• Title/Summary/Keyword: LANDSCAPE

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A Proposal of Rural Landscape Policy for Preservation, Formation and Management (농촌경관의 보전.형성.관리를 위한 정책제안 연구)

  • Joo, Shin-Ha
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to propose the policies for preservation, formation and management of Korean rural landscape. For this, the current rural landscape policies are examined and recent legislative changes are also surveyed. The Landscape Law and the Comprehensive Countermeasures for Rural Landscape Improvement are the most significant changes. The proposed issues are as follows: 1. the establishment of rural landscape planning system, 2. the arrangement of the criteria and guideline for rural landscape planning and design, 3. the re-arrangement of the rural landscape index and landscape map, 4. the survey and management of the rural landscape amenity, 5. the revitalization of the landscape projects for rural area, 6. the pragmatic connection with other law and system(especially the Landscape Law), 7. the education and cultivation of the rural landscape expert groups.

A Study for Rural Landscape Planning Criteria (농촌경관계획수립 기준 정립 연구)

  • Joo, Shin-Ha;Im, Seung-Bin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to propose the rural landscape planning criteria for Korean rural area. For this, the meaning of rural landscape is defined, and the legislative framework and several legal processes are surveyed, including the deliberation system for natural landscape impacts and the Landscape Law recently legislated. Through literature studies and analysis, the rural landscape planning criteria are proposed, which have step-by-step processes; goals and objectives, analysis and estimation for present conditions, basic planning concept, landscape planning for different visual landscape types, landscape designing for visual elements, and practical action plans. Each processes are designed considering the existing legislative framework, so it can be well-matched to current systems. But, because there are few rural landscape plans so far, comparing to the urban landscape plans, the validity of this criteria should be verified in the future studies.

A Study on the Visual Resource Management for Soraksan National Parks and Adjacent Area (국립공원 및 인접지역 경관관리 방안에 관한 연구 - 설악산 국립공원을 중심으로 -)

  • 임승빈;신지훈
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.283-292
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest visual resource management methods for the national parks and adjacent areas, where visual impacts by high rise buildings such as hotel, condominium, etc. become serious problems. In this study Soraksan National Park has been selected as a case study for landscape management planning. The results of this study are as follows: 1) Comprehensive landscape management planning for National Parks and adjacent areas is necessary to solve visual impact problems by high rise buldings such as hotel, condominium, etc. 2) It is suggested to investigate visual resources and conceptual landscape management ideas, to select landscape control points and lines, landscape management areas, and to prepare building height control plan for proper landscape management plan. 3) In case of Soraksan national park, the landscape management plan includes three landscape management areas : Landscape preservation area, General landscape management area, and special landscape management area. 4) In the part of special landscape management area, it is necessary to introduce landscape impact assessment system to more effective landscape management.

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A Study on the Classification of Landscape Elements for Effective Management of Agricultural Landscape (농업생산공간 경관의 효율적 관리를 위한 경관구성요소 분류에 관한 기초 연구)

  • Chae, Hye-Sung;Kim, Hye-Min
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.11 no.3 s.28
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2005
  • Recently, it is demanded to study about agri-environmental indicators including rural landscape indicators. However, there are deficiency to establish the policy of int landscape. This is the base study for the policy decision or management for conservation of agricultural landscape or rural landscape. The objectives of this study were 1) to analyze the supporting elements in the foreign policies, 2) to analyze the agricultural landscape elements and visual values in the field and 3) to make the classification form about the agricultural landscape. And finally, this study suggests the management guides for the conservation of agricultural landscape according to the teleological measures. Through this results, it would be expected to develop the efficient policy of rural landscape such as the direct payment program for rural landscape conservation.

A Study on the Borrowed Landscape of Arbors and Temples in Jeonbuk Province (전북지역 樓亭 및 寺刹의 借景에 관한 연구)

  • Heo, Jun;No, Jae-Hyun;Jang, Hye-Hwa
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.921-934
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics and differences of borrowed landscape in traditional arbors and temples in Jeonbuk province. And this study is attempted to widespread the width of understanding the traditional landscape borrowing method for contributing in modem reception and creation of landscape architectural culture. For this, 30 traditional arbors and 30 traditional temples in Jeonbuk province were selected. The orientation of the place of view point, distance, vertical and horizontal angle were surveyed for identifying the structure of borrowed landscape. Furthermore main element, auxiliary element and a media of borrowed landscape were surveyed also. Two hypothesis were established for verifying the feasibility and real effectiveness of research results. First, the willingness of borrowed landscape shall be being in establishing traditional arbors and temples. Second, this willingness of borrowed landscape shall be accomplished in arbor space more positively than in temple space. The results of this study are as follows; 1. In temples, the surrounding landscape adapted in Buddhism principles are principally expressed, whereas in arbors, congregating landscape, variety landscape, background landscape for establishing good view point and enframed landscape are induced for making authoritative landscape as various borrowed landscape techniques. 2. The distance to borrowed landscape in temples is involved in far landscape region, whereas that in arbors is in middle and near. In comparative with temples, the arbors shows variety in distance to the borrowed landscape objects. 3. Down view borrowing is used generally in arbors, whereas upper view borrowing is used in temples at the view angle to the borrowed landscape objects. 4. Borrowed landscape objects are more considered factors than view scope in arbors. Main elements for borrowing landscape are very various arbors, but those are simple as mountains and peaks in temples. And natural elements are much more than artificial things in arbors as a media of borrowing landscape in comparative with temples.

An Analysis on the Landscape Planning Methods of the Public Sector Housing Complex in Korea - Focusing on the Public Sector Housing Complex in the Metropolitan Area in the 2000s - (국내 공공부문 주거단지의 경관계획 방법 분석 - 2000년대 수도권 지역에 건설된 공공부문 주거단지를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Yong-Kuk;Kim, Chang-Sung
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.30-37
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    • 2015
  • This study has the purpose to investigate the landscape plans focused on the public sector housing complexes in the Seoul Metropolitan Area in the 2000s. The targeted subjects of this study are 24 districts conducted by the Corporation, and the spatial extent is limited to Seoul metropolitan area. The scope of the research is limited to the public sector, because this sector has been conducted preferentially for public needs rather than the development profit, and has positively reflected the will "pre plan - post development". In view of the study methodologies, this study examined the transition process in Korea housing complex and analyzed the design reports to extract the key planning concepts and planning methods of landscape planning. The main concepts of landscape planning analyzed in this study were urban landscape, natural landscape, streetscape, architectural landscape, axis for viewing, landmark, skyline and landscape by areas. The key planning methods of landscape planning were landmark, which is a point landscape element, axis for viewing and skyline, which are linear landscape elements, landscape by areas which is an area landscape element, and finally complex landscape, walking landscape and nightscape, which are three-dimensional landscape elements.

Discussion on Pending Tasks of the Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture (한국조경학회지의 당면 과제에 대한 고찰)

  • 김민수
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this research was to discuss pending taste of the Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture(KILA). Two subjects were discussed; one was the role of KILA as a supporter of landscape research, and the other was the role of KILA as a safeguard for its members. The results of this research were as follows. To support landscape research, several proposals were suggested. It is necessary for the development of landscape architecture for us to share some pages of our journal for essays which deal with current landscape issues, in order to introduce advanced overseas landscape trends or landscape techniques. For the field of landscape construction and landscape management, it is necessary to prepare a column of technical notes which introduce new techniques of landscape construction and management. For the field of landscape design, a larger seperate volume must be prepared with color printing. It is an efficient way to cooperate with other institutions that have the same member as KILA. To safeguard KILA members, it is important to maintain our status as a registered journal of Korea Research Foundation and to publish an international journal. For prospective young researchers, publication of an english journal is under consultation with the Japanese Institution of Landscape Architecture and the Chinese Institution of Landscape Architecture. The publication of an international land-scape journal to be recorded in the ISI journal in the near future will promote the research abilities of KILA members.

Pattern Classification and Characteristics Concerning Landscape on Mountains and Hills by Using a Landscape Picture -The Case of Seoul City- (진경산수화 분석을 통한 산지 구릉 경관 유형의 분류 및 해석 -서울시를 중심으로-)

  • 강명수
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.12-23
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    • 2001
  • The research focused on the landscape of mountains and hills drawn in a landscape picture. The purpose of the research is to classify patterns of landscape drawning in landscape pictures and to clarify the characteristics of the pattern by a quantitative index. We selected 21 landscape pictures to understand the Landscape Setting Here(LSH) and Landscape Setting These(LST). We investigated size quantitative indices using 1 landscape picture. The index is a follow: altitude, Visual Distance, Angles, Angle of Appearance Size, Inclination, and Angle of Incidence. The following results were obtained by using this data. 1) It has been understood that we offer an important city view because the LSH of this research can establish understanding of the city structure. 2) We dividing 3 patterns by the LST space drawn in the landscape picture. 3 patterns are Ferry point, Beauty point, an Signal-fire point. 3) We clarified the landscape characteristics of each pattern and the characteristics between patterns by using the index according to this pattern. 4) We understood the problem concerning the Seoul city landscape examining the pattern of this research with the ordinance of Seoul city. It is necessary to standardized a system of pattern classification utilized in landscape pictures to establish a universally interpreted detailed quantitative index, which can be applied to research.

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An Analysis and Evaluation of Urban Landscapes Using Images Taken with a Fish-eye Lens (천공사진(天空寫眞)을 이용한 도시경관의 분석 및 평가)

  • Han Gab-Soo;Yoon Young-Hwal;Jo Hyun-Kil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.4 s.111
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze and evaluate landscape characteristics by classification of landscapes in Chuncheon. A system was developed to convert images taken with a fish-eye lens to panoramic pictures. Landscape characteristics were analyzed by appearance rate and area distribution rate of landscape elements on panorama picture. Landscape characteristics were analyzed according to the number of times landscape elements appeared and the amount of area that each element occupied in the panoramic picture. Each panoramic picture was classified into five types based on these landscape element factors. Landscape evaluation was carried out using dynamic images converted from picture by fish-eye lens. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. The urban landscape can be characterized by four essential factors: interconnectedness, nature, urban centrality and landscape scale. Five types of landscapes were determined: detached residential building landscape (type 1), street landscape with various elements (type 2), street landscape in the center of a city (type 3), landscape of housing complex (type 4), and landscape of green space (type 5). Type 5 had the highest degree of landscape satisfaction and the landscape satisfaction increased with the number of appearances of natural elements. The amount of peen space had a high relation with a landscape satisfaction.

A Study on Framing Techniques of Landscape Assessment Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process - The Assessment on the Landscape Control Points - (AHP 기법을 활용한 경관평가법 작성에 관한 연구 - 경관통제점에서의 평가 -)

  • Suh Joo-Hwan;Yang Hee-Seung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.94-104
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    • 2004
  • This study creates the LCP (Landscape Control Point) through the survey of spot sites for the quality of landscape assessment, which is based on an objective and departmentalized data base; the landscape assessment was achieved by production of weight value with the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) technique, selection of requisites for the landscape assessment with the IVERSON method and visual area analysis with GIS (Geographic Information System). Futhermore, validity of the landscape assessment was verified by analysis of the correlation between physical amount and aesthetic amount. The purpose of this study is to suggest the basic essential data for landscape assessment and landscape planning by the characteristics of landscape based on verification of the suggested landscape assessment methods. The results of this study are summarized below. 1. In the adaptation of landscape assessment using GIS, the landscape assessment points of LCP 18, 17 and 16, which have more visible elements such as hill area, mountain area, and forest and farm land, were indicated to be higher than the others. In contrast, the landscape assessment points of LCP 13, 6 and 10, which have less visible elements, were relatively lower than the others. 2. In the visible preference measuring method, LCP 4, 14, and 16 showed high points of landscape assessment with 3.46, 3.4, and 3.18 each. With the more natural environments such as hill area, mountain area, and forest and farm land, higher results were shown. In contrast, LCP 7, 1, and 9 showed low points of landscape assessment with 2.24, 2.36, and 2.53 each. 3. In this study, a coefficient of 0.746 was gained by the analysis of correlation between the points of landscape assessment method and the points of visual preference from a slide show. This has 99 percent of probability in statistical data. 4. In conclusion, with the demonstration of the correlation between the landscape assessment method based on the AHP technique and the aesthetic amount (preference proportion), the practical use of landscape assessment can be demonstrated by the suggested landscape assessment method.