• Title/Summary/Keyword: Journal Publication

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Design and Implementation of Content Management System for Improvement of Compatibility and Publication (호환성 및 상호운용성이 개선된 콘텐츠관리시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Min, Byung-Won
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.257-262
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    • 2014
  • Although the amount of UCC(user created content) rapidly grows nowadays, there are various problems in authoring, distribution and management of this abundant content because the platforms for fabrication and replaying content are not compatible and the authoring environments are not sufficiently interoperable with other site or with each other. In this paper, we propose a CMS(content management system) scheme improved in interoperability to solve these problems, and we design a novel system enhancing the efficiency and speed of content distribution and management by minimizing the repetitions in the processes of production, reshaping, and publication. Moreover the proposed system adopts an improved content management technology by changing from simple point-to-point method to the centralized distribution method, and as for the service scheme, we change from the site link method to the database link method, and we also take duplex interlink scheme instead of simplex one. We finally compare the proposed system to the conventional ones as points of view of compatibility and interoperability to prove the improved performance of our system.

A Study on the Transition of Elements of the Book Colophon in Korea (우리나라의 도서 판권기 기술요소 변천 고찰)

  • Lee, Myoung-Gyu
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.329-349
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    • 2010
  • Colophon means an element to describe bibliographic areas of the concerned book on the specific space like a back of the title page or the last page of a book. Colophon functioned as an information source when cataloging in a library, an area concerning the copyright and as an useful information to readers. The publication of a new book has begun since early 1900s in Korea. And the element of the colophon is dependent on changes in the social and cultural environment. Among the element of the colophon early 1900s until now, the elements consistently appear on the title and the author, a place of publication, a publisher, the date of publication and the price. Additional the elements according to the change of social environment are the edition, ISBN, the registration of publisher, the address of publisher and an author career. On the other hand, omitted elements are the address of author, the account number and the seal. In the future, the size of the book is additionally wanted to describe in the colophon.

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A Study on Various Editions of Chinese Version - Focusing on 『Shijundaquan』, the reverse engraved editions from Ming Books - (조선시대에 간행된 한문본 <시경(詩經)> 판본에 관한 고찰 - 명본(明本) 복각본(覆刻本) 『시전대전(詩傳大全)』을 중심으로 -)

  • Ahn, Hyeon-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.267-289
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    • 2017
  • The objectives of this study are to survey publications of the chinese version of surviving to the present day and to analyze their characteristics systematically based on physical bibliographical assessment of its 42 versions. Important findings are following: During the Chosun Dynasty, the largest number(69%) of publication and distribution of was from the Youngrak Version(Ming Books) of "ShiJundaquan", of which reversely engraved editions, typologic editions, and the reversely engraved editions of the typologic editions were found. Among 42 versions, 14 reversely engraved editions are originated from the Youngrak Version. Those from earlier versions to the versions right after ImjinWar were similar to Youngrak Version in morphological characteristics, later some editions were found to be far different from Youngrak Version by repeating the reverse engraving. As for the publication time of , most editions were printed in the 18th century. The publication region of was also examined, Gyeonggi and Gyeongsang regions are the most frequent printing places. Typologic editions were printed mainly at Gyeonggi region, and the reversely engraved editions from Ming Books were printed at Gyeongsang region as Gamyeongbon (the books from Supervisory Office).

A Natural Scene Statistics Based Publication Classification Algorithm Using Support Vector Machine (서포트 벡터 머신을 이용한 자연 연상 통계 기반 저작물 식별 알고리즘)

  • Song, Hyewon;Kim, Doyoung;Lee, Sanghoon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.959-966
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    • 2017
  • Currently, the market of digital contents such as e-books, cartoons and webtoons is growing up, but the copyrights infringement are serious issue due to their distribution through illegal ways. However, the technologies for copyright protection are not developed enough. Therefore, in this paper, we propose the NSS-based publication classification method for copyright protection. Using histogram calculated by NSS, we propose classification method for digital contents using SVM. The proposed algorithm will be useful for copyright protection because it lets us distinguish illegal distributed digital contents more easily.

Design and Implementation of SIP-based Multi-party Conference System Including Presence Service (Presence 서비스를 포함한 SIP 기반의 다자간 컨퍼런스 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Jung Young-Myun;Ko Se-Lyung;Jang Choon-Seo;Jo Hyun-Gyu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.257-266
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    • 2005
  • As developing of the internet and computer technology, more interests are gathered to the conference service which provides capability of multi-party real-time visual conference. In this paper, we have designed and implemented a SIP-based visual conference system which includes Presence service. The elements of this conference system are user system, which has conference UA(User Agent) capability, presence seuer and conference server. For the presence service, we have adapted publication method which uses SIP PUBLISH message, and with this service various status informations of users are easily acquired. Also invitations and involvements to the conference are easily made through this service. For the conference server which controls establishment and management of multi-party connections, we have included conference event package. This package provides dynamically changing conference informations and users informations through SIP subscription and notification functions.

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Present and Prospect of Clothing Construction Research - Focus on academic associations' publication - (의복구성학 분야의 연구 현황과 전망 - 학회지를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Seonyoung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.102-114
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to enable a scientific and rational approach for future research agenda setting in the clothing construction field. Through analysis of research papers on clothing construction published in domestic academic journals during the recent decade, the research trend of clothing construction in respective academic journals, research subjects, and research contents were grasped thoroughly. From all domestic academic associations' publication on garment/clothing and textiles/fashion, 7 academic journals were selected as subjects of research, in order to compare and analyze the research trend in the last ten years. The ten-year period ranged from April 2006 to March 2016, and a total of 735 papers published on clothing construction were used for analysis. The number of publications in the clothing construction area during the last decade has decreased, which is due to the increase in the number of clothing and textiles fashion-related academic journals, other than the 7 journals analyzed, and since the number of papers published in international academic journals has also increased. Body type, patterns, fitting test, and functional clothing accounted for the highest proportion of research themes in clothing construction. In terms of body type, there was an increasing tendency towards usage of 3D body measurement. In the patterns area, the 3D virtual dressing system was actively used. For functional clothing, sportswear, protective clothes, and innerwear were most widely researched, and ergonomic design together with smartwear was actively studied.

A Bibliographical study on Modem Agricultural Books in Korea (한국근대의 농서에 관한 서지학적 연구)

  • Kim Bong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.29
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    • pp.205-230
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    • 1995
  • The publication of books on modern agriculture started under the influence of Silhak Thought developed from the late Chosun Dynasty. The common intention found in these publications is the objective to enrich the country through increased agricultural productivity and thus to secure national independence from the surrounding powers. The study reviews three different categories in this area; five general books on agriculture, three on agriculture related legal regulations, and ten books introducing techniques of commercial agriculture. The first category is comprehensive treatment of general agricultural content and the second is legal regulations which affected the contemporary agriculture. The third category is introductory books on commercial techniques aimed at accumulating wealth through agriculture. Silkworm cultivation occupies an important place in these publications owing to the active encouragement given by the Section of Silkworm Cultivation in the Ministry of Agriculture, Commerce and Industry. We can recognise the extensive involvement of Suh Pyung Sook, who served as the Section Chief of Silkworm Cultivation in 1904, by examining introductions and prefaces of many books in this category. The examples of general books on agriculture are 'New Agricultural Administration' (농정신편), 'General Introduction on Agiculture' (농업대요), 'New Textbook on Agricuture' (신찬농업교과서), 'Pragmatic Agriculture' (실리농방신편), Of these, 'New Agricultural Administration' (농정신편) is evaluated as the first publication on modern agriculture. It was written in 1881, and the first edition was published was published in 1901 with the second edition following in 1905. Examples of the second category are; 'The regulation on utilizing uncultivated state owned land' (국유미간지리용법) legislated and declared with the intention of expanding cultivated area, 'Mining and Forestry Regulation' (광임법규), 'Forest Land Regulation' (임야법령) to administer mining and forestry. Books on commercial agriculture take up the highest proportion in the agricultural publication of this period. These cover silkworm cultivation, chicken farming, vegetables and fruits. The books introduce Western techniques with more scientific and rational approach especially on Silkworm cultivation and chichen farming which had become increasingly significant as commercial agriculture from the late Chosun Dynasty.

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A Delphi Survey for Establishment of Standards Development Strategy in Digital Publication (전자출판 분야 표준 개발 전략 수립을 위한 델파이조사 연구)

  • Oh, Mi-Ja;Cho, Yong-Sang;Shin, Sung-Wook
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2013
  • The recent emergence of diverse platform-based media devices such as smart phones and iPads has aroused interest of consumers all across the world. This interest has led to digitalization of paper books and a steep growth in the digital publishing industry at home and abroad. However, advent of various devices and content has caused the issue of compatibility and produced needs and demand for standardization to exchange and share content related to digital publication. Through collection of opinions of 16 stakeholders from the industrial, academic, research, and public sectors, this study aims to examine predictable future changes about content and its distribution, devices, standardization, technical protective measures, and obstacles in future digital publishing and eventually to draw out areas and elements for future standards development.

Efficient Media Publication Using SuperSQL Processor (SuperSQL처리계를 이용한 효과적인 미디어 출판)

  • Shin, Sang-Gyu;Motomichi, Toyama;Kim, Tai-Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we propose an effective use of SuperSQL for efficient media publication that utilizes relational databases. SuperSQL is an enhanced SQL processing system that converts data stored in relational databases into a variety or applied formats, such as XML and HTML, as a result or query. In order to integrate various media generators in SuperSQL query processor, we discuss methods to prepare both for new media promptly and for efficient media publication processing system. This research makes two main contributions: (1) it is a study about methods to integrate media generators by combining common processes in SuperSQL query processor, and (2) it introduces the trinity data model, which divide the media generating processes into three aspects, which are value, structure and medium abstraction. We also show the good performance and feasibility of our system.

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A Study about the Use Survey by the Circulation Record Analysis of an Academic Library (대학도서관의 대출기록 분석을 통한 이용조사에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Kyeong-Jong;Park, Il-Jong
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.109-129
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    • 2008
  • This study was prepared for the purpose of suggesting the reasonable method of library management by reflecting it to the library acquisition and collection development through the user survey and analysis of an academic library. The 97,164 circulation records of C-academic library which were occurred between March 2006 and February 2007 were used, and sixteen subjects by five user groups ((1)undergraduate, (2)graduate students, (3)faculties(professors), (4)staffs, and (5)the other users) were surveyed for the study. The subject and the number of publication lapse year were categorized in this study. The non-parametric method and correlation coefficient were used for the analysis of subject part after the use factor and the number of publication lapse year were crossed by their status. Also, the same methods by use factor were used for the analysis of the number of year part.