• Title/Summary/Keyword: Knowledge Competency

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Systematic Review on the Patient Safety Education for the Improvement of Patient Safety Competency of Nursing Students (간호학생의 환자안전역량 향상을 위한 환자안전교육에 관한 체계적 문헌고찰)

  • Seo, Eun-Ju;Seo, Young-Sun;Hong, Eun-Hee
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.255-266
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    • 2020
  • This study conducted a systematic literature review on nursing students to find out the types and composition of patient safety-related education programs. The research was conducted systematically using PRISMA. The patient was a nursing college student, and the intervention was patient safety education. The outcome was either numerical or descriptive reports of the results measured using the tool. The types of research were carried out including randomized design, quasi-experimental design, one-group design, survey and qualitative research. The paper was searched through Medline, Embases, CINAHL, DBpia, Riss and KISS. A total of 2,468 papers were searched in the search results, and nine papers were used for analysis as a result of extracting data according to PICO. The characteristics of patient safety education of nursing college students were classified according to the teaching method, period, result variables and measurement tools. As a result, patient safety education consisted of a variety of subjects, and was being taught through lectures, clinical practice, laboratories, and simulations. The period of education also varied. The resulting variables were mainly checked for knowledge, attitude, and skill, and the tools used to measure them varied. Patient safety education for nursing college students was conducted through various topics, methods and periods at home and abroad. Therefore, continuous research is needed to establish consistent and integrated patient safety education in educational institutions and working institutions to produce nursing personnel with patient safety capabilities.

Exploring Ways to Improve Science Teacher Expertise through Infographics Creation Teacher Training Program: Focus on the Subject Earth Science (인포그래픽 제작 연수 프로그램을 통한 과학교사 전문성 신장 방안 탐색 -지구과학 교과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hyunjong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.429-438
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    • 2022
  • In this study, we propose a way to improve science teacher expertise through infographics creation teacher training program by analyzing the infographics types focusing on the Earth Science subject of the 2015 revised curriculum, and inspecting the teachers' utilization of graphic tools. The data visualization characteristics of Earth Science textbooks were analyzed, the execution results of the infographics creation teacher training program were presented, and a survey on science teachers' change in perception and competency of infographics. As a result of the Earth Science textbook analysis, diagram-type, map-type, and comparative analysis-type infographics were frequently used, and were mainly presented as text-assisted-type infographics. The infographics creation teacher training program was conducted five times for 112 science teachers to create the complete, text-assisted, incomplete, and gradient-type infographics. Incomplete infographics for development of evaluation questions were most needed. Although many science teachers recognize the importance of infographics, they lacked the competency to create high-quality infographics because there were no training opportunities for infographics creation. After completing the training, 74.1% of teachers felt that the quality of developments of supplementary textbooks and evaluation questions had improved, and answered that it was helpful in re-educating knowledge and improving teaching-learning methods. Based on the research results, ways to improve science teacher expertise through infographics creation teacher training program were suggested.

Characteristics of Process-Focused Assessment in Science Classes from the Research Middle School Reports (연구학교 보고서에 나타난 중학교 과학과 과정중심평가의 특징)

  • Jong-Hee Kim;Jee-young Park;Nan Sook Yu;Min-Seon Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.182-195
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze reports from research middle schools based on the criteria for process-focused assessment to find out how the characteristics of process-focused assessment were being implemented in middle school science classes. The analysis criteria for the characteristics of process-focused assessment (integration of lessons and assessments, evaluation elements and methods, content and timing of feedback, and learner growth management) were extracted. Using the analysis framework, the result reports of seven research middle schools for process-focused assessment were analyzed. In terms of integration of lessons and assessments, when the process-focused assessment was operated, the class and evaluation plan were well implemented based on the curriculum achievement standards, but the process-focused assessment was recognized as a performance evaluation. In terms of evaluation elements and methods, the evaluation element for knowledge was the main component, and competency was presented in the planning stage, but competency was not dealt with in class execution. The evaluation method was biased toward teacher-centered observation evaluation and written test, and the setting of scoring criteria for each evaluation element was insufficient. In terms of the content and timing of feedback, feedback was mainly provided based on achievement confirmation, but no case was found in which scaffolding was provided at an appropriate time for insufficient parts in the learning process. In terms of the learner's growth management, the competencies cultivated through science classes were included in the detailed subject specialties of the school record. However, little was shown in the report on how to systematically manage the process of developing learners' competencies and reflect the evaluation results to teachers' class improvement.

The Effect of the Innovation Capability and the Absorptive Capacity on Market Orientation, Technology Orientation, and Business Performance of IT-BPO Firms (IT-BPO 기업의 혁신역량과 흡수역량 요인이 시장지향성, 기술지향성 및 경영성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Wan-kang;Lee, So-young
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.115-137
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzed the relationship between organizational innovative capability and absorptive capacity, market and technology orientations, and their impact on business performance for IT-BPO companies that are required to absorb new technologies from a leading perspective in the digital transformation era. To achieve this, an online specialized research company and offline surveys were conducted on 291 domestic IT-BPO companies, and SPSS 23 was used for descriptive statistics and reliability analysis while AMOS 23 was used for hypothesis testing including validity and mediating effects. The main findings were as follows: First, in the relationship between innovation and absorptive capabilities and Market Orientation Strategic(MOS), learning capability and knowledge network capability were found to have a statistically significant positive (+) effect on MOS. In the relationship between innovation and absorptive capabilities and Technology Orientation Strategic(TOS), R&D capability, potential absorptive capacity, and realized absorptive capacity had a statistically significant positive (+) effect on TOS. Second, in the relationship between innovation and absorptive capabilities and BP, only R&D capability was found to have a significant effect on BP. Third, both market orientation and technology orientation were found to have a significant positive (+) effect on BP. These findings suggest that effective competency factors can be identified according to the market and technology orientations pursued by IT-BPO companies to increase their growth and value creation, and provide implications for developing differentiated competency enhancement strategies based on strategic objectives.

A Study on the Competencies of Automotive Professional Engineers in Korea (자동차 신제품개발 관련 차량기술사의 전문적 업무역량 분석)

  • Kim, Joo-Young;Lim, Se-Yung
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.192-217
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    • 2008
  • This paper investigated the perceived criticalities and patterns of Korean Professional Engineer's competency regarding the working activities of automative product development, manufacturing, etc by using questionnaires responded to the survey which were applied to the automotive professors, experts and professional engineers (vocational parties) by e/mail, etc. This research investigated the following questions: First, what are the characteristic patterns, relevancy and perceived criticalities of Korean Professional Engineer's competencies? Second, What are the ranked priority of the Korean Professional Engineers' competencies? Are there any differency for each item, sub group of job, intelectual criterior of the competencies between relevancy and perceived criticalities according to the types of vocational parties, etc.? Accoring to the results; first, Professor group showed highest points among 3 groups per each item of the competencies by vocational parties Second, Chassis design group ranked top position among the 8 sub groups by vocational parties and, third, Problem Solving Knowledge ranked highest points than any others. Korean Professional Engineers are found to be positioned as key members, leaders and managers on surveying market, product planning, designing product & components, developing component parts, establishing shop with production equipment, managing quality control & material handling, organizing relevant meetings, developing human resources by training and learning, to back up finance with law matters, cooperating with concerned parties to achieve organizational goals, and to coordinate projects. etc, identifying ethical issues and business skills in order to survive and win to be competitive in various kinds of the automotive industry battle fields.

Convergence Education in Mathematics: Issues and Tasks (수학교과와 융복합교육: 담론과 과제)

  • Ju, Mi-Kyung;Moon, Jong-Eun;Song, Ryoon-Jin
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.165-190
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    • 2012
  • Recently, the Korean government develops a variety of policies for the improvement of school education. Among the policies, convergence education is considered as essential. Moreover, as the policies declare that mathematics is expected to play a central role in the convergence education, mathematics educators are required to seek for ways of how to approach convergence education in mathematics. In this context, this paper reviewed diverse viewpoints on what kind of contribution convergence education make to the improvement of school mathematics. While the argument constructed around the issue of national competitiveness is the most prevalent in the political discourse, this paper recommends to introduce the epistemological norms raised by the knowledge integration through history. In addition, this paper presents both domestic and international programs to discuss how to develop educational program for convergence education in mathematics.

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A Comparison Study using Mixed Methods on Foreign Residents' Satisfaction with Korean Health Care Services (혼합설계방법을 사용한 한국거주 외국인의 의료서비스 이용만족도 비교연구)

  • Kim, Keum Soon;Ahn, Jung Won;Kim, Jin A;Kim, Hee Jung
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.86-96
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to examine and compare satisfaction with Korean health care services for Americans, Chinese and Russians who resided in Korea. Methods: A questionnaire was distributed to 252 participants (81 Americans, 89 Chinese, 82 Russians). Three focus group interviews were subsequently conducted in order to obtain a greater understanding of participants' experience and perspectives. Results: The average satisfaction score was 3.09, with Americans and Russians showing significantly higher scores than Chinese. Overall, participants reported higher satisfaction in 'Facility', 'Quality of care' and 'Nursing services' as opposed to 'Information/education'. 'Care with cultural respect' as well as communication related services. Data from the focus group interviews were categorized into 12 sub-categories, 7 categories and 2 themes. The two themes were common experience and contrasting experience. Common experience included 4 categories, 'Quality of care', 'Hospital facility and health care system', 'Language barrier' and 'Information and education'. Contrasting experience included 3 categories, 'Medical cost', 'Health care personnel' and 'Accessibility'. Conclusion: Results of this study provide basic knowledge on foreign residents' satisfaction and experience with Korean health care services. Further research is needed with foreigners from different cultural backgrounds. Administrative and educational efforts are required to improve communication skills and cultural competency.

The Effect of Efficiency Evaluation on the Organizational Effectiveness of the Cabin Crew's Competency -Focusing on the Job Satisfaction of the Personal Capacity of Airline Cabin Crews-

  • PARK, Hyun-Seo;PARK, Hye-Yoon
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - In order for companies to be competitive and adapt to the trend of development, it is important for many airlines to secure outstanding human resources and the need to nurture them. It can be expected that by systematically analyzing and organizing the characteristics and types of competences considering the duties of the airline cabin crew, the personal and organizational capacities of the cabin crew can be defined and presented theoretically. Research Design, Data, and Methodology - This survey was conducted over a seven-month period from February 1 to September 30, 2018 and was designated as a domestic airline flight attendant. Direct visits to Incheon International Airport and Gimpo International Airport were also conducted through an online questionnaire. A total of 515 questionnaires were used for empirical analysis. To verify two hypothesis of this study, a regression analysis and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) were performed using SPSS WIN 26.0. Results - Analysis on the impact of personal capacity of airline cabin crew on job satisfaction showed that technical competence, knowledge capacity and ability capacity, which are sub-factor factors of personal capacity, had a positive effect on job satisfaction. Recovery resilience also plays a positive role in relationships between individual competence and job satisfaction. Conclusions - It has been empirically analyzed that the personal characteristics of the airline crew have a significant effect on flight attendant's job satisfaction. It can be seen that flight attendants tend to perform well beyond what is required in their duties, and that active and confident cabin crew members tend to perform well in the direction of improving their duties, and are also highly satisfied with their duties.

Strategies to Improve Functional Competency and Effectively Respond to Environmental Changes of Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Team in Companies (기업의 환경, 보건, 및 안전 (EHS) 조직의 직무능력 개선과 환경변화 대응 방안)

  • Kim, Myung Jung;Park, Sun-Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.104-111
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    • 2016
  • Our nation has experienced remarkable growth over the half a century. Nonetheless, there is still much room for improvement in the area of Environment, Health and Safety (EHS). In particular, frequency and severity of industrial accidents did not considerably improve compared to the economic and social progress we made. The main objective of this research is to analyze what plans and actions are required for companies to promote industrial safety by 1) fostering functional competencies of EHS staffs and 2) effectively and proactively responding to rapidly changing EHS environment. For this research, EHS staffs from five large companies in Korea were surveyed. Most respondents indicated that one of key expertise required by EHS staffs is capabilities to effectively deal with changes to various domestic and international EHS-related laws and regulations. Furthermore, a predominant number of respondents commented that it is imperative for EHS staffs to have a broad knowledge of business management. As for internal issues that EHS staffs encounter within their organizations, many pointed out that their EHS vision is not sufficiently shared throughout the organization, and that the rules of leadership are critical in solving this issue. On the other hand, the survey respondents also raised an issue of limited EHS-related investments due to slow economy. As a solution, they proposed ways to align EHS organization's performance with the company's performance. Based on this survey, issues and solutions for EHS organizations were identified. Results of this research can benefit companies that plan to newly establish or further expand EHS organization.

A Study on the Legal Status of Apprentice Officers on the Merchant ship (위탁승선실습생의 법적지위 -목포해양전문대학생을 중심으로-)

  • 박성일
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 1990
  • Students of the Mogpo Merchant Marine College must complete one year's shipboard training course according to IMO(International Maritime Organization) regulations as an obtaining matter of Certificate of Competency. The purpose of this shipboard training course lies int he student's acquiring practical knowledge and sill as a part of a course of study and, in the future, fostering essential adaptability and leadership, especially in bad circumstances on the sea. The shipboard training course has two kind that the students can be trained either on the training ship or on a merchant ship of the shipping company. In this paper, I only thought over the legal status of apprentice officers on the merchant ship and analyzed the problems practicably during shipboard training. This paper is made up of five chapters. The first chapter contains the purpose contents and method of this study, in the second, the meaning of shipboard practice education and training, in the third, the legal status of apprentice officers on merchant ship, in the fourth, the analysis of the provisions of the seamen act applied to apprentice officers on a merchant ship. And in the last chapter 5, the contents mentioned is summarized and directions are presented to amend the provisions of the seamen act applied to apprentice officers. The conclusions are as follows. 1.In case of shipboard training on overseas employment ship, the seamen act applied to the manning agent employing the apprentice officers should be reinforced. 2. The provisions of disembarkation in mid course by discipline of the seamen acts Article 24 should be relaxed. And the provisions in relations to seamen's duty to be a reason of discipline applied to apprentice officer among the provisions for ship's public order maintenance should be abolished. 3. The provision of repartriation completely should be applied to apprentice officers and the provisions of a journey expenditure during their embarkation or disembarkation have to be established. 4. The apprentice officers in shipboard training also need securing a basic wages provision to be criterion of an accident compensation. 5. The apprentice officers in shipboard training should not be in charge of third officer's or third engineer' study.

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