• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean nutritional supply and intake

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Physicochemical Characteristics and Fatty Acid Composition of Four Papaya Cultivars Grown under Plastic Greenhouse Conditions

  • Kafkas, Ebru;Gunes, Esma;Gubbuk, Hamide
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.363-370
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    • 2012
  • Some physicochemical characteristics like nutritional values, sugar content, and fatty acid composition (FAs) in fruits of four papaya (Carica papaya L.) cultivars ('Red Lady', 'Sunrise Solo', 'Tainung', and 'BH-65') grown under plastic greenhouse conditions in the Mediterranean region of Turkey were evaluated. The chemical characteristics, except acidity in the fruits, significantly varied among the cultivars. Nitrogen (N) was the most abundant mineral in all papaya cultivars and ranged from $0.80\;g{\cdot}100\;g^{-1}$ in 'Red Lady' to $1.28\;g{\cdot}100\;g^{-1}$ in 'BH-65' in fresh weight. Potassium (K) and calcium (Ca) were found the highest amount in dry weight. Glucose and fructose were identified as the main sugars in all cultivars. Sucrose was in trace amounts in the three cultivars, but not detectable in cultivar 'Red Lady'. Twenty-five FAs were detected in the papaya fruits. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were found to be in a highest amounts compared to the saturated fatty acid (SFAs) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). Palmitic (C16:0), oleic (C18:1), and linoleic (C18:2n6) acids were the major fatty acids detected in all cultivars. The results of this study implied that dietary intake of papayas may supply substantial nutrient components necessary for human health.

Dietary Patterns of University Female Students in Kongju City : Comparisons among Subgroups Devided by Residence Type (거주형태에 따른 공주지역 여대생의 식생활양상 비교)

  • 김선효
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.28 no.7
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    • pp.653-674
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    • 1995
  • This study was aimed at comparing the dietary patterns of university female students according to their residence type. As for subjects, one hundred and twenty students of Kongju national university were chosen as a total. They were devided into three groups ; those who live in family home, or university dormitory, or self-boarding house. In this study, intakes of food and nutrient and dietary behaviors of each group were investigated through two-day food records and questionnaire. The result was that mean daily intakes of calcium and iron were lower than RDAs in all groups. According to residence type, subjects of family home and self-boarding seemed to have more serious problem in the nutrients mentioned above considering the proportions of less than 2/3 of RDAs. Especially, iron status was poorer than any other nutrients in the aspects of this proportion and food source. Iron was taken largely from vegetable foods which were recognized as a source of low bioavailability of iron. The average distribution ratios of breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack to total calorie intake was 22, 29, 30 and 19. Thus, it proved that breakfast tended to be more negligent than any other meals, and that snack was an important means to give nutrients for subjects. This meal pattern might be one of the factor for the decrease of the dietary quality. Processed foods were founded to be an important source for providing nutrients. Percentages of calorie, carbohydrate and fat consumed by processed foods to total nutrients. Percentages of calorie, carbohydrate and fat consumed by processed foods to total nutrients intake were 30.6, 29.5 and 46.2. However, other nutrient intakes from processed foods such as vitamin and mineral were small. And processed foods which give nutrients were mainly cereal products like ra myon, bread, and milk and milk products. Consequently, processed foods seemed to be selected as a combinient substitute food which supply calorie to fill their hunger. According to the living type, dormitory students had them more frequently than any other groups. Food habit score was within the category of poor or fair. Particularly, the score of self-boarding students was the lowest of groups(p<0.05). The major dietary problems were small or overating, missing meal and irregular eating. The degree of these problems was a little different among groups(P<0.01). Nineteen kinds of food were consumed per day, and family home and self-boarding students had foods less variously than dormitory students(P<0.05). Proportions of skipping breakfast, lunch and dinner were 20.8, 12.5 and 8.3%. Accordingly, breakfast was missed more often than any other meals. And self-boarding students missed breakfast more often than any other groups. As a conclusion, subjects should take more calcium and iron, and eat diverse foods to improve their nutritional status. And it is also necessary that breakfast should be regarded more importantly, and that processed foods should be taken considering nutritional balance. In view of residence type, subjects of family home or self-boarding had more dietary problems than dormitory subjects. Thus, these results suggest that university female students might have low ability of meal management, and dietary patterns were different by their residence type. Therefore, nutrition education for them should be carried out with respect to dewelling environment.

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A Survey of Nutritional Status on Pre-School Children in Korea (학영기전아동(學齡期前兒童)의 영양실태조사(營養實態調査))

  • Ju, Jin-Soon;Oh, Seoung-Ho
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.68-86
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    • 1976
  • The primary purpose of this study is to evaluate the correct nutritional status on pre-school children in Korea. Furthermore, it made an attempt to find and define nutrional problems, and assist in establishment on their nutritional improvement plan. For this, food intake and health condition (physical, clinical, biochemical and parasitological) survey on 109 Pre-school children in both sexes, randomly selected from Yang-Gu area in Gang-Won province and Rea-ju area in Kyong-gy Province, were conducted by means of three-day records, during the two periods of Spring and Fall season in 1975. The results obtained are summerized as follows: 1. The food intake; Average food intake of the subjects per day were $508{\sim}647g$ ($83{\sim}91%$ in vegetable foods and $5.5{\sim}11.7%$ in animal foods) in Yang-gu area, and $587{\sim}698g$ ($88{\sim}89%$ in vegetable foods and $6.3{\sim}7.6%$ in animal foods) in Rea-ju area. 2. The intake of energy and nutrients; a) Calory intake. Average energy intake of subjects per day in Yang-gu area$(1120{\sim}1415kcal)$ were all lower than the Korean Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) in either Spring and Fall survey, whereas the subjects in Rea-ju area were lower intake $(1213{\sim}1418kcal)$ than the RDA in the Spring but higher intake$(1516{\sim}1755kcal)$ than the RDA in the Fall, and the average intake were similar level with that of RDA. b) Protein intake. Average protein intake of the subjects per day in Yang-gu area $(33{\sim}43g)$ girl subjects in Rea-ju area $(35{\sim}39g)$ were lower than the RDA in either Spring and Fall survey, whereas the boy subjects in Rea-ju area$(36{\sim}38g)$ were lower in Spring and higher $(49{\sim}57g)$ in the Fall than that of the RDA, but the average $(43{\sim}47g)$ were similar level with the RDA. The protein intake from animal sources in all subjects were much lower $(5.5{\sim}11.7\;of\;total\;protein)$ than the RDA. c) Fat intake. Average fat intake were very lower in all subjects of both area $(14{\sim}24g\;in\;Yang-gu,\;10{\sim}12g\;in\;Rea-ju)$ than that of RDA which is recommended $12{\sim}14%$ of total energy to be supplied from fat. d) Calcium intake. Average calcium intake were very low in all subjects of both area $(264{\sim}355mg\;in\;Yang-gu\;and\;283{\sim}429mg\;in\;Rea-ju)$, especially, these in Spring were about a half level of the RDA, and it was much increased in the Fall due to increased intake of milk, but it was still not enough than the RDA. e) Vitamin A intake. Average intake of V.A ($703{\sim}1465\;IU$ in Ynag-gu and $750{\sim}1521\;IU$ in Rea-ju) were also lower than the RDA, moreover their V-A sources were mainly vegetable, so that the V-A supply might be critical one for the subjected. f) Riboflavin intake. Average riboflavin intake on all subjects in both area except boys in Rea-ju area in Fall, were very lower than the RDA. 3. The physical status; a) Average weight and height of boys aged 4 and 5 in Yang-gu area and girls of aged 5 in Rea-ju area were lower than those of Korean Standard of 1967 report, but those by age of girls in Yang-gu area and boys in Rea-ju area were a little heigher than the Korean Standard. It is, hower, present Korean standard of physical status might be somehow heigher than the 1967, since the socio-economical situation has been much improved during past a decade. So that, if one considered on this sense, the physical status of the subjects on this survey might be somehow lower than those of present Korean standard. b) Average upper arm circumference in both area were no difference each other, and their mean values of age 4, 5 and 6 in boy and girl were 15.6, 16.5, 16.4 and 15.5, 16.5, 16.4cm respectively. c) Average chest girth of boys were similar to those of Korean standard whereas the girls were smaller than the Korea standard. The average head circumference also showed similar tendency with the chest girth. 4. The clinical findings; The most popular clinical signs were angular stomatitis and dental caries, and boys had more heigher incidence then the girls. 5. The biochemical findings; a) Hemoglobin and anemia Average Hb value of boys and girls were 11.4 and 10.9g per 100 ml of blood respectively. The incidence of anemia (Hb value below 11 g/100 ml, by WHO) was increased by age, and girls had more heigher incidence than the boy (34% : 48%). The incidence of anemia in age of 4,5, and 6 in boys and girls were 28%, 41% 34%, and 33%, 50%, 49% respectively. The degree of the anemia was not severe, and the anemia of there subjects may be caused mainly low intake of better quality protein and low iron intake as well. b) Hematocrit. Average Ht value of whole subject were $39.9{\sim}41.6%$. c) Blood plasma protein. Average blood plasma protein contents of whole subjects were $6.6{\sim}7.4gm$ per 100 ml. The incidence of deficient range (<6.0g%, by ICNND) was only one girl of age 4 in yang Gu area. 6. Parasitological findgs; The most popular parasitism were asicris lumbicoides and trichocephalus trichiura, and about 2/3 of the whole subjects were suffering one or more of these parasitism.

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A Study on Improvement of School Lunch Programs and Its Health and Education Effect in Korea (학교급식효과(學校給食效果)와 제도개선(制度改善)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Hee Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.86-117
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    • 1988
  • The purpose of school lunch service programs (SLPs) is to provide school children with nutritious meals each day, to assist them in improving their mental and physical development, to make them understand the basic knowledge needed for healthy daily living throughout their lives with sound nutritional habits, and further, to enhance the national health status as well as the individual. The major purpose of this study is to describe the history and current status and promotional plans in Korea's SLSPs to improve the nation's health status. The major findings of this study are as follow: 1) The progression of the SLSPs can be devided into four major periods: Relief (1953-1972), Self-supportive (1973-1977), System-establishment (1973-1983), System-development(1984- ). 2) As result of the implementation of SLSPs in Korea, many positive effects have been found in school education, notably in the field of physical growth, social development and personality cultivation. 3) This study deals with a more detailed assessment with regard to the effects of the program on school education activities and the improvement of nutritional habits in the family. Although it is limited and not yet complete, the program implementation has contributed to the improvement in children's food-intake habits, understanding of food, and manners, and increased sanitary consciousness. It has also affected of parent's concerns and attitudes towards the improvement of daily meals as well as national eating patterns, and eventually provided motivation for increased farm production of nutritious food stuffs and reasonable food consumption. 4) The SLSPs does have its stare of problem such as an unsatisfactory budget, lack of understanding of the program by school personnel and parents. However, there is no doubt that the SLSPs should be carried out effectively for better health, and especially for the growth and development of the children. Finally, the problems and promotive Plans of the SLSPs can be approached by aspects of the administrative, financial and operational systems. These system have to coordinate with relevant authorities to expand participation in the program for the successful implementation of the SLSPs. The eventual objective this study is to propose ways and means for mobilizing every available element in the effort to attain the goals of educating and training healthy and competent personnel manpower, stabilizing the demand and supply of food and the ensuring adequate coordination of national food production and consumption.

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Apparent and standardized ileal nutrient digestibility of broiler diets containing varying levels of raw full-fat soybean and microbial protease

  • Erdaw, Mammo M.;Perez-Maldonado, Rider A.;Iji, Paul A.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.59 no.10
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    • pp.23.1-23.11
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    • 2017
  • Background: Although soybean meal (SBM) is excellent source of protein in diets for poultry, it is sometimes inaccessible, costly and fluctuates in supply. The SBM can partially be replaced by full-fat SBM, but the meals prepared from raw full-fat soybean contain antinutritional factors. To avoid the risk of antinutritional factors, heat treatment is always advisable, but either excessive or under heating the soybean could negatively affect the quality. However, the potential for further improvement of SBM by supplementing with microbial enzymes has been suggested by many researchers. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance and ileal nutrient digestibility of birds fed on diets containing raw soybeans and supplemented with microbial protease. Methods: A $3{\times}2$ factorial, involving 3 levels of raw full-fat soybean (RFFS; 0, 45 or 75 g/kg of diet) and 2 levels of protease (0 or 15,000 PROT/kg) was used. The birds were raised in a climate-controlled room. A nitrogen-free diet was also offered to a reference group from day 19 to 24 to determine protein and amino acid flow at the terminal ileum and calculate the standardized ileal digestibility of nutrients. On days 10, 24 and 35, body weight and feed leftover were recorded to calculate the body weight gain (BWG), feed intake (FI) and feed conversion ratio (FCR). On day 24, samples of ileal digesta were collected at least from two birds per replicate. Results: When RFFS was increased from 0 to 75 g/kg of diet, the content of trypsin inhibitors was increased from 1747 to 10,193 trypsin inhibitors unit (TIU)/g of diets, and feed consumption of birds was also reduced (P < 0.05). Increasing RFFS level reduced the BWG from hatch 0 to 10 d (P < 0.01) and hatch to 24 d (P < 0.05). The BWG of birds from hatch to 35 was not significantly (P = 0.07) affected. Feed intake was also reduced (P < 0.05) during 0 to 35 d. However, protease supplementation improved (P < 0.05) the BWG and FCR during 0 to 24 d. Rising levels of RFFS increased the weight of pancreas (P < 0.001) and small intestine (P < 0.001) at day 24. Except for methionine, apparent and the corresponding standardized ileal digestibility of CP and AA were reduced (P < 0.01) by increasing levels of RFFS in diets. Conclusion: This study showed that some commercial SBM could be replaced by RFFS in broiler diets, without markedly compromising productivity. The AID and SID of CP and lysine were slightly improved by dietary supplementation of microbial protease.

Effects of adherence to Korean diets on serum GGT and cardiovascular disease risk factors in patients with hypertension and diabetes (고혈압 및 당뇨병 환자에서 한식 섭취가 혈청 GGT와 심혈관질환 위험인자에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Su-Jin;Chae, Soo-Wan
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.51 no.5
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    • pp.386-399
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study examined whether the supply of healthy Korean diets for 12 weeks is effective in improving the risk factors related to serum GGT and cardiovascular diseases in patients with hypertension and diabetes. Methods: This study selected 41 patients, who were treated with hypertension and diabetes. The Korean diet was composed of cooked-rice, soup, kimchi, and various banchan with one serving called bapsang, which emphasize proportionally high consumption of vegetables and fermented foods, moderate to high consumption of legumes and fish, and low consumption of animal foods. The control group was instead instructed to "eat and exercise as usual" while following the Korean Diabetes Association's dietary guidelines with an intake that can assist in glycemic control, maintain adequate weight, and meet the nutritional requirements. The Korean diet group (21 patients) were served three healthy Korean meals a day for 12 weeks, and the control group (20 patients, who trained in the diet guideline of diabetes) maintained their usual diabetic diet. The serum GGT, blood pressure, heart rate, glycemic control data, cardiovascular risk indicators, and changes in diet measured at the four visits (week 0, 4, 8, and 12) during the course of 12 weeks were compared and evaluated. Results: The serum GGT (p < 0.001), HbA1c (p = 0.004), heart rate (p = 0.007), weight (p = 0.002), Body Mass Index (p = 0.002), body fat mass (p < 0.001), body fat (%) (p < 0.001), and free fatty acid (p = 0.007) in the Korean diet group decreased significantly after the dietary intervention compared to the control group. The amount of intake of rice, whole grains, green vegetables, Kimchi, and soybean fermented food were increased significantly compared to the control group (p < 0.001). The Korean diet group showed significant decreases (p < 0.001) in the intake of animal protein, lipid, and cholesterol derived from animal foods compared to the control group but significant increases (p < 0.001) in the intake of total calories, folic acid, dietary fiber, sodium, potassium, and vitamins A, E, and C. Conclusion: In patients with hypertension and diabetes, it was confirmed that regular eating of a healthy Korean diet helps improve the risk factors for GGT and cardiovascular diseases.

Living Conditions of the Rural Elderly: Clothing, Nutrition, Housing, and Psychological Adjustment (농촌지역 노인의 생활실태 조사연구 -의.식.주생활 및 심리적 적응을 중심으로-)

  • 윤복자
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.65-86
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    • 1990
  • Living conditions of the rural elderly were assessed in terms of clothing behavior, health and nutritional status, housing and envioronmental condition, and psychological adjustment. The subjects were eighty individuals over sixty residing in the rural community of Iksan-kun, Chollabukdo. The interview method using questionnaires, direct measurement, and observation was used for this study. Data were compared with those obtained from a previous study of the elderly residing in an urban area. Clothing behavior showed that the elderly residing in the rural community were more concerned about plain and conservative design of clothes than their urban counterparts. Special protective clothes for cropdusting with agricultural chemicals had not been prepared. The following urgent needs were pointed out: development and supply of agricultural chemical protective clothing and development and education of appropriate washing and clothing care methods. The health status of the elderly was generally good, but poor eating habits were found more frequently in the rural elderly than among the urban dwellers. Several dietary nutrient intakes were insufficient. Contrasting the urban elderly with the rural group, it was found that the urban group lacked sufficient vitamin A and vitamin C and the urban women had insufficient calorie whereas the rural group was deficient in protein, vitamin A, calorie, and fat. A significant relationship was found between dietary nutrient intake and health index, food habit points, self recognized health status, meal satisfaction, and economic status. Urgent needs of the development of a nutrition education program for the elderly were pointed out. Most of elderly residing in the surveyed rural communities were living alone or with their spouse only, therefore only one room was used among the three or four available rooms. Most of the rural elderly were living either in a traditional Korean house built with differing floor levels or in a modified Korean style house. Minimal modernization had been made for kitchen facilities such as sink and gas range or for heating facilities with the briquette boiler. However, sanitary space such as lavatory and bathroom had not been remodeled. A housing welfare program for rural communities should be implemented at the national level. The comparison of psychological characteristics of the rural elderly with their city counterparts revealed that the rural elderly have a more stable psychological status and optimistic attitude than those living in a city. However, it was found that most of the elderly did not have any future plan. Community programs for the elderly including hobbies or leisure activities or education programs to generate close interpersonal relationships with their children should be developed and provided.

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Study on the Usage Status and the Management Process of Ingredients in Fried Foods Provided in School Food Services (학교급식에서 제공되는 튀김식품의 원료별 이용실태 및 관리공정)

  • Kim, Eun-Mi;Yi, Hae-Chang;Kim, Sun-A;Lee, Min-A;Kim, Jae-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.261-266
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    • 2009
  • All of the subjects of the investigation (n=141) were schools that have food services under direct management. The number of students who get food services at the schools were $1,001{\sim}1,500$ students with 46.8% investigation. In school food services, fried foods were highly preferred and the biggest merits of fried foods were (in order of highest importance) 'improvement of food services satisfaction'> 'source of calories supply'> 'easiness of cooking process'. Service frequency of fried food were in the order of 'twice a week'> 'three times a week'> 'once a week', and for the factors to decide service frequency of fried food, 'preference leaning on fried food', and 'excessive fat intake' were the most considered. The most considered factors in the case of choosing fried food were 'preference' and 'calories and nutritional value'. For the cautious steps during the frying process, 'keeping after frying' was picked the most, and the reasons were 'lack of containers to keep in appropriate temperature and quality' and 'time consuming'. For preference and service frequency of ingredients in fried foods, 'chicken' and 'pork' were very high. As the result, it was analyzed that preference by ingredients matched service in school lunches by using a ranking test. Total cooking and processing time of fried foods required in school lunches were approximately $237{\pm}99$ minutes ${\sim}291{\pm}141$ minutes which showed total required time was about same no matter what ingredients were used. As the result of comparing and analyzing the processes, vegetables took less thawing and frying time, but the processing time for vegetables was more complicated since handling time before frying was longer compared to meat. In the important management process by the main groups of fried foods, the frying process was the most cautious cooking process in the category of meat or fish and shellfish used as ingredients. In addition, if vegetables were used as ingredients, storing it after frying was the process that needed the most care.