• Title/Summary/Keyword: Inverse distance weighted

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Selection framework of representative general circulation models using the selected best bias correction method (최적 편이보정 기법의 선택을 통한 대표 전지구모형의 선정)

  • Song, Young Hoon;Chung, Eun-Sung;Sung, Jang Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.337-347
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    • 2019
  • This study proposes the framework to select the representative general circulation model (GCM) for climate change projection. The grid-based results of GCMs were transformed to all considered meteorological stations using inverse distance weighted (IDW) method and its results were compared to the observed precipitation. Six quantile mapping methods and random forest method were used to correct the bias between GCM's and the observation data. Thus, the empirical quantile which belongs to non-parameteric transformation method was selected as a best bias correction method by comparing the measures of performance indicators. Then, one of the multi-criteria decision techniques, TOPSIS (Technique for Order of Preference by Ideal Solution), was used to find the representative GCM using the performances of four GCMs after the bias correction using empirical quantile method. As a result, GISS-E2-R was the best and followed by MIROC5, CSIRO-Mk3-6-0, and CCSM4. Because these results are limited several GCMs, different results will be expected if more GCM data considered.

Seasonal Trend of Elevation Effect on Daily Air Temperature in Korea (일별 국지기온 결정에 미치는 관측지점 표고영향의 계절변동)

  • 윤진일;최재연;안재훈
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.96-104
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    • 2001
  • Usage of ecosystem models has been extended to landscape scales for understanding the effects of environmental factors on natural and agro-ecosystems and for serving as their management decision tools. Accurate prediction of spatial variation in daily temperature is required for most ecosystem models to be applied to landscape scales. There are relatively few empirical evaluations of landscape-scale temperature prediction techniques in mountainous terrain such as Korean Peninsula. We derived a periodic function of seasonal lapse rate fluctuation from analysis of elevation effects on daily temperatures. Observed daily maximum and minimum temperature data at 63 standard stations in 1999 were regressed to the latitude, longitude, distance from the nearest coastline and altitude of the stations, and the optimum models with $r^2$ of 0.65 and above were selected. Partial regression coefficients for the altitude variable were plotted against day of year, and a numerical formula was determined for simulating the seasonal trend of daily lapse rate, i.e., partial regression coefficients. The formula in conjunction with an inverse distance weighted interpolation scheme was applied to predict daily temperatures at 267 sites, where observation data are available, on randomly selected dates for winter, spring and summer in 2000. The estimation errors were smaller and more consistent than the inverse distance weighting plus mean annual lapse rate scheme. We conclude that this method is simple and accurate enough to be used as an operational temperature interpolation scheme at landscape scale in Korea and should be applicable to elsewhere.

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Analysis on Optimality of Proportional Navigation Based on Nonlinear Formulation (비선형 운동방정식에 근거한 비례항법유도의 최적성에 관한 해석)

  • Jeon, In-Soo;Lee, Jin-Ik
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.367-371
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    • 2009
  • Analysis on optimality of the proportional navigation guidance(PNG) law is presented in this paper. While most of previous studies on optimality of PNG were relied on the linear formulation, this paper is based on the nonlinear formulation. The analysis shows that PNG is an optimal solution minimizing a range-weighted control energy, where the weighting function is an inverse of $\alpha$ power of the distance-to-target. We show that the navigation constant N is related to $\alpha$ directly. And also the conditions required to ensure the analysis result are investigated.

A Study on the GIS for The Sea Environmental Management I - Focus on the Study of A Interpolation on The Application of LDI Algorism - (GIS를 활용한 해양환경관리에 관한 연구 I - LDI 알고리즘 적용을 위한 보간법에 관한 연구 -)

  • Lee, Hyoung Min;Park, GI Hark
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.443-452
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    • 2006
  • Today, satellite remote sensing (RS) and geographic information systems (GIS) plays an important role as an advanced science and technology. This study was developed a Line Density Algorithm which was clarify and describe the thermal front by using NOAA SST (sea surface temperature) and GIS spatial analysis for systemic and effective management of fish raising industry and sea environmental pollution by land reclamation program. Before this, a study about a interpolation method was carry out which was very important for estimate the hidden value between a special point. For this study Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation, Spline interpolation, Kriging interpolation methods were choose and SST data from 2001 to 2004 in spring (March, April, May) were analyzed. According to the study Kriging interpolation method was the very adaptive method from a practical point of view and excellent in description and precision then others. Finally, the result of this study will be use for develope the Line Density Index Algorism.

A Study on the Geometric Correction of a CCD Camera Scanner Using the Exterior Orientation Parameters (외부표정요소를 이용한 CCD 카메라 스캐너의 기하학적 왜곡 보정기법 연구)

  • 안기원;문명상
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 1993
  • Investigation is given to the detailed procedure of a computer assisted automatic correction for scanning errors of the digital images of close-range photographs scanned by the CCD camera scanner. After determination of the exterior orientation parameters, photo coordinates of the all pixels were calculated using collinearity equation. For the generation of geometric corrected image from the photo coordinates of the all pixels, inverse-weighted-distance average method was used. And the accuracy of the resulting new image was checked comparing its image coordinates with there corresponding ground coordinates for the check points.

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  • Lee Ju Young;Krishinamurshy Ganeshi
    • Water Engineering Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2005
  • Groundwater recharge is defined in an addition of water to groundwater reservoir. Recently, many people have been moving to the Edwards aquifer and urban and agricultural industry have been expending. Hydrologists and water planning managers concern about insufficient groundwater amounts and irrigation water price variability. In this paper, I focus on estimates of local recharge volumes and quantify preferential flow through GIS technique. Chloride Mass Balance (CMB) and hydrochemical components have been widely applied to recharge rate and evaluate flow paths. The CMB method is based on relationship between wet-dry chloride deposition data and Rainfall data. These data are manipulated using ArcGIS. Especially, hydrochemical concentration distribution is good index for groundwater residence times or flow paths such as $[Mg^{2+}]/[Ca^{2+}],[Cl]$ and log$([Ca^{2+}]+[Mg^{2+}])/[Na^+]$. Well information such as hydrological-hydrochemical data are imported into ArcGIS and manipulated by interpolation techniques. For each potentiometric surface and water quality, point data are converted to spatial data through each Kriging and Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) techniques.

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Generation of Ortho-Image of Close-Range Photographs by Digital Image Processing Technique (수치화상처리기법을 이용한 지상사진의 정사투영화상의 작성)

  • Ahn, Ki Won
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.191-199
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    • 1993
  • Investigation is given to the detailed procedure of a computer assisted automatic technique for ortho-image generation from digital stereo image data of close-range photographs scanned by the CCD camera scanner. After rectification of geometric scanning errors, the bundle adjustment technique was used to determine the exterior orientation parameters of terrestrial camera. An automatic correlation matching technique was applied to search for the conjugate pixels in digital stereo pairs. And the 3-dimensional coordinates of the corresponding pixels were calculated by the space intersection method. For the generation of ortho-image from the calculated coordinates and right image data values, inverse-weighted-distance average method was used. And the accuracy of the resulting ortho-image was checked by comparing its image coordinates with there corresponding ground coordinates for the check points.

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Modified WFRFT-based Transform Domain Communication System Incorporating with Spectrum Mismatching

  • Xu, Ruiyang;Da, Xinyu;Liang, Yuan;Hu, Hang
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.4797-4813
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    • 2018
  • The transform domain communication system (Hereinafter referred to as TDCS) takes on numerous advantages, inclusive of anti-jamming and low probability of detection. Yet its application is confined by the consistent spectrum in the transmitter and receiver, which is not possible in the case of a huge distance exsits between them. In this paper, a TDCS based modified weighted fractional fourier transform (WFRFT) is proposed to solve the problem resulting from spectrum mismatching for TDCS application. The amplitude and phase information are incorporated with the TDCS signals and transmit to the receiver together in the wake of a modified WFRFT. The basic function and the TDCS signals shall be accessible to the receivers in the wake of an inverse WFRFT transform, which make sure that the original information can be demodulated properly. The system's reliability while transmitting signals with different modulation methods and with spectrum mismatching is demonstrated by bit error rate (BER). In the meantime, the constellations of the signals and the BER performances at the eavesdropper demonstrate the proposed system is better secured.

Using GIS Spatial Analysis to Protect Critical Habitats in the Big Cyprus Watershed, South Florida (GIS 공간분석을 통한 남부 플로리다 Big Cyprus 분수계 보존서식지 보호)

  • Kim, Jin-Ho;Kim, Chang-Ho;Kim, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2017
  • Big Cyprus watershed, which is located in the Southwestern Florida and covers Everglades National Park that has high proportions of endangered species' habitats, plays an important role for the entire Florida ecosystem. Due to the rapid urbanization and high population growth, however, the watershed has been continuously polluted and the current regional watershed plan is not created to accommodate the speed of growth. The purpose of this study is to suggest proper protection policies and strategies for the Big Cyprus watershed by employing the Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation tool in Geographic Information System. The findings show that conservation priorities should be given in the North and South portion of the watershed area, which are proven to be the most important aisle for the habitats in the Big Cyprus. The study concludes with policy suggestions that local environmental planners should concentrate for adopting their new watershed plan in the near future.

The Prediction of Spacial Variability for Soil Information in Paddy Field (토양정보별 포장내 공간변이 예측에 관한 연구)

  • 정인규;성제훈;이충근;김상철;이용범
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2004
  • This study was carried out to verify and predict the soil informations such as the contents of organic matter(OM) and Mg and pH of the soil. The predictability of spacial variation in the paddy field was examined by analyzing the various soil information. The prediction models for the OM pH, and Mg, were developed using inverse distance weighted (IDW), triangulated irregular network(TIN) and Kriging model. The determination of coefficients of linear and spherical Kriging models were 0.756 and 0.578, respectively, and were very low in comparison with other soil information. For IDW and TIN model, the determination of coefficients were 1.000 and hence the performance of the models was found to be excellent. The developed models were validated using unknown soil sample obtained In 2000 and 2001. From the analysis of relationship between the measured pH and predicted 0.9353. For prediction of Mg, the determination of coefficient is more than 0.8. Since the determination of coefficients of developed models for OM were relatively low, it may be difficult to predict the content of OM using the developed models. For further study, the additional works to enhance the performance of the prediction models for soil information are required.