• 제목/요약/키워드: Interaction Theory

검색결과 1,497건 처리시간 0.029초

Dynamic Interaction of Waves with a Moored Structure (계류된 구조물에 작용하는 파도의 동적작용에 대하여)

  • Kim, Chang-Je
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.94-102
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    • 1992
  • This paper presents the method of numerical analysis concerned with the hydropdynamic forces and moments of the floating bodies exerted by waves. The analytic methods of hydrodynamic wave forces and moments for large volume structures are generally classified into four categories ; the strip method, the boundary element method, the finite element method, and the potential matching method. In the case of the comparatively large structures, diffraction theory can be applied. However, there are no application limits of diffraction theory which have been known concerning with the analytic method of the rectangular structures. In this paper, the two-dimensional B.E.M. is treated for a moored small rectangular structure in order to evaluate applicability of diffraction theory. Numerical calculation is carried out for the structure. The results are compared with some other ones for verification. The result shows that diffraction theory is applicable to structures smaller than 0.15 in the ratio of the representative structure length d to wave length L for rectangular ones.

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Application to Understanding and Counter Terrorism Corresponding field of Complex System Theory (복잡계 이론의 이해와 테러대응 분야에의 적용)

  • Kwon, Jeonghoon
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.542-547
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    • 2015
  • This study is discussing with respect to the access sector for terrorism response based on the thinking and methodology of complex systems theory, which is mainly used in many disciplines today to effectively respond to complex multi-environment change its purpose there. As a result, Butterfly Effect, fractal & self-similarity, self-organization, emergence, coevolution, edge of chaos the applicability of the corresponding field of terrorism through the complex system theory as metaphorical will be able to navigate.

Analysis of error source in subjective evaluation results on Taekwondo Poomsae: Application of generalizability theory (태권도 품새 경기의 주관적 평가결과의 오차원 분석: 일반화가능도 이론 적용)

  • Cho, Eun Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.395-407
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to apply the G-theory for estimation of reliability of evaluation scores between raters on Taekwondo Poomsae rating categories. Selecting a number of game days and raters as multiple error sources, we analyzed the error sources caused by relative magnitude of error variances of interaction between the factors and proceeded with D-study based on the results of G-study for optimal determination of measurement condition. The results showed below. The estimated outcomes of variance component for accuracy among the Taekwondo Poomsae categories with G-theory showed that impact of error was the biggest influence factor in raters conditions and in order of interaction in subjects and between subjects, also impact of variance component estimation error on expression category was the major influence factor in interaction and in order of the between subjects and raters. Finally, the result of generalizability coefficient estimation via D-study showed that measurement condition of optimal level depend on the number of raters was 8 persons of raters on accuracy category, and stable reliability on expression category was gained when the raters were 7 persons.

Numerical simulation of unsteady galloping of two-dimensional iced transmission line with comparison to conventional quasi-steady analysis

  • Yang, Xiongjun;Lei, Ying;Zhang, Jianguo
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제75권4호
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    • pp.487-496
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    • 2020
  • Most of the previous works on numerical analysis of galloping of transmission lines are generally based on the quasisteady theory. However, some wind tunnel tests of the rectangular section or hangers of suspension bridges have shown that the galloping phenomenon has a strong unsteady characteristic and the test results are quite different from the quasi-steady calculation results. Therefore, it is necessary to check the applicability of the quasi-static theory in galloping analysis of the ice-covered transmission line. Although some limited unsteady simulation researches have been conducted on the variation of parameters such as aerodynamic damping, aerodynamic coefficients with wind speed or wind attack angle, there is a need to investigate the numerical simulation of unsteady galloping of two-dimensional iced transmission line with comparison to wind tunnel test results. In this paper, it is proposed to conduct a two dimensional (2-D) unsteady numerical analysis of ice-covered transmission line galloping. First, wind tunnel tests of a typical crescent-shapes iced conductor are conducted firstly to check the subsequent quasisteady and unsteady numerical analysis results. Then, a numerical simulation model consistent with the aeroelastic model in the wind tunnel test is established. The weak coupling methodology is used to consider the fluid-structure interaction in investigating a two-dimension numerical simulation of unsteady galloping of the iced conductor. First, the flow field is simulated to obtain the pressure and velocity distribution of the flow field. The fluid action on the iced conduct at the coupling interface is treated as an external load to the conductor. Then, the movement of the conduct is analyzed separately. The software ANSYS FLUENT is employed and redeveloped to numerically analyze the model responses based on fluid-structure interaction theory. The numerical simulation results of unsteady galloping of the iced conduct are compared with the measured responses of wind tunnel tests and the numerical results by the conventional quasi-steady theory, respectively.

Social Reflection of Director Choi Donghoon -based on the Theory of Carnival of Mikhail M. Bakhtin (최동훈 영화의 사회반영성 -바흐친의 카니발 이론을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Minho;Yi, Hyoin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • 제13권6호
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    • pp.125-136
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    • 2013
  • Director Choi Donghoon is the most famous director in Korea as a box office successor, especially (2102) has gained No. 1 box office attraction in Korean film history. However some critics have criticised the works of Dr. Choi because of their plebeianness. This paper focused on the reason of interaction with audiences through the theory of carnival of Mikhail M. Bakhtin. Because the theory of carnival is not only the adapted method to account for the power of popular culture to M. Baktin but also the useful method to understand the keys of interaction of Dr. Choi's films. It's not difficult to find the esthetic elements of carnival theory example for 'dethronement & coronation', 'overturn & ridicule', 'image of feast', 'language of square' in the films of Choi which are The Big Swindle(2004), Tazza: The High Rollers(2006), Woochi(2009), The Thieves(2012). Therefore this paper has endeavored that the box office attraction and success of communication with audiences is due to the realistic attitude and social reflection of Choi's films.

A Study on the Solutions of the Elderly Problems in Terms of Social Issuest (사회문제 측면에서 본 노인문제의 해결방안에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Su-Il;Kim, Bo-Ki
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzed how the situation of the elderly problems around the issue appeared on theory and field. First was to identify elderly issues with a theoretical argument about the elderly problem, from the perspective of structural functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interaction theory. The issues of older issues was selected to increase, divorce increases and remarried decline in the elderly, exclusion from the labor market, and dilemmas, such as political participation and volunteering in the elderly households study the current situation and their problems for them. the results in terms of social issues the first solution to the problem, the elderly, it is necessary to switch recognition for the elderly. Second, we need to remove negative perceptions about older people. Third, we must establish a complementary relationship between the state and the private sector.In conclusion, it should be full in order to solve the elderly problem in terms of social issues, not limited to the elderly problem in the elderly subject matter of an individual or family corresponds to publicize it as a social problem social preemptively.

Power System Nonlinearity Modal Interaction by the Normal Forms of Vector Fields

  • Zhang, Jing;Wen, J.Y.;Cheng, S.J.
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.8-13
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    • 2008
  • Because of the robust nonlinear characteristics appearing in today's modern power system, a strong interaction exists between the angle stability and the voltage stability, which were conventionally studied insularly. However, as the power system is a complex unified system, angle instability always happens in conjunction with voltage instability. The authors propose a novel method to analyze this type of stability problem. In the proposed method, the theory of normal forms of vector fields is utilized to treat the auxiliary dynamic system. By use of this method, the interaction between response modes caused by the nonlinearity of the power system can be analyzed. Consequently, the eigenvalue analysis method is extended to cope with performance analysis of the power system with heavy nonlinearity. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology is verified on a 3-bus power system.

A Study on Interaction Factors for Knowledge Transference of e-Learning (e-Learning의 원활한 지식전달을 위한 상호작용 환경에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Inwon;Lee, Ji Won
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.17-32
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    • 2009
  • Cyber University has been continuously increased since it is of great necessity of education through lifelong study. Recently, the management of cyber universities does not ensure education success, because some problems are coming out. Now we are to take an interest in qualitative level of e-learning. The purpose of this study is to classify and investigate interaction factors of e-learning, which were one of the restrictions to develop e-learning, influence learning flow and satisfaction. The authors discuss the implications of the findings for interaction and learning flow theory and practice.

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The Influence of Temperature on the Surface Electrokinetic Features of Particulate Matters in Aqueous Environment (수중입자의 표면 전기적 특성에 미치는 온도의 영향)

  • O, Sejin;Kim, Dong-Su
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.525-531
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    • 2010
  • To figure out the importance of temperature on electrochemical properties in water environment, calcium carbonate, one of important substances in water chemistry, was chosen to make suspensions. The result of electrokinetic potential of calcium carbonate suspensions revealed that it tended to increase as temperature increased. In addition, electrokinetic potential was negatively increased as suspensions became more basic. Its isoelectric point was ca. 7 regardless of temperature. The adsorption of hydrogen ions on calcium carbonate particles followed endothermic reaction. This result was verified by continuously measuring pH as adding HCl solution in calcium carbonate suspension. It explained that suspensions' potential was determined by DLVO theory which calculated total interaction energy between particles. Suspensions' total interaction energy was proportional to the value of electrokinetic potential. Furthermore, total interaction energy between particles increased as suspensions' temperature was increased.

Consumer Competencies of Urban Wives and Related Variables (도시주부의 소비자능력과 관련요인)

  • 황덕순;김미라
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.23-36
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate consumer competencies of urban wives an variables on it. The framework of this study was consumer socialization theory. The results were as follows; 1. There were significant differences in competencies of urban wives according to employment status, interaction with family members, interaction with peers and frequency of media exposure. 2. Employment status, interaction with family members and frequency of media exposure were independent influencing factors on consumer competencies of urban wives. 3. Reviewing a causal model, the results were as follows. Employment status, interaction with family members and frequency of media exposure had an effect on consumer competencies of urban wives directly. (Korean J Human Ecology 1(2):23~30, 1998)

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