• Title/Summary/Keyword: Inauguration Address

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Analysis of Inauguration Address of Previous Korean Presidents Based on Network (네트워크 기반 대한민국 역대 대통령 취임사 분석)

  • Kim, Hak Yong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2021
  • The presidential inaugural address is a very useful means of presenting the national vision and conveying the president's political philosophy and policy direction to the people. For this reason, analyzing the address will help to understand the president him/herself and the presidential times. The address can be analyzed in various academic fields, but in this study, it was considered as only content and analyzed based on the network. It is widely used for word cloud analysis based on the frequency of words appearing in the address. If it is analyzed based on a network, it will be a useful method because it is possible to derive the context contained in the sentence. The entire network of the addresses of past presidents of the Republic of Korea was established and structural factors were presented. The president and political direction were derived by comparatively analyzing the key words derived from the network and the word cloud. The characteristics of the address were presented by comparing and analyzing key words and closeness centrality, which is a structural factor of the network, by constructing a network of each president's inaugural address. It is expected that the network-based analysis of past presidential inaugural addresses can ultimately be used as data for understanding and evaluating presidents.