• Title/Summary/Keyword: Land-use Factors

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  • Kumar, K. Nirmal Ravi
    • Agribusiness and Information Management
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.27-39
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    • 2019
  • Agricultural risks are exacerbated by a variety of factors ranging from climatevariability and change, frequent natural disasters, uncertainties in yields and prices, weakrural infrastructure, imperfect markets and lack of financial services including limited spanand design of risk mitigation instruments such as credit and insurance. Indian agriculture has little more than half (53%) of its area still rainfed and this makes it highly sensitive to vagaries of climate causing unstable output. Besides adverse climatic factors, there are man-made disasters such as fire, sale of spurious seeds, adulteration of pesticides and fertilizers etc., and all these severely affect farmers through loss in production and farm income, and are beyond the control of farmers. Hence, crop insurance' is considered to be the promising tool to insulate the farmers from risks faced by them and to sustain them in the agri-business. This paper critically evaluates the performance of recent crop insurance scheme viz., Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bhima Yojana (PMFBY) and its comparative performance with earlier agricultural insurance schemes implemented in the country. It is heartening that, the comparative performance of PMFBY with earlier schemes revealed that, the Government has definitely taken a leap forward in covering more number of farmers and bringing more area under crop insurance with the execution of this new scheme and on this front, it deserves the appreciation in fulfilling the objective for bringing more number of farmers under insurance cover. The use of mobile based technology, reduced number of Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs) and smart CCEs, digitization of land record and linking them to farmers' account for faster assessment/settlement of claims are some of the steps that contributed for effective implementation of this new crop insurance scheme. However, inadequate claim payments, errors in loss/yield assessment, delayed claim payment, no direct linkage between insurance companies and farmers are the major shortcomings of this scheme. This calls for revamping the crop insurance program in India from time to time in tune with the dynamic changes in climatic factors on one hand and to provide a safety-net for farmers to mitigate losses arising from climatic shocks on the other. The future research avenues include: insuring the revenue of the farmer (Price × Yield) as in USA and more and more tenant farmers should be brought under insurance by doling out discounts for group coverage of farmers like in Philippines where 20 per cent discount in premium is given for a group of 5-10 farmers, 30 per cent for a group of 10-20 and 40 per cent for a group of >20 farmers.

Assessment of Spatiotemporal Water Quality Variation Using Multivariate Statistical Techniques: A Case Study of the Imjin River Basin, Korea (다변량 통계기법을 이용한 시·공간적 수질변화의 평가: 임진강유역에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Yong-Chul;Lee, Su-Woong;Ryu, In-Gu;Yu, Soon-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.39 no.11
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    • pp.641-649
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    • 2017
  • In the study, the water quality of the Imjin River basin with pollutants of changing characteristics it was determined through statistical analysis, correlation analysis, principle component and factor analysis, and cluster analysis. Among all analyzed data points, the average water quality concentration at the Sincheon 3 site shows high levels of BOD 13.4 mg/L, COD 19.9 mg/L, T-N 11.145 mg/L, T-P 0.336 mg/L, TOC 14.2 mg/L, indicating that Sincheon basin requires intersive water quality management out of the entire drainage basin. The correlational analysis of comprehensive water quality data shows statistically significant correlation between COD, TOC, BOD, T-N water quality factors, as well as finding of high correlation between organic and nutrients. The principal component analysis show that 2 main components being extracted at 81.221% from the measuring station's entire data, while seasonal data show 3 main components being extracted at 96.241%. Factor analysis of the entire data set and the seasonal data identify BOD, COD, T-N, T-P, TOC as the common factors influencing water quality. The spatial and temporal cluster analysis showed 4 groups and 3 groups, respectively, according to seasonal characteristics and land use. By analysing the water quality factors for the Imjin River basins over an 8 year period, with consideration to the spatial and temporal characteristics, this study will become the fundamental analytic data that will help understand the future changes of water quality in the Imjin River basin.

A Study on Improvement Plan for Sediment Environmental Guidelines in the Sea Area Utilization Consultation System -Focused on Port and Fishery Harbor Development Case- (해역이용협의서 중 퇴적물 환경기준 개선방안 연구 -항만 어항개발사업 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Jun, Eun Ju;Ju, Hyun Hee;Tac, Dae Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.584-593
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    • 2021
  • The sediment makes up the sea floor and plays an important role as a habitats for living things in the sea. However, pollution of coastal sediment due to internal and external factors such as inflow of contaminants from land and self-pollution becoming more serious, the needs for management of sediment that play an important role in ecology, is increasing. In particular, the review and evaluation of the effects of sediment in marine development projects including reclamation and dredging, have significance in terms of proactive protection and management of surrounding ecosystems. This study proposed the improvement measures for marine sediment management standards on the sea area utilization consultation for the development of public water. For the purpose, The evaluation and management standards of domestic and overseas marine sediments were reviewed and compared. The sediment environment guidelines under the Marine Environment Management Act of Korea were reviewed. Accordingly, the cases of Canada and NOAA, which have various evaluation standards consist of comprehensive factors, were analyzed. For analysis of operational cases, the port and fishing port development projects for the last five years (2016-2020) that are considered to have the greatest impact on sediments among the sea area use consultations were also reviewed. Finally, this study suggested that the assessment factors for ecological hazards and potential human risks should be considered in the sediment environmental standards in the sea area utilization consultation system.

The Effects of the Computer Aided Innovation Capabilities on the R&D Capabilities: Focusing on the SMEs of Korea (Computer Aided Innovation 역량이 연구개발역량에 미치는 효과: 국내 중소기업을 대상으로)

  • Shim, Jae Eok;Byeon, Moo Jang;Moon, Hyo Gon;Oh, Jay In
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.25-53
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    • 2013
  • This study analyzes the effect of Computer Aided Innovation (CAI) to improve R&D Capabilities empirically. Survey was distributed by e-mail and Google Docs, targeting CTO of 235 SMEs. 142 surveys were returned back (rate of return 60.4%) from companies. Survey results from 119 companies (83.8%) which are effective samples except no-response, insincere response, estimated value, etc. were used for statistics analysis. Companies with less than 50billion KRW sales of entire researched companies occupy 76.5% in terms of sample traits. Companies with less than 300 employees occupy 83.2%. In terms of the type of company business Partners (called 'partners with big companies' hereunder) who work with big companies for business occupy 68.1%. SMEs based on their own business (called 'independent small companies') appear to occupy 31.9%. The present status of holding IT system according to traits of company business was classified into partners with big companies versus independent SMEs. The present status of ERP is 18.5% to 34.5%. QMS is 11.8% to 9.2%. And PLM (Product Life-cycle Management) is 6.7% to 2.5%. The holding of 3D CAD is 47.1% to 21%. IT system-holding and its application of independent SMEs seemed very vulnerable, compared with partner companies of big companies. This study is comprised of IT infra and IT Utilization as CAI capacity factors which are independent variables. factors of R&D capabilities which are independent variables are organization capability, process capability, HR capability, technology-accumulating capability, and internal/external collaboration capability. The highest average value of variables was 4.24 in organization capability 2. The lowest average value was 3.01 in IT infra which makes users access to data and information in other areas and use them with ease when required during new product development. It seems that the inferior environment of IT infra of general SMEs is reflected in CAI itself. In order to review the validity used to measure variables, Factors have been analyzed. 7 factors which have over 1.0 pure value of their dependent and independent variables were extracted. These factors appear to explain 71.167% in total of total variances. From the result of factor analysis about measurable variables in this study, reliability of each item was checked by Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. All measurable factors at least over 0.611 seemed to acquire reliability. Next, correlation has been done to explain certain phenomenon by correlation analysis between variables. As R&D capabilities factors which are arranged as dependent variables, organization capability, process capability, HR capability, technology-accumulating capability, and internal/external collaboration capability turned out that they acquire significant correlation at 99% reliability level in all variables of IT infra and IT Utilization which are independent variables. In addition, correlation coefficient between each factor is less than 0.8, which proves that the validity of this study judgement has been acquired. The pair with the highest coefficient had 0.628 for IT utilization and technology-accumulating capability. Regression model which can estimate independent variables was used in this study under the hypothesis that there is linear relation between independent variables and dependent variables so as to identify CAI capability's impact factors on R&D. The total explanations of IT infra among CAI capability for independent variables such as organization capability, process capability, human resources capability, technology-accumulating capability, and collaboration capability are 10.3%, 7%, 11.9%, 30.9%, and 10.5% respectively. IT Utilization exposes comprehensively low explanatory capability with 12.4%, 5.9%, 11.1%, 38.9%, and 13.4% for organization capability, process capability, human resources capability, technology-accumulating capability, and collaboration capability respectively. However, both factors of independent variables expose very high explanatory capability relatively for technology-accumulating capability among independent variable. Regression formula which is comprised of independent variables and dependent variables are all significant (P<0.005). The suitability of regression model seems high. When the results of test for dependent variables and independent variables are estimated, the hypothesis of 10 different factors appeared all significant in regression analysis model coefficient (P<0.01) which is estimated to affect in the hypothesis. As a result of liner regression analysis between two independent variables drawn by influence factor analysis for R&D capability and R&D capability. IT infra and IT Utilization which are CAI capability factors has positive correlation to organization capability, process capability, human resources capability, technology-accumulating capability, and collaboration capability with inside and outside which are dependent variables, R&D capability factors. It was identified as a significant factor which affects R&D capability. However, considering adjustable variables, a big gap is found, compared to entire company. First of all, in case of partner companies with big companies, in IT infra as CAI capability, organization capability, process capability, human resources capability, and technology capability out of R&D capacities seems to have positive correlation. However, collaboration capability appeared insignificance. IT utilization which is a CAI capability factor seemed to have positive relation to organization capability, process capability, human resources capability, and internal/external collaboration capability just as those of entire companies. Next, by analyzing independent types of SMEs as an adjustable variable, very different results were found from those of entire companies or partner companies with big companies. First of all, all factors in IT infra except technology-accumulating capability were rejected. IT utilization was rejected except technology-accumulating capability and collaboration capability. Comprehending the above adjustable variables, the following results were drawn in this study. First, in case of big companies or partner companies with big companies, IT infra and IT utilization affect improving R&D Capabilities positively. It was because most of big companies encourage innovation by using IT utilization and IT infra building over certain level to their partner companies. Second, in all companies, IT infra and IT utilization as CAI capability affect improving technology-accumulating capability positively at least as R&D capability factor. The most of factor explanation is low at around 10%. However, technology-accumulating capability is rather high around 25.6% to 38.4%. It was found that CAI capability contributes to technology-accumulating capability highly. Companies shouldn't consider IT infra and IT utilization as a simple product developing tool in R&D section. However, they have to consider to use them as a management innovating strategy tool which proceeds entire-company management innovation centered in new product development. Not only the improvement of technology-accumulating capability in department of R&D. Centered in new product development, it has to be used as original management innovative strategy which proceeds entire company management innovation. It suggests that it can be a method to improve technology-accumulating capability in R&D section and Dynamic capability to acquire sustainable competitive advantage.

A Study of the Functional Improvement for Comfortable Expressway Service Areas - Metropolitan Expressway Service Areas - (고속도로 휴게소 환경개선을 위한 기능 증진 방안 연구 - 수도권 휴게소를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Won-Myoung;Han, Bong-Ho;Kim, Jong-Yup;Park, Seok-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2015
  • This study was carried out to suggest improvement plans for problems with the landscape areas of highway service areas. The survey factors were land use, placement of green area and land coverage in terms of spatial and environmental property. Noise and topographic structure in detached green areas were surveyed in terms of impact factor. The status of the planting area around each service area was analysed in regards to planting structure and planting landscape. As a result, the mean of rations of land use were 81.6% building and 18.4% green areas, which were composed of 5.4% landscape area, 9.1% buffer area, etc. Planting areas as usable space accounted for only 0.7%, and the result of noise measurement was different according to the distribution of highway and service area and type of detached green area. The mean of ratio of planting area was 18.4%, which consists of 6.7% landscape planting, 3.4% other green area, 4.6% buffer area, 2.0% buffer and landscape area, 1.1% shade planting and 0.5% landscape and shade planting. Most planting areas aim at landscape appreciation and areas in which visitors can relax and gain recreation were insufficient. The planting structures of service areas were 52.2% canopy layer, 11.8% shrubs and 9.4% canopy and shrub layers, and most of the planting areas were a single layer of green area. Multi-layered planting structures in the landscape and buffer areas were required and a shade planting area was needed to improve amenities as planting canopy layered trees. This study suggested improvement methods for based environments, spatial function and planting function in landscape areas.

A Estimation Study on Water Integration Management Model using Water-Energy-Food-Carbon Nexus - Focused on Yeongsan River - (물-에너지-식량-탄소 넥서스를 이용한 통합물관리 모델 평가 연구 - 영산강 수계를 중심으로 -)

  • Na, Ra;Park, Jin-hyeon;Joo, Donghyuk;Kim, Hayoung;Yoo, Seung-Hwan;Oh, Chang-Jo;Lee, Sang-hyun;Oh, Bu-Yeong;Hur, Seung-oh
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.37-49
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    • 2023
  • Active attention and effort are needed to develop an integrated water management system in response to climate change. In this study, it proposed models for cross-use of agricultural water and river maintenance water using sewage treatment water as an integrated water management system for the Yeongsan River. The impact of the integrated water management models was assessed by applying the concept of Nexus, which is being presented worldwide for sustainable resource management. The target year was set for 2030 and quantitatively analyzed water, energy, land use and carbon emissions and resource availability index by integrated water management models was calculated by applying maximum usable amount by resource. An integrated water management system evaluation model using the Nexus concept developed in this study can play a role that can be viewed in a variety of ways: security and environmental impact assessment of other resources. The results of this research will be used as a foundation for the field of in the establishment of a policy decision support system to evaluate various security policies, as we analyzed changes in other factors according to changes in individual components, taking into account the associations between water, energy, food, and carbon resources. In future studies, additional sub-models need to be built that can be applied flexibly to changes in the future timing of the inter-resource relationship components.

Optimal Design of Batch-Storage Network with Finite Intermediate Storage (저장조 용량제약이 있는 회분식 공정-저장조 그물망 구조의 최적설계)

  • Kim, Hyung-Min;Kim, Kyoo-Nyun;Lee, Gyeong-Beom
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.7 no.10
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    • pp.867-873
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to find analytic solution of determining the optimal capacity (lot-size) of multiproduct acyclic multistage production and inventory system to meet the finished product demand under the constraint of finite intermediate storage. Intermediate storage is a practical way to mitigate the material flow imbalance through the line of supply and demand chain. However, the cost of constructing and operating storage facilities is becoming substantial because of increasing land value, environmental and safety concern. Therefore, reasonable decision-making about the capacity of processes and storage units is an important subject for industries. The industrial solution for this subject is to use the classical economic lot sizing method, EOQ/EPQ(Economic Order Quantity/Economic Production Quantity) model, incorporated with practical experience. But EOQ/EPQ model is not suitable for the chemical plant design with highly interlinked processes and storage units because it is developed based on single product and single stage. This study overcomes the limitation of the classical lot sizing method. The superstructure of the plant consists of the network of serially and/or parallelly interlinked non-continuous processes and storage units. The processes transform a set of feedstock materials into another set of products with constant conversion factors. A novel production and inventory analysis method, PSW(Periodic Square Wave) model, is applied to describe the detail material flows among equipments. The objective function of this study is minimizing the total cost composed of setup and inventory holding cost. The advantage of PSW model comes from the fact that the model provides a set of simple analytic solutions in spite of realistic description of the material flows between processes and storage units. the resulting simple analytic solution can greatly enhance the proper and quick investment decision for the preliminary plant design problem confronted with economic situation.

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Pattern of Change of the Local Butterfly Community in a Rural Area of Southwestern Part of Korea (전남 서남부 농촌지역에 분포하는 나비군집의 변화 양상에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Sei-Woong;An, Jeong-Seop
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2015
  • We surveyed butterfly community in a rural area of the southwestern part of Korea to investigate the changes of species composition and their abundances between 2001~2002 and 2014. The butterfly survey was conducted at the same site using a line transect method. There was a significant decrease of the numbers of species and individuals between 2001~2002 and 2014. We categorized each species based on six ecological traits: habitat type, habitat breadth, food plant type, food plant breadth, number of generation per year and overwintering stage. The comparison of number of species using these ecological traits showed no difference during the 10-yr time intervals. However, the comparison of number of individuals for the ecological traits showed the significant differences except for one trait, overwintering stage. We could suspect that the decrease of butterflies in the study area was resulted from the habitat change. To investigate the causal factors and the changes of butterfly fauna, we need a long-term monitoring of the local butterfly community.

Comparative Study of the System for Decentralized Rainwater Management in Korea and Germany (한국과 독일의 분산식 빗물관리를 위한 제도 비교 연구)

  • Han, Young-Hae;Lee, Tae-Goo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.4 s.117
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    • pp.84-95
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    • 2006
  • This study begins by examining the reason for the lack of urban planning that takes the water cycle into consideration. While there are institutions that support environmentally friendly development or smooth water circulation, these designs are not reflected in planning nor in the real world. After reviewing foreign case studies, policy suggestions and possible policy implications for Korea are derived. In Korea, there is not a sufficient level of relevant laws or institutions systematically established to make it possible to deal with rainwater in a decentralized way. Instead, facility standards or guidelines are considered separately for the control of water and for preventing natural disasters. And even though an environmentally friendly approach is stipulated in relevant laws in terms of spatial planning, there are no planning systems or implementation tools to actualize this kind of approach. The factors that make decentralized rainwater management possible in urban planning are analyzed based on the case study of Germany. Germany requires developers to plan in order to achieve ecological urban development. In addition, as a detailed implementation tool to promote conservation of the water cycle, the law provides for various kinds of measures such as restrictions on the proportion of impervious surface area according to the use of the land, required compensation measures for environmental degradation following development, introduction of a fee for rainwater runoff and the establishment of ecological landscape planning. The actual reason these measures can be implemented however is the provision of planning guidelines and design criteria for rainwater utilization, absorption and containment, and the construction of a database for various environmental information.

Current situation and future prospects for global beef production: overview of special issue

  • Smith, Stephen B.;Gotoh, Takafumi;Greenwood, Paul L.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.31 no.7
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    • pp.927-932
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    • 2018
  • The demand for beef as a protein source is increasing worldwide, although in most countries beef accounts for considerably less than half of total meat consumption. Beef also provides a highly desirable eating experience in developed countries and, increasingly, in developing countries. The sustainability of beef production has different meanings in the various geographical and socio-economic regions of the world. Natural resources including land mass and uses, rainfall and access to livestock feed, and the robustness of the economy are major determinants of the perception of beef sustainability. In this overview of the 2016 International Symposium on "Future Beef in Asia" and this subsequent Special Edition of the Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences on "Current Situation and Future Prospects for Global Beef Production", the contributions have been grouped into the following categories: Countries in Southeast Asia; Europe; and Countries producing highly marbled beef for export and/or domestic consumption. They also include reference to Special Topics including marbled beef production, and use of "omics" technologies to enhance beef quality assurance. Among these broad categories, notable differences exist across countries in the production and marketing of beef. These reflect differences in factors including natural resource availability and climate, population size, traditional culture and degree of economic development including industrial and technological developments. We trust that the International Symposium and this Special Edition on Current Situation and Future Prospects for Global Beef Production, the contents of which that are briefly summarized in this paper, will serve as a valuable resource for the livestock industries, researchers and students with an interest in enhancing the prospects for sustainable, efficient beef production that satisfies the growing size and complexity of consumer demands and markets for beef.