• Title/Summary/Keyword: Joining factors

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Effect of Flux Type on Arc Characteristic of FCA Welding (FCA 용접의 아크현상에 미치는 Flux Type의 영향)

  • 강성원;오은식;유덕상;안영호
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.116-123
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    • 1999
  • The $CO_2$ welding with 100% $CO_2$ shielding gas is commonly used because of its cost and efficiency. Arc phenomena of the $CO_2$ welding is influenced by various factors such as chemical compositions of welding wire, shielding gas, welding condition and welding power source etc. In this study, arc phenomena is investigated by using two type of FCW(titania type, semi-metal type). Then, the welding quality and optimum welding condition can be selected. From this study, the following results were obtained; 1) In low current range(140A), FCW up to welding voltage(22V) resulted in a typical short circuit transfer. 2) In high current range(320A), the arc stability in titania FCW of a typical globular transfer is better than that of semi-metal FCW.

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Analysis of Fatigue Strength in Expansion Joint Weldment of Bridge (교량 신축이음창치 용접부의 피로강도 해석)

  • 이용복;정진성;박영근;김태윤;김호경;박상흡
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 1998
  • This paper is especially concerned with the weldment between support beam and square bar that plays important roles in control box of Expansion Joint as a brdige structure. Fatigue strength ({TEX}$$\sigma$_{ult}${/TEX}) of the weldment is dependent on notch factor ({TEX}$K_{f}${/TEX}) become important factors to predict fatigue life. The fatigue notch sensitivity (η) for metals can be divided into two types ; high and low notch sensitivity. In this work, the Expansion Joint weldment was found to have low notch sensitivity. The maximum strain distribution during static loading is similar to the FEM analysis. Fatigue test of real structure was performed up to {TEX}$10^{6}${/TEX} cycles to be compared with predicted endurance limit.

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Evaluation of Environmental Fatigue Strength in Adhesive Bonding of Different Materials (이종재료 접착제 접합부의 환경 피로강도 평가)

  • 임재규;이중삼;윤호철;유성철
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.99-105
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    • 2002
  • One of the important advantage of adhesive bonded joint can combine the different materials. The joint that bonded by structural adhesive bond must keep a large force and its strength is affected by some environmental factors such as temperature and submergence time in water. In order to advance the fatigue strength of adhesive bonded joint, mostly put a surface treatment on the surface. This study was researched the effect of air temperature, submergence time, submergence temperature and surface treatment on the fatigue strength. We found that submergence temperature has the most effect and low plasma treatment specimens have the most fatigue strength.

Dynamic Analysis of Metal Transfer in Pulsed-GMAW (Pulsed-GMAW의 금속 이행 현상에 관한 동적 해석)

  • 최상균;유중돈;박상규
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.84-91
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    • 1997
  • The metal transfer phenomenon of the pulsed-GMAW is simulated by formulating the electromagnetic force incorporated with the Volume of Fluid algorithm. The free surface profiles, pressure and velocity distributions within the drop are computed numerically. Axial velocity and acceleration generated during peak current period are found to have a significant effect on drop detachment. Therefore, the accelerated inertia force becomes one of important factors affecting metal transfer in the pulsed-GMAW. When the pulse current parameters are selected properly, the molten drop is detached just after current pulse, and the operating range of the pulsing frequency increases with higher peak current and duty cycle. Calculated operating ranges show reasonably good agreements with the available experimental data.

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Effect of Weld Residual Stress on Fatigue Analysis of Nozzle (노즐의 피로해석에 미치는 용접잔류응력의 영향)

  • Kim, Sang-Chul;Kim, Man-Won
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2014
  • Although the fatigue design curve of ASME Code has enough margin with respect to alternating stress and cycles, the welding residual stress(WRS) should be included in fatigue analysis. In this paper, WRS distribution in a nozzle with dissimilar metal weldment was obtained by finite element analysis and was added in fatigue analysis. The fatigue analysis was performed by following the ASME Code including thermal and stress analysis applying with postulated 30 transient conditions. The calculated results of a cumulative fatigue usage factors(CUF) were compared for the case of the models with or without WRS effects. The results showed that the CUF at weldment and heat affected zone was affected by the WRS.

Bonding Mechanism and Strength of Metals to Ceramics (금속과 세라믹의 접합기구와 접합강도)

  • Kee, Se-Ho;Jung, Jae-Pil;Kim, Won-Joong
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.40-46
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    • 2014
  • Bonding technology and bonding mechanism of metal to ceramic including brazing, diffusion bonding, friction welding and etc were reviewed in this study. Various factors should be considered from a bonding design step to acquire a good bonding joint because of a large difference between metal and ceramic in crystal lattice, coefficient of thermal expansion and various properties. In addition, metal and ceramic bonding technologies are constantly being developed according to precise components, multi-function and application to harsh environment. However, improvement of bonding properties and bonding reliability also should be accompanied. Bonding of ceramics, such as $ZrO_2$, $Ti_3AlC_2$ and SiC, to metals like Ti-alloy, TiAl and steel were described in this paper.

Factors Causing Slag Inclusion in SMAW (SMAW의 슬래그 혼입에 대한 각종 요인의 영향)

  • 구정서;백승호;김영환
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 1984
  • 발전설비를 비롯한 산업설비, 각종 압력용기 및 철구조물 제작시 발생하는 여러가지의 용접불량 중에서 슬래그 혼입이 차지하는 비율이 전체 불량의 절반 이상을 차지하고 있다. 특히 여타의 용접법에 비해 SMAW에 의한 슬래그 혼입의 발생이 가장 많으므로 이에 대한 결함 발생의 경향을 조사하고 그 방지대책을 설정하기 위하여 이번 실험을 실시하게 되었다. 수동 용접봉의 피복제 중 가스 발생 원인은 아아크 분위기를 생성하고 기타 부분은 슬래그가 되어 용융금속을 둘러싸서 이것을 보호하면서 용융지로 이행한다. 슬래그는 용융지 내에서 비이드 표면으로 부상하면서 탈산반응이나 불순물을 제거하는 정련작용을 한다. 또한 적당한 합금 원소의 보충, 용융금속의 유동성 증가 등에 의하여 양호한 용착금속의 생성을 돕는다. 한편, 슬래그는 고온금속을 덮어 이것을 보호함과 동시에 급냉을 완화하는 작용을 한다. 그러나 이러한 슬래그가 응고하는 용착금속 사이에 혼입된다면 용착금속의 기계적 성질을 저하시키는 중요한 요인이 된다. 슬래그 혼입에 대하여 간단하고 일반적인 방지대책은 많이 언급되어 있으나 슬래그 혼입의 방지대책에 대해 깊이 있는 연구가 거의 없다. 이번 실험에서는 광범위한 요인의 선제, 싯수의 제안으로 인하여 새로운 슬래그 혼입 기구의 설정이나 특정한 요인의 영향에 대한 정확한 한계치의 설정보다는 각 요인에 대한 정성적인 영향을 분석하였다.

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Effect of oxygen content on impact toughness of austenitic-and duplex stainless steel weld metal (오스나이트계 및 이상계스테인레스강 용착부의 산소가 충격인성에 미치는 영향)

  • 문영훈;김환태;허성도
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.38-45
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    • 1987
  • An investigation was conducted to find out the factors influencing on the impact toughness of austenitic-and duplex stainless steel weld metal. Various welding process with commerically available consumables was adopted to get weld doposited metal. The oxygen content of each weld metal was very sensitiive to welding process, involving flux composition, shielding gas and structural features. The results of this study show tat the content of oxygen as an oxide inclusion significantly affects impact toughness, and .delta.-ferrite distribution is also correlated with resultant toughness value.

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A Study on the Weavingless Arc Sensor System in GMA Welding (I) -Implementation of Weld Seam Tracking Algrithm- (GMA 용접에서 강제적인 위빙이 없는 아크센서 시스템에 관한 연구 (I) -용접선 추적 알고리즘의 구현-)

  • 안재현;김재웅
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.44-54
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    • 1998
  • In this study a new arc sensor algorithm for automatic weld seam tracking was proposed, which uses the relative welding current variation according to the tip-to-workpiece distance in GMA welding. Since the new developed arc sensor algorithm is not sensitive to unstable factors of arc signal, the system is expected to get rid of the problems of already existing arc sensor system which include the difficulty of modeling the process for various welding conditions and limitation of application to thick plate welding. Thus the system is applicable not only to thick plate welding but also to thin plate welding. To implement the new arc sensor algorithm the system parameters which include sampling time, averaging range, weighting factor of moving averaging, basic compensation time, and basic compensation distance were determined by experimental analysis. Consequently this system has shown the successful tracking capability for the various welding conditions.

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The Design of Manufacturing Process Optimization for Aluminum Laser Welding using Remote Scanner (원격 스캐너를 이용한 알루미늄 레이저 용접에 대한 생산 공정 최적화 설계)

  • Kim, Dong-Yoon;Park, Young-Whan
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.82-87
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    • 2011
  • In this study, we conducted laser welding by using remote scanner that is 5J32 aluminum alloy to observe the mechanical properties and optimize welding process parameters. As the control factors, laser incident angle, laser power and welding speed were set and as the result of weldablility, tensile shear tests were performed. ANOVA (Analysis of Variation) was also carried out to identify the influence of process variables on tensile shear strength. Strength estimation models were suggested using regression alnalysis and 2nd order polynomial model had the best estimation performance. In addition optimal welding condition was determined in terms with wedalility and productivity using objective function and fitness function. Final optimized welding condition was laser power was 4 kW, and welding speed was 4.6 m/min.