• Title/Summary/Keyword: Landscape Classification

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Classification of rural villages based on Landscape Indices - Focusing on Landscape Ecological Aspects - (경관지수를 활용한 농촌마을 유형분류: 경관생태학적 접근)

  • Kim, Han-Soo;Oh, Choong-Hyeon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to analyse the landscape ecological characteristics of 39 rural villages in Korea and classify them according to their characteristics. After producing a land-use map of rural villages, this study quantified the landscape ecological characteristics of the subject sites as 18 landscape indexes using Fragstats. By applying the landscape index as a variable, selecting 4 factor through principal component analysis and conducting a cluster analysis, it classified them into 3 groups. Rural villages of Korea have their unique types of land-use due to the influence of physical environment such as geography, climate and ecology as well as the social and cultural influence, and the characteristics of land-use can be analysed and classified using the landscape index, the quantified landscape ecological characteristics.

The Classification and Characteristics of Landscape on Urban Land Use Patterns - The Case of Metropolitan Daejeon - (도시의 토지이용 형태별 경관특성과 유형 - 대전광역시를 사례로 -)

  • Kim Dae-Hyun;Kim Dae-Soo;Joo Shin-Ha;Oh Se-Rae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.4 s.111
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2005
  • Recently, as urban landscape is growing in importance, urban landscape planning is being actively performed. for this purpose, classification of the urban landscape is definitely required. Therefore, this research focuses on classifying urban landscape in Daejeon metropolis by dividing the urban land use pattern. This results are as follows. 1. Urban land use pattern is divided into 20 classes. The residential, commercial and industrial areas, the old market and the bus terminal are evaluated negatively, whereas the areas of school, water reservoir, neighborhood park and train station are appreciated as being positive in landscape characters. 2. As a result of a cluster analysis, urban landscape has five different landscape types. These are: landscapes of medium diversity lacking green area, landscapes of high diversity lacking green area, landscapes rich in green area and with medium diversity, landscapes rich in green area and with high diversity, and landscapes rich in green area and with low diversity. 3. In landscape characters of beauty and harmony, landscapes rich in green area and with medium diversity are more positively evaluated than those rich in green area and with low diversity. This point should be taken into account for planning the urban landscape.

Landscape Object Classification and Attribute Information System for Standardizing Landscape BIM Library (조경 BIM 라이브러리 표준화를 위한 조경객체 및 속성정보 분류체계)

  • Kim, Bok-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.103-119
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    • 2023
  • Since the Korean government has decided to apply the policy of BIM (Building Information Modeling) to the entire construction industry, it has experienced a positive trend in adoption and utilization. BIM can reduce workloads by building model objects into libraries that conform to standards and enable consistent quality, data integrity, and compatibility. In the domestic architecture, civil engineering, and the overseas landscape architecture sectors, many BIM library standardization studies have been conducted, and guidelines have been established based on them. Currently, basic research and attempts to introduce BIM are being made in Korean landscape architecture field, but the diffusion has been delayed due to difficulties in application. This can be addressed by enhancing the efficiency of BIM work using standardized libraries. Therefore, this study aims to provide a starting point for discussions and present a classification system for objects and attribute information that can be referred to when creating landscape libraries in practice. The standardization of landscape BIM library was explored from two directions: object classification and attribute information items. First, the Korean construction information classification system, product inventory classification system, landscape design and construction standards, and BIM object classification of the NLA (Norwegian Association of Landscape Architects) were referred to classify landscape objects. As a result, the objects were divided into 12 subcategories, including 'trees', 'shrubs', 'ground cover and others', 'outdoor installation', 'outdoor lighting facility', 'stairs and ramp', 'outdoor wall', 'outdoor structure', 'pavement', 'curb', 'irrigation', and 'drainage' under five major categories: 'landscape plant', 'landscape facility', 'landscape structure', 'landscape pavement', and 'irrigation and drainage'. Next, the attribute information for the objects was extracted and structured. To do this, the common attribute information items of the KBIMS (Korean BIM Standard) were included, and the object attribute information items that vary according to the type of objects were included by referring to the PDT (Product Data Template) of the LI (UK Landscape Institute). As a result, the common attributes included information on 'identification', 'distribution', 'classification', and 'manufacture and supply' information, while the object attributes included information on 'naming', 'specifications', 'installation or construction', 'performance', 'sustainability', and 'operations and maintenance'. The significance of this study lies in establishing the foundation for the introduction of landscape BIM through the standardization of library objects, which will enhance the efficiency of modeling tasks and improve the data consistency of BIM models across various disciplines in the construction industry.

Virtual Landscape Classification Standards and Representative Spatial Types in Digital Games (디지털 게임 내 가상경관 분류 기준 확립 및 대표 유형 산출)

  • Kim, IkHwan;Lee, Injung;Lee, Ji-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2016
  • Digital games are generating various types of virtual landscape and the importance of virtual landscape has been arises. However, there has not been any research done how to design the virtual landscape. To establish virtual landscape design methodology, establishing the classification system and suggesting the representative type of virtual landscape is needed. With this research, I collected the classification standard and established five standards; story, cooperation, interaction level, dimensions and shape of the space. With that system, I classified digital game and could prove the effectiveness. Also by classifying cases through 20 years of timeline, I could come out with three representative types. This result will work as a reference to the future research; establishing design methodology on virtual landscape.

Landscape Assessment and Landscape Planning based on Landscapetope Classification (경관단위분류를 통한 경관가치평가 및 경관계획적 활용)

  • Kwon, Oh-Sung;Lee, Hyun-Taek;Ra, Jung-Hwa;Cho, Hyun-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.65-79
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    • 2014
  • This study selected Nakdong River basin zone in Daegu as an example area to conduct landscapetope classification and aesthetic value assessment of landscape according to the classified landscapetope. The main result of this research can be summed up as following. First, the result of landscapetope type classification showed 28 types of landscapetope including complex residential area (AA), natural stream type with copious vegetation (BA), forest type centered on mixed forest of soft and hardwood (EB) along with 129 types of imputed specific landscapetope. The result of the total first assessment using B-VAT showed the first grade 10 types, II grade 4 types, III grade6 types, IV grade 3 types, 5 types for V grade with the lowest value. The second assessment conducted toward the landscapetope types with the grade higher than the average (including III grade) in the result of the first assessment showed that there are 66 spaces for the sites (1a, 1b) with special meaning for aesthetic landscape evaluation. And also, there were 69 spaces for those (2a, 2b, 2c) with meaning for aesthetic landscape evaluation. The design model of this research is largely divided into improvement goal and specific execution plan. First, the improvement goal is divided into 6 categories including conservation area, complementary area, and restoration area, and the specific execution plan is divided into 14 categories including special landscape management area, general landscape management area, conservation of hill areas with optically good condition. A comprehensive master plan was suggested by directly applying the set landscape planning model to the subject place of this research.

A Study on the System Improvement of Registered Cultural Properties for the Preservation of Modern and Contemporary Landscape Heritage (근현대 조경유산 보존을 위한 등록문화재 제도개선 방안 연구)

  • KWON Yeji;KIM Minseon;KIM Choongsik
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.282-294
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    • 2023
  • Efforts are being made internationally to pay attention to the landscape value of modern and contemporary heritage and to pass it on. However, in Korea, the registration of modern and contemporary landscape heritage as registered cultural properties is insignificant. There has also been little discussion on ways to improve the system in this regard. This study sought ways to improve the registration criteria and classification system of the registered cultural property system so that modern and contemporary landscaping heritage could be protected. Currently, the registration criteria for registered cultural properties are not stipulated for each type of heritage, but are stipulated as a single comprehensive standard. Registration criteria should be separately prepared so that the landscape value of the heritage can be reviewed. First, the registration criteria have an important value in understanding the development of landscape culture. Second, well-preserved landscaping reflects or characterizes the times. Lastly, it should be defined as related to the works of major artists or important figures or historical events. The classification system must match the studied building cultural property classification system, and the detailed types of modern and contemporary landscape heritage should be specified. The major classification follows the building cultural property classification system, but parks and green spaces, squares, and gardens, which can be called a single landscape heritage, should be added to the middle classification. Landscaping heritage, such as gardens combined with building heritage, shall be specified in the subcategory based on building use.

The Development and Application of Biotop Value Assessment Tool(B-VAT) Based on GIS to Measure Landscape Value of Biotop (GIS 기반 비오톱 경관가치 평가도구(B-VAT)의 개발 및 적용)

  • Cho, Hyun-Ju;Ra, Jung-Hwa;Kwon, Oh-Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to select the study area, which will be formed into Daegu Science Park as an national industrial complex, and to assess the landscape value based on biotop classification with different polygon forms, and to develop and computerize Biotop Value Assessment Tool (B-VAT) based on GIS. The result is as follows. First, according to the result of biotop classification based on an advanced analysis on preliminary data, a field study, and a literature review, total 13 biotop groups such as forrest biotop groups and total 63 biotop types were classified. Second, based on the advanced research on landscape value assessment model of biotop, we development biotop value assessment tool by using visual basic programming language on the ArcGIS. The first application result with B-VAT showed that the first grade was classified into 19 types including riverside forest(BE), the second grade 12 types including artificial plantation(ED), and the third class, the fourth grade, and the fifth grade 12 types, 2 types, and 18 types respectively. Also, according to the second evaluation result with above results, we divided a total number of 31 areas and 34 areas, which had special meaning for landscape conservation(1a, 1b) and which had meaning for landscape conservation(2a, 2b, 2c). As such, biotop type classification and an landscape value evaluation, both of which were suggested from the result of the study, will help to scientifically understand a landscape value for a target land before undertaking reckless development. And it will serve to provide important preliminary data aimed to overcome damaged landscape due to developed and to manage a landscape planning in the future. In particular, we expect that B-VAT based on GIS will help overcome the limitations of applicability for of current value evaluation models, which are based on complicated algorithms, and will be a great contribution to an increase in convenience and popularity. In addition, this will save time and improve the accuracy for hand-counting. However, this study limited to aesthetic-visual part in biotop assessment. Therefore, it is certain that in the future research comprehensive assessment should be conducted with conservation and recreation view.

Analysis of Biotope Structure of Grade Classification in terms of Nature Experience and Recreation Value - In case of Gwangmyeong-Siheung Bogeumjari Housing District - (자연체험 및 휴양가치 등급 설정을 위한 비오톱 구조분석 - 광명시흥 보금자리 주택지구를 대상으로 -)

  • Ra, Jung-Hwa;Cho, Hyun-Ju;Lee, Hyun-Taek;Kim, Jin-Hyo;Park, Cheon-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.27-41
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    • 2011
  • This research The main focus of this research is to provide basic data for concrete recreation planning of future site by selecting Gwangmyeong-Siheung housing district, large residential development district focused on rural areas, by evaluation of recreation value and detailed biotope type classification. The main results of analysis are as follows. As a result of basic survey of the research area, total 79 family and 307 taxonomic groups are identified and also naturalization index and urbanization index were estimated 16.6 % and 17.6% respectively. Also, as a result of biotope type classification, it is divide into 12 biotope type gorups including forest biotope type group and its subordinate 53 biotop types. As a result of first value evaluation, there are total 13 biotope types such as vegetation-full artificial rivers in I grade. In addition it is analyzed as 9 types of II grade, 5 types of III grade, 8 types of IV grade, 18 types of V grade. Lastly, as a result of second evauation, it is analyzed that there are 21 special meaningful areas for recreation and natural experience(1a, 1b), and 50 meaningful areas for recreation and natural experience(2a, 2b, 2c). It is regarded that the results of biotope types classification and recreation value from this research play roles of analyzing the Suitable site for recreation area before development in terms of large residential development district, and then these results provide important basic data to secure recreational and natural experience area in development planning.

Classification and Characteristic analysis of Mountain Village Landscape Using Cluster Analysis (군집분석을 이용한 산촌경관 유형 구분 및 특성 분석)

  • Ko, Arang;Lim, Jungwoo;Kim, Seong Hak
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2020
  • Recently, public awareness regarding mountain villages' landscapes is increasing. Thus, this study aimed to provide standards for conservation, management and creation of mountain village landscape by characterizing and classifying those exist. 286 mountain villages' data were collected and 19 variables - extracted from GIS spatial information and statistic data of mountain villages, chosen as right sources according to former studies - were utilized to conduct factor and cluster analysis. As a result of the factor analysis, 7 characteristics of the mountain villages' landscapes were defined - 'Location', 'Cultivation', 'Ecology·Nature', 'Tourism', 'Residence', 'Recreation'. The K-means cluster analysis categorized the mountain villages' landscapes into four types - 'Residential', 'Touristic', 'General', 'Environmentally protected'. The classification was examined to be appropriate by field assessment, and basic guidelines of mountain village landscape management were set. The results of this study are expected to be utilized planning and implementing regarding mountain village landscape in the future.