• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean vowels /i/ and /u/

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Geophysics of Vowel Space in Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Indonesia (말레이시아어와 인도네시아어 모음 공간의 지형도)

  • Park Han-Sang;Park Jeong-Sook;Chun Tai-Hyun
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    • no.58
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    • pp.19-34
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    • 2006
  • The present study investigates the vowels of Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Indonesia in terms of the first two formant frequencies and provides a three-dimensional formant chart of vowels by plotting F1, F2, and the frequency of datapoints on 4 different scales: Hz, mel, bark, and the number of ERB. For this study, we recruited 30 male native speakers of Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Indonesia (15 each) which include 6 vowels (i, e, a, o, u, e) in various contexts. The three-dimensional formant chart showed geophysics of vowel space, such that mountain peaks stand in particular locations with a higher frequency of occurrence of datapoints. The geophysics of vowel space may shed lights on the perceptual structure of vowel space. The results also showed that vowels in utterance-final positions have a significantly higher F1 and a significantly lower F2 than those in utterance-medial or utterance-initial positions, which means that vowels in utterance-final positions are more back and lower in vowel space than those in utterance-medial or utterance-initial positions.

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An Acoustic Study of Korean Phonation Types (한국어 발성 유형의 음향음성학적 연구)

  • Park, Han-Sang
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.343-352
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    • 2005
  • Phonation type index k (PTI In) presents a single and simplified measure of the spectral tilt. which is free from the effects of fundamental frequency and vowel qualify This study investigates PTI k with vowels /i . e. a. o, u/ obtained from 10 Korean male subjects. Specifically. this study tests the significance of differences in PTI k across Positions, Phonation types. vowels, and speakers, respectively The results showed that there was a significant difference in PTI k across positions, Phonation types, vowels. and speakers.

Aerodynamic Characteristics of Korean Bilabial Stop Consonant as a Function of Phonemic Position in a Syllable (음절내 음소 출현 위치에 따른 한국어 양순 파열음의 공기역학적인 특징)

  • Park, Sang-Hee;Jeong, Haeng-Im;Jeong, Ok-Ran;Seok, Dong-Il
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.59-75
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    • 2002
  • Aerodynamic analysis study was performed on 14 normal subjects (2 males, 12 females) with nonsense syllables composed of Korean bilabial stops (/p, p', $p^{h}$) and their preceding and/or following vowels, /i, a, u/. That is, [pi, p'i, $p^{h}i$, pa, p'a, $p^{h}a$, pu, p'u, $p^{h}u$, ipi, apa, upu, $ip^{h}i$, $ap^{h}a$, $up^{h}u$, ip'i, ap'a, up'u]. All measures were taken and analysed using Aerophone II voice function analyzer and included peak air pressure, mean air pressure, maximum flow rate, volume, mean SPL and phonatory SPL. A t-test and one-way ANOVA were employed for analysis. A post-hoc analysis was performed with Scheffe and Bonferroni. The results were as follows: First, MSPL. and MAP of /p, p', $p^{h}$/ were significantly different in different positions (initial and medial position). In addition, different vowel environment also produced significantly different aerodynamic characteristics those consonants. Especially the lax consonant /p/ was significantly different /i, a, u/ vowel environments. The tense consonant /p'/ was significantly different only /i/ vowel environment.

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An Acoustic Study of Korean and English Voiceless Sibilant Fricatives

  • Sung, Eun-Kyung;Cho, Yun-Jeong
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2010
  • This study investigates acoustic characteristics of English and Korean voiceless sibilant fricatives as they appear before the three vowels, /i/, /$\alpha$/ and /u/. Three measurements - duration, center of gravity and major spectral peak - are employed to compare acoustic properties and vowel effect for each fricative sound. This study also investigates the question of whether Korean sibilant fricatives are acoustically similar to the English voiceless alveolar fricative /s/ or to the palato-alveolar /$\int$/. The results show that in the duration of frication noise, English /$\int$/ is the longest and Korean lax /s/ the shortest of the four sounds. It is also observed that English alveolar /s/ has the highest value, whereas Korean /s/ shows the lowest value in the frequency of center of gravity. In terms of major spectral peak, while English /s/ reveals the highest frequency, English /$\int$/ shows the lowest value. In addition, evidence indicates that there is a strong vowel effect in the fricative sounds of both languages, although the vowel effect patterns of the two languages are inconsistent. For instance, in the major spectral peak, both Korean lax /s/ and tense /$s^*$/ show significantly higher frequencies before the vowel /$\alpha$/ than before the other vowels, whereas both English /s/ and /$\int$/ exhibit significantly higher frequencies before the vowel /i/ than before the other vowels. These results indicate that Korean sibilant fricatives are acoustically distinct from both English /s/ and /$\int$/.

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The identification of /I/ in Spanish and French

  • Jorge A. Gurlekian;Benoit Jacques;Miguelina Guirao
    • Proceedings of the KSPS conference
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    • 1996.10a
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    • pp.521-528
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    • 1996
  • This presentation explores on the perceptual characteristics of the lateral sound /l/ in CV syllables. At initial position we found that /l/ has well marked formant transitions. Then several questions arise: 1) are these formant structures dependent on the following vowel\ulcorner. 2) Are the formant transitions giving an additional cue for the identification\ulcorner Considering that the French vocalic system presents a greater variety of vowels than Spanish, several experiments were designed to verify to what extent a more extensive range of vocalic timbres contribute to the perception of /l/. Natural emissions of /l/ produced in Argentine Spanish and Canadian French CV syllables were recorded, where V was successively /i, e, a, o, u/ for Spanish and /i, e, $\varepsilon$, a, $\alpha$, o, u, y, \phi$/ for French. For each item, the segment C was maintained and V was replaced by cutting & splicing by each of the remaining vowels without transitions. Results of the identification tests for Spanish show that natural /l/ segments with low Fl and high formants F3, F4 can be clearly identified in the /i, e, u/ vowel contexts without transitions. For French subjects the combination of /l/ with a vowel without transitions reflected correct identifications for its own original vowel context in /e, $\varepsilon$, y, $\phi$/. For both languages, in all these combinations, F1 values remained rather steady along the syllable. In the case of /o, u/ very likely the F2 difference lead to a variety of perceptions of the original /l/. For example in Ilul, French subjects reported some identifications of /l/ as a vowel, mainly /y/. Our observations reinforce the importance of F1 as a relevant cue for /l/, and the incidence of the relative distance between formants frequencies of both components.

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The Phoneme Synthesis of Korean CV Mono-Syllables (한국어 CV단음절의 음소합성)

  • 안점영;김명기
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 1986
  • We analyzed Korean CV mono-syllables consisted of concatenation of consonants/k, t, p, g/, their fortis and rough sound and vowels/a, e, o, u, I/by the PARCOR technique, and then we synthesized those speech by means of the phoneme synthesis controlling the analyzed data. In the speech analysis, the duration of consonants decreases in the rough sound, the lenis and the fortis in turns. And also the gain of them decreases in the same tendency. The pitch period increases more and more in vowels following the rough sound, the fortis and the lenis in turns. We synthesized the lenis and the fortis by controlling the duration and the gain of the rough sound, and vowels following the fortis and the rough sound by controlling the pitch period and the duration of vowels following the lenis. As the results, the synthesized speech quality is good and we make certain it is possible to make a rule to the phonome synthesis in Korea speech.

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Oral and Nasal Spectral Outputs in Korean Oral Vowels (정상 모음에 대한 구강 및 비강 spectral output 분석)

  • Hong, Ki-Hwan;Choi, Seung-Chul;Kim, Byum-Kyu;Yang, Yoon-Soo;Shim, Hyun-Ah
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.145-157
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    • 2003
  • Vowels are classified by the shapes of vocal tract. These shapes form constriction points along the tract, which have an influence on such vocal tract resonance as F1, F2, F3, and so on. The formant frequency is influenced by aperture and placement of tongue and the intensity is influenced by air pressure of subglottis. The object of this study compares to characterize the spectral outputs of oral and nasal spectra for the formant frequencies and intensity of Korean oral vowels. Subjects consisted of 20 normal persons (10 male and 10 female) without laryngeal pathology. The speech sample included /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/, /u/ of Korean oral vowels. The spectrum of each vowel was analysed by Nasal View and Real Analysis Program using Dr. Speech. The result showed that nasal intensity is decreased manifestly from F1 to F2. But oral intensity and Intensity is decreased little bit from F1 to F2. The most of values of nasal formant frequency is similarity oral formant frequency and Formant frequency or little bit smaller.

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A Comparison of Voice Analysis of Children with Cochlear Implant and with Normal Hearing (인공와우이식 아동과 건청 아동의 음성 분석 비교)

  • Yoon, Misun;Choi, Eunah;Sung, Youngju
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the acoustic voice outcomes of children with cochlear implant to those of children with normal hearing. Participants were 41 children using unilateral cochlear implant (18 males and 23 females), and children with normal hearing from the same age and sex. Mean age of implantation was approximately 3 years old, mean duration of implant use was 4 years in CI group. Acoustic analyses were performed using MDVP of CSL. Speech samples were 3 sustained vowels, /a, i, u/. 9 parameters (F0, Fhi, Flo, Jitter, Shimmer, vF0, vAm, NHR, and SPI) were analyzed. Children with CI did not show the significant differences in those parameters after the vowel /a/ phonation. Meanwhile, there were significantly different results in F0, Fhi, vF0, and SPI after /i, u/ phonation. These results revealed that differences of voice characteristics in children with CI compare to children with NH persist regarding vowel context. It suggests that high vowels would recommend as speech samples for acoustic evaluation. Futhermore perceptual analysis and speech therapy for phonation control would be necessary for children with CI.

스웨덴어 발음 교육상의 몇 가지 문제점 - 모음을 중심으로 -

  • Byeon Gwang-Su
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    • no.4
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    • pp.20-30
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    • 1982
  • The aim of this paper is to analyse difficulties of the pronunciation in swedish vowels encountered by Koreans learners and to seek solutions in order to correct the possible errors. In the course of the analysis the swedish and Korean vowels in question are compared with the purpose of describing differences aha similarities between these two systems. This contrastive description is largely based on the students' articulatory speech level ana the writer's auditory , judgement . The following points are discussed : 1 ) Vowel length as a distinctive feature in Swedish compared with that of Korean. 2) A special attention is paid on the Swedish vowel [w:] that is characterized by its peculiar type of lip rounding. 3) The six pairs of Swedish vowels that are phonologically contrastive but difficult for Koreans to distinguish one from the other: [y:] ~ [w:], [i:] ~ [y:], [e:] ~ [${\phi}$:], [w;] ~ [u:] [w:] ~ [$\theta$], [$\theta$] ~ [u] 4) The r-colored vowel in the case of the postvocalic /r/ that is very common in American English is not allowed in English sound sequences. The r-colored vowel in the American English pattern has to be broken up and replaced hi-segmental vowel-consonant sequences . Korean accustomed to the American pronunciation are warned in this respect. For a more distinct articulation of the postvocalic /r/ trill [r] is preferred to fricative [z]. 5) The front vowels [e, $\varepsilon, {\;}{\phi}$) become opener variants (${\ae}, {\;}:{\ae}$] before / r / or supradentals. The results of the analysis show that difficulties of the pronunciation of the target language (Swedish) are mostly due to the interference from the Learner's source language (Korean). However, the Learner sometimes tends to get interference also from the other foreign language with which he or she is already familiar when he or she finds in that language more similarity to the target language than in his or her own mother tongue. Hence this foreign language (American English) in this case functions as a second language for Koreans in Learning Swedish.

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Acoustic characteristics of the sustained vowel phonation according to age groups (모음 연장 발성이 보이는 연령대별 음향음성학적 특성 연구)

  • Seo, Yoon-Jeong;Shin, Jiyoung
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2018
  • This study was performed to investigate acoustic characteristics of sustained vowels produced by Seoul Korean speakers. For this study, three hundred nine healthy adults were chosen as participants from Korean Standard Speech Database. These subjects were divided into five chronological age groups (20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60-70s) and two gender groups (male and female). Fundamental frequency (f0), jitter, shimmer, and NHR (noise-to-harmonics ratio) was measured with 8 Korean vowels (/ɑ/, /æ/, /ʌ/, /e/, /o/, /u/, /ɯ/, /i/) by using Praat. The results showed that the vowel type significantly affected all acoustic parameters. Gender affected f0, jitter, and NHR significantly. The mean female speakers' f0 was greater than the males', and the mean jitter and NHR of male speakers was greater than the females'. Moreover, age affected shimmer and NHR significantly; in particular, the shimmer and NHR of elderly speakers was greater than the young speakers.