• 제목/요약/키워드: Job Market Trends

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Fundamental Research for Establishing a Job-Exposure Matrix (JEM) for Farmers Related to Insecticides (I): Rice Cultivation (농약물질 중 살충제 관련 농업 종사자들의 직무 -노출 매트릭스 구축을 위한 기초 자료 조사 연구 (I) : 수도작)

  • Kim, Ki-Youn;Cho, Man-Su;Lee, Sang-Gil;Kang, Dong-Mug;Kim, Jong-Eun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.59-64
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: The principal aim of this study is to investigate and analyze domestic usage amounts of insecticide in rice cultivation in order to provide fundamental data for establishing a job-exposure matrix(JEM) related to farmers working with agricultural insecticides. Materials and Methods: An investigation of domestic usage amounts of insecticides rice cultivation was performed through two methods. The first method utilized information on agricultural pesticides published annually by the Korea Crop Protection Association(KCPA). The second method made use of area of cultivation of rice as officially determined by Statistics Korea(SK). An estimation of domestic usage of insecticides in rice cultivation through the second method was determined by multiplying the total cultivation area of rice($m^2$) by the optimal spray volume of insecticides for rice cultivation per unit of cultivation area($kg/m^2$). Results: As a result of the analysis of public data regarding insecticides in rice cultivation, it was found that the domestic usage amount has decreased sharply from the first year of market sales(1969) to the final data year(2012). There is little difference in the annual usage trend of insecticides in rice cultivation between shipment and estimation. Also, the annual usage trends of insecticides in rice cultivation based on regional classification were nearly similar to those based on the overall aspect. Conclusions: The region which used the largest volume of insecticide in rice cultivation in Korea was the Jeolla Provinces, followed by the Gyeonsang Provinces, the Chungcheong Provinces, Seoul/Gyeonggi Province, Gangwon Province and Jeju Province. Substantially, the mean ratio of usage amounts of insecticide based on shipments and those based on estimation by cultivation area was $96{\pm}29%$, which indicates that the domestic usage amount of insecticide for rice cultivation corresponded to the optimal spray standard per unit area.

Case Analysis of Textile Design Education at Korean Technical High Schools Case Analysis of Inchon Gril's Polytechnic High School (실업계 고등학교 섬유디자인 교육에 대한 실태조사 연구 - 인천여자공예고등학교 섬유공예과 사례분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Yoo, Young-Mee;Kim, Chan-Ju
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.70-80
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    • 2001
  • This study was designed to investigate actual conditions of textile design education at technical high school in Korea, and to present possible solutions for improving its effectiveness. Inchon Girl's Polytechnic high School was selected as sample of case study because it was the only school which has textile design major. Survey was done through questionnaire and telephone interview. 100 students, 25 graduates, 8 teachers, and 8 managers of textile industry were involved in survey. The data were analyzed by using frequency, t-test, correlation. Statistical analysis resulted in the following suggestions to be considered for maximizing the effectiveness of the textile design education at technical high schools: First, the curriculum should be flexibly reorganized to come up with trends in the market and demands from industry, and also to stimulate and motivate students into the biggest achievements possible. Second, more weight should be given to practical design subjects which have proved to be preferred by students and industry by reducing class hours for non-design subjects or theoretical subjects. Third, equipments and facilities for practical exercise should be open to students anytime needed so that students can improve their practical skills without any restrictions. Fourth, new teachers having majored in textile design at the university should be employed and the existing teachers should be periodically re-educated to keep abreast with new knowledges and technology. Fifth, The solidarity and the connection between schools and companies should be reinforced, not only to provide graduates with more chances to get a job, but also to make education at schools refreshed and updated.

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Consumption Changes during COVID-19 through the Analysis of Credit Card Usage : Focused on Jeju Province

  • YOON, Dong-Hwa;YANG, Kwon-Min;OH, Hyeon-Gon;KIM, Mincheol;CHANG, Mona
    • The Journal of Economics, Marketing and Management
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study is to analyze the changes of consumption patterns to diagnose the economic impacts on consumers' market during COVID-19, and to suggest implications to overcome the new social and economic crisis of Jeju Island. Research design, data, and methodology: We collected a set of credit card transaction records issued by BC Card Company from merchants in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province for past 4 years from 2017 to 2020 from the Jeju Data Hub run by Jeju Special Self-Governing Province. The big data contains details of approved credit card transactions including the approval numbers, amount, locations and types of merchants, time and age of users, etc. The researchers summed up amount in monthly basis, transforming big data to small data to analyze the changes of consumption before and after COVID-19. Results: Sales fell sharply in transportation industries including airlines, and overall consumption by age group decreased while the decrease in consumption among the seniors was relatively small. The sales of Yeon-dong and Yongdam-dong in Jeju City also fell significantly compared to other regions. As a result of the paired t-test of all 73 samples in Jeju City, the p-value of the mean consumption of the credit card in 2019 and 2020 is significant, statistically proven that the total consumption amount in the two years is different. Conclusions: We found there are sensitive spots that can be strategically approached based on the changes in consumption patterns by industry, region, and age although most of companies and small businesses have been hit by COVID-19. It is necessary for local companies and for the government to be focusing their support on upgrading services, in order to prevent declining sales and job instability for their employees, creating strategies to retain jobs and prevent customer churn in the face of the crisis. As Jeju Province is highly dependent on the tertiary industry, including tourism, it is suggested to create various strategies to overcome the crisis of the pandemic by constantly monitoring the sales trends of local companies.

Does Social Enterprise Provide a Decent Work to Women? (사회적기업은 괜찮은 여성일자리인가?)

  • Kwag, Seon-Hwa
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.53-79
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    • 2013
  • Social enterprises can be identified roughly as social purpose-oriented business ventures. They often fill the gaps left by governmental and commercial ventures in providing for certain vulnerable sectors of society. Though social enterprises often adopt market mechanisms in their organizational structures, their emphasis on particular social outcomes means that they intentionally pursue double/triple-bottom lines, thus distinguishing them from many traditional for-profit businesses. Among the Korean laborers, women have been hardest hit by the global economic crisis. As the movements have substantially been taken to strengthen women's economic activities in the recent years, many policies are formulated with these trends, connecting women's employment with social enterprises. This study focused on analyzing social enterprises to be friendly and to provide decent work to women. Data were collected from 491 social enterprises and 830 workers. The main results are as follows. First, the women's employment in social enterprises has accounted for a relatively high rate and the women's wage also is similar to men's one. Second, as for work conditions and types, most women have preferred irregular and non-managerial work. Thus, social enterprises have showed a positive response for the women's job opportunities, while social enterprises have had a negative one for enhancing the women's status at the labor market. In conclusion, social enterprises should institutionalize how to provide more stable working condition to women and to improve their's capacity.

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A Study on Effect of Psychological Capital on Turnover Intention & Mediating Effect of Organizational Commitment: Focusing on Construction Industry Workers (심리적 자본이 이직의도에 미치는 영향과 조직몰입의 매개효과에 대한 연구 : 건설업 종사자를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Su-jin
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.151-166
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    • 2024
  • The global economic growth rate has been slowed due to changes in the economic and social environment related to the recent trends in the construction market and construction industry, prolonged inflation, intense tensions among countries, and increased interest rates. Since the workers in the construction industry, due to the nature of the industry, move to another site after the completion of an awarded project rather than staying for a long time while performing work at one workplace, various issues are brought out such as poor working environment resulting from unfairness in construction contracts, aging of workers, their anxiety, and job instability. The previous studies on the turnover intention of construction industry workers mainly dealt with external aspects such as leadership, job embeddedness, and organizational citizenship behavior, while the psychological impact was overlooked. The purpose of this study was to develop a measure to reduce or alleviate turnover intention of construction industry workers by verifying empirically the relationship among psychological capital, organizational commitment, and turnover intention among them. For the purpose, whether psychological capital influences organizational commitment and turnover intention, the impact of organizational commitment on turnover intention, and whether organizational commitment has a mediating effect in the relationship between psychological capital and turnover intention, among 310 construction industry workers in the metropolitan area. The results are as follows: First, hope and self-efficacy were found to have a negative (-) effect on turnover intention, while resilience and optimism from psychological capital did not have a significant effect. Second, hope, resilience, and optimism from psychological capital were found to have a positive (+) effect on organizational commitment, while self-efficacy from psychological capital had no significant effect. Third, organizational commitment was found to have a significant mediating effect on the relationship between hope from psychological capital and turnover intention. The results of this study showed that, in construction industry workers, psychological capital affects turnover intention through the mediating effect of organizational commitment. While previous studies mainly considered external influences on the turnover intention of construction industry workers, this study has academic implications in that it sought to strengthen organizational commitment and alleviate turnover intention by approaching psychological aspects. As a practical implication, it was found that higher self-efficacy and hope for work in the organization, from psychological capital, in the construction industry workers were found to lower turnover intention through job performance in a psychologically stable state. It is considered, therefore, that various systems, including job autonomy and flexible work, should be established to improve self-efficacy and hope.

Literature Review for Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders based on Theses from 1990 to 2005 (작업 관련성 근골격계 질환 학위 논문 분석 - 1990년부터 2005년까지 -)

  • Rhie, In-Sook;Kim, Soon-Lae
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.93-107
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the trends of studies on work-related musculoskeletal disorder and to suggest the direction of future research. Method: 144 research thesis for a degree on work-related musculoskeletal disorder were systematic reviewed and published from Jan. 1990 to Mar. 2005. The analyzed using descriptive statistics, an actual number, percentage. Result: As its result the work-related musculoskeletal disorder research which is announced from domestic the doctorate dissertation at the 2004 year 42 the most many 144 dissertation middle most to be 129 in master degree dissertation was 15 in Ph D degree. Dissertation contents character the contents against the result relation that it analyzes especially and a condition and an obstacle was many most at 84. Research plan in most description investigation research 121 the dissertation field to be the especially public health (hygiene, industry and environment) at this 57 most many research object person distribution manufacturing industry in the research object one dissertation was many most at the 40. The tools which are used in each measurement in the question tool which it uses most the question price of land which uses the condition investigation ticket which it made from the NIOSH and the ANSI most many 33, the hazard which analyzes a work attitude in the tool which it uses the RULA was many most at 14. In the stress test tool social psychological healthy measurement PWI (Psychological Wellbeing Index) the dissertation which uses the Job Strain of the Karasek Model to be many most at 19 PWI (Psychological Wellbeing Index) 7 easy use. Work-related musculoskeletal disorder measurement hazard in physiological index and the machinery and tools which it uses there were 9 researches to use an electromyogram most plentifully. With the effect goes to a work-related musculoskeletal disorder they are 33 where the age is many most from general quality. From healthy act with the relation of smoking the year to be many from 16 dissertations. Work of the corpse an attitude (the attitude which is inappropriate) with 5 and the work market the work burglar is many most at 9, the society-support of 36 where the stress is many psychologically most, the stress and service also the most many duty discretion (authority and autonomy) is 6 at the duty demand boat song 9. The service career to be many is 22 of extraordinarily with relation of service. Conclusion: It is recommended the research which it sees being limited in only domestic thesis for a degree the international comparative study to become accomplished. It comes to think with the fact that it will be necessary to make the protocol which it conforms in the civil official guide the test researches for the protocol or arbitration program which is standardized are necessary. Prevention and the civil official of work relation bones and sinews standing total disease hazard scientific base one program is necessary with base.

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Projecting Future Change in the Female Labor Force based on Historical Experiences of Other Developed Countries: Implications for the Effects of Changing Population Structure on the Size of the Workforce (선진국의 역사적 사례에 기초한 여성경제활동인구 변화 전망 : 인구구조 변화가 노동인력규모에 미치는 영향에 대한 함의)

  • Lee, Chulhee;Kim, Claire Kyu-yeon
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.1-29
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    • 2019
  • This study estimates how changes in the female (aged 25 to 54) labor force participation rate (LFPR) following the historical experiences of the US and Japan would alter the future trend of the female economically active population by 2065, compared to the case in which the LFPR as of 2018 will remain unchanged. According to the results, the female labor force aged 25 to 54 will increase by 14% (about 797,000) and 15% (about 831,000), respectively, by 2042 if the female LFPR should change following the past trends of the US and Japan. In particular, the increase in the labor force is expected to be pronounced among females aged 30 to 44 who currently suffer high rates of job severance. The results of this study strengthen the prediction that the on-going population changes will not reduce much the overall economically active population in the near future. The result of a simulation based on the historical experiences of Japan suggests that, as least in the near future, policy efforts to encourage female labor supply will be more effective in alleviating the potential labor-market impacts of population changes, compared to policies aiming at increasing old-age employment.

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Single Person Household and Urban Policy in Seoul (도시에서 혼자 사는 것의 의미: 1인가구 현황 및 도시정책 수요)

  • Miree BYUN
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.551-573
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    • 2015
  • The rise of single living has been one of the most important demographic shifts of recent decades. The solo household is a little less than 40% in Europe areas and that of Tokyo is over 45%. Being impacted this figure, the formation of single economy is the key word in World Economic Forum(WEF) 2008. Seoul' single household is increasing rapidly. Between 2000 and 2005, the growth of single person is around 34%, the population of single person reached 700,000 people. Now 20% of total household in Seoul is Single household. Living alone or solo living is not exceptional or special in Seoul Metropolitan City. The rise in single living will create pressures towards poverty and inequality and so on. Seoul should develop and prepare the urban policy for single household. We figured out the four key trends which composed of single household in Seoul. Four types of single person are like below : Gold Mr and Miss, Reserved labor forces, depressed single and silver generation. Gold group is amonst people aged 30 and 40 who is working in the area of white collar and professional. They are usually elective single person household who have chosen solo living. Reserved labor forces group is usually among 20s people who have not get the regular hob. For this group, job acquiring is the most important issue. Depressed single person household group is among people aged late 30s and 40s. Its group is the result from the broken family. The silver group is among aged over 65 that is the main issue of the aged society. In this research, we stressed that people living alone can be split into two types - elective single person households who have chosen single living, and forced single person household who have been constrained to this lifestyle by circumstances. Except gold group, the rest of the group is the forced single household who are faced to poverty. The monthly income of single person household is almost under 2 million won. Single person household is usually working in the blue collar job and service area. So, except gold group that is the smallest part of single person household, almost single person is not the target of private market, but the object of public policy.

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A Study on the Web Novel Writer's Identity as a Media Content Producer: An In-Depth Interview and Self-description (미디어 콘텐츠 생산자로서 웹소설 작가의 정체성 연구: 심층 인터뷰와 자기기술지를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Mi-Sook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.658-675
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    • 2022
  • With the advent of the OTT platform, the world has become an era in which the same media content is shared and reacted in real time by being grouped into one culture. This study attempts a producer study of web novel writers, who are producers of the web novel market that is expanding into webtoons, dramas, and movies with IP (intellectual property rights) of the original story at a time when Korean K-content such as "Squid Game" and "Weird Lawyer Woo Young-woo" leads the global market. In this study, web novel writers were viewed as producers of commercial media content, not just 'Novelist', and their identities and characteristics of the labor process were examined. Web novel writers began writing web novels as a side job or two jobs, and cited the fact that they can make profits alone without barriers to entry and without incurring capital or facility costs. Although there is no barrier to entry, most writers experience severe failure in their first work, which is attributed to the misunderstanding that the word "writer" is someone who writes what they want in any genre. Web novels are different, so writers go through the process of realizing that in order to succeed by writing web novels, they must be thoroughly in the audience's shoes and write them according to the trends and codes they want. Web novel writers expressed their identity as "story sellers," "story producers," "people who can produce IP alone," and "people who satisfy fantasies that cannot be achieved in reality," and in common, there was a strong sense of being a person who provides stories and makes profits or sales. Regarding the burden of writing a huge amount of web novels, the writer with a high income expressed a generous position that "the income is higher than the effort," but ordinary writers complained of difficulties in the hard work, saying, "It seems like I am working hard on writing that I have to write constantly.