• 제목/요약/키워드: Jeju-do Island

검색결과 276건 처리시간 0.029초

제주지역 렌터카 및 비사업용 승용차 사고특성 비교분석 (A Comparative Analysis of the Rental-car and non-Commercial Passenger Car Accident Characteristics in Jeju Island)

  • 권영민;장기태;손상훈
    • 대한교통학회지
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    • 제35권2호
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 2017
  • 지난 10년간 대한민국에서 발생한 전체 교통사고 수는 감소했지만, 사업용 차량의 교통사고는 꾸준히 증가하는 추세를 보이고 있다. 특히, 연중 많은 관광객이 방문하고 렌터카를 주 교통 수단으로 이용하는 제주도의 경우 렌터카 사고 문제로 심각한 인명 피해와 사회적 비용이 야기되고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 제주지역에서 발생한 렌터카 사고의 특성을 비사업용 일반승용차 사고 특성과 비교 분석하였고, 사고 감소 방안을 제시하였다. 본 연구에서는 지난 2년간(2014-2015년) 제주지역에서 발생한 918건의 렌터카 사고와 4,201건의 일반승용차 사고 데이터를 카이제곱검정 및 z-검정 등의 통계적 방법론을 활용하여 분석하였다. 분석결과 렌터카 사고와 일반승용차 사고의 특성은 상이한 것으로 나타났다. 렌터카 사고는 20-30대 젊은 운전자와 면허를 취득한지 얼마 되지 않은 운전자 비율이 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 인적 및 환경적 요인에 관련된 사고특성이 일반승용차와 유의한 수준 하에서 통계적으로 다르게 나타났다. 특히 운전 미숙, 낯선 지리, 익숙하지 않은 차량 등은 렌터카 사고를 유발하는 주요 원인으로 판단된다. 반면, 렌터카 사고 분석결과 차량적 요인에 대한 명확한 특징은 나타나지 않았다. 본 연구의 결과는 제주지역 뿐만 아니라 렌터카 운행이 증가하는 지역, 관광지 특성이 강한 지역에서 교통사고 특성 분석 및 교통안전대책 수립과정에서 유용하게 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

제주도 주변해역의 해양환경요인과 멸치 난자치어 분포 (Environmental Factors and the Distribution of Eggs and Larvae of the Anchovy (Engraulis japonica) in the Coastal Waters of Jeju Island)

  • 고준철;유준택;노홍길
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제40권6호
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    • pp.394-410
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    • 2007
  • Anchovy spawn from the end of May to mid-October, when the water temperature is $14.8-27.2\;^{\circ}C$ and the salinity is 26.0-33.6 psu. The main spawning season is between July to August, when the water temperature is $21.7-27.2\;^{\circ}C$ and the salinity is between 26.0-32.2 psu. The main spawning grounds of anchovy are coastal areas shallower than 50 m around the islands located in the Jeju Strait. Anchovy larvae are distributed near the fronts between Chuja-do, Jangsu-do, Yeoseo-do, and the open sea rather than in the spawning grounds. Anchovy eggs and larvae density increased in accordance with the high level of $Chlorophyll-{\alpha}$ during the summer season (July-August). In terms of the suspended sediment (SS) levels along the northern coast of the Jeju Strait, high densities of anchovy eggs (12.0-18.0 mg/L) were observed, mainly in the area affected by the coastal waters of the southern sea with high SS levels, while larvae (10.0-19.0 mg/L) tended to be distributed over a wide area with high SS levels, including the open sea. In terms of the dissolved oxygen (DO) content, eggs (5.4-6.8 mg/L) were observed in coastal areas with a high DO content, while larvae (4.2-6.4 mg/L) were distributed widely in areas with a relatively low DO content, from the southern coast to the open sea.

Taxonomic Review of Clematis flabellata Nakai

  • Beom Kyun Park;Dong Chan Son;Sung Chul Ko
    • 한국자원식물학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국자원식물학회 2020년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.26-26
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    • 2020
  • Daphne L. (Thymelaceae) comprises about 95 species distributing worldwide from N Africa, N India, SE Asia to E Asia and the coast of the Mediterranean of Europe. In Korea, five species of this genus have been described. In this study, we included four species (D. genkwa, D. pseudomezereum, D. kiusiana, D. jejudoensis) from Korea, excluding cultivated D. odora. The morphological characters through local surveys and the re-classification of the specimens collected in the Korea National Herbarium (KH) were carried out and distribution maps for each taxon were also prepared. The major characters include habit, trichomes in winter bud, leaf, and twig, phyllotaxis, inflorescence, size of calyx lobe and trichomes in the calyx tube, etc. The distribution map showed that D. genkwa is mainly distributed in the coastal area of Hwanghaenam-do, Pyeongannam-do, Jeollabuk-do and Jeollanam-do, whereas D. pseudomezereum is distributed in the limestone zone of Gangwon-do, Jeollabuk-do, and Gyeongsangbuk-do. Similarly, D. kiusiana is mostly found in Jeollanam-do, Gyeongsangnam-do, and Jeju-do. In addition, D. jejudoensis is known to be distributed in forests of Murueng, Andeok, and Seonheul-ri in Jeju-do, but recently, new habitat is discovered in the island forest areas of Jeollanam-do. However, some of these individuals showed the characteristics of D. kiusiana, thus before come to any conclusion detailed taxonomic review of D. jejudoensis and D. kiusiana is required.

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한국 제주도 동부 해역에서 채집한 농어목(Perciformes), Symphysanodontidae, Symphysanodon typus 치어의 첫 보고 (First Record of Symphysanodon typus (Symphysanodontidae, Perciformes) Collected from the Eastern Sea of Jeju-do Island, Korea)

  • 구서연;명세훈;김진구
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제57권5호
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    • pp.612-617
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    • 2024
  • A single juvenile specimen of Symphysanodon typus Bleeker, 1878 (total length, 13.4 mm), belonging to the family Symphysanodontidae, was collected for the first time from the waters off the eastern coast of Jeju-do Island in February 2024. The specimen was identified as S. typus using morphological and molecular analyses. Analysis of its mtDNA COI sequences revealed that the specimen clustered together with S. typus, showing a genetic distance of 0%. The juvenile S. typus had long spines with serrated edges on the dorsal side of its head and the corner of the operculum. The anus was located in the middle of the body. Additionally dorsal melanophores were found along the dorsal side of the body, caudal peduncle, and abdominal cavity. Compared to the species, S. typus can be distinguished from S. katayamai by the absence of melanophores in the abdominal cavity and on the operculum and by the length of the spine on the operculum. We propose new Korean names "Da-hong-ge-reu-chi-gwa" for the family Symphysanodontidae, "Da-hong-ge-reu-chi-sog" for the genus Symphysanodon, and "Da-hong-ge-reu-chi" for S. typus.

Jeju-do earthworms (Oligochaeta: Megadrilacea)-Quelpart Island revisited

  • Blakemore, Robert J.
    • Journal of Species Research
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.15-54
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    • 2013
  • Surveys on Jeju-do (Quelpart Isl.) unearthed about 40 earthworm species or sub-species. Several considered new to science are described. Only a dozen were previously known and these are taxonomically reviewed. The two most commonly recorded in surveys by S. Kobayashi in the 1930s were Drawida anchingiana Chen, 1933 and Metaphire quelparta (Kobayashi, 1937), neither recently relocated. Morphologically similar taxa, supported with DNA barcodes, for Moniligastridae, are Drawida anchingiana seogwipo, D. anchingiana halla and D. iucn spp. or sub-spp. nov. For Megascolecidae, new taxa and synonyms are: Amynthas arx and A. aucklandis spp. nov. that have seminal grooves rather than the eversible male pores of Metaphire plus Amynthas simplex is another new species. Amynthas sangumburi Hong & Kim, 2002 is recognized as a probable new synonym within the A. corticis (Kinberg, 1867) species-group while Amynthas corticis saeseum sub-sp nov. is described. Amynthas gracilis (Kinberg, 1867) is a new record from Jeju and Korea (with A. bouchei, A. omodeoi and A. edwardsi all by Zhao & Qiu, 2009 possible synonyms of this species group from China) with a Jejuan sub-species, A. gracilis insularum, sub-sp. nov. Presence on Jeju of Amynthas carnosus (Goto & Hatai, 1899) is confirmed (its further new synonyms are Chinese A. fuscus Qiu & Sun, 2012 and A. taiwumontis Shen et al., 2013), as is A. micronarius (Goto & Hatai, 1898) (with new synonym A. montanus Qiu & Sun, 2012 also an invalid secondary homonym). Amynthas phaselus maculosus (Hatai, 1930) is in new combination with A. kamitai (Kobayashi, 1934) and A. minjae Hong, 2001 syns. nov. Two newly described Metaphire quelparta sub-spp are M. q. seogwipo and M. q. valhalla these being supported with DNA barcodes despite the nominal taxon not yet being confirmed.

제주도산 패류에 함유되어 있는 방사능 (The Radioactivity in Shellfish on the Jeju Island)

  • 오윤근;류성필
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제15권7호
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    • pp.689-694
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    • 2006
  • To examine inshore radioactive contamination caused by nuclear power plants, nuclear testing, hospital and laboratory, both gross ${\beta}$-radioactivity and ${\upsilon}$-spectrometry were measured. The measurements were taken with the Abalone and Top shell, which had been collected from the four different sites at the coast in Jeju-do (Seongsan, Deajeong, Wimi, Dodu). The activity ranges of concentration were respectively 0.11-0.29 Bq/kg-wet for $^{90}Sr$, 0.01-0.04 Bq/kg-wet for $^{137}Cs$, 36 - 53 Bq/kg-wet for $^{40}K$ in shellfish on the Jeju island. The radioactivities of $^{90}Sr$, $^{137}Cs$ and $^{40}K$ were similar to those in sampling location of shellfish in the coastal on the Jeju island. The radioactivity of $^{90}Sr$ for the Abalone was lower level than that for Top shell. The radio- activity of $^{137}Cs$ for the Abalone was similar to that for the Top shell. But the radioactivity of $^{40}K$ for the Abalone was higher level than that for the Top shell. As a result, the gross ${\beta}$-radioactivity observed was similar to that in nature. Among radionuclides, only $^{90}Sr$, $^{137}Cs$ and $^{40}K$ were detected in a very small amount, and each was also close to the natural levels.

Genome-wide scans for detecting the selection signature of the Jeju-island native pig in Korea

  • Lee, Young-Sup;Shin, Donghyun;Won, Kyeong-Hye;Kim, Dae Cheol;Lee, Sang Chul;Song, Ki-Duk
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.539-546
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    • 2020
  • Objective: The Jeju native pig (JNP) found on the Jeju Island of Korea is a unique black pig known for high-quality meat. To investigate the genetic uniqueness of JNP, we analyzed the selection signature of the JNP in comparison to commercial pigs such as Berkshire and Yorkshire pigs. Methods: We surveyed the genetic diversity to identify the genetic stability of the JNP, using the linkage disequilibrium method. A selective sweep of the JNP was performed to identify the selection signatures. To do so, the population differentiation measure, Weir-Cockerham's Fst was utilized. This statistic directly measures the population differentiation at the variant level. Additionally, we investigated the gene ontologies (GOs) and genetic features. Results: Compared to the Berkshire and Yorkshire pigs, the JNP had lower genetic diversity in terms of linkage disequilibrium decays. We summarized the selection signatures of the JNP as GO. In the JNP and Berkshire pigs, the most enriched GO terms were epithelium development and neuron-related. Considering the JNP and Yorkshire pigs, cellular response to oxygen-containing compound and generation of neurons were the most enriched GO. Conclusion: The selection signatures of the JNP were identified through the population differentiation statistic. The genes with possible selection signatures are expected to play a role in JNP's unique pork quality.

제주도내 양식장 배출수의 이화학적 특성 분석 (Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Aquacultural Discharging Water in Jeju Island)

  • 김만철;장태원;한용재;김주상;;오덕철;김기영;허문수
    • 생명과학회지
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    • 제19권7호
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    • pp.943-948
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    • 2009
  • Physical and chemical analyses of water discharged from 4 crowded farms (Sungsan, Pyosun, Wimi and Daejung) in Jeju island were performed from July, 2006 to Dec, 2006, and the result of the analyses showed that hydrogen ion concentrations (pH) for water discharged from Sungsan farm was 7.74, Pyosun was 7.68, Wimi was 7.68 and Daejung was 7.7. Salinity levels for Sungsan, Pyosun and Wimi had an average of 31$\sim$33 $^\circ$/$_\circ$$_\circ$ indicating characteristics of far distance areas, whereas that of Daejung was 28.81 %, which was far lower compared to regular sea water salinity. As the result of measuring dissolved oxygen (DO) for each area, each area showed first graded DO for each discharged water based on water quality level for each sea district. The result of measuring the temperature for discharged water showed that water temperatures for summer were 23$\sim$25$^\circ$C, and those for winter were 16$\sim$ 18$^\circ$C. Nitrogen concentrations for discharged water exceeded each sea area's water quality level in all farms. In the case of phosphate, its average value was 0.48 mg/l for Sungsan, 0.55 mg/I for Pyosun, 0.66 mg/I for Wimi, and 0.44 mg/l for Daejung, and chemical oxygen demand (COD) was shown to be 1.5 mg/l 1.8 mg/I, 1.6 mg/I and 2.3 mg/I for Sungsan, Pyosun, Wimi and Daejung respectively. For suspended solids (SS), the average concentration was 19.3 mg/I, 21.2 mg/I, 21.3 mg/I and 18.5 mg/I for Sungsan, Pyosun, Wimi and Daejung respectively. The results of physical and chemical analyses for discharged water in farms based on time showed that almost all items were shown to increase in the forenoon and decrease, overall, in the afternoon.

제주 외도천 유역의 통합 물수지 분석 (An Integrated Water Budget Analysis of Oedocheon Watershed in Jeju Island)

  • 김남원;정일문;나한나
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.471-480
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    • 2015
  • Hydrologic component analysis was conducted to investigate water budget characteristics the Oedocheon watershed, Jeju Island. For this purpose, integrated SWAT-MODFLOW model was applied to this watershed for continuous surface water-groundwater modeling. Pasture and forest-deciduous are the major land use types and these affect general hydrologic component ratio. The spatio-temporal groundwater recharge can be obtained from SWAT and then distributed groundwater recharge can be reproduced by MODFLOW. The groundwater level variation was simulated with distributed groundwater pumping data. The water budget in this watershed was compared with the previous estimated result by Jeju-Do(2013). As this result considered discharge to the coastal side, the discrepancy was found. However, it was found that the overall tendency of both analyses were similar.

태풍의 진로와 강도에 있어 제주도 한라산의 영향 (Effects of Hallasan Mountain in Jeju Island on Typhoon's Track and Intensity)

  • 도세원;문일주
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • 제46권1호
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2024
  • This study examines the influence of Hallasan Mountain (Hallasan) on the track and intensity of two Typhoons, Soulik in 2018 and Chaba in 2016, which passed to the left and right of Hallasan, respectively, using a coupled ocean-atmosphere model. We designed three experiments: one with Hallasan's actual altitude, another with the mountain removed, and a third where Hallasan's altitude was doubled. Results showed that Hallasan had a negligible impact on the tracks of both typhoons. Regarding intensity, however, the central pressure of both typhoons increased (indicating weakening) by up to 2 hPa due to Hallasan; the maximum wind speeds initially increased (Soulik by 1 m/s, Chaba by 3 m/s) and then decreased (Soulik by 1 m/s, Chaba by 5 m/s). These results show that Hallasan does not significantly weaken the intensity of typhoons approaching the Korean Peninsula, but considering the average intensity change (-3.45 hPa) of past typhoons that passed to the left of Jeju Island in terms of central pressure, Hallasan makes a noteworthy contribution. Additionally, this study reveals that changes in typhoon winds due to the wind convergence caused by Hallasan's topography can alter ocean vertical mixing and sea surface cooling, further impacting typhoon intensity. This finding underscores the importance of using a coupled ocean-atmosphere model when studying the impact of topography on typhoons.