• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean Population

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The change of the population of Clostridium perfringens isolated from intestinal contents in slaughter cattle (도축우 소장에서 Clostridium perfringens 분리 및 시간경과에 따른 균수변화 추이)

  • 김정화;최일영;홍현표;조민희;박영구
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.151-158
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    • 1999
  • This study was conducted to investigate the biochemical characteristics, the population and antibiotic susceptibility test of Clostridium perfringens isolated from intestinal contents of slaughter cattle in Kyung-ju and Po-hang. 1. In slaughter cattle Cl perfringens were isolated from intestinal contents of 51 of 101 cases(50.4%) and the population were 105cfu/ml of 44 cases(86.3%). 2. In antibiotic susceptibility test, ampicillin, bacitracin, cephalothin, penicillin polymyxin B were highly susceptible, ohloramphenicol, erythromycin, tetracycline were lowly susceptible, gentamicin, kanamycin, amikacin, streptomycin, sulfamethoxine, sulfamethazine were resistant. 3. In leaving test intestinal contents leaved for 0, 4, 8, 16, 32 hours in room temperature and population of Cl perfringens were gradually increased.

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Bayesian estimation for finite population proportions in multinomial data

  • Kwak, Sang-Gyu;Kim, Dal-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.587-593
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    • 2012
  • We study Bayesian estimates for finite population proportions in multinomial problems. To do this, we consider a three-stage hierarchical Bayesian model. For prior, we use Dirichlet density to model each cell probability in each cluster. Our method does not require complicated computation such as Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to draw samples from each density of parameters. We draw samples using Gibbs sampler with grid method. We apply this algorithm to a couple of simulation data under three scenarios and we estimate the finite population proportions using two kinds of approaches We compare results with the point estimates of finite population proportions and their standard deviations. Finally, we check the consistency of computation using differen samples drawn from distinct iterates.

Nuclear Power Plant Site Evaluation Using Site Population-Meteorology Factor (인구ㆍ기상인자에 의한 원자력 발전소 부지 평가)

  • Byung Hwan Rho;Chang Sun Kang
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.17-21
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    • 1982
  • In this paper, as a site evaluation technique, SPMF(Site Population-Meteorology Factor) which is modified from SPF(Site Population Factor) of tile USNRC model, is defined from site population and meteorology data in order to consider the radiological impacts to the population at large from the atmospheric dispersion of the radioactive effluents released during routine plant operation as well as accidental conditions. The SPMF model proved its propriety from the comparison of SPMF and SPF for Kori site. The relative suitability of Korean sites to the U.S. sites have been also examined using SPF.

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Vulnerability Assessment of Idleness in Rural Areas from Multiple Perspectives (인구, 주택, 농지 측면에서의 농촌지역 유휴화 취약성 평가)

  • Lee, Jimin;Choi, Won
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.64 no.2
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 2022
  • Idleness in rural areas is a very important issue with regard to national land space management. Previous studies have been conducted separately in terms of population housing and farmland. So, an integrated analysis considering population housing and farmland is required for rural spatial management. In this study, vulnerability indices were developed and spatial distribution of the vulnerable areas was analyzed by evaluating regional vulnerability on population, housing, and farmland. In addition, plans for rural space management plan were proposed considering the population hollowing out and the idle farmland. The results of this study would be helpful in preparing policies that take into account the vulnerability of idleness in rural areas.

Genetic Characteristics of 207 Microsatellite Markers in the Korean Population and in other Asian Populations

  • Choi, Su-Jin;Song, Hye-Kyung;Jeong, Jae-Hwan;Jeon, In-Ho;Yoon, Ho-Sung;Chung, Ki Wha;Won, Yong-Jin;Choi, Je-Yong;Kim, Un-Kyung
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.301-304
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    • 2008
  • Microsatellites, short tandem repeats, are useful markers for genetic analysis because of their high frequency of occurrence over the genome, high information content due to variable repeat lengths, and ease of typing. To establish a panel of microsatellite markers useful for genetic studies of the Korean population, the allele frequencies and heterozygosities of 207 microsatellite markers in 119 unrelated Korean, Indian and Pakistani individuals were compared. The average heterozygosity of the Korean population was 0.71, similar to that of the Indian and Pakistani populations. More than 80% of the markers showed heterozygosity of over 0.6 and were valuable as genetic markers for genome-wide screening for disease susceptibility loci in these populations. To identify the allelic distributions of the multilocus genetic data from these microsatellite markers, the population structures were assessed by clustering. These markers supported, with the most probability, three clustering groups corresponding to the three geographical populations. When we assumed only two hypothetical clusters (K), the Korean population was separate from the others, suggesting a relatively deep divergence of the Korean population. The present 207 microsatellite markers appear to reflect the historical and geographical origins of the different populations as well as displaying a similar degree of variation to that seen in previously published genetic data. Thus, these markers will be useful as a reference for human genetic studies on Asians.

Genetic Differences within and between Populations of Korean Catfish (S. asotus) and Bullhead (P. fulvidraco) Analysed by RAPD-PCR

  • Yoon, Jong-Man;Kim, Jong-Yeon
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.1053-1061
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    • 2004
  • Of the 20 arbitrarily chosen primers, six oligonucleotides decamer primers were used on the basis of the number of the polymorphisms generated in catfish (Silurus asotus) from Yesan and bullhead (Pseudobagrus fulvidraco) from Dangjin in Korea. Six primers were used generating a total of 602 scorable bands in catfish and 195 in bullhead population, respectively, ranging in size of DNA fragments from less than approximately 100 to larger than 2,000 base pairs (bp). Six primers yielded 199 polymorphic fragments (33.1%) in catfish and 47 (24%) in bullhead, respectively. In the present study, a total of 328 common fragments (an average of 54.7 per primer) were observed in catfish population, whereas 84 (an average of 14.0 per primer) in bullhead. The total number of specific fragments in catfish and bullhead population were 76 and 64, respectively. In catfish population, random decamer, OPA-17 (GACCGCTTGT) generated the highest number of fragments (a total of 141) in comparison with other primers used, with an average of 11.8. The common bands in the molecular weight of 300 bp generated by random primer OPA-06 (GGTCCCTGAC) were present in every individuals in bullhead population. The major polymorphic bands in the molecular weight of 100 bp generated by OPA-17 were identified in lane 14, 15, 17, 18, 19 20 and 21, which were identifying species in bullhead population. The average bandsharing values (BS values) of all of the samples within catfish population ranged from 0.575 to 0.945, whereas 0.063-1.000 within bullhead population. The bandsharing value (index of similarity between individuals) between individual No. 5 and No. 9 showed the highest level within catfish population, whereas the bandsharing value between individual No. 1 and No. 2 showed the lowest level. The single linkage cluster analysis resulted from four primers, indicating four genetic groupings composed of group 1 (C1-C10, all of the catfish samples), group 2 (B11, B12, B13, B14, B16, B17, B18, B19), group 3 (B15) and group 4 (B20 and B21). The dendrogram reveals close relationships between individual identities within two species populations and individuals derived from the same ancestor, respectively. However, genetic distances between two species populations ranged from 0.124 to 0.333. The shortest genetic distance (0.042) displaying significant molecular differences was between individual No. 6 and No. 9 catfish population. The shortest genetic distance (0.033) displaying significant molecular differences also was between individual No. 18 and No. 19 in bullhead population. Reversely, the genetic distance of individual No. 20/21 among individuals in bullhead population was highest (0.333). This result showed that bullhead No. 20 and 21 were distinct from other individuals within bullhead population.

Existing Population Exposure Assessment Using PM2.5 Concentration and the Geographic Information System (지리정보시스템(GIS) 및 존재인구를 이용한 초미세먼지(PM2.5) 노출평가)

  • Jaemin, Woo;Gihong, Min;Dongjun, Kim;Mansu, Cho;Kyeonghwa, Sung;Jungil, Won;Chaekwan, Lee;Jihun, Shin;Wonho, Yang
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.298-305
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    • 2022
  • Background: The concentration of air pollutants as measured by the Air Quality Monitoring System (AQMS) is not an accurate population exposure level since actual human activities and temporal and spatial variability need to be considered. Therefore, to increase the accuracy of exposure assessment, the population should be considered. However, it is difficult to obtain population data due to limitations such as personal information. Objectives: The existing population defined in this study is the number of people in each region's grid. The purpose is to provide a methodology for evaluating exposure to PM2.5 through existing population data provided by the National Geographic Information Institute. Methods: The selected study period was from October 26 to October 28, 2021. Using PM2.5 concentration data measured at the Sensor-based Air Monitoring Station (SAMS) installed in Guro-gu and Wonju-si, the concentration for each grid was estimated by applying inverse distance weights through QGIS version 3.22. Considering the existing population, population-weighted average concentration (PWAC) was calculated and the exposure level of the population was compared by region. Results: The outdoor PM2.5 concentration as measured through the SAMS was high in Wonju-si on all three days. Wonju-si showed an average 22% higher PWAC than Guro-gu. As a result of comparing the PWAC and outdoor PM2.5 concentration by region, the PWAC in Guro-gu was 1~2% higher than the observed value, but it was almost the same. Conversely, observations of Wonju-si were 10.1%, 11.3%, and 8.2% higher than PWAC. Conclusions: It is expected that the Geographic Information System (GIS) method and the existing population will be used to evaluate the exposure level of a population with a narrow activity radius in further research. In addition, based on this study, it is judged that research on exposure to environmental pollutants and risk assessment methods should be expanded.

An Analysis on the Spatial Spillover Patterns of Aging Population in Rural Areas (공간자기상관을 활용한 농촌지역 인구 고령화의 공간적 확산 분석)

  • Yeo, Chang-Hwan;Seo, Yun-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.39-53
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    • 2014
  • The Korean population is aging rapidly and a disproportionate share of older people(aged 65 and older) lives in rural areas. The rural population is aging more rapidly than the population in urban area. However, the majority of studies on aging population focuses on an urban area rather than a rural area. Rural areas have been alienated from the priority of the national policy. For these reasons, this study is to show the level of population aging and to analyze the spatial spillover patterns of aging population in rural areas for the establishment of localized policy on population aging. The main findings of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the level of population aging varies in different localities such as socio-economic and locational characteristics. Secondly, there are distinct differences between hot spot region(clustering of high aging index) and cold spot region(clustering of low aging index) in spatio-temporal spillover patterns. This study intends to suggest an useful information to establish the area-specific policy on aging population through the results of analysis.

Population Viability Analysis of a Gold-spotted Pond Frog (Rana chosenica) Population: Implications for Effective Conservation and Re-introduction (금개구리 (Rana chosenica) 개체군의 생존분석: 개체군의 효과적인 보존과 야생복귀를 위한 제안)

  • Cheong, Seok-Wan;Sung, Ha-Cheol;Park, Dae-Sik;Park, Shi-Ryong
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2009
  • Population viability analysis of a Gold-spotted pond frog (Rana chosenica) population at Cheongwon-gun, Chungbuk, in South Korea was conducted and we proposed several suggestions for effective conservation and re-introduction of the species. Simulating a developed model over 1,000 times predicted that the population will exist over 30 years with a relatively low growth rate of 0.113, but with a high probability of extinction as 81.1%. Population growth and extinction probability were the most greatly depended on the rate of successful metamorphosis. In the case of outbreak of amphibian diseases such as Chytridiomycosis and Ranavirus, the population will be easily extinct within 4 years with 100% probability. In a habitat of which carrying capacity is 200, to successfully re-introduce an extinct population, it is initially needed to put 100 individuals of which 83% is males and its age structure is normal-distributed. If we additionally conducts artificial supplementation of 10% individuals every 2 years from 4 years to 10 years after initial reintroduction, the population will become a stable with 0.297 growth rate and 0.290 extinction rate. Our results are the first case of amphibian population viability analysis in Korea and could be used to develop effective conservation and re-introduction plans for endangered Gold-spotted pond frog.