• Title/Summary/Keyword: Land Information Model

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Height Datum Transformation using Precise Geoid and Tidal Model in the area of Anmyeon Island (정밀 지오이드 및 조석모델을 활용한 안면도 지역의 높이기준면 변환 연구)

  • Roh, Jae Young;Lee, Dong Ha;Suh, Yong Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2016
  • The height datum of Korea is currently separated into land and sea, which makes it difficult to acquire homogeneous and accurate height information throughout the whole nation. In this study, we therefore tried to suggest the more effective way to transform the height information were constructed separately according to each height datum on land and sea to those on the unique height datum using precise geoid models and tidal observations in Korea. For this, Anmyeon island was selected as a study area to develop the precise geoid models based on the height datums land (IMSL) and sea (LMSL), respectively. In order to develop two hybrid geoid models based on each height datum of land an sea, we firstly develop a precise gravimetric geoid model using the remove and restore (R-R) technique with all available gravity observations. The gravimetric geoid model were then fitted to the geometric geoidal heights, each of which is represented as height datum of land or sea respectively, obtained from GPS/Leveling results on 15 TBMs in the study area. Finally, we determined the differences between the two hybrid geoid models to apply the height transformation between IMSL and LMSL. The co-tidal chart model of TideBed system developed by Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency (KHOA) which was re-gridded to have the same grid size and coverage as the geoid model, in order that this can be used for the height datum transformation from LMSL to local AHHW and/or from LMSL to local DL. The accuracy of height datum transformation based on the strategy suggested in this study was approximately ${\pm}3cm$. It is expected that the results of this study can help minimize not only the confusions on the use of geo-spatial information due to the disagreement caused by different height datum, land and sea, in Korea, but also the economic and time losses in the execution of coastal development and disaster prevention projects in the future.

L-THIA/NPS to Assess the Impacts of Urbanization on Estimated Runoff and NPS Pollution (도시화에 따른 유출과 비점원 오염 영향을 평가하기 위한 L-THIA/NPS)

  • Kyoung-Jae Lim;Bernard A. Engel;Young-Sug Kim;Joong-Dae Choi;Ki-Sung Kim
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.78-88
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    • 2003
  • The land use changes from non-urban areas to urban areas lead to the increased impervious areas, consequently increased direct runoff and higher peak runoff. Urban areas have also been recognized as significant sources of Nonpoint Source (NPS) pollution, while agricultural activities have been known as the primary sources of NPS pollution. Many features of the L-THIA/NPS GIS, L-THIA/NPS WWW system have been enhanced to provide easy-to-use system. The L-THIA model was applied to the Little Eagle Creek (LEC) watershed in Indiana to evaluate the accuracy of the model. The L-THIA/NPS GIS estimated yearly direct runoff values match the direct runoff separated from U.S. Geological Survey stream flow data reasonably. The $R^2$ and Nash-Sutcliffe values are 0.67 and 0.60, respectively. The L-THIA estimated runoff volume and total nitrogen loading for each land use classification in the LEC watershed were computed. The estimated runoff volume and total nitrogen loading in the LEC watershed increased by 180% and 270% for the 20 years. Urbanized areas -"Commercial", "High Density Residential", and "Low Density Residential"- of the LEC watershed made up around 68% of the 1991 total land areas, however contributed more than 92% of average annual runoff and 86% of total nitrogen loading. Therefore, it is essential to consider the impacts of land use change on hydrology and water quality in land use planning of urbanizing watershed.nning of urbanizing watershed.

A Study on the Rainfall-Runoff Analysis of Using Satellite Image (위성영상정보를 이용한 강우유출 해석에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Young-Kee;Lee, Jeung-Seok;Park, Jeong-Gyu
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2010
  • Urban watershed can be found in the visible changes in technology, the most realistic satellite images is to use the data. Satellite image data on the indicators for progress on the nature of the change of land use is consistent and repetitive information, regular observation makes possible the detailed analysis of space-time. These remote sensing techniques and the type of course and, by using the time series history, the past, the dynamic model and the randomized prediction methodology for the conversion process if the city and river basin cooperation of the space changes effectively will be able to extrapolate. For each of the main changes in river flow, depending on the area of urbanization as determined according to reproduce the duration of the relationship between the urbanization of the area and runoff can be represented as a linear polynomial expression was, if a linear expression in the two fast slew rate of 0.858 to 0.861 showed up, and fast slew rate of 0.934 to 0.974 for the polynomial are reported. Change of land use changes in the watershed of the flow is one of the most affecting elements. Therefore, changes in land use of the correct classification of rivers is a more accurate calculation of the amount of the floodgate. In particular, using the Landsat images through the image of the land use category, land use past data and calculated using the Markov Chain model and predict the future land use plan in the water control project will be used for large likely.

The Application Methods of FarmMap Reading in Agricultural Land Using Deep Learning (딥러닝을 이용한 농경지 팜맵 판독 적용 방안)

  • Wee Seong Seung;Jung Nam Su;Lee Won Suk;Shin Yong Tae
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.77-82
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    • 2023
  • The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs established the FarmMap, an digital map of agricultural land. In this study, using deep learning, we suggest the application of farm map reading to farmland such as paddy fields, fields, ginseng, fruit trees, facilities, and uncultivated land. The farm map is used as spatial information for planting status and drone operation by digitizing agricultural land in the real world using aerial and satellite images. A reading manual has been prepared and updated every year by demarcating the boundaries of agricultural land and reading the attributes. Human reading of agricultural land differs depending on reading ability and experience, and reading errors are difficult to verify in reality because of budget limitations. The farmmap has location information and class information of the corresponding object in the image of 5 types of farmland properties, so the suitable AI technique was tested with ResNet50, an instance segmentation model. The results of attribute reading of agricultural land using deep learning and attribute reading by humans were compared. If technology is developed by focusing on attribute reading that shows different results in the future, it is expected that it will play a big role in reducing attribute errors and improving the accuracy of digital map of agricultural land.

Integrated Simulation System of GIS and ANN for Land Price Appraisal (GIS 기반 지가산정 및 시뮬레이션 시스템)

  • Moon, Tae-Heon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to develope a parcel-based automatic simulation system of land price through the integration of urban mathematical model and GIS. The appraisal process of public land price by the local government is simple but is a great time-consuming task. Moreover, it doesn't provide any statistical analysis and spatial presentation tools. So, it is difficult for planners or administrative officials to analyze the variation of land price with spatial idea. From these, a system is developed combining two sub-systems, they are ANN(Artificial Neural Network) for the calculation of land price and GIS for visual presentation. Using Matlab application, ANN model was designed having 3-layer structure and was trained with the sample data taken from Chinju city. With the trained network, the impact of 'road', 'parks', 'height control district' and 'beauty district' on land price in 9 regions(dong) are simulated. The results of the simulation were visualized with ArcView GIS. The automatic simulation system operated through the DDE(Dynamic Data Exchange) conversation between two applications. ArcView was set as client and Matlab as server. Scripting in ArcView and customizing a window of ArcView, this system can execute the whole process of simulation by just clicking a button with mouse. As a conclusion, this system was proved to be an effective and easily controllable planning support system for the land price simulation.

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A Study on Simulation Selecting a Waste Disposal Site by Land-Related Big Data and AVM(Automated Valuation Model) (토지 관련 빅데이터와 자동가치추정모형(AVM)을 활용한 폐기물 처리장 입지선정 시뮬레이션 연구)

  • Mun, Joon-Ho;Kim, Sung-Gil
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.219-234
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to present the possibility of effective integration of land-related big data and AVM in selection of a site for a waste disposal facility through simulation. As a difference from general AVM technology, KDI compensation ratio was utilized. The simulation analysis target areas were selected as candidate sites for additional facilities in Boryeong-si, Cheongyang-gun and Buyeo-gun in Chungcheongnam-do. In the big data analysis stage, spatial information and land characteristic information of the sites were analyzed environmental exclusion factors and economic factors. There was little difference in environmental factors among the three candidate sites, but in terms of economic aspects, the site in Buyeo-gun was found to have the lowest land cost, making it the most suitable area. When the integrated method of big data and AVM presented in this study was applied, the site candidate status analysis, which previously took 2 to 4 months, was shortened to within 1 month. This time saving can be an important factor in increasing the efficiency of the entire project. In addition, it is judged that compensation costs can be optimized through AVM and minimized costs due to social conflicts.

A Study on the Land Suitability Analysis Based on Site Selection Variables using Macro Language (매크로 언어를 이용한 입지인자 변수조정에 따른 토지적합성 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Yi, Gi-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.59-77
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    • 2003
  • This study is to validate the use of macro language for the land suitability analysis aiming to help to resolve land use conflicts. The silver-town suitability analysis is conducted on the Geejang Gun, Busan Metropolitan city. Such digital maps as terrain, road, facility, and water body were created for various cartographic models. A cartographic model identified the best suitable areas for silver-town development based on the such site selection variables as a distance to facility and road, slope and aspect of terrain, land use etc. Then, the other cartographic model identified the most favorable site among the candidate sites based on the comparison of the aspect of proximity, usage and environmental quality. Macro language was used for these modeling process and was used for the manipulation of all these spatial variables used in the models to resolve land use conflicts relating to the decision making process of the final site selection. This study will improve the effectiveness and rationality of the traditional site suitability analysis.

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3D Surface Model Reconstruction of Aerial LIDAR(LIght Detection And Ranging) Data Considering Land-cover Type and Topographical Characteristic (토지피복 및 지형특성을 고려한 항공라이다자료의 3차원 표면모형 복원)

  • Song, Chul-Chul;Lee, Woo-Kyun;Jeong, Hoe-Seong;Lee, Kwan-Kyu
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2008
  • Usually in South Korea, land cover type and topographic undulation are frequently changed even in a narrow area. However, most of researches using aerial LIDAR(LIght Detection And Ranging) data in abroad had been acquired in the study areas to be changed infrequently. This research was performed to explore reconstruction methodologies of 3D surface models considering the distribution of land cover type and topographic undulation. Composed of variously undulatory forests, rocky river beds and man-made land cover such as streets, trees, buildings, parking lots and so on, an area was selected for the research. First of all, the area was divided into three zones based on land cover type and topographic undulation using its aerial ortho-photo. Then, aerial LIDAR data was clipped by each zone and different 3D modeling processes were applied to each clipped data before integration of each models and reconstruction of overall model. These kinds of processes might be effectively applied to landscape management, forest inventory and digital map composition. Besides, they would be useful to resolve less- or over-extracted problems caused by simple rectangle zoning when an usual data processing of aerial LIDAR.

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Establishment and Application of Computer-Assisted Environmental Information System for Land Use Zoning and Environmental Analysis of Natural Park (자연공원의 환경분석 및 용도지역설정을 위한 전산환경정보체계의 수립과 적용)

  • Lee, Myung-Woo
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.39-55
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    • 1993
  • The importance of urban and regional natural park increases because of the needs for preserving the natural resources and providing with natural recreation space in nature. This planning of natural park management should be established based on the research of the various natural resources in the park. But for the lack of effective data synthesizing methods and concepts, only some restricted factors for zoning plan are considered even though GIS computer system for large complex simulation is used. Therefore, in this study three ecological zoning models such as Basic Factor Model (BFM), Visual Landscape Model (VLM) and Comprehensive Ecological Model (CEM) are proposed and applied to Byounsan Peninsula Nature Park(BPNP) for comparison with the current natural park zoning. The BFM has three components -elevation, slope and vegetation. The VLM has applied with six components -elevation, slope, vegetation, road type, and the visual distance. Finally the CEM's modelling factors have included all of BFM, VLM components are added with the land use type, nature and historic resource factors. The zoning concept of BPNP was based on "Minimization" focused on the specific factors. But introduced modelling concept is "Optimization" based on the total ecological environment. So the result of the modelling has larger area for preservation and development zoning compared with the current zoning whose characteristics are ambiguous which allows the environmental destruction. The future study issues will be the determination of the weighting factor, component reconsideration based on the ground truth data and the agriculture residential area zoning.

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