• Title/Summary/Keyword: Information Reproduction

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A Study on Fire Prevention Measures through Candle Fire Case and Reproduction Experiment (촛불화재사례 및 재현실험을 통한 화재예방대책 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong-Il;Kim, Young-Soo
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.12-19
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: The purpose of the study is to reduce the fire of the same type by analyzing the form which is mainly generated based on the result of the fire investigation through the experiment to reproduce, since the candle fire is repeated every year with the same type. Methods: For the analysis of candle flame, 4 kinds of methods such as acrylic recharge test, FOMEX acrylic recharge test, general combustible recharge test, and natural fire extinguishing test of candle were conducted. Results: It was confirmed that continuous burning is difficult to be achieved without contact of combustible materials around. Conclusion: In order to prevent a candle fire, it is important to check the safety of the surrounding area. It is also considered to introduce safety regulations such as finishing with a fireproof material such as a silver foil at the terminal end.

Comparison of Virtual 3D Tree Modelling Using Photogrammetry Software and Laser Scanning Technology (레이저스캐닝과 포토그래메트리 소프트웨어 기술을 이용한 조경 수목 3D모델링 재현 특성 비교)

  • Park, Jae-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.304-310
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    • 2020
  • The technology in 3D modelling have advanced not only maps, heritages, constructions but also trees modelling. By laser scanning(Faro s350) and photogrammetry software(Pix4d) for 3D modelling, this study compared with real coniferous tree and both technology's results about characteristics of shape, texture, and dimensions. As a result, both technologies all showed high reproducibility. The scanning technique showed very good results in the reproduction about bark and leaves. Comparing the detailed dimensions on it, the error between the actual tree and modelling with scanning was 1.7~2.2%, and the scanning result was larger than the actual tree. The error between the actual tree and photogrammetry was only 0.2~0.5%, which was larger than the actual tree. On the other hand, the dark areas's modelling was not fully processed. This study is meaningful as a basic research that can be used for tree DB on BIM for the landscape architecture, landscape design and analysis with AR technology, historical tree and heritage also.

Realtime Detection of Benthic Marine Invertebrates from Underwater Images: A Comparison betweenYOLO and Transformer Models (수중영상을 이용한 저서성 해양무척추동물의 실시간 객체 탐지: YOLO 모델과 Transformer 모델의 비교평가)

  • Ganghyun Park;Suho Bak;Seonwoong Jang;Shinwoo Gong;Jiwoo Kwak;Yangwon Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_3
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    • pp.909-919
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    • 2023
  • Benthic marine invertebrates, the invertebrates living on the bottom of the ocean, are an essential component of the marine ecosystem, but excessive reproduction of invertebrate grazers or pirate creatures can cause damage to the coastal fishery ecosystem. In this study, we compared and evaluated You Only Look Once Version 7 (YOLOv7), the most widely used deep learning model for real-time object detection, and detection tansformer (DETR), a transformer-based model, using underwater images for benthic marine invertebratesin the coasts of South Korea. YOLOv7 showed a mean average precision at 0.5 (mAP@0.5) of 0.899, and DETR showed an mAP@0.5 of 0.862, which implies that YOLOv7 is more appropriate for object detection of various sizes. This is because YOLOv7 generates the bounding boxes at multiple scales that can help detect small objects. Both models had a processing speed of more than 30 frames persecond (FPS),so it is expected that real-time object detection from the images provided by divers and underwater drones will be possible. The proposed method can be used to prevent and restore damage to coastal fisheries ecosystems, such as rescuing invertebrate grazers and creating sea forests to prevent ocean desertification.

A Study on Enhancement of 3D Sound Using Improved HRTFS (개선된 머리전달함수를 이용한 3차원 입체음향 성능 개선 연구)

  • Koo, Kyo-Sik;Cha, Hyung-Tai
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.557-565
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    • 2009
  • To perceive the direction and the distance of a sound, we always use a couple of information. Head Related Transfer Function (HRTF) contains the information that sound arrives from a sound source to the ears of the listener, like differences of level, phase and frequency spectrum. For a reproduction system using 2 channels, we apply HRTF to many algorithms which make 3d sound. But it causes a problem to localize a sound source around a certain places which is called the cone-of-confusion. In this paper, we proposed the new algorithm to reduce the confusion of sound image localization. The difference of frequency spectrum and psychoacoustics theory are used to boost the spectral cue among each directions. To confirm the performance of the algorithm, informal listening tests are carried out. As a result, we can make the improved 3d sound in 2 channel system based on a headphone. Also sound quality of improved 3d sound is much better than conventional methods.

Implementation of a Wi-Fi Mesh-based Fire Detection System using Multiple Sensor Nodes

  • Cha-Hun Park;Hyoun-Chul Choi;Myeong-Chul Park
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.11
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    • pp.163-171
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we propose a Wi-Fi Mesh-based fire detection system for fire detection and rapid response. Previous fire detectors had the problem that it is difficult to distinguish between fire and non-fire based on a single sensor, and since multiple detectors operate independently, there is a lack of interconnectivity. In this paper, we present a fire detection system based on a K-NN classification model using a multi-sensor based fire detector. Also, by constructing a mesh network for fire detection, detectors within a spatial range can be interlinked to detect fire. Looking at the performance evaluation results of the implemented system, it was confirmed that the TPR(True Positive Rate) of fire classification was 96.1%, the FPR(False Positive Rate) was 0%, and the F1-Score, which corresponds to the harmonized mean value of accuracy and reproduction rate of fire and non-fire classification, was 98.01%, and the prediction accuracy ACC(Accuracy) showed excellent performance of 98.05%. In the future, we intend to develop it into an intelligent fire detector system through mesh network monitoring and multi-sensor self-diagnosis functions.

Intelligent Smart Farm A Study on Productivity: Focused on Tomato farm Households (지능형 스마트 팜 활용과 생산성에 관한 연구: 토마토 농가 사례를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jae Kyung;Seol, Byung Moon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.185-199
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    • 2019
  • Korea's facility horticulture has developed remarkably in a short period of time. However, in order to secure international competitiveness in response to unfavorable surrounding conditions such as high operating costs and market opening, it is necessary to diagnose the problems of facility horticulture and prepare countermeasures through analysis. The purpose of this study was to analyze the case of leading farmers by introducing information and communication technology (ICT) in hydroponic cultivation agriculture and horticulture, and to examine how agricultural technology utilizing smart farm and big data of facility horticulture contribute to farm productivity. Crop growth information gathering and analysis solutions were developed to analyze the productivity change factors calculated from hydroponics tomato farms and strawberry farms. The results of this study are as follows. The application range of the leaf temperature was verified to be variously utilized such as house ventilation in the facility, opening and closing of the insulation curtain, and determination of the initial watering point and the ending time point. Second, it is necessary to utilize water content information of crop growth. It was confirmed that the crop growth rate information can confirm whether the present state of crops is nutrition or reproduction, and can control the water content artificially according to photosynthesis ability. Third, utilize EC and pH information of crops. Depending on the crop, EC values should be different according to climatic conditions. It was confirmed that the current state of the crops can be confirmed by comparing EC and pH, which are measured from the supplied EC, pH and draining. Based on the results of this study, it can be confirmed that the productivity of smart farm can be affected by how to use the information of measurement growth.

Studies on the Changes of Sex Hormone Concentrations in Milk during the Reproductive Stages of Dairy Cows (유우의 번식과정에 따른 유즙중의 성호르몬 수준 변화에 관한 연구)

  • 김상근;이재근
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.9-30
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    • 1985
  • The study was carried out to find out the changes of the sex hormone levels in the milk of Holstein cows during the reproductive stages such as the estrous cycle, pregnancy and periparturient period. The FSH, LH, estradiol-17$\beta$ and progesterone from the milk samples were assayed by radioimmunoassay methods. The results of this study were summarized as follows: 1. The levels of progesterone and estradiol-17$\beta$ were similar among inter-quarters, but they were higher in after milking than before milking times, with no statistical significance. 2. The milk progesterone levels during the estrous cycles reached a peak mean level of 3.55$\pm$0.26ng/$m\ell$ at 15 days after estrus and they did not show any differences among the length of estrous cycles. The estradiol-17$\beta$ levels during the estrous cycles showed a peak level of 36.40$\pm$2.38pg/$m\ell$ at estrus, and decreased(17.20$\pm$0.46 pg/$m\ell$ to 18.65$\pm$1.26pg/$m\ell$) at luteal phase. 3. The FSH levels during the estrous cycles ranged from 2.25$\pm$0.23mIU/$m\ell$ to 4.35$\pm$0.24mIU/$m\ell$ showing significant changes. The LH levels during the estrous cycles gradually increased and remained a peak level of 10.90$\pm$0.36mIU/$m\ell$ from 20 to 25 days after estrus. 4. The progesterone levels during the pregnancy were decreased from 30 to 60 days after artificial insemination, and therafter continuously increased until 240 days. The estradiol-17$\beta$ levels during the pregnancy were 24.56$\pm$1.19pg/$m\ell$ at day 30 after artificial inseminaton, and increased rapidly until 180 days. The levles were agagin decreased by 26.17$\pm$3.03pg/$m\ell$ until 210 days and markedly increased by 68.00$\pm$8.70pg/$m\ell$ until 240 days. 5. The prolactin levels during the pregnancy were 31.27$\pm$2.31ng/$m\ell$ and 42.60$\pm$2.37ng/$m\ell$ at day 150 and 240 after artificial insemination respectively. The LH levels during the pregnancy reached a peak of 27.47$\pm$7.90mIU/$m\ell$ at day 30 after artificial insemination, and thereafter gradually decreased. 6. The progesterone levels during the periparturient period reached a peak of 4.61$\pm$0.34ng/$m\ell$ at day 3 prepartum, and thereafter gradually decreased, and showed 2.05$\pm$0.60ng/$m\ell$ at day 7 postpartum. The estradiol-17$\beta$ levels during the periparturient period showed high level from 207.23$\pm$6.04pg/$m\ell$ at day 1 prepartum to 239.90$\pm$13.90pg/$m\ell$ at day 2 prepartum, and thereafter began to decline and reached 51.87$\pm$1.72pg/$m\ell$ at by 7 postpartum. 7. The prolactin levels during the periparturient period showed relatively higher level at the time of parturition. The LH levels during the periparturient period rnage from 6.32$\pm$0.32mIU/$m\ell$ to 13.90$\pm$1.37mIU/$m\ell$ showing significant changes. 8. The progesterone levels(4.6$\pm$0.8ng/$m\ell$) of the pregnant cows were significantly higher than those (1.84$\pm$1.4ng/$m\ell$) of nonpregnant cows. The cows of artificial insemination from 61 to 90 days after parturition showed higher progesterone levels. 9. During 20 to 25 days after artificial insemination, the accuracy of pregnancy diagnosis from milk progesterone levels were 94.4% for nonpregnant cows(<2.3ng/$m\ell$), and 75.0% for pregnant cows( 3.2ng/$m\ell$). The average overall accuracy of pregnancy prediction for nonpregnant and pregnant cows 83.3% 10. The results obtained this study suggest that the understanding of the endocrinological mechanisms by means of milk hormone analysis during the estrous cycle, pregnancy and parturition would give the basic information needed for increasing efficiency of reproduction. This study would not only provide an accurate method of the early pregnancy diagnosis by milk progesterone levels but also contribute to the research of providing the method of detecting of FSH levels in milk, which was difficult in blood serum.

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Mammalian Reproduction and Pheromones (포유동물의 생식과 페로몬)

  • Lee, Sung-Ho
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2006
  • Rodents and many other mammals have two chemosensory systems that mediate responses to pheromones, the main and accessory olfactory system, MOS and AOS, respectively. The chemosensory neurons associated with the MOS are located in the main olfactory epithelium, while those associated with the AOS are located in the vomeronasal organ(VNO). Pheromonal odorants access the lumen of the VNO via canals in the roof of the mouth, and are largely thought to be nonvolatile. The main pheromone receptor proteins consist of two superfamilies, V1Rs and V2Rs, that are structurally distinct and unrelated to the olfactory receptors expressed in the main olfactory epithelium. These two type of receptors are seven transmembrane domain G-protein coupled proteins(V1R with $G_{{\alpha}i2}$, V2R with $G_{0\;{\alpha}}$). V2Rs are co-expressed with nonclassical MHC Ib genes(M10 and other 8 M1 family proteins). Other important molecular component of VNO neuron is a TrpC2, a cation channel protein of transient receptor potential(TRP) family and thought to have a crucial role in signal transduction. There are four types of pheromones in mammalian chemical communication - primers, signalers, modulators and releasers. Responses to these chemosignals can vary substantially within and between individuals. This variability can stem from the modulating effects of steroid hormones and/or non-steroid factors such as neurotransmitters on olfactory processing. Such modulation frequently augments or facilitates the effects that prevailing social and environmental conditions have on the reproductive axis. The best example is the pregnancy block effect(Bruce effect), caused by testosterone-dependent major urinary proteins(MUPs) in male mouse urine. Intriguingly, mouse GnRH neurons receive pheromone signals from both odor and pheromone relays in the brain and may also receive common odor signals. Though it is quite controversial, recent studies reveal a complex interplay between reproduction and other functions in which GnRH neurons appear to integrate information from multiple sources and modulate a variety of brain functions.

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The Mediating Effect of Experiential Value on Customers' Perceived Value of Digital Content: China's Anti-virus Program Market (경험개치대소비자대전자내용적인지개치적중개영향(经验价值对消费者对电子内容的认知价值的中介影响): 중국살독연건시장(中国杀毒软件市场))

  • Jia, Weiwei;Kim, Sae-Bum
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.219-230
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    • 2010
  • Digital content makes big changes to our daily lives while bringing opportunities and challenges for companies. Creative firms integrate pictures, texts, videos, audios, and data by digitalization to develop new products or services and create digital experiences to promote their brands. Most articles on digital content contribute to the basic concept or development of marketing it in literature. Actually, compared with traditional value chains for common products or services, the digital content industry seems to have more potential value. Because quite a bit of digital content is free to the consumer, price is not necessarily perceived as an indicator of the quality or value of information (Rowley 2008). It becomes evident that a current theme in digital content is the issue of "value," and research on customers' perceived value of digital content is a necessity. This article argues that experiential value has an advantage in customers' evaluations of digital content. Two different but related contributions to the understanding of "value" of digital content are made here. First, based on the comparison of digital content with products and services, the article proposes two key characteristics that make experiential strategy available for digital content: intangibility and near-zero reproduction cost. On top of that, based on the discussion of the gap between company's idealized value and customer's perceived value, this article emphasizes that digital content prices and pricing of digital content is different from products and services. As a result of intangibility, prices may not reflect customer value. Moreover, the cost of digital content in the development stage may be very high while reproduction costs shrink dramatically. Moreover, because of the value gap mentioned before, the pricing polices vary for different digital contents. For example, flat price policy is generally used for movies and music (Magiera 2001; Netherby 2002), while for continuous demand, digital content such as online games and anti-virus programs involves a more complicated matter of utility and competitive price levels. Digital content companies have to explore various kinds of strategies to overcome this gap. Rethinking marketing solutions such as advertisements, images, and word-of-mouth and their effect on customers' perceived value becomes essential. China's digital content industry is becoming more and more globalized and drawing special attention from different countries and regions that have respective competitive advantages. The 2008-2009 Annual Report on the Development of China's Digital Content Industry (CCIDConsulting 2009) indicates that, with the driven power of domestic demand and governmental policy support, the country's digital content industry maintained a fast growth of some 30 percent in 2008, obviously indicating the initial stage of industry expansion. In China, anti-virus programs and other software programs which need to be updated use a quarter-based pricing policy. Customers can download a trial version for free and use it for six months or a year. If they want to use it longer, continuous payment is needed. They examine the excellence of the digital content during this trial period and decide whether to pay for continued usage. For China’s music and movie industries, as a result of initial development, experiential strategy has not been much applied, even though firms in other countries find the trial experience and explore important strategies(such as customers listening to music for several seconds for free before downloading it). For the above reasons, anti-virus program may be a representative for digital content industry in China and an exploratory study of the advantage of experiential value in customer's perceived value of digital content is done in the anti-virus market of China. In order to enhance the reliability of the survey data, this study focused on people who were experienced users of anti-virus programs. The empirical results revealed that experiential value has a positive effect on customers' perceived value of digital content. In other words, because digital content is intangible and the reproduction costs are nearly zero, customers' evaluations are based heavily on their experience. Moreover, image and word-of-mouth do not have a positive effect on perceived value, only on experiential value. That is to say, a digital content value chain is different from that of a general product or service. Experiential value has a notable advantage and mediates the effect of image and word-of-mouth on perceived value. The results of this study help provide an understanding of why free digital content downloads exist in developing countries. Customers can perceive the value of digital content only by using and experiencing it. This is also why such governments support the development of digital content. Other developing countries whose digital content business is also in the beginning stage can make use of the suggestions here. Moreover, based on the advantage of experiential strategy, companies should make more of an effort to invest in customers' experience. As a result of the characteristics and value gap of digital content, customers perceive more value in the intangible digital content only by experiencing what they really want. Moreover, because of the near-zero reproduction costs, companies can perhaps use experiential strategy to enhance customer understanding of digital content.

Watching environment-independent color reproduction system development based on color adaption (색순응을 기반하여 관촬환경에 독립한 색재현 시스템 개발)

  • An, Seong-A;Kim, Jong-Pil;An, Seok-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2003
  • As information-communication network has been developed rapidly, internet users' circumstances also have been changed for the better, in result, more information can be applied than before. At this moment, there are many differences between real color and reappeared color on the CRT. When we observe a material object, our eyes perceive the multiplied form of light sources and nature spectral reflection. However, when the photographed signal is reappeared, illumination at that time of photographing and spectral reflection of a material object are converted into signal, and this converted RGB signal is observed on the CRT under another illumination. At this time, RGB signal is the reflected result of illumination at that time of photographing Therefore, this signal is influenced by the illumination at present, so it can be perceived another color. To accord the colro reflections of another color source, the study has been reported by S.C.Ahn$^{[1]}$, which study is about the color reapperarance system using neuron network. Furthermore, color reappearing method become independent of its circumstances has been reported by Y.Miyake$^{[2]}$. This method can make the same illuminations even if the observe circumstances are changed. To assume the light sources of observe circumstances, the study about color reappearing system using CCD sensor also have been studied by S.C.Ahn$^{[3]}$. In these studies, a population is fixed, first, on ab coordinates of CIE L${\ast}$a${\ast}$b${\ast}$. Then, color reappearing can be possible using every population and existing digital camera. However, the color is changed curvedly, not straightly, according to value's changes on the ab coordinates of CIE L${\ast}$a${\ast}$b. To solve these problems in this study, first of all, Labeling techniques are introduced. Next, basis color-it is based on Munsell color system-is divided into 10 color fields. And then, 4 special color- skin color, grass color, sky color, and gray-are added to the basis color. Finally, 14 color fields are fixed. After analyzing of the principle elements of new-defined-color fields' population, utility value and propriety value are going to be examined in 3-Band system from now on.

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