• Title/Summary/Keyword: Index model

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The Assessment of Landslide Hazards in Gyeonggi Icheon area using GIS-based SINMAP Model Analysis (GIS기반의 SINMAP을 통한 경기도 이천지역의 산사태 위험도 분석)

  • Kwon, Ki-Bum;Lee, Hee-Chul;Chun, Jin-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2010.09a
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    • pp.782-789
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    • 2010
  • Landslides cause enormous economic losses and casualties. Korea has mountainous regions and heavy slopes in most parts of the land and has consistently built new roads and large-scale housing complexes according to its industrial and urban growth. As a result, the damage from landslides becomes greater every year. In this study, performed a GIS-based landslide hazard analysis by SINMAP(Stability Index MAPping) model in Gyeonggi Icheon area coupling with geomorphological and geological data. SINMAP model has its theoretical basis in the infinite plane slope stability model with wetness obtained from a topographically based steady state model of hydrology. To Gyeonggi Icheon area landslides hazards evaluated, these SINMAP model were analysed results while simultaneously referring to the stability index map, where lines distinguish the zones categorized into the different stability classes and a table giving summary statistics.

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An Improved Technology Appraisal Model Considering Macroeconomic Variable : A Case of KOTEC (거시경제변수를 고려한 기술평가모형의 개선 : 기술보증기금의 사례)

  • Kim, Dae Cheol;Kim, Jae Bum;Cho, Keun Tae
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.117-132
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this paper is to provide an improved technology appraisal model, which considers a variety of macroeconomic variables such as consumer price index and producer price index. The improved model was built using cross correlation analysis and logistic regression analysis. The AUROC analysis showed that goodness-of-fit of the proposed model turned out to be improved than that of the existing model. The model proposed in the paper would be helpful for making a reasonable investments and financing decision, lessening the default rates by systematic risk management, and enhancing the technology commercialization capabilities.

A Study on the Dynamic Reduction for Large Power System

  • Kim, Jin-Yi;Won, Dong-Jun;Moon, Seung-Il
    • KIEE International Transactions on Power Engineering
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    • v.12A no.1
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2002
  • This paper presents the procedure to construct equivalent model of large power system based on nonlinear time simulation responses. It consists of coherency identification, generator aggregation and network reduction. Coherency index that can be directly implemented to this procedure is proposed. Generator aggregation based on detailed model is performed. This procedure can be used to construct equivalent model in PSS/E. It is also possible to reduce the large power system directly from the nonlinear time responses. This procedure is applied to the transient stability analysis of Korea power system that now experiences rapid changes. The equivalent model is compared with the original model in its size, accuracy, speed and performance. This paper shows that the developed equivalent model is a good estimate of the original system.

Development of Human Indices to Determine Both Returning Point of Residents and Damage Restoration after the Chemical Accident (화학사고 후 주민복귀 및 피해복구 시점 결정을 위한 인체지표 개발)

  • Yang, JunYong;Heo, JeongMoo;Lee, HyunSeok;Lee, JunSang;Cho, YongSung;Kim, HoHyun;Park, SangHee
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.588-598
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: Human indices were developed to determine returning point of residents and damage restoration after the chemical accident Methods: To determine the returning point of residents after the chemical accident, a new concept, the standard man model was introduced as a human index, in which both H-code and its acute effects were main idea. To evaluate the applicability, a hydrogen fluoride leakage accident in Gumi was applied. The returning point were suggested as the conservative remission period of acute effects among relevant hazard effects and compared with actual returning point. The coverage of each age group were considered with reflecting average daily dose expected for actual residents. In addition, a relief-index as a social-scientific approach was reflected as well to apply the damage restoration Results: Actual returning point of residents in Gumi was 88 days; and that of standard man model suggested was 84 days. The expected amount of exposure at aged 12 or under was at least 2.35 times greater than that of this model, 40s, theoretically. However, their population ratio was less than 1%, so 99% of residents could be applied when the standard man model was applied. The relief-index was as an objective and quantitative methodology to apply the qualitative aspect. Conclusions: Although evaluated as a relatively positive result, there was a limitation such as the number of accident applied to the verification of standard man model. The relief index was also considered, but further research should be carried out to find threshold level for the relief.

An Offer of a Procedure Calculating Hourly Rainfall Excess by Use of Horton Infiltration Model in a Basin (유역 단위 Horton 침투모형을 적용한 시간단위 초과우량 산출 절차 제시)

  • Yoo, Ju-Hwan
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.533-541
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    • 2010
  • It is basic for a flood prediction to calculate direct runoff from rainfall in a basin by the rainfall-runoff model. The direct runoff is calculated from rainfall excess or effective rainfall based on a rainfall-runoff model. The total rainfall minus rainfall loss equals rainfall excess with time. This loss can be treated equal to an infiltration loss under the assumption that the infiltration is a major one among the losses in the rainfall-runoff model. Practically obtaining the infiltration loss $\Phi$ index method, W index method or modified ones of these have been used. In this study it is assumed the loss of rainfall in a basin be a well-known Horton infiltration mechanism. And in case that the parameter set is given in the Horton infiltration model a procedure and assumption for calculating hourly infiltration loss and rainfall excess are offered and the results of its application are compared with those of $\Phi$ index method. By this study it is well shown the value of Horton infiltration function is exponentially decay with time as the Horton infiltration mechanism.

Smoking-cessation Model for Male Patients with Coronary Heart Disease (남성 관상동맥질환자의 금연모형 구축)

  • Kim, Eun-Kyung
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2002
  • purpose : The purpose of this study was to find out the influencing factors of smoking-cessation behavior of patients with coronary heart disease and to suggest the model of smoking-cessation behavior which was based on the relationship between influencing factors and then to test its fitness empirically. method : This study was based on the Theory of Reasoned Action and a hypothetical model was constructed with fifteen paths in consideration of main predictive factors of smoking-cessation behavior such as biological factor, disease-related characteristics, self-efficacy, supportive factor, environmental factor, disease-related perception factor, intention-to-quit, and psychological factor. The validity of a smoking- cessation model was tested to 264 patients with coronary heart disease by using SPSS 8.0 and Window LISREL 8.12a. results : 1. Seven of the 15 paths of smoking-cessation behavior proved to be significant. 2. The final model excluded three paths in the hypothetical model was demonstrated to be improved by $x^2$=44.31 (df=38, p=.22), Goodness of Fit Index (GFI)=.98, Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI)=.96, Non-Normed Fit Index(NNFI)=1.00, Normed Fit Index(NFI)=1.00, and Root Mean Square Residual(RMR)=.24. 3.The smoking-cessation behavior was influenced directly by biological factor, self-efficacy, supportive factor, environmental factor, intention-to-quit, and psychological factor. The smoking-cessation behavior was accounted for 82% of variance by these factors. conclusion : although the adolescents' smoking behavior can be predicted by only smoking intention, it is hard to predict the adults' smoking-cessation behavior by only this factor. Therefore, intention-to-quit, self-efficacy, supportive factor should be improved because these are promotive factors for smoking-cessation behavior. Biological factor, environmental factor, and psychological factor are inhibitive factors, so nicotine replacement therapy is helpful to the high nicotine-dependents, and ex-smokers avoid other smokers in their environment and also patients should learn and practice the stress coping-skills.

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Database Model for Korea Plant Name Index (데이터베이스 모델링 기법을 이용한 국가표준식물목록 전산화 연구)

  • Lee, You-Mi;Kim, Hui
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.309-321
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    • 2007
  • Korea national arboretum has worked with the plant taxonomic society of Korea to make the first fully electronic floristic checklist in Korea. The result is an ever-expanding online plant name index containing scientifically authorative, up-to-date information on the approximately 7,000 taxa including cultivars. With 37 contributing taxonomists, KPNI is the largest collaborative research projects ever assembled in Korea. A comprehensive database model for the taxonomic data from literature and other sources is presented, which was devised for the Korea National Plant Index database project (KPNI). Gwangreung database model is based on an approach using entity-relationsip diagram. It encompasses taxa of all ranks, nothotaxa and hybrid formulae, cultivars, full synonymy, basionyms, Korean name, and other nomenclatural information. Ths paper presents an analysis of KPNI work processes and an overview how we are approaching the construction of Gwangreung databaese model. It can help the system engineers of other biological information systems to develop their database based on the accurate and integrative taxonomic database.

A case study of small area estimation about charter and monthly rent price index (소지역모형 추정기법을 활용한 전·월세 추정)

  • Lee, Seung Soo;Park, Won Ran;Chung, Sung Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.327-337
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    • 2017
  • In this study we compared three models for small area estimation, Fay-Herriot, Hierarchical Bayses model and spatio-temporal model about charter, monthly rent price index. Charter, monthly rent price of Korea are important issue in these days. Because housing type rapidly changes from self to charter and monthly rent. The accuracy of the estimation was checked on four scales, that is ARB, ASRB, AAB, ASD. In this result, the spatio-temporal model among applied models has most optimal scales about small area estimation of charter and monthly rent index.

A Study on the Development of an Ecological Park Planning Model to Enhance the Functions of Habitats and Ecological Corridors in Green Belt Areas (개발제한구역 내 생태공원 조성방안에 관한 연구 - 서식처 및 생태통로로서의 기능강화를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Dae-Heui;Choi, Hee-Sun;Kim, Hyun-Ae;Kim, Kwi-Gon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.367-379
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to develop an ecological park planning model to enhance the functions of habitats and ecological corridors in Green Belt Areas, because changing policies have resulted in the degredation of the Green Belts due to progressive fragmentation of ecosystems. The principal outcome of the study is to plan an ecological park model through the restoration of habitats. In order to evaluate the capacity of the model to enhance the ecological functions of habitats and ecological corridors in Green Belt Areas, a simulation of habitats was carried out in the Sungnam-Yusoo region. The model was developed via following steps: 1. Selection of candidate sites and selection of the study site by analyzing development factors; 2. Selection of target species that can represent the habitat at the site; 3. Analysis of the site's suitability index for the target species; 4. Establishment of a conceptual plan to enhance and expand the currently produced suitability index; 5. Creation of a master plan based on the conceptual plan; and 6. Evaluation of the enhanced and expanded suitability index of the site. The study showed that the Habitat Unit (HU) of Rana coreana, which was selected as the target species of the study, increased from $28,044m^2$(3.6%) to $224,352m^2$(28.8%), and the HU of the site as the ecological corridor for wild animals increased from $4,674m^2$(0.6%) to $152,684m^2$(19.6%). The study results show that the ecological deficits of the Green Belt Area can be overcome by enhancing the ecological functions of the region, which should be beneficial. The model could be utilized for effective enhancement and management of other Green Belt Areas.

A Predictive Model on Patient-Centered Care of Hospital Nurses in Korea (상급종합병원 간호사의 환자중심간호 예측모형)

  • Jeong, Hyun;Park, Myonghwa
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.191-202
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: Patient-centered care is a widely utilized concept in nursing and health care. However, the key components of patient-centered nursing have not yet been reported. Moreover, previous studies on patient-centered care have mostly focused on components of nursing rather than organizational factors. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of influential factors of patient-centered care is required. Methods: The purpose of this study was to develop a theoretical model based on person-centered care theory, and the relevant literature and to test the developed model with covariance structure analysis in order to determine the causal paths among the variables. Results: The model fit indices for the hypothetical model were suitable for the recommended level (goodness of fit index=.87, standardized root mean residual=.01, root mean square error of approximation=.06, Tucker-Lewis index=.90, comparative fit index=.92, parsimonious normed fit index=.75). In this study, five of the six paths established in the initial hypothetical model were supported. The variables of teamwork, self-leadership, and empathy accounted for 56.4% of hospital nurses' patient-centered care. Among these, empathy was the strongest predictor of patient-centered care. Conclusion: These results suggest that it is necessary to use strategies to improve self-leadership and empathy. In addition to enhancing the personal factors of nurses, nursing organizations should strive for effective multidisciplinary cooperation with active support for patient-centered care and openness to change.