• Title/Summary/Keyword: Image Mask

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EUVL Mask Defect Isolation and Repair using Focused Ion Beam (Focused Ion Beam을 이용한 EUVL Mask Defect Isolation 및 Repair)

  • 김석구;백운규;박재근
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.5-9
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    • 2004
  • Microcircuit fabrication requires precise control of impurities in tiny regions of the silicon. These regions must be interconnected to create components and VLSI circuits. The patterns to define such regions are created by lithographic processes. In order to image features smaller than 70 nm, it is necessary to employ non-optical technology (or next generation lithography: NGL). One such NGL is extreme ultra-violet lithography (EUVL). EUVL transmits the pattern on the wafer surface after reflecting ultra-violet through mask pattern. If particles exist on the blank mask, it can't transmit the accurate pattern on the wafer and decrease the reflectivity. It is important to care the blank mask. We removed the particles on the wafer using focused ion beam (FIB). During removal, FIB beam caused damage the multi layer mask and it decreased the reflectivity. The relationship between particle removal and reflectivity is examined: i) transmission electron microscope (TEM) observation after particle removal, ii) reflectivity simulation. It is found that the image mode of FIB is more effective for particle removal than spot and bar mode.

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Improved Margin of Absorber Pattern Sidewall Angle Using Phase Shifting Extreme Ultraviolet Mask (위상변위 극자외선 마스크의 흡수체 패턴의 기울기에 대한 오차허용도 향상)

  • Jang, Yong Ju;Kim, Jung Sik;Hong, Seongchul;Ahn, Jinho
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.32-37
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    • 2016
  • Sidewall angle (SWA) of an absorber stack in extreme ultraviolet lithography mask is considered to be $90^{\circ}$ ideally, however, it is difficult to obtain $90^{\circ}$ SWA because absorber profile is changed by complicated etching process. As the imaging performance of the mask can be varied with this SWA of the absorber stack, more complicated optical proximity correction is required to compensate for the variation of imaging performance. In this study, phase shift mask (PSM) is suggested to reduce the variation of imaging performance due to SWA change by modifying mask material and structure. Variations of imaging performance and lithography process margin depending on SWA were evaluated through aerial image and developed resist simulations to confirm the advantages of PSM over the binary intensity mask (BIM). The results show that the variations of normalized image log slope and critical dimension bias depending on SWA are reduced with PSM compared to BIM. Process margin for exposure dose and focus was also improved with PSM.

Fault detection of shadow mask by use of spatial filtering

  • Sakata, Masato;Kashiwagi, Kiroshi
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1993.10b
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    • pp.251-256
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    • 1993
  • In KACC'91 and '92 conference, we proposed a method of automatically detecting the shape of the faulty holes in a shadow mask by use of CCD ca.mera and image data processing technic. In this method, two adjoining test areas from one image data. of the shadow mask are taken and comparing the shape of holes in these two areas, we can detect the faults in the shadow mask. In this paper, a method is described by use of spatial filtering of effectively finding the faulty holes from the difference image data between the two tested image data. The main role of the filter is to remove sampling errors occurring at the edge of the holes. And the second role is not only to find the existence of faulty holes but also exactly express the shape of faulty holes. Computer simulations and actual experiments with shadow masks have shown that this method of fault detection is very effective for practical use.

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Image Enhancement using Automatic Unsharp Masking (Automatic Unsharp masking을 이용한 영상 개선)

  • Park, Hyun-Jun;Kim, Mi-Kyung;Cha, Eui-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.985-988
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents techniques to make image enhancement using unsharp masking. It is the technique to make image enhancement by automatically find the three parameters that makes hard to use the unsharp mask technique. To optimize the three parameters(Threshold, Amount, Radius), at first classify the pixels in the image to three groups, and then according to the groups, apply the unsharp mask to the image differently. We experimented and analyzed the rate of image enhancement by comparing images which is enhanced by human and which is enhanced by proposed technique.

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Design of a real-time image preprocessing system with linescan camera interface (라인스캔 카메라 인터페이스를 갖는 실시간 영상 전처리 시스템의 설계)

  • Lyou, Kyeong;Kim, Kyeong-Min;Park, Gwi-Tae
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.3 no.6
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    • pp.626-631
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    • 1997
  • This paper represents the design of a real-time image preprocessing system. The preprocessing system performs hardware-wise mask operations and thresholding operations at the speed of camera output single rate. The preprocessing system consists of the preprocessing board and the main processing board. The preprocessing board includes preprocessing unit that includes a $5\times5$ mask processor and LUT, and can perform mask and threshold operations in real-time. To achieve high-resolution image input data($20485\timesn$), the preprocessing board has a linescan camera interface. The main processing board includes the image processor unit and main processor unit. The image processor unit is equipped with TI's TMS320C32 DSP and can perform image processing algorithms at high speed. The main processor unit controls the operation of total system. The proposed system is faster than the conventional CPU based system.

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Fast Dynamic ROI Coding using the Mask Patterns in JPEG2000 (JPEG2000에서 마스크 패턴을 이용한 빠른 동적 ROI 코딩)

  • Kang, Juong-Hyon;Seo, Yeong-Geon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.18B no.6
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    • pp.349-354
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    • 2011
  • In ROI processing of JPEG2000, a region of large image indicated by the user must be processed preferentially, because it takes a considerable amount of time to display the full image. When the user indicates a region of the outlined image, then the browser masks the region and sends the mask information to the server that transmitted the outlined image. The server that receives the mask information preferentially sends the corresponding code blocks. Here, a quick generation of mask information is important. In this paper, we use 48 predefined mask patterns, which are defined according to the distribution shape of ROI and background to reduce the computing time. As a result, compared to other methods that precisely handles the ROI and background, the processing time of the method is remarkably reduced, but the quality is short of the existing methods just a little bit.

Iterative Unsharp Mask Filter for Digital Auto-Focusing (디지털 자동초점을 위한 반복적 Unsharp Mask 필터)

  • Shin, Jeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.145-152
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents a digital auto-focusing algorithm using iterative unsharp mask filter. The proposed digital auto-focusing algorithm has the advantage of low computational complexity because it uses a simple filter instead of calculating the point spread function for the estimation of image degradation. The proposed iterative algorithm can control the number of iterations for image restoration according to the objective and the subjective criterion. We show that the proposed algorithm is mathematically equivalent to the conventional image restoration. Finally, in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, various experiments are performed so that the proposed algorithm can provide good results in the sense of subjective and objective views.

Mask Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network (R-CNN) Based Image Segmentation of Rays in Softwoods

  • Hye-Ji, YOO;Ohkyung, KWON;Jeong-Wook, SEO
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.490-498
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    • 2022
  • The current study aimed to verify the image segmentation ability of rays in tangential thin sections of conifers using artificial intelligence technology. The applied model was Mask region-based convolutional neural network (Mask R-CNN) and softwoods (viz. Picea jezoensis, Larix gmelinii, Abies nephrolepis, Abies koreana, Ginkgo biloba, Taxus cuspidata, Cryptomeria japonica, Cedrus deodara, Pinus koraiensis) were selected for the study. To take digital pictures, thin sections of thickness 10-15 ㎛ were cut using a microtome, and then stained using a 1:1 mixture of 0.5% astra blue and 1% safranin. In the digital images, rays were selected as detection objects, and Computer Vision Annotation Tool was used to annotate the rays in the training images taken from the tangential sections of the woods. The performance of the Mask R-CNN applied to select rays was as high as 0.837 mean average precision and saving the time more than half of that required for Ground Truth. During the image analysis process, however, division of the rays into two or more rays occurred. This caused some errors in the measurement of the ray height. To improve the image processing algorithms, further work on combining the fragments of a ray into one ray segment, and increasing the precision of the boundary between rays and the neighboring tissues is required.

Key Phase Mask Updating Scheme with Spatial Light Modulator for Secure Double Random Phase Encryption

  • Kwon, Seok-Chul;Lee, In-Ho
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.280-285
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    • 2015
  • Double random phase encryption (DRPE) is one of the well-known optical encryption techniques, and many techniques with DRPE have been developed for information security. However, most of these techniques may not solve the fundamental security problem caused by using fixed phase masks for DRPE. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a key phase mask updating scheme for DRPE to improve its security, where a spatial light modulator (SLM) is used to implement key phase mask updating. In the proposed scheme, updated key data are obtained by using previous image data and the first phase mask used in encryption. The SLM with the updated key is used as the second phase mask for encryption. We provide a detailed description of the method of encryption and decryption for a DRPE system using the proposed key updating scheme, and simulation results are also shown to verify that the proposed key updating scheme can enhance the security of the original DRPE.

Inspection System for The Metal Mask (Metal Mask 검사시스템)

  • 최경진;이용현;박종국
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2003
  • We develop an experimental system to inspect a metal mask and, in this paper, introduce its inspection algorithm. This system is composed of an ASC(Area Scan Camera) and a belt type xy-table. The whole area of the metal mask is divided into several inspection blocks. The area of each block is equal to FOV(Field of View). For each block, the camera image is compared to the reference image. The reference image is made by gerber file. The rotation angle of the metal mask is calculated through the linear equation that is substituted two end points of horizontal boundary of a specific hole in a camera image. To calculate the position error caused by the belt type xy-table, HT(Hough-Transform) using distances among the holes in two images is used. The center of the reference image is moved as much as the calculated Position error to be coincided with the camera image. The information of holes in each image, such as centroid, size, width and height, are calculated through labeling. Whether a holes is mado correctly by laser machine or not, is judged by comparing the centroid and the size of hole in each image. Finally, we build the experimental system and apply this algorithm.