• Title/Summary/Keyword: Imagery information processing

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On-line Automatic Geometric Correction System of Landsat Imagery (Landsat 영상의 온라인 자동 기하보정 시스템)

  • Yun, YoungBo;Hwang, TaeHyun;Cho, Seong-Ik;Park, Jong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2004
  • In order to utilize remote sensed images effectively, it is necessary to correct geometric distortion. Geometric correction is a critical step to remove geometric distortions in satellite images. For geometric correction, Ground Control Points (GCPs) have to be chosen carefully to guarantee the quality of geocoded satellite images, digital maps, GPS surveying or other data. Traditional approach to geometric correction used GCPs requires substantial human operations. Also that is necessary much time and manpower. In this paper, we presented an on-line automatic geometric correction by constructing GCP Chip database. The Proposed on-line automatic geometric correction system is consists of four part. Input image, control the GCP Chip, revision of selected GCP, and output setting part. In conclusion, developed system reduced the processing time and energy for tedious manual geometric correction and promoted usage of Landsat imagery.

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Reversible Watermarking based on Differential Histogram for Medical Imagery (의료 영상에 대한 차이값 히스토그램 기반 가역 워터마킹 연구)

  • Oh, Gi-Tae;Jang, Han-Byul;Do, Um-Ji;Lee, Hae-Yeoun
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2014.04a
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    • pp.876-879
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    • 2014
  • 디지털 워터마킹을 위하여 강인성, 연성 등 특징을 갖는 다양한 기술들의 개발이 완료된 상태이다. 그러나 원본 콘텐츠의 품질을 중요시하는 분야에서 가역 워터마킹 기술에 대한 필요성이 증가하고 있다. 현재 다양한 분야에서 가역 워터마킹의 기술에 대한 다양한 연구 개발이 진행 중이며, 본 논문에서는 아직 많은 연구들이 이루어지지 않은 의료영상에 대한 가역 워터마킹에 대해 연구한다. 본 연구팀이 보유하고 있는 추정 오차 확장 및 오류 예측 보정을 통한 다양한 고용량 가역 워터마킹 기술들을 의료영상에 변형하여 적용함으로서 삽입용량과 영상품질을 측정하였다. 이에 따르면 차이값 추정 오차가 적은 보간 기술을 사용한 방법이 삽입용량 대비 PSNR이 좋은 성능을 보여주었다.

Application of Squeeze-and-Excitation Block for Improving Subject-Independent EEG Motor Imagery Classification Performance (사용자 독립적 뇌파 운동 심상 분류 성능 향상을 위한 Squeeze-and-Excitation Block 적용)

  • Hyewon Han;Wonjoon Choi
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.517-518
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    • 2023
  • 최근 뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스 분야에서는 뇌파 신호를 이용한 운동 심상 분류 연구가 활발히 이루어지고 있다. 뇌파는 개인별 차이가 큰 생체 신호로, 사용자에 독립적인 경우 추론이 어려워지는 문제가 있어 운동 심상 분류에서는 주로 피험자 종속적인 연구가 행해져 왔다. 본 논문에서는 컨볼루션 신경망 기반의 뇌파 분류 모델인 EEGNet 에 새로운 방식으로 개선한 Squeeze-and-Excitation block 을 적용해 피험자에 대해 독립적인 운동 심상 분류 성능을 향상시키는 방법을 제안하며, 제안한 Squeeze-and-Excitation block 을 적용한 모델이 기존 모델보다 높은 분류 성능을 보여주는 것을 실험적으로 확인하였다.


  • Nemoto, Toshihiro;Kaneko, Takayuki;Takeuchi, Wataru
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.317-320
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    • 2007
  • This research focuses on a network based data distribution and visualization system of Multi-functional Tran-port SATellite (MTSAT). Institute of Industrial Science (IIS) and Institute of Earthquake Research Institute (ERI) both at University of Tokyo have been receiving, processing, archiving and distributing of MTSAT imagery with a direct receiving of High Rate Information Transmit (HRIT) since October 2006. A software package, mtsatgeo, is developed including radiometric correction, geometric correction and spatial subset, and they are available on a web-based data distribution and processing service accessed at http://webgms.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/.

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Reversible Watermarking based on Predicted Error Histogram for Medical Imagery (의료 영상을 위한 추정오차 히스토그램 기반 가역 워터마킹 알고리즘)

  • Oh, Gi-Tae;Jang, Han-Byul;Do, Um-Ji;Lee, Hae-Yeoun
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.4 no.5
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    • pp.231-240
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    • 2015
  • Medical imagery require to protect the privacy with preserving the quality of the original contents. Therefore, reversible watermarking is a solution for this purpose. Previous researches have focused on general imagery and achieved high capacity and high quality. However, they raise a distortion over entire image and hence are not applicable to medical imagery which require to preserve the quality of the objects. In this paper, we propose a novel reversible watermarking for medical imagery, which preserve the quality of the objects and achieves high capacity. First, object and background region is segmented and then predicted error histogram-based reversible watermarking is applied for each region. For the efficient watermark embedding with small distortion in the object region, the embedding level at object region is set as low while the embedding level at background region is set as high. In experiments, the proposed algorithm is compared with the previous predicted error histogram-based algorithm in aspects of embedding capacity and perceptual quality. Results support that the proposed algorithm performs well over the previous algorithm.

A Study on the Relation of Visual Information Character and Design Alternatives (시각적 정보의 특성이 디자인대안에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 오해춘
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2002
  • Designer creates new design alternatives using acquisition of visual information in design process. Which is more effectiveness to acquire in directive visual information or in-directive visual information\ulcorner In this research we would like to find out that the relation of character in visual information and design alternatives. So to A subjects, we give them to see directive visual information to make visual mental imagery, to B subjects, we give them to see in-directive visual information to make it. In this experiment they must crate telephone design. C subjects must evaluate this design alternatives by questions composing scale in distinction and elegant. After a experimentation, It is true that we make hypothesis that distinct two subjects in distinction and elegant. Though elegant is opposite with hypothesis. So to make elegant design. it is import to concentrate cognitive ability. Accordingly it proves that in-directive visual information is effective for new type design stage in design process and directive visual information is effective for new style design stage in design process.

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A Study on the Rule-Based Selection of Trainging Set for the Classification of Satellite Imagery (위성 영상 분류를 위한 규칙 기반 훈련 집합 선택에 관한 연구)

  • Um, Gi-Mun;Lee, Kwae-Hi
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.3 no.7
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    • pp.1763-1772
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    • 1996
  • The conventional training set selection methods for the satellite image classification usually depend on the manual selection using data from the direct measurements of the ground or the ground map. However this task takes much time and cost, and some feature values vary in wide ranges even if they are in the same class. Such feature values can increase the robustness of the neural net but learning time becomes longer. In this paper,we propose anew training set selection algorithm using a rule-based method. By the technique proposed, the SPOT multispectral Imagery is classified in 3 bands, and the pixels which satisfy the rule are employed as the training sets for the neutralist classifier. The experimental results show faster initial convergence and almost the same or better classification accuracy. We also showed an improvement of the classification accuracy by using texture features and NDV1.

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Spatiotemporal Grounding for a Language Based Cognitive System (언이기반의 인지시스템을 위한 시공간적 기초화)

  • Ahn, Hyun-Sik
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.111-119
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    • 2009
  • For daily life interaction with human, robots need the capability of encoding and storing cognitive information and retrieving it contextually. In this paper, spatiotemporal grounding of cognitive information for a language based cognitive system is presented. The cognitive information of the event occurred at a robot is described with a sentence, stored in a memory, and retrieved contextually. Each sentence is parsed, discriminated with the functional type of it, and analyzed with argument structure for connecting to cognitive information. With the proposed grounding, the cognitive information is encoded to sentence form and stored in sentence memory with object descriptor. Sentences are retrieved for answering questions of human by searching temporal information from the sentence memory and doing spatial reasoning in schematic imagery. An experiment shows the feasibility and efficiency of the spatiotemporal grounding for advanced service robot.

Estimation of Simulated Radiances of the OSMI over the Oceans (대양에서의 OSMI 모의 복사량 산출)

  • 임효숙;김용승;이동한
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.227-238
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    • 1999
  • In advance of launch, simulated radiances of the Ocean Scanning Multispectral Imager (OSMI) will be very useful to guess the real imagery of OSMI and to prepare for data processing of OSMI. The data processing system for OSMI which is one of sensors aboard Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite (KOMPSAT) scheduled for launch in 1999 is developed based on the SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (SeaDAS). Simulation of radiances requires information on the spectral band, orbital and scanning characteristics of the OSMI and KOMPSAT spacecraft. This paper also describes a method to create simulated radiances of the OSMI over the oceans. Our method for constructing a simulated OSMI imagery is to propagate a KOMPSAT orbit over a field of Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) pigment concentrations and to use the values and atmospheric components for calculation of total radiances. A modified Brouwer-Lyddane model with drag was used for the realistic orbit prediction, the CZCS pigment concentrations were used to compute water-leaving radiances, and a variety of radiative transfer models were used to calculate atmospheric contributions to total radiances detected by OSMI. Imagery of the simulated OSMI radiances for 412, 443, 490, 555, 765, 865nm was obtained. As expected, water-leaving radiances were only a small fraction (below 10%) of total radiances and sun glint contaminations were observed near the solar declination. Therefore, atmospheric correction is critical in the calculation of pigment concentration from total radiances. Because the imagery near the sun's glitter pattern is virtually useless and must be discarded, more advanced data collection planning will be required to succeed in the mission of OSMI which is consistent monitoring of global oceans during three year mission lifetime.

The Study on Optimal Image Processing and Identifying Threshold Values for Enhancing the Accuracy of Damage Information from Natural Disasters (자연재해 피해정보 산출의 정확도 향상을 위한 최적 영상처리 및 임계치 결정에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Jung-Taek;Kim, Kye-Hyun
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2011
  • This study mainly focused on the method of accurately extracting damage information in the im agery change detection process using the constructed high resolution aerial im agery. Bongwha-gun in Gyungsangbuk-do which had been severely damaged from a localized torrential downpour at the end of July, 2008 was selected as study area. This study utilized aerial im agery having photographing scale of 30cm gray image of pre-disaster and 40cm color image of post-disaster. In order to correct errors from the differences of the image resolution of pre-/post-disaster and time series, the prelim inary phase of image processing techniques such as normalizing, contrast enhancement and equalizing were applied to reduce errors. The extent of the damage was calculated using one to one comparison of the intensity of each pixel of pre-/post-disaster im aged. In this step, threshold values which facilitate to extract the extent that damage investigator wants were applied by setting difference values of the intensity of pixel of pre-/post-disaster. The accuracy of optimal image processing and the result of threshold values were verified using the error matrix. The results of the study enabled the early exaction of the extents of the damages using the aerial imagery with identical characteristics. It was also possible to apply to various damage items for imagery change detection in case of utilizing multi-band im agery. Furthermore, more quantitative estimation of the dam ages would be possible with the use of numerous GIS layers such as land cover and cadastral maps.