• 제목/요약/키워드: Information Systems discipline

검색결과 77건 처리시간 0.023초

Does Social Media Use Increase or Decrease Learning Performance? A Meta-Analysis Based on International English Journal Studies

  • Park, Ki-ho;Ren, Gaufei
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.293-311
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    • 2019
  • Purpose This paper is to make a meta-analysis of the relationship between the social media use and learning performance as well as its potential moderating variables to clarify the differences in research conclusions in existing literatures, and refine the situational and method factors that affect the relationship between them. Methodology Meta-analysis used in this study can combine the quantitative data from different empirical studies, focus on the same research problem, and finally reach a research conclusion. Findings The results show that social media use and learning performance have a moderating positive correlation. The moderating effect test of usage scenarios shows that social media types, usage groups, application platforms and discipline fields have moderating effects on the relationship between social media use and learning performance. The moderating effect test of the research method found that measurement models, data attributes and learning performance indicators also had moderating effects on the relationship between social media use and learning performance.

On Problematizing IS Research: A Critical Reading of the KMIS SOLOMO Research Agenda

  • Juhn, Sung H.
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.31-49
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    • 2012
  • In this essay, we problematize the problematics of the KMIS SOLOMO research agenda. We propose that the SOLOMO agenda is a conditioned product of the various assumptions, biases, premises, and presuppositions that the field of IS collectively succumbs to and shares, and thus needs to be problematized to arrive at a new set of research questions for the field. The problematization begins with the ontology that underlies the agenda. We argue that the agenda is largely drawn from a dichotomic, deep ontology of Human vs. Technology. While such ontology is neither right nor wrong in its own right, we suggest it is what underlies and influences the field's whole mode of inquiry including its research agenda. We propose an alternative ontology, the Actor-Network Theory (ANT), which as a flat ontology provides a radically different set of research questions for the field. Next we take issue with the teleology of the SOLOMO agenda, and suggest that the telos of the agenda, and of the field of IS and the whole of Management discipline together, are anchored upon the capitalist episteme so that it creates a significant hole in its teleological scape. While not in any sense calling for an ideological demagogue, we propose that the field of IS should open itself to an alternative teleology including a leftist perspective. We draw upon the Critical Management Studies (CMS) to explore how further problematization can be made on the SOLOMO agenda, generating questions about its performativity, denaturalization, and reflexivity. As a result of the discussions, a list of new problematized research questions for the SOLOMO agenda is generated. In the end we state the motivation of the essay and call for a critical refurbishing of the field of IS.

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Queue Length Analysis of Discrete-time Queueing System under Workload Control and Single Vacation (일량제어정책과 단수휴가를 갖는 이산시간 대기행렬의 고객수 분석)

  • Lee, Se Won
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we consider a dyadic server control policy that combines workload control and single vacation. Customer arrives at the system with Bernoulli process, waits until his or her turn, and then receives service on FCFS(First come first served) discipline. If there is no customer to serve in the system, the idle single server spends a vacation of discrete random variable V. If the total service times of the waiting customers at the end of vacation exceeds predetermined workload threshold D, the server starts service immediately, and if the total workload of the system at the end of the vacation is less than or equal to D, the server stands by until the workload exceeds threshold and becomes busy. For the discrete-time Geo/G/1 queueing system operated under this dyadic server control policy, an idle period is analyzed and the steady-state queue length distribution is derived in a form of generating function.

A Research Review on Effective Use of IS drawn on Multi-level Dynamic Capability (정보시스템 분석수준 별 역동적 역량에 기반한 효율적 사용에 관한 연구 리뷰)

  • Kang, Hyunjeong
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • 제29권2호
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    • pp.27-50
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    • 2020
  • Purpose The research on the effective use of IS needs to embrace the alignment to organization learning process, which expands the limited focus on dynamic capability of IS use. In addition, it should be done in multi-level analysis with system, user, task, and organization. The current study suggests the inclusion of multi-level analysis of effective use of IS in the perspective of exploration and exploitation. Design/methodology/approach This review selected the representative studies in IS discipline which have investigated the effective use of IS, dynamic capability, operational capability, exploration, exploitation, or organizational learning. In the search of academic archives with those keywords, seventeen papers which have been most cited were chosen and validated whether the focus constructs are directly theorized or validated the suggested keywords. In addition, the level of analysis was verified whether it includes one or more levels of system, individual, task, or organization. Based on the initial analysis of dynamic capability, the further review of research on explorational and exploitational capabilities was implemented. Findings The present review study on previous literature on effective use of IS presented that it is largely implemented in the level of individual but few of them has included organization level. Similarly, the direct investigation of explorational and exploitational use of IS has not been done so much. The needs of study on effective use of IS in depth have been inquired for a decade. However, the review presented that it still lacks profound theories and empirical validations compared to those of adoption stage of IS. Based on the review, future research on the transition between explorational and exploitational use of IS is suggested.

A Study of Consumers' Buying Behavior on Internet Shopping Mode (인터넷 쇼핑에서의 소비자 구매행동에 관한 연구 -부산지역 직장인을 중심으로-)

  • Kim Woo-Hee;Chun Myung-Hwan
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • 제4권
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    • pp.349-374
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    • 2000
  • With rapid advances on Interactive technology, and the growing popularity of the Internet, Internet shopping receives considerable attention in both the popular-press and academic journals. The Internet has enormous commercial possibilities. But it is a new and dynamic medium that poses special challenges for marketers. The revolutionary nature of the Internet mandates that established wisdom on consumer marketing along with marketing-mix strategies has to be reexamined and perhaps radically revised. In order to assist marketers in this endeavor it is critical to understand consumers' buying behaviors of Internet shopping. But research in this area still very much its infancy. This study examined previous researches of Internet shopping and developed conceptual framework of Internet shopping modes. Additionally, this study examined empirical investigation of Internet shopping. Preliminary results suggests that there are significant differences in individuals' perceptions of Internet shopping and traditional shopping modes. Various factors influences on consumers' buying behavior on Internet shopping. There are Individuals' factors(personality, lifestyle, prior experience, perceived risk etc), shopping mall factors(trust, vividness, security, promotion, etc), product characteristics(product category, brand, etc), situational factors(time pressure, locational constraints etc), social/cultural factors(Norms, importance of other peoples etc). Additionally, We conducted empirical study of the impact of the Internet on consumer shopping behavior. We gathered consumers' reactions via an open-ended survey using a sample of 90 shoppers. We related the reactions to the factors of consumers' satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the Internet shopping. Consequently, there are many questions regarding factors that might influence Internet shopping. From theoretical and practical perspectives, studies that examine these factors would seem to offer much to the discipline. This paper has attempted th provide insights and direction of future empirical examination of Internet shopping.

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A Study on the Developing Standard Classsification of the National Knowledge and Information Resources (국가지식정보 자원 분류 체계 표준화 연구)

  • Ko Young-Man;Seo Tae-Sul;Cho Sun-Yeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • 제40권3호
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    • pp.151-173
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to make out a draft for the standard classification of the National Knowledge and Information Resources. As the result of the Study the standard classification system of the national knowledge and information resources, named "Knowledge Classification 'KC' is suggested. KC consists of 3 classification systems classification by subject, type of resources and type of media. The classification by subject has 12 main classes, and each main class has divisions. Main classes consist each of major discipline or group of related disciplines. The type of resources is classified by 10 types of content, likewise numbered 0-9, and the media of knowledge are classified by 8 types. likewise 0-7. In the Practice the notation always consists of 2 characters and 2 digits. The first character designate main class and the second character designate division. The first number designate the type of resources and the second number designate the type of media.

A Development of an Intelligent CAD Engine to Support Architectural Design Collaboration (건축설계의 협동작업을 지원하는 지능형 CAD 엔진의 개발)

  • 최진원
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 1997
  • Current CAD systems used in the AEC community have some critical problems. One of them is that they hardly support design collaboration. Thus designers and engineers are hard to transfer design knowledge from one discipline to another. What we need is a common building database which creates and manages building plans/models and relevant design knowledge consistently and effectively. This paper presents a powerful CAD editor, called UNIFORM, which is being developed. Currently UNIFORM includes three main modules: a plan generator, a 3-D model generator, and component databases. A plan generator, called UNIFORM PLANNER, creates a plan which contains semantically-rich information of building. Each component in the plan can be presented in various ways and connected to component databases that contain knowledge of building components such as windows, doors, walls, etc. Based on the plan UNIFORM MODELER, another module of the program, generates a three dimensional building model which could be a multiple-story building. One of the main ideas behind the system is that it generates and maintains a common building form that can be easily delivered to other members of the project team. Thus it is expected to increase system integration, team interactions, and productivity.

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Domestic Radio Waves Propagate Management and Control Systems Investigate the System Status (주요선진국 전파관리제도와 국내 전파관리 제도에 대한 조사)

  • Kim, Sung-Hong;Seok, Gyeong-Hyu
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2017
  • There propagate use management paradigm in developed countries is changing as Command & Control Market Based Open Access Manage By Technology & Technical Analysis, that the policy response to environmental changes, such as a variety of new technologies. The emergence of service, the proliferation of propagation users It is to activate the market. However, the basic principles of radio management such that the change of paradigm be used to spread in a range that does not affect the interference, such as the horn is to be observed. Around the world in order to prevent the propagation and utilization Horn interference enacted regulations for managing the radio station, and also discipline.

A Task Scheduling Scheme for Bus-Based Symmetric Multiprocessor Systems (버스 기반의 대칭형 다중프로세서 시스템을 위한 태스크 스케줄링 기법)

  • Kang, Oh-Han;Kim, Si-Gwan
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • 제9A권4호
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    • pp.511-518
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    • 2002
  • Symmetric Multiprocessors (SMP) has emerged as an important and cost-effective platform for high performance parallel computing. Scheduling of parallel tasks and communications of SMP is important because the choice of a scheduling discipline can have a significant impact on the performance of the system. In this paper, we present a task duplication based scheduling scheme for bus-based SMP. The proposed scheme pre-allocates network communication resources so as to avoid potential communication conflicts. The performance of the proposed scheme has been observed by comparing the schedule length under various number of processors and the communication cost.

Appraising the Interface Features of Web Search Engines Based on User-defined Relevance Criteria (이용자정의형 적합성 기준을 토대로 한 웹검색엔진 인터페이스 평가)

  • Kim, Yang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.247-262
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    • 2011
  • Although research has shown a significant amount of work identifying various dimensions of relevance along with exhaustive lists of relevance criteria, there seem to have been less effort to apply the findings to improve actual systems design. Based on this assumption, this paper investigates to what extent those relevance criteria have been incorporated into the interface features of major commercial Web search engines, suggesting what can/should be done more. Before stepping into the actual system features, this paper compares recent relevance research in Information Science with other human factor studies both in Information Science and its neighboring discipline (HCI), as an attempt to identify studies that are conceptually similar to the relevance research, but not named as such way. Similarities and differences between these studies are presented. Recommendations suggested to support applicable interface features include: 1) further personalization of interface designs; 2) author-supplied meta tags for the Web contents; and 3) extensions of beyond-topical representations based on link structure.