

"교육위기" 담론의 의미와 주체구성 방식 연구: 한겨레신문과 조선일보 기사를 중심으로 (A Study on the mechanism for discoursive constitution of meaning and subject appeared in "Educational crisis" by Korea mass media)

  • 강진숙
    • 한국언론정보학보
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    • 제33권
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    • pp.7-52
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    • 2006
  • 본 연구의 목적은 역사적으로 한국언론에 나타난 교육위기담론의 의미구성방식과 주체 구성방식을 분석함으로써 한국사회의 진보-보수 언론이 갖는 대립적 입장과 이데올로기적 특성들을 드러내는 데 있다. 이를 위해 미셀 페쇠의 담론이론에서 제시된 언어체계의 선택과 조합방식들-선구성과 절합 메커니즘-, 그리고 이데올로기의 주체구성 방식을 이론적으로 검토한 후, 실제 사례분석에 들어가고자 한다. 사례분석의 대상은 조선일보와 한겨레신문이고, 두 신문의 진보와 보수라는 상징적 적대성을 근거로 선정했다. 이와 함께 "교실붕괴"나 "학교붕괴" 등의 교육위기 담론을 현장진술, 원인과 책임규명 그리고 사후대책의 범주 속에서 분석하고자 한다.

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한국어 연결어미 '-면서'와 중국어 대응표현의 대조연구 -한·중 병렬 말뭉치를 기반으로 (A Comparative Study on Korean Connective Morpheme '-myenseo' to the Chinese expression - based on Korean-Chinese parallel corpus)

  • YI, CHAO
    • 비교문화연구
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    • 제37권
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    • pp.309-334
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    • 2014
  • This study is based on the Korean-Chinese parallel corpus, utilizing the Korean connective morpheme '-myenseo' and contrasting with the Chinese expression. Korean learners often struggle with the use of Korean Connective Morpheme especially when there is a lexical gap between their mother language. '-myenseo' is of the most use Korean Connective Morpheme, it usually contrast to the Chinese coordinating conjunction. But according to the corpus, the contrastive Chinese expression to '-myenseo' is more than coordinating conjunction. So through this study, can help the Chinese Korean language learners learn easier while studying '-myenseo', because the variety Chinese expression are found from the parallel corpus that related to '-myenseo'. In this study, firstly discussed the semantic features and syntactic characteristics of '-myenseo'. The significant semantic features of '-myenseo' are 'simultaneous' and 'conflict'. So in this chapter the study use examples of usage to analyse the specific usage of '-myenseo'. And then this study analyse syntactic characteristics of '-myenseo' through the subject constraint, predicate constraints, temporal constraints, mood constraints, negatives constraints. then summarize them into a table. And the most important part of this study is Chapter 4. In this chapter, it contrasted the Korean connective morpheme '-myenseo' to the Chinese expression by analysing the Korean-Chinese parallel corpus. As a result of the analysis, the frequency of the Chinese expression that contrasted to '-myenseo' is summarized into

    . It can see from the table that the most common Chinese expression comparative to '-myenseo' is non-marker patterns. That means the connection of sentence in Korean can use connective morpheme what is a clarifying linguistic marker, but in Chinese it often connect the sentence by their intrinsic logical relationships. So the conclusion of this chapter is that '-myenseo' can be comparative to Chinese conjunction, expression, non-marker patterns and liberal translation patterns, which are more than Chinese conjunction that discovered before. In the last Chapter, as the conclusion part of this study, it summarized and suggest the limitations and the future research direction.

  • 비체를 통해 드러난 전쟁과 폭력의 허구 -린 노티지의 『망가진 여인들』에 나타난 비체의 힘 (Exposing the Falsehood of War and Violence: Power of the Abject in Lynn Nottage's Ruined)

    • 최석훈
      • 영어영문학
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      • 제60권2호
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      • pp.365-389
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      • 2014
    • The essay focuses on the relationship between the soldiers and the oppressed women in Lynn Nottage's Ruined (2009) in terms of Julia Kristeva's abject to show how the abjected Congolese women expose the falsehood of the order and identity that the military forces try to construct and maintain by war and violence. According to Kristeva, the abject is something that is rejected for the repulsion and horror it arouses but constantly draws the subject to it at the same time. Physically impaired and socially stigmatized, sexually abused Congolese women find a shelter in Mama Nadi's bar, the only place where they can continue their lives as the abject since the place, like the women themselves, lies outside the symbolic order occupied and corrupted by the men of DRC. Although the men involved in the armed conflict have abjected the women in pursuit of their own system and order, the women are not simply the objects of abuse and oppression. The men have to rely on Mama Nadi and her women not only to reaffirm their identity and power by suppressing them but also to fulfill their biological needs. In addition, the women's resistance against the soldiers demonstrates their power to challenge the men's symbolic order and expose its frailty. Apropos of the abject's resistance, various artistic genres such as poetry, music and dance appear in the play as an escape from the grim reality and a means of challenging and transcending the symbolic order. Bringing all these artistic elements together into a powerful piece of theatre-often considered as an 'abject' genre nowadays, Nottage demonstrates both the power of theatre as well as the tenacious Congolese women.

    아프리카계 미국 작가 - 강요된 이민자 의식/ 파편적 토박이 의식 (Afro-American Writer: Forced Immigrant/Fragmentary Native Consciousness)

    • 장정훈
      • 영어영문학
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      • 제54권1호
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      • pp.77-105
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      • 2008
    • Even though Paule Marshall and Ishmael Reed have differences of gender, generation, and literary techniques, they share common points in dealing with cultural conflicts and racial discrimination in the United States as Afro-American Writers. As black minority writers, Marshall and Reed write out of a perspective of forced immigrant/fragmentary native consciousness. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the protagonist's reaction to racial prejudice, different cultures and their attempts to reconcile and to coexist with other races and their culture in these writers' representative works. Marshall's uniqueness as a contemporary black female artist stems from her ability to write from the three levels, that is, African American and Caribbean black. So, Marshall's Brown Girl, Brownstones represents an attempt to identify, analyze, and resolve the conflict between cultural loss/displacement and cultural domination/hegemony. Reed's Japanes by Spring offers a blistering attack upon the various cultural and racial factions of the academy and the bankrupt value systems in America. Reed's depiction of Jack London College's existing racial problems-later compounded by the cultural dilemmas that accompany the Japanese occupation of the institution-reveals his interest in highlighting the ways in which any monoculturalist ideology ultimately results in racist and culturally exclusive policies. Marshall's and Reed's novels provide opportunities for reader to explore various manifestations of intercultual and interethnic dynamics. They present the possibility of reconciliation and coexistence between different race and ethnic cultures through asserting a cultural hybridity and multiculturalism.

    W. E. B. 듀보이스와 '니그로'의 재구성 (W. E. B. Du Bois and the Reconstruction of the 'Negro')

    • 이경원
      • 영어영문학
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      • 제55권5호
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      • pp.907-936
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      • 2009
    • Quite arguably, W. E. B. Du Bois is the first figure in the history of black nationalism who engaged most persistently and systematically with the dominant ideology of racism and white supremacy. It is not too much to say that, by contending with the Eurocentric but taken-for-granted concept of the 'Negro' in the turn of the century, Du bois has laid the theoretical and ideological cornerstone of postcolonialism today. But his concept of race varied over time and was even contradictory in the same writings. The early Du Bois defined race as something historically made rather than biologically given and determined. Yet he didn't utterly deny the significance of physical traits and skin color in constructing racial identity. His notion of the 'Negro' was not unambiguous, either. While drawing on the 'soul' of 'black folk' to undermine the Eurocentric dichotomy of white/mind and black/body, Du Bois argued that there is some kind of 'spiritual' differences between whites and blacks, differences that are essentially inherent and hereditary in the 'Negro.' Such essentialist notion of race and the 'Negro' was on the wane in the later Du Bois, especially after his encounter with Marxism. He came to think of race merely as a discourse of racism that can be subverted and even appropriated for anti-racist practices. Following the Marxist assumption that 'the color line' is a class conflict on the international level, Du Bois contended that the 'Negro' is an outcome of slavery which is in turn a subsystem of Western capitalism. He also argued that, since the 'Negro' is not a biological essence but a sociocultural formation, the identity of the 'Negro' can and must be reconstructed according to historical change. For Du Bois, therefore, the resistance against colonialism and capitalism became a resistance against racism. This is why his Pan-African movement shifted its gear from the American program in the initial phase to a truly 'Afrocentric' and socialist one.

    Ontological Violence: "Ambiguous Undulations" between "Sunday Morning" and Sunny Day's Morning

    • Jang, Jeong U
      • 영어영문학
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      • 제56권3호
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      • pp.543-555
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      • 2010
    • In his early poems, Wallace Stevens shows us different gestures, compared with his later poems, when he acquires reality by faculty of imagination. The former is made of ontological violence while the latter is revealed by bareness of less sensuality. However, they are the identical gestures, though from different angles, to accomplish things as they are rather than the ideas of things. In "Sunday Morning," ontological violence occurs in such epistemological couples as thought and thing, mind and world, and imagination and reality. Especially, in order to recuperate his poetic reality, Stevens undermines the traditional hierarchy between heavenly divinity and earthly divinity. In the poem, Christianity faces a critical challenge and then it is disempowered by the earthly divinity. Additionally, by disadvantaging religion, he wants to raise his poetic issue of the faculty of imagination to acquire reality. Stevens' concept of imagination is less subjective and more transcendental than Kantian one. After the ontological violence, Christian divinity and mythic gods leave ontological boundary for earthly divinity in an ambiguous way. In other words, between "Sunday" and "sunny day," the ontological conflicts haunt us throughout the poem as if the violence would happen between imagination and reality. For Stevens, both Christian divinity and mythic gods are mere obstacles to real divinity; both play a mere role of imagination before reality is revealed. Whatever reality is, imagination is always ready to draw an ontological line of reality in an ambiguous way, regardless of how long it lasts. In general, most ontological violence requires such physical remnants of conflicts as borderline, deaths, and pains which still prevail in the poem. Those ontological remnants remain to be found on earth. The sky is an abstract borderline between heaven and earth because in a sense, it belongs to both earthly landscape and heavenly sphere. Without any ontological borderline or threshold, there is no recognition of the divinity because the vitality of divinity is inflamed in continuous transgression of the other. After the final ontological conflict between heaven and earth, there remains only ambiguous borderline near the earth beside the friendlier sky.

    이언 매큐언의 『인듀어링 러브』에 나타난 이기적 유전자와 사랑 (The Selfish Gene and Love in Ian McEwan's Enduring Love)

    • 우정민
      • 영어영문학
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      • 제55권4호
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      • pp.661-692
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      • 2009
    • From the Darwinian perspective, all the human behaviors and thoughts are operated by "the selfish gene," the term coined by Richard Dawkins, which has long been evolving to survive by utilizing the limited quality and quantity of resources. And an organism which fails to regenerate by creating its "replicator" is doomed to extinction, for gene combinations which help an organism to survive and reproduce tend to also improve the gene's own chances of being passed on through generations. Dawkins also coins the term "meme" for a unit of human cultural evolution analogous to the gene, suggesting that such selfish replication may also be the principle for human culture. Ian McEwan is not only a controversial but more importantly influential writer in the 21st century academic world. His 1997 book Enduring Love is not exceptional in that it draws both literary and scientific attention. Intentionally set up with the dynamic conflict between the two cultures, namely art and science, the book explores the way in which the state of the modern minds is misinterpreted and estranged by each other. In this novel, the three main protagonists, Joe, Clarissa, and Jed, each representing the very important three elements of human civilization-cognition/science, emotion/art, and faith/religion-meet an unexpected peril of life. The author of the novel employs the narrative of evolutionary science-in particular the narratives of gene and meme-to provoke the question of the two cultures famously addressed by Snow in the mid 20th century and the further discussions followed by the later Darwinian scholars such as Richard Dawkins. In this paper I aim to illustrate the way in which the author develops the idea of gene science and literature and how he proceeds to provide a sophisticated bridge between the two cultures and induce a kind of consilience by the recurrent name of love in the story of Enduring Love.

    틸리 올슨의 「수수께끼 내 주세요」에 나타난 엄마 노릇 -위하여 살 것인가 vs. 더불어 살 것인가 (Mothering in "Tell Me a Riddle": Living for vs. Living with)

    • 나윤숙
      • 영어영문학
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      • 제56권2호
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      • pp.357-382
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      • 2010
    • Motherhood as an ideological construction has been regarded as an oppressing apparatus enforced by patriarchism. On the one hand, demystifying motherhood helps expose dehumanization of women, and accordingly liberate women from being an ideal mother. On the other hand, however, feminists' attempts to unearth the distorted images of mothers result in devaluation of such values as love and sacrifice attached to motherhood. "Tell Me a Riddle" by Tillie Olsen, who is a declared socialist as well as a feminist, occupies a significant position in a sense that it neither condemns motherhood as evil nor idealizes it. Through the main character, Eva, it examines the meaning of motherhood in a way that a real mother experiences it in a real life, and thus Olsen challenges the readers to ponder upon the mothers' dilemma: a conflict between a desire for self-fulfillment and sacrifice for others. Eva, a mother of seven grown-up children, and now dying, shows an ambivalent attitude toward motherhood. She realizes that she is a victim of idealized motherhood in that, toward the end of her life, she feels uncomfortable accepting her personal desires as they are. Yet at the same time, she appreciates her experiences as a mother in that she could consume her passion for the ideals as she has spent her youth working toward, trying to construct an idealistic socialist country. Eva's real ideal, as a human being, is to live "with" others, not just "for" others. In other words, she does not want to allow herself to live only for others in the name of the mother because she does not have any alternatives to do otherwise. Rather, she desires to live a life of voluntary sacrifice and love. In this way, through Eva, Olsen tries to help us to construct a community where we--not just mothers-can live "with" others.

    건담 컨텐츠(애니메이션 및 건담 피규어)의 문화 성립 요소분석 (Comparative analysis Gundam contents(Animation and Figure) and elements of a culture theory)

    • 손종남
      • 디지털융복합연구
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      • 제10권2호
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      • pp.299-304
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      • 2012
    • 1979년 처음 방영되어 오늘날까지 많은 인기를 끌고 있는 원제 기동전사 건담은 기존의 2분법적 대결성을 가진 타 로봇 애니메이션과 다른 차별성을 가진 애니메이션 컨텐츠이다. 건담을 제작한 토미노 요시유키(富野由悠季) 감독의 말에 의하면 드라마적 요소를 가미한 작품으로 거짓말 투성이 리얼리티(噓八百リアリティ-)라는 함축적인 말로 설명되는 컨텐츠이다. 건담이라는 컨텐츠는 일본 자국의 애니메이션을 넘어 전 세계로 나아가 다양한 산업으로 확대 발전되고 있으며, 더 나아가 건담 문화라고 까지 불리기도 한다. 문화라는 학문적 관점에서 문화를 구성하는 다섯 가지 요소(기술, 가치, 사회관계, 언어, 물질)를 중심으로 건담이라는 컨텐츠를 분석하였으며, 그 결과 문화를 구성하는 다섯 가지 각각의 요소들에 상충하는 충분한 내용과 가치가 있는 것으로 사료되어진다.

    3 단계 블록 매칭 알고리즘을 위한 4-경로 파이프라인 처리 (A 4-way Pipelined Processing Architecture for Three-Step Search Block Matching Algorithm)

    • 정성태;이상설;남궁문
      • 한국멀티미디어학회논문지
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      • 제7권8호
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      • pp.1170-1182
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      • 2004
    • 본 논문에서는 3단계 블록 매칭 알고리즘을 위한 새로운 4-경로 파이프라인 구조를 제안한다. 4-경로 파이프라인 구조를 위하여 현재 블록과 탐색 영역을 각각 4개의 부영역으로 분할하여 병렬처리하는 방법을 개발하였다. 4개의 부영역으로부터 메모리 접근의 충돌 없이 픽셀 데이터를 동시에 읽어 들이기 위한 메모리 분할 방법을 개발하였다. 제안된 구조는 C언어와 VHDL로 설계하여 시뮬레이션을 수행하였다. 실험 결과에 의하면 제안된 구조는 실시간 모션 추정 응용에 사용될 수 있는 높은 성능을 얻을 수 있었다.

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