• Title/Summary/Keyword: Isolation effect

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A novel prismatic-shaped isolation platform with tunable negative stiffness and enhanced quasi-zero stiffness effect

  • Jing Bian;Xuhong Zhou;Ke Ke;Michael C.H. Yam;Yuhang Wang;Zi Gu;Miaojun Sun
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.213-227
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    • 2023
  • A passive prismatic-shaped isolation platform (PIP) is proposed to realize enhanced quasi-zero stiffness (QZS) effect. The design concept uses a horizontal spring to produce a tunable negative stiffness and installs oblique springs inside the cells of the prismatic structure to provide a tunable positive stiffness. Therefore, the QZS effect can be achieved by combining the negative stiffness and the positive stiffness. To this aim, firstly, the mathematical modeling and the static analysis are conducted to demonstrate this idea and provide the design basis. Further, with the parametric study and the optimal design of the PIP, the enhanced QZS effect is achieved with widened QZS range and stable property. Moreover, the dynamic analysis is conducted to investigate the vibration isolation performance of the proposed PIP. The analysis results show that the widened QZS property can be achieved with the optimal designed structural parameters, and the proposed PIP has an excellent vibration isolation performance in the ultra-low frequency due to the enlarged QZS range. Compared with the traditional QZS isolator, the PIP shows better performance with a broader isolation frequency range and stable property under the large excitation amplitude.

Social Isolation and Life Satisfaction among Low-income Older Adults: The Mediating Effect of Sense of Community (빈곤노인의 사회적 고립이 생활만족도에 미치는 영향: 지역사회인식의 매개효과)

  • Park, Mijin
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.895-910
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    • 2010
  • This study examined the mediating effect of social isolation on the life satisfaction among lowincome older adults. The purpose of this study was to find out isolated older adults' social isolation rate and mediating effect of sense of community by community dwelling older adults with loweconomic status. This study used the Gijang Welfare Network study(2009). The sample consisted 256 older adults 65 and older residing in Busan(Gijang). As statistical method, correlation analysis and structural equation model used in this paper. The results of this study suggested some practical implications in reducing social isolation for older adults with low economic status. We need to emphasize social relations and social participations as well as outreach program for high-risk elderly of social isolation. In addition, Findings suggested that community based interventions should be provided to protect older people, especially poor elderly from social isolation.

Earthquake Response Analysis for Seismic Isolation System of Single Layer Lattice Domes With 300m Span (300m 단층 래티스 돔의 면진 장치에 대한 지진 반응 해석)

  • Park, Kang-Geun;Chung, Mi-Ja;Lee, Dong-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.105-116
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    • 2018
  • The objective of this study is to investigate the response reducing effect of a seismic isolation system installed between 300m dome and supports under both horizontal and vertical seismic ground motion. The time history analysis is performed to investigate the dynamic behavior of single layer lattice domes with and without a lead rubber bearing seismic isolation system. In order to ensure the seismic performance of lattice domes against strong earthquakes, it is important to investigate the mechanical characteristics of dynamic response. Horizontal and vertical seismic ground motions cause a large asymmetric vertical response of large span domes. One of the most effective methods to reduce the dynamic response is to install a seismic isolation system for observing seismic ground motion at the base of the dome. This paper discusses the dynamic response characteristics of 300m single layer lattice domes supported on a lead rubber seismic isolation device under horizontal and vertical seismic ground motions.

E-Isolation : High-performance Dynamic Testing Installation for Seismic Isolation Bearings and Damping Devices

  • Yoshikazu Takahashi;Toru Takeuchi;Shoichi Kishiki;Yozo Shinozaki;Masako Yoneda;Koichi Kajiwara;Akira Wada
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.93-105
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    • 2023
  • Seismic isolation and vibration control techniques have been developed and put into practical use by challenging researchers and engineers worldwide since the latter half of the 20th century, and after more than 40 years, they are now used in thousands of buildings, private residences, highways in many seismic areas in the world. Seismic isolation and vibration control structures can keep the structures undamaged even in a major earthquake and realize continuous occupancy. This performance has come to be recognized not only by engineers but also by ordinary people, becoming indispensable for the formation of a resilient society. However, the dynamic characteristics of seismically isolated bearings, the key elements, are highly dependent on the size effect and rate-of-loading, especially under extreme loading conditions. Therefore, confirming the actual properties and performance of these bearings with full-scale specimens under prescribed dynamic loading protocols is essential. The number of testing facilities with such capacity is still limited and even though the existing labs in the US, China, Taiwan, Italy, etc. are conducting these tests, their dynamic loading test setups are subjected to friction generated by the large vertical loads and inertial force of the heavy table which affect the accuracy of measured forces. To solve this problem, the authors have proposed a direct reaction force measuring system that can eliminate the effects of friction and inertia forces, and a seismic isolation testing facility with the proposed system (E-isolation) will be completed on March 2023 in Japan. This test facility is designed to conduct not only dynamic loading tests of seismic isolation bearings and dampers but also to perform hybrid simulations of seismically isolated structures. In this paper, design details and the realization of this system into an actual dynamic testing facility are presented and the outcomes are discussed.

Structural Design of Mid-Story Isolated High-Rise Building - Roppongi Grand Tower

  • Nakamizo, Daiki;Koitabashi, Yuichi
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.233-242
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    • 2018
  • Since the response reduction effect on over 200-meter-tall resulting from the seismic isolation system is smaller in general than low-rise and mid-rise buildings, mid-story isolated buildings are considered to reduce the response in the upper part above the isolation story, however, in many cases, the acceleration response just below the isolation story is likely to be the largest. This paper presents the structural design schemes, the design of the main structural frames, and the constructions of a 230-meter-tall super high-rise building with mid-story isolation mechanism integrated in Roppongi, Tokyo. Moreover, this paper shows how the architectural and structural design for integrating a mid-story isolation system in a super high-rise building has been conducted and what solutions have been derived in this project. The realization of this building indicates new possibilities for mid-story isolation design for super high-rise buildings.

Improvement of Seismic Safety of Nuclear Power Plants by Equipment Isolations (기기의 면진을 통한 원전의 내진안전성 향상)

  • 전영선;최인길
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2003.03a
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2003
  • Seismic isolation systems can improve the seismic safety of nuclear power plants by decreasing seismic force transmitted to structures and equipment. This study evaluates the effectiveness of equipment seismic isolation systems by the comparison of core damage frequencies in non-isolated and isolated cases. It can be found that the seismic isolation systems increase seismic capacity of nuclear equipment and decrease core damage frequencies significantly. The effect of equipment isolation is more significant in the PGA range of 0.3g to 0.5g.

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Design theory and method of LNG isolation

  • Sun, Jiangang;Cui, Lifu;Li, Xiang;Wang, Zhen;Liu, Weibing;Lv, Yuan
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2019
  • To provide a simplified method for the base isolation design of LNG tanks, such as $16{\times}104m^3$ LNG tanks, we conducted a derivation and calculation example analysis of the dynamic response of the base isolation of LNG storage tanks, using dynamic response analysis theory with consideration of pile-soil interaction. The ADINA finite element software package was used to conduct the numerical simulation analysis, and compare it with the theoretical solution. The ground-shaking table experiment of LNG tank base isolation was carried out simultaneously. The results show that the pile-soil interaction is not obvious under the condition of base isolation. Comparing base isolation to no isolation, the seismic response clearly decreases, but there is less of an effect on the shaking wave height after adopting pile top isolation support. This indicates that the basic isolation measures cannot control the wave height. A comparison of the shaking table experiment with the finite element solution and the theoretical solution shows that the finite element solution and theoretical solution are feasible. The three experiments are mutually verified.

Optimal Design of Semi-Active Mid-Story Isolation System using Supervised Learning and Reinforcement Learning (지도학습과 강화학습을 이용한 준능동 중간층면진시스템의 최적설계)

  • Kang, Joo-Won;Kim, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2021
  • A mid-story isolation system was proposed for seismic response reduction of high-rise buildings and presented good control performance. Control performance of a mid-story isolation system was enhanced by introducing semi-active control devices into isolation systems. Seismic response reduction capacity of a semi-active mid-story isolation system mainly depends on effect of control algorithm. AI(Artificial Intelligence)-based control algorithm was developed for control of a semi-active mid-story isolation system in this study. For this research, an practical structure of Shiodome Sumitomo building in Japan which has a mid-story isolation system was used as an example structure. An MR (magnetorheological) damper was used to make a semi-active mid-story isolation system in example model. In numerical simulation, seismic response prediction model was generated by one of supervised learning model, i.e. an RNN (Recurrent Neural Network). Deep Q-network (DQN) out of reinforcement learning algorithms was employed to develop control algorithm The numerical simulation results presented that the DQN algorithm can effectively control a semi-active mid-story isolation system resulting in successful reduction of seismic responses.

Seismic Isolation Effects Due to the Difference Between the Center of Mass of the Building and the Center of Stiffness of Isolation Layer (건물의 질량중심과 면진층의 강성중심 차이에 따른 면진효과)

  • Hur, Moo-Won;Chun, Young-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2014
  • In this study, we examined the seismic isolation effects due to the difference between the center of mass of the building and the center of stiffness of isolation layer. Because the base isolation technique is a technique that is highly dependent on the performance of seismic isolation devices installed on the seismic isolation layer, we have to examine the horizontal stiffness of seismic isolation devices after making them. If difference between the design stiffness and the actual stiffness of the seismic isolation device occurred, a big problem may be generated in the upper members on the seismic isolation layer. The analytical results show that the more eccentricity increases, the more maximum response acceleration, story shear and the member forces of the upper part of the structure increases, and the damage is expected to be in excess. Therefore, it is recommended that if possible, isolation devices have to be designed to coincide the center of mass of the building with the center of stiffness of isolation layer. If not after making isolation devices, they need to be relocated to prevent the eccentricity.

The Effect of Disinfection and the MRSA Isolation from Hand Disinfectant in ICU Nurses (중환자실 간호사들의 손 소독제에 따른 소독효과 및 MRSA 분리)

  • Park, Sun-Nam;Rhyu, Kyung-Hwa;Jeong, Jeong-Im;Park, Ok-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.359-367
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: This study was a within subject repeated pretest-posttest design done to compare the effect of disinfection and the degree of MRSA(Methicillin- resistant staphylococcus aureus) isolation from hand disinfectant in ICU nurses. Method: Out of the total internal medicine/surgery ICU nurses at a university hospital in Seoul, 29 female nurses who were participating in direct patient care were participants in this study. After collection of samples, Staphylococcus aureus and MRSA were isolated from the palms, nails and nasal cavities of the nurses according to disinfectants (soap and beta-scrub). Results: The effect of disinfection was greater in the beta-scrub group than in the soap group, and the effect of disinfection on palms was higher in the beta-scrub group than in the soap group. As for the degree of MRSA isolation, there was more isolation in palms in the soap group than in the beta-scrub group but there was no difference in the degree of MRSA isolation from the hand disinfectant in nails and nasal cavities. Conclusion: Beta-scrub showed a superior prolonged effect against transient bacteria compared with soap. Further, to reduce MRSA infection, we recommend interventions focused on these aspects.

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