• Title/Summary/Keyword: Immune Algorithms

검색결과 54건 처리시간 0.024초

인공 면역망과 퍼지 시스템을 이용한 자율이동로봇 주행 (Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation using Artificial Immune Networks and Fuzzy Systems)

  • 김양현;이동제;이민중;최영규
    • 대한전기학회논문지:시스템및제어부문D
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    • 제51권9호
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    • pp.402-412
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    • 2002
  • The navigation algorithms enable autonomous mobile robots to reach given target points without collision against obstacles. To achieve safe navigations in unknown environments, this paper presents an effective navigation algorithm for the autonomous mobile robots with ultrasonic sensors. The proposed navigation algorithm consists of an obstacle-avoidance behavior, a target-reaching behavior and a fuzzy-based decision maker. In the obstacle-avoidance behavior and the target-reaching behavior, artificial immune networks are used to select a proper steering angle, make the autonomous mobile robot avoid obstacles and approach a given target point. The fuzzy-based decision maker combines the steering angles from the target-reaching behavior and the obstacle-avoidance behavior in order to steer the autonomous mobile robot appropriately. Simulational and experimental results show that the proposed navigation algorithm is very effective in unknown environments.

Comparison of PID Controller Tuning of Power Plant Using Immune and Genetic Algorithms

  • Kim, Dong-Hwa
    • 한국지능시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국퍼지및지능시스템학회 2003년도 ISIS 2003
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    • pp.358-363
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    • 2003
  • Optimal tuning plays an important role in operations or tuning of the complex process such as the main steam temperature of the thermal power plant. However, it is very difficult to maintain the steam temperature of power plant using conventional optimization methods, since these processes have the time delay and the change of the dynamic characteristics in the reheater. Up to the present time, the Pm controller has been used. However, it is not easy to achieve an optimal PID gain with no experience, since the gain of the PID controller has to be manually tuned by trial and error. This paper suggests immune algorithm based tuning technique for PID Controller on steam temperature process with long dead time and its results are compared with genetic algorithm based tuning technique.

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퍼지-인공면역망과 RBFN에 의한 자율이동로봇 제어 (An Autonomous Mobile Robot Control Method based on Fuzzy-Artificial Immune Networks and RBFN)

  • 오홍민;박진현;최영규
    • 대한전기학회논문지:시스템및제어부문D
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    • 제52권12호
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    • pp.679-688
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    • 2003
  • In order to navigate the mobile robots safely in unknown environments, many researches have been studied to devise navigational algorithms for the mobile robots. In this paper, we propose a navigational algorithm that consists of an obstacle-avoidance behavior module, a goal-approach behavior module and a radial basis function network(RBFN) supervisor. In the obstacle-avoidance behavior module and goal-approach behavior module, the fuzzy-artificial immune networks are used to select a proper steering angle which makes the autonomous mobile robot(AMR) avoid obstacles and approach the given goal. The RBFN supervisor is employed to combine the obstacle-avoidance behavior and goal-approach behavior for reliable and smooth motion. The outputs of the RBFN are proper combinational weights for the behavior modules and velocity to steer the AMR appropriately. Some simulations and experiments have been conducted to confirm the validity of the proposed navigational algorithm.

Multi-Objective Optimization of Rotor-Bearing System with dynamic Constraints Using IGA

  • Choi, Byung-Gun;Yang, Bo-Suk;Jun, Yeo-Dong
    • 한국지능시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국퍼지및지능시스템학회 1998년도 추계학술대회 학술발표 논문집
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    • pp.403-410
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    • 1998
  • An immune system has powerful abilities such as memory recognition and learning how to respond to invading antigens, and has been applied to many engineering algorithms in recent year. In this paper, the combined optimization algorithm (Immune-Genetic Algorithm: IGA) is proposed for multi-optimization problems by introduction the capability of the immune system that controls the proliferation of clones to the genetic algorithm. The new combined algorithm is applied to minimize the total weight of the rotor shaft and the transmitted forces at the bearings in order to demonstrate the merit of the combined algorithm. The inner diameter of the shaft and the bearing stiffness are chosen as the design variables. the results show that the combined algorithm can reduce both the weight of the shaft and the transmitted forces at the bearing with dynamic constraints.

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Active Distribution System Planning Considering Battery Swapping Station for Low-carbon Objective using Immune Binary Firefly Algorithm

  • Shi, Ji-Ying;Li, Ya-Jing;Xue, Fei;Ling, Le-Tao;Liu, Wen-An;Yuan, Da-Ling;Yang, Ting
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.580-590
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    • 2018
  • Active distribution system (ADS) considering distributed generation (DG) and electric vehicle (EV) is an effective way to cut carbon emission and improve system benefits. ADS is an evolving, complex and uncertain system, thus comprehensive model and effective optimization algorithms are needed. Battery swapping station (BSS) for EV service is an essential type of flexible load (FL). This paper establishes ADS planning model considering BSS firstly for the minimization of total cost including feeder investment, operation and maintenance, net loss and carbon tax. Meanwhile, immune binary firefly algorithm (IBFA) is proposed to optimize ADS planning. Firefly algorithm (FA) is a novel intelligent algorithm with simple structure and good convergence. By involving biological immune system into FA, IBFA adjusts antibody population scale to increase diversity and global search capability. To validate proposed algorithm, IBFA is compared with particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm on IEEE 39-bus system. The results prove that IBFA performs better than PSO in global search and convergence in ADS planning.

면역알고리즘 기반의 MECs (에너지 허브) 시스템 (An Immune Algorithm based Multiple Energy Carriers System)

  • 손병락;강유경;이현
    • 한국태양에너지학회 논문집
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    • 제34권4호
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2014
  • Recently, in power system studies, Multiple Energy Carriers (MECs) such as Energy Hub has been broadly utilized in power system planners and operators. Particularly, Energy Hub performs one of the most important role as the intermediate in implementing the MECs. However, it still needs to be put under examination in both modeling and operating concerns. For instance, a probabilistic optimization model is treated by a robust global optimization technique such as multi-agent genetic algorithm (MAGA) which can support the online economic dispatch of MECs. MAGA also reduces the inevitable uncertainty caused by the integration of selected input energy carriers. However, MAGA only considers current state of the integration of selected input energy carriers in conjunctive with the condition of smart grid environments for decision making in Energy Hub. Thus, in this paper, we propose an immune algorithm based Multiple Energy Carriers System which can adopt the learning process in order to make a self decision making in Energy Hub. In particular, the proposed immune algorithm considers the previous state, the current state, and the future state of the selected input energy carriers in order to predict the next decision making of Energy Hub based on the probabilistic optimization model. The below figure shows the proposed immune algorithm based Multiple Energy Carriers System. Finally, we will compare the online economic dispatch of MECs of two algorithms such as MAGA and immune algorithm based MECs by using Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS).

리액턴스 효과를 최소한 병행 2회선 송전선로 보호 거리계전 알고리즘 (A Distance Relaying Algorithms Immune to Reactance Effect for Double-Circuit Transmission Line Systems)

  • 안용진;강상희;이승재
    • 대한전기학회논문지:전력기술부문A
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    • 제50권1호
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    • pp.38-44
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    • 2001
  • For double-circuit transmission line systems, an accurate digital distance relaying algorithm immune to the reactance effect is proposed. The apparent impedance calculated by the distance relay is influenced by the combined reactance effect of the fault resistance and the load current as well as the mutual coupling effect caused by the zero-sequence current of the adjacent parallel circuit. To compensate the magnitude and phase of the estimated impedance, this algorithm uses phase angle difference between the zero(positive) sequence of the both side of the system seperated by the fault point. The impedance measuring algorithm presented used a current distribution factor to compensate mutual coupling effect instead of the collected zero-sequence current of the adjacent parallel circuit.

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Design and Management of Survivable Network: Concepts and Trends

  • Song, Myeong-Kyu
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2009
  • The article first presents a broad overview of the design and management for survivable network. We review the concept of network survivability, various protection and restoration schemes. Also we introduce design architectures of Quantitative model and a Survivable Ad hoc and Mesh Network Architecture. In the other side of study like these(traditional engineering approach), there is the concept of the survivable network systems based on an immune approach. There is one sample of the dynamic multi-routing algorithms in this paper.

인공 면역계를 이용한 자기변경 검사 알고리즘 (Self-Change Detection Algorithms using the Artificial Immune System)

  • 선상준;심귀보
    • 한국지능시스템학회논문지
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.320-324
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    • 2001
  • 최근 컴퓨터와 인터넷의 급속한 발전과 더불어 컴퓨터의 데이터를 파괴하는 바이러스나 정보를 빼내기 위한 해킹 등이 만연하고 있다. 이에 컴퓨터의 데이터를 보호하기 위한 방법들이 연구 중에 있는데 이 중 외부의 침입물질에 대해 자체적인 보호와 제거기능을 가지는 생체면역시스템을 이용한 컴퓨터면역시스템 구축에 대해 활발히 연구가 진행되고 있다. 생체 면역시스템은 바이러스나 병원균 등의 낮선 외부 침입자로부터 자신을 보호하고 침입자를 제거한다. 본 논문에서는 생체면역시스템의 면역세포 중의 하나인 세포독성 T세포의 자기(Self)와 비자기(Nonself)를 구분하는 기능을 이용해서 자기변경 검사 알고리즘을 구현하였다. 구현한 알고리즘은 자기로 인식하는 자기파일에서 자기를 구분하는 MHC 인식부를 구성한다. 이렇게 구성한 MHC 인식부는 자기파일을 대표하는 값을 이용하여 변경된 파일을 구분한다. 이 알고리즘을 변경된 자기파일에 적용함으로써 컴퓨터 해킹이나 바이러스에 의한 자기파일의 변경 검사의 유효성을 검증한다.

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Resource Allocation Algorithm for Multi-cell Cognitive Radio Networks with Imperfect Spectrum Sensing and Proportional Fairness

  • Zhu, Jianyao;Liu, Jianyi;Zhou, Zhaorong;Li, Li
    • ETRI Journal
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    • 제38권6호
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    • pp.1153-1162
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    • 2016
  • This paper addresses the resource allocation (RA) problem in multi-cell cognitive radio networks. Besides the interference power threshold to limit the interference on primary users PUs caused by cognitive users CUs, a proportional fairness constraint is used to guarantee fairness among multiple cognitive cells and the impact of imperfect spectrum sensing is taken into account. Additional constraints in typical real communication scenarios are also considered-such as a transmission power constraint of the cognitive base stations, unique subcarrier allocation to at most one CU, and others. The resulting RA problem belongs to the class of NP-hard problems. A computationally efficient optimal algorithm cannot therefore be found. Consequently, we propose a suboptimal RA algorithm composed of two modules: a subcarrier allocation module implemented by the immune algorithm, and a power control module using an improved sub-gradient method. To further enhance algorithm performance, these two modules are executed successively, and the sequence is repeated twice. We conduct extensive simulation experiments, which demonstrate that our proposed algorithm outperforms existing algorithms.