• Title/Summary/Keyword: Landcover Map

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A Study on the Forest Classification for Ecosystem Services Valuation - Focused on Forest Type Map and Landcover Map - (생태계 서비스 가치평가를 위한 산림 유형 분류 방안 - 임상도와 토지피복지도 활용을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeon, Seong Woo;Kim, Jaeuk;Jung, Huicheul
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2013
  • Some researcher started studies of natural capital from 1980's. But many researches are going along with the theme lately. Most assessment of ecosystem services are approaching a general assessment using a land-cover map. Therefore they have some problems such as overestimate, underestimate, and double counting, and so on. This study suggested a detailed typology for quantitative assessment about ecosystem services. It compared land-cover map and forest type map to select a based map and made criteria with reference to the literature and field survey. It subdivided a forest typology using ecological feature (natural forest, artifical forest), forest type (coniferous forest, mixed forest, hardwood forest) and age of stand in forest type map. Each forest type is widely distributed 21~40 ages of forests and biggest area is 21~40 ages of mixed forest in all forest typology. Further researches have to progress consistently assessment using detailed typology and function of forest ecosystem services.

An Analysis of the Coastal Topography and Land Cover Changes in the Haeundae Beach (해운대 해수욕장의 해안지형 및 토지피복 변화 분석)

  • Yang, Ji-Yeon;Choi, Chul-Uong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.101-115
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    • 2006
  • As coastal erosion is increasing sharply because of sudden changes in the natural environment and increases in artificial development, the problem of coastal erosion become an important issue, socially and economically. To building the data which needed to grasp the situation and find a solution, we need the monitoring system for long-term. In this study, we analyzed the coastal topography and land cover changes in the Haeundae Beach during 60 years. The Haeundae Beach is the most famous beach in the country and coastal erosion are going on. First, we analyzed the change of coastal topography by calculated the coastline and area of the beach using aerial photos during 60 years. We extracted the coastline by digitized on aerial photo and corrected the height of tide level using sounding and GPS survey data. And we computed the area of beach and analyzed the change of area during 60 years. Second, we analyzed the change of land cover using landcover map. We made the detailed landcover map by on-screen digitizing and estimated the soil loss for the area nearby Haeundae Beach. As a result, we could see that the coastline get nearer to land and the area of beach has been reduced in general. We think that interception of sand supply by the development is the artificial cause of coastal erosion. The result of this study would be useful in long-term coastal monitoring and to analyze the cause of coastal environment change. We expect that the result is available on the coastal information system.

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Evacuation Route Simulation for Tsunami Preparedness Using Remote Sensing Satellite Data (Case Study: Padang City, West Sumatera Province, Indonesia)

  • Trisakti, Bambang;Carolita, Ita;Nur, Mawardi
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.47-50
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    • 2006
  • Tsunami disaster caused great damages and very large victims especially when occurs in urban area along coastal region. Therefore information of evacuation in a map is very important for disaster preparedness in order to minimize the number of victims in affected area. Here, information generated from remote sensing satellite data (SPOT 5 and DEM) and secondary data (administration boundary and field survey data) are used to simulate evacuation route and to produce a map for Padang City. Vulnerability and evacuation areas are determined based on DEM. Landuse/landcover, accessibility areas, infrastructure and landmark are extracted from SPOT 5 data. All the data obtained from remote sensing and secondary data are integrated using geospatial modelling to determine evacuation routes. Finally the simulation of evacuation route in Padang City for tsunami preparedness is provided based on the parameters derived from remote sensing data such as distances from shelters, save zones, city's landmarks and the local community experiences how they can survive with the disaster.

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GIS-based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping of Bhotang, Nepal using Frequency Ratio and Statistical Index Methods

  • Acharya, Tri Dev;Yang, In Tae;Lee, Dong Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.357-364
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of the study is to develop and validate landslide susceptibility map of Bhotang village development committee, Nepal using FR (Frequency Ration) and SI (Statistical Index) methods. For the purpose, firstly, a landslide inventory map was constructed based on mainly high resolution satellite images available in Google Earth Pro, and rest fieldwork as verification. Secondly, ten conditioning factors of landslide occurrence, namely: altitude, slope, aspect, mean topographic wetness index, landcover, normalized difference vegetation index, dominant soil, distance to river, distance to lineaments and rainfall, were derived and used for the development of landslide susceptibility map in GIS (Geographic Information System) environment. The landslide inventory of total 116 landslides was divided randomly such that 70% were used for training and remaining 30% for validating result by receiver operating characteristics curve analysis. The area under the curve were found to be greater than 0.7 indicating an acceptable susceptibility maps obtained using FR and SI methods in GIS for hilly region of Nepal.

Comparative Evaluation of Muddy Water Occurrence Possibility in Dam Reservoir Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 댐 저수지의 흙탕물 발생 가능성 비교 평가)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang;Choi, Yun-Woong;Park, Jin-Hyeog
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.94-106
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    • 2011
  • The muddy water occurrence possibility of reservoir were analyzed by considering GIS based soil erosion model, sediment delivery ratio and effective reservoir capacity. For the purpose, the weakness factors for the establishment of countermeasures of basin were analyzed by evaluating input factors of RUSLE model based on spatial data such as DEM, soil map, landcover map and so on. The potential of soil erosion was estimated considering highland upland. The sediment yields of Chungju-Dam and Soyanggang-Dam showed the highest result in sediment yield using sediment delivery ratio with considering basin area. The sediment concentration of Imha-Dam and Chungju-Dam showed the highest value as 0.791 $kg/m^3/yr$ and 0.526 $kg/m^3/yr$ respectively in sediment concentration with considering effective reservoir capacity. Especially, sediment yield of Imha-Dam was about 2.36 times lower than Soyanggang-Dam, but the sediment concentration was 1.90 times higher preferably, because the effective reservoir capacity of Imha-Dam was about 4.48 times lower. This study calculated sediment concentration using the 10 years mean rainfall event and could consider the aspects of soil, terrain, landcover, cultivation condition and effective reservoir capacity of each basin effectively through the results. Therefore, these quantitative sediment concentration data could be used to estimate the potential of high density turbid water for reservoir and applied with effective tools for the management of reservoir.

Parcel based Information System for Sediment Disaster by using Mobile GIS (모바일 GIS를 이용한 필지별 토사재해정보시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang;Choi, Yun-Woong
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.59-74
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    • 2016
  • The collapses of retaining walls or embankments, the soil erosion and landslides around urban areas are occurring by heavy rainfalls because of the recent climate change. This study conducts the soil erosion modeling, while applying the spatial information such as soil maps, DEM and landcover maps to the RUSLE model. Especially this study draws up the soil erosion grade map and the unit soil erosion grade map by parcels through coupling the soil erosion with the cadastral map, and by that can calculate the number of parcels by soil erosion grades. Also the sediment disaster information system based on the mobile GIS is developed to identify the soil erosion grades of site in the urban plannings and the construction fields. The sediment disaster information system can identify the present conditions of the registers of lands, buildings and roads, and confirm the RUSLE factors, the soil erosion, the sediment disaster grades by parcels. Also it is anticipated that this system can support the sediment disaster work of site effectively through searching the locations and attributes of the specific parcels by Administrative Dong and the soil erosion grades.

A Comparison of Urban Growth Probability Maps using Frequency Ratio and Logistic Regression Methods

  • Park, So-Young;Jin, Cheung-Kil;Kim, Shin-Yup;Jo, Gyung-Cheol;Choi, Chul-Uong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.5_2
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    • pp.194-205
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    • 2010
  • To predict urban growth according to changes in landcover, probability factors werecal culated and mapped. Topographic, geographic and social and political factors were used as prediction variables for constructing probability maps of urban growth. Urban growth-related factors included elevation, slope, aspect, distance from road,road ratio, distance from the main city, land cover, environmental rating and legislative rating. Accounting for these factors, probability maps of urban growth were constr uctedusing frequency ratio (FR) and logistic regression (LR) methods and the effectiveness of the results was verified by the relative operating characteristic (ROC). ROC values of the urban growth probability index (UGPI) maps by the FR and LR models were 0.937 and 0.940, respectively. The LR map had a slightly higher ROC value than the FR map, but the numerical difference was slight, with both models showing similar results. The FR model is the simplest tool for probability analysis of urban growth, providing a faster and easier calculation process than other available tools. Additionally, the results can be easily interpreted. In contrast, for the LR model, only a limited amount of input data can be processed by the statistical program and a separate conversion process for input and output data is necessary. In conclusion, although the FR model is the simplest way to analyze the probability of urban growth, the LR model is more appropriate because it allows for quantitative analysis.

Flood Damage Assessment According to the Scenarios Coupled with GIS Data (GIS 자료와 연계한 시나리오별 홍수피해액 분석)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang;Park, Jin-Hyeg
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2011
  • A simple and an improved methods for the assessment of flood damage were used in previous studies, and the Multi-Dimensional Flood Damage Assessment (MD-FDA) has been applied since 2004 in Korea. This study evaluated flood damage of dam downstream using considering MD-FDA method based on GIS data. Firstly, flood water level with FLDWAV (Flood Wave routing) model was input into cross section layer based on enforcement drainage algorithm, water depth grid data were created through spatial calculation with DEM data. The value of asset of building and agricultural land according to local government was evaluated using building layer from digital map and agricultural land map from landcover map. Also, itemized flood damage was calculated by unit price to building shape, evaluated value of housewares to urban type, unit cost to crop, tangible and inventory asset of company connected with building, agricultural land, flooding depth layer. Flood damage in rainfall frequency of 200 year showed 1.19, 1.30 and 1.96 times to flood damage in rainfall frequency of 100 year, 50 year and 10 year respectively by flood damage analysis.

Diagnosis on the Riparian Vegetation in the Downstream Reach of the Gyungan Stream for Creating Vegetation Belt (수변 완충식생대 조성을 위한 경안천 하류유역의 강변식생 실태 진단)

  • An, Ji Hong;Lim, Chi Hong;Lim, Yun Kyung;Nam, Kyeong Bae;Pi, Jung Hun;Moon, Jeong Sook;Bang, Je Yong;Lee, Chang Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.680-692
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    • 2015
  • A landcover map watershed of downstream reach in the Gyungan stream was made by using the existing land use map and interpreting satellite images and aerial photos. Based on the map, we analyzed land use patterns of this basin. Broad-leaved forest occupied the largest area among landscape elements established in this watershed. The total area of the zone designated as the waterside district by the central government was 4.7 km2 , and broad-leaved forest occupied the largest area as 33.9% in this zone. Therefore, the area did not meet the qualifications of riparian zones. Riparian vegetation established in the Gyungan stream watershed was composed of Phragmites communis, Miscanthus sacchariflorus, Salix gracilistyla, Salix koreensis. But terrestrial vegetation elements such as Ambrosia trifida, Ailanthus altissima, Robinia pseudoacacia also appeared in this area. On the other hand, Phragmites japonica, Salix gracilistyla, Salix koreensis, Salix integra, Ulmus davidiana and so on appeared in the riparian zone the reference streams. Differently from the vegetation established on the reference streams, terrestrial vegetation elements appeared frequently in the Gyungan stream watershed. This result would be due to that the Gyungan stream watershed is exposed to excessive human interferences.

Application of SPOT 5 Satellite Image and Landcover Map for the examination of Soil Erosion Source Area (토사유실 원인지역 검토를 위한 SPOT 5 위성영상과 토지피복도의 활용)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang;Park, Jin-Hyeog;Hwang, Eui-Ho;Koh, Deuk-Koo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.38 no.11
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    • pp.927-935
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    • 2005
  • Soil erosion by rainfall is important factor for basin management because it reduces reservoir capacity and breaks out the contamination of water caused by turbid water. Recently, soil erosion study with GIS is in progress but does not consider soil erosion source area. This study calculated soil erosion amount using GIS-based soil erosion model in Imha basin and examined soil erosion source area using SPOT 5 High-resolution satellite image and land cover map. As a result of analysis, dry field showed high-density soil erosion area and we could easily investigate source area using satellite image. Also we could examine the suitability of soil erosion area by applying field survey method in common areas such as dry field and orchard area those are difficult to confirm soil erosion source area using satellite image.