• Title/Summary/Keyword: Internationally recognized journal

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The Impact of IFRS Adoption on Firm Value in Korea and China - Evidence using Tobin's Q (국제회계기준 도입이 기업가치에 영향을 미치는가?: 토빈의 Q 모형을 이용한 한국과 중국의 실증비교연구)

  • Jang, Ji-Kyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.427-434
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    • 2014
  • In this research, it is empirically tested whether firm value after the adoption of IFRS is increased in Korea and China using Tobin's Q model. In Korea, IFRS was mandatorily adopted in 2011 for all companies. China mandated IFRS conversion for public traded companies starting 2007. The revisions bring Chinese standards closer to the IFRS benchmark of internationally recognized quality, but the new standards will not be word-for-word translations of IFRS, though they founded on similar principle. We expect the different adoption process between Korea and China can make different impact of IFRS on firm value. The results are summarized as follows. First, Tobin's Q seems to be increased after the adoption of IFRS, and the firm value is significantly different between before and after IFRS adoption in Korea. Second, Tobin's Q seems to be increased after the adoption of IFRS, but the analysis by t-test is not significantly higher for post IFRS. These results could be a good finding in that the impact of IFRS adoption on firm value is different by adoption process.

The Global Distribution Direction of Defense Industry in Eastern Europe under the New Cooperation Strengthened (신 협력 강화에 따른 동유럽 방위산업의 국제유통방향)

  • Seo, Dae-Sung;Coo, Byung-Mo
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - After the transition, the development of defense industry in Eastern Europe has been regressed. Recently, they have internationally recognized that new products have been exported and contributed to the Innovation-Based Manufacturing of national economy such as unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, water purification technology, and mobile chemical laboratory, etc. The military forces in Eastern Europe are re-armed by the localization of self-produced munitions in their own defense industry, and then emphasize fostering their own defense industry. Thus, if they make a collaboration with other nations as a industrial cluster, it will gain a competitive edge on the defense industry. Research design, data, and methodology - The study was designed with the data of each national defense department. The research of the subject was reviewed before and after the transition. Thousands of workers have worked in defense industries before the transition, however, the defense industry and experts left after the transition. The Hungarian defense spending on GDP also dropped sharply from 1.72% in 2000 to 0.85% in 2013. But, due to the crisis in Ukraine and the crisis of Syrian refugees, the Viségrad Group (V4) member countries have also increased their interest in a defense and industries as well as the confidence in the EU and NATO. Results - On the whole, the joint of military training and purchase of defense materials were found in order to form the EU cooperative combat troops in CEE. There are the implementation of a joint manual plan for strengthening V4 security policy and the joint military exercises for V4 every year, and the others are electronic warfare and innovation of V4 national forces. Through such a performance analysis methodology, we found that the defense industry is developed through the national cluster cooperation among CEEs and spreading global distribution. Conclusions - Eastern Europe and Balkan countries have been looking forward to cooperating with the non-EU countries such as Korea and other defense industries. There are a lot of potential development into a new civilian cooperation defense industry for global-distribution. Thus, Korea should develop electronic commercial applications, not just as a weapon exporting region.

Design Plan of Secure IoT System based Common Criteria (CC 기반의 안전한 IoT 시스템 설계 방안)

  • Kim, Ju-Hun;Jung, Hyun-Mi;Cho, Han-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.10
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2017
  • Recently, IoT technology is rapidly developing with the keyword "Anytime, Anywhere, Convenient". In addition, security problems in IoT systems are exploding and the damage is increasing as well. In this paper, we propose a method to develop IoT system safely by using internationally recognized CC evaluation in ICT by identifying the standardization and security technology development status defining IoT system security requirements. For this purpose, IoT system and service security aspects are analyzed. Based on this, it is possible to design the security functional requirements and to demonstrate the rationale of the security objective through the correspondence relation, and it is possible to design the protection profile for the IoT system. This is a sufficient basis for the development methodology to be presented in this paper because it is used as a means of referring to the set of security requirements of administrators, developers, and users.

Development of Level of Service System for Road Infrastructure Asset Management (도로시설물 자산관리를 위한 서비스수준체계 개발)

  • Han, Dae Seok;Yoo, In Kyoon;Lee, Su Hyung
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2014
  • PURPOSES: The aim of this paper is developing user-oriented flexible Level Of Service (LOS) system for integrated asset management of various road facilities. It is essential to overcome limitations of general management systems which only focus on a type of assets (e.g. pavement, bridge etc.), and to serve a customizable LOS platform for smooth implementation and future improvement of the LOS considering various managerial environments of road agencies. METHODS: This study suggested a total framework of the LOS system as a process for self-development, operation and improvement of LOS system to conduct the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) in management process. In the process, we adopted user-customizable elements regarding asset definition, service index and evaluation method to match with the managerial environment of road agencies. In addition, we conducted an empirical study on the entire process of the suggested LOS system with a real road agency (Korea Express Highway) to prove applicability of the LOS system. RESULTS: From the empirical study, we confirmed that the suggested LOS system framework were suitable for development of customized LOS system. In addition, evaluation of asset conditions by LOS ratings, and quantification of vision achievement of the Korea Express Highway were successfully made. It would be the first trial in integrated management approach with LOS systems for numerous road facilities. CONCLUSIONS : It was recognized that easy application and sustainable improvement of the LOS was the most critical point in asset management. The suggested LOS system would be a powerful weapon as a managerial tool in preparing tight budget, aging infrastructures, and increased demands for more accountability both in Korea and internationally. Implementation of the LOS system needs to be expanded to the other infrastructure members to serve satisfactory level of service to taxpayers.

AIDS-related Knowledge, Attitudes and AIDS-Education Needs of Male Workers in Seoul and Kyungki areas (성인 남성 직장인의 AIDS 관련 지식, 태도 및 보건교육 요구도 조사 -서울, 경기 일부 지역을 중심으로-)

  • 전미경;김초강;진기남
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 1999
  • AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) known as 20th century's pest is spreading rapidly internationally, and the number of patients are increasing. Since the prevention vaccine has not been developed yet, the only available effective method for preventing AIDS is the health education. Most of the AIDS-infected persons are males, and especially over twenties of age. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the knowledge and attitudes on AIDS of male workers. The purpose of this study is to examine the knowledge, attitudes and education-needs of male workers on AIDS. The data were collected by a questionnaire survey of 977 workers who work in Seoul and Kyungki areas from September 1 thru October 4, 1997. The results were as follows: 1. We examined the level of knowledge on AIDS transmission, symptoms, diagnoses, and prevention methods. Even though respondents had a moderate level of AIDS-related knowledge, still sizable numbers believed that AIDS could be transmitted through casual contact. White-collar workers, higher education groups, higher income groups or those with age thirties showed respectively higher level of knowledge than the other comparison groups. 2. 85% of the respondents recognized AIDS as a serious problem. Statistical analysis revealed that white-collar workers, higher education groups or those with age twenties had more positive attitudes towards a AIDS patient than their counterparts. 3. Over 80% of the respondents replied that AIDS education in schools, work places, social agencies or by mass-media was necessary. 62.8% of the respondents mentioned that government should play the major role in developing AIDS education program. 4. The prediction model of AIDS-education needs was examined with using the multiple logistic regression method. The education level and AIDS-related knowledge were turned to be statistically significant factors influencing positively the perceived needs of AIDS education.

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A Study on the Background of Suwon Palkyong and the Implication of Cultural Landscapes (수원팔경의 형성배경과 문화경관적 함의(含意))

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.90-102
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    • 2008
  • This paper has aimed to determine how the Suwon Palkyong(水原八景: eight scenic wonders) were formed and the implicature of landscape, such as implicit intention and symbolic significance. For this, the significance and symbolic meaning of the Suwon Palkyong from the time of the 'Hwaseong Chunchu Palgyeong(華城春 秋入景)' have been investigated in order to determine the political and social arguments in Suwon Palkyong that surrounded the formation process and meaning. The 'Hwaseong Chunchu Palkyong' contains a variety of significant elements and factors of Pungmul(Korean drum & dance) as well as formative elements such as a castle. Plantings for beautiful scenery and water use for flood control have also been major elements in the development of Hwaseong. Therefore, it seems that the 'Hwaseong Chunchu Palkyong' is a catchphrase for the future image of the urban landscape. Most Suwon Palkyong sites such as Paldalsan, Namje, Yungneung, Manseokgeo, Chukmanje, Hwahongmun, and Yongji(a pond in Banghwa Suryujeong) are related to the 'Hwaseong Chunchu Palkyong'. 'Gwanggyo Jeokseol(光敎積雪: the landmark mountain, Mt. Gwanggyo with snow)' and 'Paldal Cheongnam(八達晴嵐: Mt. Paldal with shimmering air)' have also been added to Suwon Palkyong. Suwon Palkyong is either directly or indirectly related with water including the origin of Suwoncheon(水原川), an artificial reservoir for flood control and irrigation and Bibopungsu in Yungneung(隆陵), as well as the source of water for rituals after the death of King Jeongjo(正祖大王). Based on Suwon Palkyong, therefore, it can be said that water is a decisive medium in connecting old Suwon with Hwaseong New Town and essential element in the natural landscape. In conclusion, while Hwaseong is a 'Designed Landscape' that was created with a specific intention during the reign of King Jeongjo, the 'Hwaseong Chunchu Palkyong is a 'Desired Landscape' that envisioned a future landscape while Suwon Palkyong is an 'Evolved Landscape' related to the business affairs of the citizens. To completely restore Hwaseong, whose value and importance have been recognized internationally, therefore, the fundamental restoration of a cultural landscape as well as the restoration of the original form of the Hwaseong landscape including Suwon Palkyong is essential.

A Review of Declarations on Appropriate Research Evaluation for Exploring Their Applications to Research Evaluation System of Korea (연구성과평가 지침 리뷰 및 국내 적용 제안을 위한 고찰)

  • Yu, So-Young;Lee, Jae Yun;Chung, EunKyung;Lee, Boram
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.249-272
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    • 2015
  • Inappropriate applications of bibliometric approach and misinterpretation on the analysis in research evaluation have been found and recognized nationally and internationally as the use of the approach has been rapidly adopted in various sectors in research evaluation systems and research funding agencies. The flood of misuse led to several numbers of declarations and statements on appropriate research evaluation, including Leiden Manifesto, DORA, IEEE Statement, etc. The similar recommendations from five different declarations, Leiden Manifest, IEEE Statement, DORA, Institut de France, and Thomson Reuters White paper were reviewed and meta-analyzed in this study and it is revealed that most of them emphasize evaluation on quality in various aspects with multiple indicators. Research evaluation with assessing multiple aspects of individual research based on the understandings of its purpose and pertinent subject area was revealed as being mostly advised in the declarations, and this recommendation can be regarded as being mostly requested in national research evaluation system. For future study, interviews with relevant stakeholders of national research evaluation system in order to explore its application are needed to confirm the findings of this review.

Comparison of authorized feed analysis laboratories in Korea: looking at feed chemical analysis

  • Jeon, Seoyoung;Lee, Jun-Sung;Park, Seong-Min;Ki, Kwang-Seok;Seo, Seongwon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.86-94
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    • 2017
  • In Korea, chemical analysis of animal feed is done through authorized feed analysis laboratories (AFALs). Analysis results among the AFALs need to be similar or within acceptable variations; however, there is no experimental evidence of their comparability. We aimed to determine the level of variation of feed chemical analysis results from different AFALs. For this, we requested analysis of four kinds of feed (corn, soybean meal, corn gluten feed, and ryegrass) to eight AFALs and the Cumberland Valley Analytical Services (CVAS) which is an internationally well-recognized feed analysis laboratory. The AFALs spent more time on analysis than did CVAS. Fiber analysis results varied significantly among laboratories. However, moisture, CP, and ash content values showed almost no variation. At least one AFAL obtained results with significant differences from CVAS for all tested values. These differences can be explained by the followings: 1) the standard methods for feed analysis (SMFA) established for AFALs are not detailed enough to control the analytical variations among different laboratories and 2) guidelines are insufficient for the quality control of analysis results in Korea. Failure to accurately identify the nutritional components of the feed could mean failure to provide adequate nutrients to the animals. Therefore, efforts to reduce the differences among AFALs, such as revising SMFA and publishing guidelines on quality control of feed analysis results, are important.

Efficient Operation Model for Effective APT Defense (효율적인 APT 대응 시스템 운영 모델)

  • Han, Eun-hye;Kim, In-seok
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.501-519
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    • 2017
  • With the revolution of IT technology, cyber threats and crimes are also increasing. In the recent years, many large-scale APT attack executed domestically and internationally. Specially, many of the APT incidents were not recognized by internal organizations, were noticed by external entities. With fourth industrial revolution(4IR), advancement of IT technology produce large scale of sensitive data more than ever before; thus, organizations invest a mount of budget for various methods such as encrypting data, access control and even SIEM for analyzing any little sign of risks. However, enhanced intelligent APT it's getting hard to aware or detect. These APT threats are too much burden for SMB, Enterprise and Government Agencies to respond effectively and efficiently. This paper will research what's the limitation and weakness of current defense countermeasure base on Cyber Kill Chain process and will suggest effective and efficient APT defense operation model with considering of organization structure and human resources for operation.

A Study on the International Recognition of the COVID-19 Vaccination Certificates (코로나19 예방접종증명서의 국제적 인정에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Su Yun;Kwon, Hun Yeong
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.45-62
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    • 2021
  • After the COVID-19 outbreak in 2019, the spread of COVID-19 has not been easily caught despite preventive measures in each country. The spread of COVID-19 has hit the world, especially in the economic and tourism sectors. Countries around the world are easing restrictions on the movement of vaccinated people in preparation for the post-corona era. Under the name of "Vaccine Passport," "Vaccination Certificate," and "Digital Health Pass," vaccination measures are being implemented to allow vaccination recipients to use multi-use facilities. However, there is no international agreement on the movement of countries, and each country has its own immigration policy. In order to return to pre-corona daily life, global agreements must be reached from the movement of vaccinated people between countries, and standards and implementation methods must be determined. This study focuses on the implementation and utilization of vaccination certificates suitable for the COVID-19 era. We will look at the spread of COVID-19 and its international response policies. In the case of COVID-19, we will investigate why vaccination certificate installation should be standardized and how far the current standardization has been discussed, and discuss the characteristics of vaccination certificate installation and considerations. In order for the immunization certificate discussed in the previous chapter to be recognized internationally, institutional and technical considerations are identified and security factors that may occur in each implementation are also presented. Finally, the international recognition case of vaccination certificate is discussed, and the method of installation and utilization of vaccination certificate is proposed. This paper can be used as a policy because of its timeliness in studying the standards of vaccination certificates and considerations for international recognition to restore movement between countries in the spread of COVID-19. In addition, if other infectious diseases occur in the future or similar cases where movement between countries is restricted, it can be used as a reference to support the movement of verified people.