• Title/Summary/Keyword: Intentional

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A Study on Creative Fashion Design Processes (창조적(創造的) 패션디자인 프로세스에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Oh, Na-Reyoung;Lee, Seung-Hee
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.129-144
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    • 2007
  • These days, public attention is being directed to the design processes by which a final outcome can be produced to achieve its goal according to the logical plans, as it is hard to address recent problems in design by the existing intuitive way due to the paradigm shift of design. Thus, this study aims to suggest creative fashion design processes to create a product as a final outcome by intentional and systematic processes. This study showed that design is considered as comprehensive problem solving processes, and it proposes framework of processes by integrating processes of industrial design and fashion design. In addition, this study classified creativity development methods that can be implemented to fashion design into promotion of ideas, breaking out of stereotypes, and extension of search areas. These creativity development methods can be applied to fashion design processes in order to make plans and strategies systematically and help you to choose the best ways to solve problems by processes.

Design of Robust Controller for Systems with Time Delay (지연시간을 갖는 계통에 대한 강인한 제어기 설계)

  • 박귀태;이기상;김성호
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.39 no.9
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    • pp.997-1005
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    • 1990
  • Integral Error and State Feedback (IESF) controller which incorporates state feedback as a modern control scheme and integral action as a classical control scheme has better performance than that of conventional PID controller in linear time invariant system. But the structure of the IESF controller requires all the state variables of the system and is applicable only to pole assignable linear time invariant systems without time delay. Many industrial processes have large time delay and it is impossible to directly apply IESF control scheme to those processes. In this paper, a new controller structure, Modified Integral Error and State Feedback (MIESF) has been suggested in order to effectively control processes having time delay and its performance has been analyzed and its effectiveness has also been confirmed. As the proposed controller uses output feedback scheme based on integral error and state feedback (IESF) method, it can be simply designed by pole assignment algorithm irrespective of the order of the process. The MIESF controller can follow setpoint changes without overshoot. It is robuster than conventional Smith-Predictor plus PI(D) controller in case of occurring time delay mismatch and extra parameter mismatches between the process and the model. It can enhance control performance by intentional time delay mismatch.

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A Study on the Oil Record Book Guide Line for the PSC Inspection (선박의 항만국검사대비 기름기록관리에 관한 실무적용 연구)

  • Kwon, K.S.
    • Journal of Korea Ship Safrty Technology Authority
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    • s.31
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    • pp.81-96
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    • 2011
  • The transportation of oil has increased due to the growth of marine industries and oil refineries. Oil residues and waste discharged to the ocean has increased due to accidental and/or intentional discharges. The International Marine Organization(IMO) has made compulsory that every oil tanker of 150 gross tonnage and above and every ship of 400 gross tonnages other than tankers and above should be provided with an oil record book. The entries in the oil record book should be made in accordance with the IMO guidelines. Specifically, engine room generated oil residues should be recorded in the oil record book from January 1, 2011. Also, the developed IMO guideline should be added for the prevention of dispute with the Port State Control Officers and(or) Tanker Vetting Inspectors. This oil record book will be in operation and of valued assistance to the marine officers, according to the IMO policy for the prevention of the waste oil and the oil mixtures from the machinery space. For the convenience, added Code & Item No. list, FAQs and reviewed and revised Examples.

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A Case of Chlorfluazuron Insectisides Poisoning with Mental Change (클로르플루아주론 살충제 음독 후 발생한 의식변화 1례)

  • Park, Eun Suk;Kang, Soo;Kim, Ah Jin;Baek, Jin Hue;Jung, Hyun Min
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.40-42
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    • 2015
  • Benzoylureas are chemical compounds best known for their use as insecticides. Diflubenzuron is one of the more commonly used benzoylurea pesticides. Others include chlorfluazuron, flufenoxuron, hexaflumuron, and triflumuron. They act as insect growth regulators by inhibiting synthesis of chitin in the body of the insect. They have low toxicity in mammals because mammals have no chitin. Chlorfluazuron insecticides, which are mixed with solvent naphatha, are commonly used. Thus we assume that in the presented case mental change outcome of poisoning was connected with toxic effects of solvent naphtha rather than with chlorfluazuron action. Components of solvent naphtha, particularly trimethylbenzenes, exert strong irritant action on the gastric mucosa and are very well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. We report on a 67-year-old man with stuporous mentality after intentional ingestion of approximately 200 ml of liquid chlorfluazuron in a suicide attempt. He was discharged after conservative treatments including gastric irrigation, charcoal, mechanical ventilation, hydration, and antibiotics for aspiration pneumonia without complications.

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Characteristics of the Grunge Look in 21st century fashion (21세기 패션에 나타난 그런지 룩의 표현특성)

  • Kim, Sun-Young
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.957-969
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    • 2011
  • This study intended to analyze the grunge look as a mode of expression and as a characteristic of the fashion of the 21st century, arguing that the look expressed not only an outward appearance or sub-culture but also a change in our attitude and spirit about contemporary fashion. In the study, I carried out an empirical analysis focused on the collection from 2001S/S to 2010F/W and a literature review. In my results, I classified the grunge look into the following categories: 1. mix and match layering; 2. patchwork, collages, and assemblage using all objects as well as clothing materials; and 3. distressing techniques, such as bleaching and dyeing, unweaving, and tears and holes. I also classified the characteristics of grunge into the following categories: 1. conspicuous destitution, which is intentionally expressed by skillful techniques and craftsmanship, indicating that modern people want to attract attention and be distinguished from others, which reflects an attitude of superiority through ironic fashion choices; 2. high lighting the dissolution of decoration, where destruction, poverty and recombination shown in the grunge look emerged as an artificial and intentional ugly aesthetic in contrast to the existing elegant and sophisticated image; and 3. satire and playfulness, as grunge expresses alienation and conflict in modern society through satire and sarcasm, not attacking or avoiding, but through playful and sarcastic engagement so as to decrease poverty and give temporary freedom.

A Performance Analysis of FFH/BFSK System Using Diversity Under Rayleigh Fading (레이리 페이딩하에서 diversity를 이용한 FFH/BFSK 시스템의 성능 분석)

  • 조용진;이두석;공관식;정지원;조형래
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.579-586
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, we have analyzed a performance of fast frequency hopping communication systems when a rayleigh fading caused by envelope variations of a signal received in multipath channel is, but it is not considered that intentional or unintentional jamming can be. The multipath fading channel and rayleigh fading are confirmed by theoretical analysis. In fading or non-fading, the performance of this system is studied. When the path diversity is applied to this system, the performance is shown to be superior to non-diversity systems about 20dB. For modulation methods, BFSK was compared with DPSK.

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Implementation of DGPS Postprocessing System by Offset Distance (위치 편차에 의한 DGPS 후처리 시스템의 구현)

  • Choi, Hyun-Ki;Lee, Yong-Kuk;Suk, Bong-Chool;Kim, Hak-Il
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.2 s.6
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    • pp.221-225
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    • 1995
  • Unauthorized users cant acquire and enough accuracy in applications of the navigation or geodesy by the single GPS positioning technique because of the measurement errors and US DoDs intentional errors. The solution of these restrictions is the Dgps technique that is to eliminate the common errors between the reference station and the desired point and can achieve a high accuracy. DGPS postprocessing system is implemented by using the offset distances between the known position of a reference station and the position obtained from GPS satellite data. The preliminary experiments include static tests and a dynamic test of cruising a ship.

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Depth-adaptive Sharpness Adjustments for Stereoscopic Perception Improvement and Hardware Implementation

  • Kim, Hak Gu;Kang, Jin Ku;Song, Byung Cheol
    • IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.110-117
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    • 2014
  • This paper reports a depth-adaptive sharpness adjustment algorithm for stereoscopic perception improvement, and presents its field-programmable gate array (FPGA) implementation results. The first step of the proposed algorithm was to estimate the depth information of an input stereo video on a block basis. Second, the objects in the input video were segmented according to their depths. Third, the sharpness of the foreground objects was enhanced and that of the background was maintained or weakened. This paper proposes a new sharpness enhancement algorithm to suppress visually annoying artifacts, such as jagging and halos. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can improve stereoscopic perception without intentional depth adjustments. In addition, the hardware architecture of the proposed algorithm was designed and implemented on a general-purpose FPGA board. Real-time processing for full high-definition stereo videos was accomplished using 30,278 look-up tables, 24,553 registers, and 1,794,297 bits of memory at an operating frequency of 200MHz.

The Sensitivity of the Parameters of Microcontroller Device with Coupling Caused by UWB-HPEM (Ultra Wideband-High Power Electromagnetics) (광대역 고출력 전자기 펄스에 의한 마이크로컨트롤러 소자의 매개변수들의 민감성 분석)

  • Hwang, Sun-Mook;Hong, Joo-Il;Huh, Chang-Su
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.59 no.2
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    • pp.369-373
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    • 2010
  • Modem electronic circuits are of importance for the function of communication, traffic systems and security systems. An intentional threat to these systems could be of big casualties and economic disasters. This paper has shown damage effect of microcontroller device with coupling caused by UWB-HPEM(Ultra Wideband-High Power Electromagnetics). The UWB measurements were done at an Anechoic Chamber using a RADAN UWB voltage source, which can generate a transient impulse of about 180 kV. The susceptibility level for microcontroller has been assessed by effect of various operation line lengths. The results of susceptibility analysis has showed that the effect of the reset line length on the MT(Ma1function Threshold) is larger than the effect of the different line length(Data, Power, Clock). With the knowledge of these parameters electronic system can be designed exactly suitable concerning the system requirements. Based on the results, susceptibility of microcontroller can be applied to protection plan to elucidate the effects of microwaves on electronic equipment.

The Damage of Microcontroller Devices due to Coupling Effects under High Power Electromagnetic Wave by Magnetron (고출력 전자기파의 커플링 효과에 의한 마이크로 컨트롤러의 손상)

  • Hong, Joo-Il;Hwang, Sun-Mook;Huh, Chang-Su
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.57 no.12
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    • pp.2263-2268
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    • 2008
  • We investigated the malfunction and destruction characteristics of microcontroller devices under high power electromagnetic(HPEM) wave by magnetron. HPEM was rated at a microwave output of 0 to 1,000 W, at a frequency of 2,450${\pm}$50 MHz and was radiated from the open-ended standard rectangular waveguide(WR-340) to free space. The influence of different reset-, clock-, data-, and power supply-line lengths has been tested. The variation of the line length was done with flat cables. The susceptibility of the tested microcontroller devices was in general much influenced by clock-, reset-, and power supply-line length, little influenced by data-line length. Further the line length was increased, the malfunction threshold was decreased as expected, because more energy couples to the devices. The surfaces of the destroyed microcontroller devices were removed and the chip conditions were investigated with microscope. The microscopic analysis of the damaged devices showed component and bondwire destructions such as breakthroughs and melting due to thermal effects. The obtained results are expected to provide fundamental data for interpreting the combined mechanism of microcontroller devices in an intentional microwave environment.