• 제목/요약/키워드: Landscape Space

검색결과 1,562건 처리시간 0.031초

시문과 바위글씨로 본 함양 대고대(大孤臺)의 경관 향유자와 장소패권(場所覇權) (A Study on the Persons Enjoying the Landscape of Daegodea in Hamyang and Space Hegemony through Analysis of Poetry and Letters Carved on the Rocks)

  • 노재현;이정한
    • 한국전통조경학회지
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    • 제32권1호
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    • pp.10-21
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    • 2014
  • 본 연구는 함양 남계천변에 돌출한 바위 대고대의 경관성과 향유 주체에 주목하였다. 옛 시문과 석벽에 의탁(依託)된 인명 등 바위글씨의 분석과 해석을 통해 이곳의 장소 특성을 밝히고, 대고대에서 벌어졌던 경관 향유와 장소 패권 양상을 조명한 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 고지도에서 나타난 대고대는 지근거리에 5개소의 서원이 집중 포치(布置)되고 있으며, 대(臺) 자체의 입체적 볼륨감과 기괴함이 흥미를 불러일으키고 있다. 16C 옥계(玉溪) 노진(1518~1578)에 의해 최초로 명명된, 대고대(大孤臺)의 쓰임새를 고대(孤臺) 정경운(鄭慶雲: 1556~?)의 고대일록(孤臺日錄)에 근거해 분석한 결과, 남계서원 등의 임원과 유생의 조망 놀이 휴양 회의 계회 등 다양한 용도의 정치 사회적 소통의 장으로 활용된 것으로 확인된다. 대고대의 공간구성을 살펴보면 구졸암(九拙菴) 양희(梁喜: 1515~1581)의 신도비를 중심으로 상단 암벽에는 청근정(淸近亭)이, 그 서측에는 산앙재(山仰齋)가 위치한다. 동서로 펼쳐진 높이 11m, 넓이 약 $350m^2$의 대고대 반석 상부는 강론과 음영을 위한 장소로 널리 활용되었다. 반석 북서측에 '석송(石松) 추사(秋史)'라고 음각된 추사(秋史) 김정희(金正喜: 1786~1856) 서체의 바위글씨와 그 옆의 일명 '석송'이라 불렸을 것으로 추정되는 고사목의 잔해는 이곳의 역사성과 진정성을 한층 강화시켜 주는 경관요소이다. '대고대(大高臺) 개은서(介隱書)'와 '묵헌(默軒)' '정근상('鄭近相)' 바위글씨는 각각 개은(介隱) 정재기(鄭在箕: 1811~1879)와 그의 증손(曾孫) 정근상(鄭近相: 1893~1934)에 의해 기록된 배타적 공간 향유와 장소패권의 산물이자 조선 말기 이후 일제강점기까지 그들이 이곳 대고대의 향유 주체였음을 알리는 낙관(落款)이다. 요컨대 대고대는 조선 중기 이후 '구졸양선생장구소'로서 장소 선점의 묵시적 의미를 지녀왔으며, 조선말기와 일제강점기에는 정재기와 정근상의 연이은 장소패권 과정을 거치면서도 '동북강회소 천령제선현장구소'라는 범함양(凡咸陽)의 다자(多者) 강회 및 추념공간으로 변형 계승되어 왔다. 그럼에도 불구하고 석벽에 쓰여진 다수의 인명 바위글씨는 '하동정씨(河東鄭氏)'와 '풍천노씨(豊川盧氏)'가 대고대의 경관 향유 및 장소패권의 주체였음을 묵언한다. 대고대에서 새긴 '바위글씨'는 경관향유 의지의 표상이자 장소 주도권 쟁탈을 보여주는 또 다른 형태의 문화경관이자 정원 경영의 사례이다.

도시개발사업에서의 외부공간계획에 대한 상대적 중요도 분석 (Analyzing the Relative Importance of Exterior Space in Urban Development Projects)

  • 이임정
    • 한국농촌건축학회논문집
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2023
  • As a basic study to analyze the relative importance of external space in urban development projects, this study selects evaluation indicators for external space planning and then analyzes systematic external space planning through expert surveys. The scope of the study is to examine the criteria of evaluation items for external space derived from existing studies and to suggest the importance and priority of evaluation items. As a research method, we reviewed the legal and research literature on landscape planning and external space-related guidelines, and conducted a primary review of external space planning evaluation items analyzed by questionnaire. The reviewed items were again reviewed and selected through expert group discussions (FGI). The selected evaluation items were surveyed by expert groups and analyzed in depth using the hierarchical analysis method (AHP). Looking at the relative importance of the calculated sub-items, among the 17 sub-items, 'planning open space' (.096) is the largest, followed by 'pedestrianization' (.082), 'linking with adjacent buildings, streets, parks, and green areas' (.077), 'securing public space through various planning techniques such as linking with pedestrian paths' (.066), 'Plan the placement, form, and scale of buildings in consideration of the identity of the destination' (.065), 'Plan buildings, streets, parks, and green spaces in an integrated and holistic manner' (.065), 'Harmonize with the surrounding environment (landscape)' (.063), 'Harmonize with surrounding buildings and apply landscape planning in urban planning' (.063), 'Entrances and lower floors of buildings are planned as parks for users and pedestrians' (.060), 'Preserve and expand green areas and establish maintenance plans for urban greening' (.054), 'Form the basis for a comfortable life for urban residents by providing long-term development directions' (.047), 'Activate community activities and plan pedestrian environments and streetscapes considering human scale' (.047), 'Establish and propose basic directions for urban greening' (.046), 'Plan buildings, streets, parks, and green areas considering the hierarchy and characteristics of the landscape structure' (.045), 'Plan for integrated land use' (.045), 'Create green axes in connection without cutting them due to development activities' (.044), and 'Apply barrier free design' (.034).

치유경관의 개념을 적용한 병원 옥외공간 조경설계 - 창원 경상대학교 병원을 사례로 - (Healing Landscape Design for Hospital Outdoor Space - A Case of the Kyeongsang National University Hospital in Changwon -)

  • 민병욱
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제41권1호
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    • pp.82-92
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    • 2013
  • 본 설계안은 경상남도 창원시 성산구 삼정자동 555번지 일대에 건립예정인 부지의 면적 약 $79,743.1m^2$의 경상대학교병원 주변 옥외공간 설계의 기본계획안이다. 이 설계안의 목적은 환자의 회복과 일반 대중의 웰빙(well-being)을 돕고, 지역사회에 기여하며 주변 환경을 존중하는 생태적인 공간을 조성하는데 있었다. 이 목적을 위하여 세 가지 설계 목표가 설정되었는데, 첫 번째는 경관의 치유기능을 높이는 것이고, 두 번째는 생태적으로 재생이 가능한 경관을 조성하고, 세 번째는 그 지역의 특성을 반영한 경관의 미적인 가치를 드러내는 것이었다. 먼저 치유의 기능을 강화하기 위해서 주변의 양호한 수림대와 연계를 하고, 치유의 기능이 있는 식물재료를 선별하여 식재하고, 다양한 감각 치유원, 명상의 공간, 약초원 등 치유프로그램을 공간에 도입하였다. 또한, 많은 연구에서 병원의 공간조성에 있어서 환자의 프라이버시가 중요하다고 강조한대로 환자의 유형과 일반인들을 고려하여 공간과 동선을 구분하는 것을 고려하였다. 생태적인 환경을 조성하기 위해서는 기존의 소나무 숲과 지형을 보존하고, 부지내로 연장할 것을 제안하였으며, 또한 자연 수체계를 복원하고, 그 물을 재활용하여 조경 등의 용수로 사용하게 하였다. 마지막으로 이용자의 미적인 체험을 위해서는 주변 상록수림에 대비하는 활엽수와 각종 초화류를 식재하여 계절감을 강화시키고, 열매가 열리는 수종을 배치하여 산새가 날아들고 동물이 찾아오는 "자연속의 치유공간"이라는 분위기를 연출하였다. 더불어 모든 공간과 시설물은 유니버설 디자인 원칙에 따라 계획 및 설계되어 환자들에게 장애물이 없는 환경을 제공하려 하였으며, 생태적이고 경제적이며 관리가 용이한 유지관리를 위하여 지속가능한 관리계획을 제안하였다.

중국(中國) 전통원림(傳統園林) 공간(空間) 조영(造營) 원리의 현대적 탐구(探究) - 곡강지(曲江池) 유적공원(遺蹟公園)을 중심으로 - (A Modern Translation of Chinese Traditional Garden Space - Focusing on Qujiang Pool Heritage Park -)

  • 위첨첨;김정문;전조양
    • 한국전통조경학회지
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    • 제37권3호
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    • pp.93-107
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    • 2019
  • 본 연구의 목적은 중국 전통원림 공간조영의 원리를 어떻게 현대공원에 접목시키며 전통원림 공간조영의 전승 및 창신의 방법을 탐구하는 것이다. 전조양 등은 '중국 고전원림 및 현대전역십오강(中國古典園林与現代轉譯十五講)'에서 중국 전통 원림은 시간과 공간이 결합된 원림이며, 간략(簡略)화된 기본 조영원리 모식도(模式圖)를 제시하였다. 제시된 공간구성원리에 따라 중국현대공원인 곡강지 유적공원에 전통 원림요소와 현대 원림요소를 어떻게 접목시켰는지와 이 요소들이 공원 공간에 표현된 방법을 탐구하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 곡강지 유적공원의 복합형 공간은 공원 경계부와 복합형 동선으로 조영하였다. 공원경계부에 위치해 있는 원림 요소는 다리, 광장, 식물, 선형(線形)으로 배열된 건축물군집으로 구성하였다. 공원의 중심 수공간은 곡강지 옛 수계유적흔적에 따라 설계하였으며 공간의 중간 부분에 위치하고 구불구불한 자연적인 호안선으로 공간을 확장시키는 효과가 있다. 공원 수공간은 대지(大池)와 소지(小池)로 나눴으며 대지 내에 연파도(煙波島)를 설치하고 소지 안에 조도(鳥島)를 조영하였다. 공원 내에 있는 건축물들이 공원 동선의 볼록한(철각(凸角)) 부분에 위치하여, 공원 관람자의 호기심을 유발할 수 있는 위치에 배치하였기 때문에 시간과 공간을 확장하는 효과를 실현하였다. 본 연구 과정을 통해 곡강지 유적공원의 시간과 공간설계구성의 공간조영원리를 검증하였으며, 현대공원의 전체 공간 구조에 간략화 된 공간 설계 기법으로 원림의 복잡한 조합에 그 본질적인 공간구조가 나타난다. 또한, 곡강지 유적공원의 원림요소는 현대기법으로 진(秦)·한(漢)·수(隋)·당(唐)의 전통문화를 계승하고 곡강지 공원을 지역의 특색을 지니는 공간으로 재조영 하였으며, 당나라 문화를 주제로 하여 공간구성원리에 따라 시대별, 공간별 조영요소를 분석하였다. 본 연구를 통해 곡강지 유적공원은 제시된 공간조영원리가 적용된 공간이며, 중국 전통원림 공간 구성원리가 적용된 결과물이다. 그리고 곡강지 원림요소가 전통역사문화와 결합해서 창출된 경관은 현대 원림요소의 창신한 부분이다. 즉, 곡강지 유적공원은 중국의 특색있는 현대 원림으로 계승 및 창신 되었다.

건축외부공간에 있어서 조경면적의 확대방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Methods of Increasing Landscape Area in Building Sites)

  • 정하광
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 1993
  • A Purpose of this study is to suggest the methods of increasing landscape area in building sites. There are several means by which landscape design operates. Development bonuses are used to encourage developers to include plazas or walkways or some attractive public space in a development in exchange for increased floor areas. Special zoning districts, in which locally specific design controls are applied, can be established. Site plan controls can be used to regulate the landscape design and landscape management.

  • PDF

뉴스초점 - 조경(造景)의 이해 (What is 'Landscape Architecture'?)

  • 김윤제
    • 기술사
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    • 제45권1호
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    • pp.49-53
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    • 2012
  • It has been a common misconception that landscape architecture is a gardening, landscape gardening or planting. However, landscape architecture is entirely different from gardening, landscape gardening and planting when it comes to professional category. Landscape architecture is a interdisciplinary science to improve a quality of citizen's life through analysing social culture, psychological configuration, aesthetic characteristic and integrating them in human society. Today's landscape architecture is a interdisciplinary technology including ecological and artistic value to create most of outdoor space used by human through preserving nature and enhancing the environment. The field has been changed constantly in the flow of the period and social development as providing green network system, recreation area, ecological environment in the city.

  • PDF

On the "Virtual and Real" and Blankness in Chinese Landscape Painting

  • Dongqi, Liu
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.174-183
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    • 2022
  • The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper and written below the author information. Use the word "Abstract" as the title, in 12-point Times New Roman, boldface type, italicized, centered relative to the column, initially capitalized, fixed-spacing at 13 pt., 12 pt. spacing before the text and 6 pt. after. The abstract content is to be in 11-point, italicized, single spaced type. Leave one blank line after the abstract, and then begin the keywords. All manuscripts must be in English. When it comes to the issue of "virtual and real" in traditional Chinese painting, the first impression is to describe the problems of painting strokes and ink, layout of pictures, etc., but it runs through the initial conception of the work, creation in the middle and aesthetic appreciation of the work. It exists in the whole process of artistic creation and appreciation. In essence, it is a problem of aesthetic thinking and philosophical thinking. Because the traditional Chinese painting theory is influenced by Taoism, when the concept of "virtual and real" is implemented in the specific picture of Chinese painting, it is contained in the specific shape of "physics", that is, the painting theory research of "blank space" in the picture. Based on the traditional Taoist philosophy of China, this paper takes the "virtual and real" view in Lao Zhuang's thought as the research object, deeply analyzes and compares its relationship with the "virtual and real" in Chinese landscape painting, and finds out their artistic spirit, essential characteristics and how to present them. This paper mainly discusses the internal relationship between Taoist philosophy and "virtual and real" in Chinese landscape painting from the following aspects. The introduction expounds the origin, purpose, significance, innovation and research methods of the topic. This paper analyzes the philosophical thoughts about landscape in the philosophical thoughts represented by Lao Tzu and Zhuangzi. The development of Chinese traditional aesthetics theory is closely related to Taoist philosophy, which has laid the foundation and pointed out the direction for the development of Chinese painting theory since ancient times. It also discusses the influence of the Taoist philosophy of "the combination of the virtual and real" on the emergence and development of the artistic conception of landscape painting. Firstly, through the analysis of the artistic conception of landscape painting and its constituent factors, it is pointed out that the artistic conception is affected by the personality and the painting artistic conception. Secondly, through the Taoist thought of "the combination of the virtual and real" in landscape painting, so as to reflect that it is the source of the artistic conception of Chinese landscape painting. It is the unique spiritual concept of "Yin and Yang" and "virtual and real" that creates the unique "blank space" aesthetic realm of Chinese painting in the composition of the picture. Finally, it focuses on the "nothingness" in Taoist philosophy and the "blank space" in Chinese landscape painting. The connotation of the "blank space" in Chinese painting exceeds its own expressive significance, which makes the picture form the aesthetic principle of emotional blending, virtual and real combination and dynamic and static integration. Through the "blank space", it deepens the artistic characteristics of the picture and sublimates the expression of "form" in Chinese painting.

건축적 랜드스케이프 디자인 방법 중 곡면바닥구성에 관한 연구 - 요코하마 터미널 및 롤렉스 러닝 센터를 중심으로 - (A Study on Undulated Planes of Architectural Landscape Methodology - Focusing on Yokohama International Ferry Terminal and Rolex Learning Center -)

  • 남수현
    • 대한건축학회논문집:계획계
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    • 제34권5호
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze and evaluate the significance of undulated planes of architectural landscape methodology, to assess if the methodology had potential to be a sustainable architectural model, to be experimented in future. To achieve this purpose, the historical origins and changes of the landscape is discussed to analyse how it influenced modern architecture. Then the effects of panoramic sensibility derived from the picturesque garden is analysed to evaluate the influence it had on the change of the perception of space and modern architecture and landscape design strategy. Then 1980s and 1990s' symposiums and landscape theories are examined. To find pivotal moment of merging landscape and architecture, the design schemes of Bernard Tchumi and OMA for La Villette competition are selected as manifestations to show co-existence of landscape and architecture. Afterwards Yokohama ferry terminal is analyzed to present the undulated planes deployed for the union of landscape and architecture, to the affect of uninterrupted spatial connectivity. The impact of undulated plane on interior is explored in analysis of Rolex Learning Center, consequently changing the relationship within functions of the interior and the role of circulation. Finally, the spatial characteristics and significance of undulated plane is explored. The spatial characteristics are, the relationship beyond the visual connection through seamless connection; the multiple access paths and discard of transition space thereby diminishing boundaries; the environmentalization of architecture by spatializing circulation and promoting in-hierarchy. The significance of undulated planes are, the synthesis form of architectural typology; the cultivation of public sense; the closest spatial type to the space of appearance referred to by Hannah Arendt.

대구시 아파트 단지의 외부공간구성 및 만족도에 관하여 (Analysis of the Exterior Spatial Organization and Residents\\\\` Satisfaction Degree to the Apartment Complex in Teagu)

  • 권태식;김영수
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.53-68
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    • 1990
  • The purpose of this study was to establish the more rational and practical basic theory for the landscape planning in the aparment complex. In this study, the actual conditions of exterior space, the residens' satisfaction degree and the correlation between exterior space and the residents' satisfaction defree were investigated and analyzed on the 13apartment complexes in Taegu City. Through the statistical analysis, the main results were obtained as fellows : It was found that the size of green area ratio in the apartment complexes were in the order of Jugong Apt. (Korean Housing Corporation), Siyoung Apt. (City Operation), Minyoung high-rise Apt. (Private Business) and Minyoung low-rise Apt. (Private Business) complex. The highest ratio of footway and Parking area were shown in Minyoung high-rise Apt. complex. The important factors at the exterior space of apartment complex were composed by 6 major factors, importance degrees of which are Visual, Practical, Convenient, Sentimental, Recreational and Spatial factors for teenagers in orders. The residents' satisfaction degrees to the exterior space were highly correlated with the spatil organization, size of green area and quantity of trees, view, management situation, defensibility of outside noise, rest place, water landscapings by turns. In order to get more than the average satisfaction degree 18 exterior space, the green area should be occupied by 35% of the apartment complex area and more than 76% of the green area (i. e. 16% of the apartment complex area) should be planted with trees. In the Taegu City regulation, the ratio of tree composition is proposed for only the number of tree. But it was shown that the satifaction degree are more correlated with the species and afforestation of trees than the nuts her of trees in this study. therefore, the species of tree and the afforestation of tree should be considered when the landscape planning of the apartment complex begins. It was found that the ratio of afforestation to make the more desirable exterior space In the apartment complex shoule be 8 to 2 in the ratio of arbor to shrub. It was also required that 30 species of arbor and 15 species of shrub should be planted for the more desirable landscape of the apartment complex.

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조경식재를 통한 농촌마을 경관조성에 관한 연구 - 함안군 여항면 내곡리를 사례로 - (Landscape Design for the Rural Village - A Case Study of Naegokri, Yeohang-myeon, Haman-gun -)

  • 김상범;이승주;이상영
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.59-71
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    • 2008
  • The landscape commonly refers to the appearance of the land, including its shape, texture, and colours. Among many factors contributing to the landscape, tree and plants factors playa significant role in rural landscape as a colours. Therefore the rural traditional theme village where had been designated under the rural traditional theme village since 2007 in Naegok-ri, Eohang-myeon, Haman-gun has planned to design the tree plant planning for creating a unique rural landscape. The landscape proposal for the new Rural Village in Naegokri, Yeohang-myeon, Haman-gun suggests three main strategies; 1) The riverside area and reservoir area adjoined forest was required to be prepared to offer organization waterside landscape and forest landscape through landscape planting and selecting trees i.e. able to reflect sense of the season that promote high quality values of landscape area in rural. 2) The area adjoined stable was required to strengthen the screen planting and buffer planting with multiple plant layer structure and trees of branches and leaves closeness, shrubs of beauty flowers in order to improve disamenity landscape and odours. 3) The rural traditional theme village adjoined entrance was required to open space such as multipurpose garden, specialized or themed garden which include Landmark factors and prepared to the space with the various theme and visual diversity in order to take charge of function as landmark characteristic in Naegok-ri, Eohang-myeon, Haman-gun, and so on. In conclusion, this winning principal purpose of this study is applied to basic tree plant model for sustainable rural landscape creation in rural areas by selecting beautiful landscape plants and the tree plant planning.