• Title/Summary/Keyword: Image Edge

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Edge-Preserving and Adaptive Transmission Estimation for Effective Single Image Haze Removal

  • Kim, Jongho
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2020
  • This paper presents an effective single image haze removal using edge-preserving and adaptive transmission estimation to enhance the visibility of outdoor images vulnerable to weather and environmental conditions with computational complexity reduction. The conventional methods involve the time-consuming refinement process. The proposed transmission estimation however does not require the refinement, since it preserves the edges effectively, which selects one between the pixel-based dark channel and the patch-based dark channel in the vicinity of edges. Moreover, we propose an adaptive transmission estimation to improve the visual quality particularly in bright areas like sky. Experimental results with various hazy images represent that the proposed method is superior to the conventional methods in both subjective visual quality and computational complexity. The proposed method can be adopted to compose a haze removal module for realtime devices such as mobile devices, digital cameras, autonomous vehicles, and so on as well as PCs that have enough processing resources.

Deviation Angles of Inverted Pendulum by Edge Detection Method of Vision System (비젼 시스템의 에지 검출 방법을 이용한 도립 진자의 편차 각)

  • Ryu, Sang-Moon;Park, Jong-Gyu;Han, Il-Suck;Jang, Sung-Whan;Ahn, Tae-Chon
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1999.07b
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    • pp.797-799
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    • 1999
  • In this paper, the edge intensification and detection algorithm which is one of image processing operations is considered. Edge detection algorithm is the most useful and important method for image processing or image analysis. The vision system based on these processing and concerned in specific project is proposed and is applied to the inverted pendulum in order to automatically acquire the angles between the bar and the perpendicular reference line. In this paper, the angles that are obtained from some images of computer vision system can offer useful informations for control of real inverted pendulum system. Next, the inverted pendulum will be controlled by the proposed method.

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Exact Histogram Specification Considering the Just Noticeable Difference

  • Jung, Seung-Won
    • IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.52-58
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    • 2014
  • Exact histogram specification (EHS) transforms the histogram of an input image into the specified histogram. In the conventional EHS techniques, the pixels are first sorted according to their graylevels, and the pixels that have the same graylevel are further differentiated according to the local average of the pixel values and the edge strength. The strictly ordered pixels are then mapped to the desired histogram. However, since the conventional sorting method is inherently dependent on the initial graylevel-based sorting, the contrast enhancement capability of the conventional EHS algorithms is restricted. We propose a modified EHS algorithm considering the just noticeable difference. In the proposed algorithm, the edge pixels are pre-processed such that the output edge pixels obtained by the modified EHS can result in the local contrast enhancement. Moreover, we introduce a new sorting method for the pixels that have the same graylevel. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm provides better image enhancement performance compared to the conventional EHS algorithms.

A study On the Image Coding Based on the Segmented Fractal Coding (세그멘트기법을 이용한 프랙탈 영상 부호화에 대한 연구)

  • Seo, Ju-Ha;Choi, Hwang-Kyu;Cho, Churl-Hee
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.15
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 1995
  • Fractal coding is a promising method for image compression, but it has not lived up to its promise as low bit-rate image compression scheme. The existing algorithms for finding self-mapping contractive transforms are computationally expensive and offer a poor rate-quality tradeoff. In this paper, we propose a segment based fractal coding. We classify the range blocks into shade, midrange or edge blocks, and segment edge block along the edge. And we apply midrange coding scheme for each segment. Our experiments show that our method gives better rate-qualty trade of than current fractal block coding methods.

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Scalable Coding of Depth Images with Synthesis-Guided Edge Detection

  • Zhao, Lijun;Wang, Anhong;Zeng, Bing;Jin, Jian
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.9 no.10
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    • pp.4108-4125
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents a scalable coding method for depth images by considering the quality of synthesized images in virtual views. First, we design a new edge detection algorithm that is based on calculating the depth difference between two neighboring pixels within the depth map. By choosing different thresholds, this algorithm generates a scalable bit stream that puts larger depth differences in front, followed by smaller depth differences. A scalable scheme is also designed for coding depth pixels through a layered sampling structure. At the receiver side, the full-resolution depth image is reconstructed from the received bits by solving a partial-differential-equation (PDE). Experimental results show that the proposed method improves the rate-distortion performance of synthesized images at virtual views and achieves better visual quality.

The Design of the IIR Differintegrator and its Application in Edge Detection

  • Jain, Madhu;Gupta, Maneesha;Jain, N.K.
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.223-239
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    • 2014
  • New IIR digital differintegrators (differentiator and integrator) with very minor absolute relative errors are presented in this paper. The digital integrator is designed by interpolating some of the existing integrators. The optimum value of the interpolation ratio is obtained through linear programming optimization. Subsequently, by modifying the transfer function of the proposed integrator appropriately, new digital differentiator is obtained. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed differintegrator are a more accurate approximation of ideal ones, than the existing differintegrators. Furthermore, the proposed differentiator has been tested in an image processing application. Edges characterize boundaries and are, therefore, a problem of fundamental importance in image processing. For comparison purpose Prewitt, Sobel, Roberts, Canny, Laplacian of Gaussian (LOG), Zerocross operators were used and their results are displayed. The results of edge detection by some of the existing differentiators are also provided. The simulation results have shown the superiority of the proposed approach over existing ones.

Edge Detection in Color Image Using Color Morphology Pyramid (컬리 모폴로지 피라미드를 이용한 컬러 이미지의 에지 검출)

  • 남태희;이석기
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.65-69
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    • 2001
  • Edge detection is the most important process that belongs to the first step in image recognition or vision system and can determine the efficiency valuation. The edge detection with color images is very difficult. because color images have lots of information that contain not only general information representing shape, brightness and so on but also that representing colors. In this paper, we propose architecture of universalized Color Morphological Pyramids(CMP) which is able to give effective edge detection. Image pyramid architecture is a successive image sequence whose area ratio 2$\^$-1/(ι= 1, 2, . . . ,N) after filtering and subsampling of input image. In this technique, noise removed by sequential filtering and resolution is degraded by downsampling using CMP in various color spaces. After that, new level images are constructed that apply formula using distance of neighbor vectors in close level images and detection its image.

A Novel Implementation of Rotation Detection Algorithm using a Polar Representation of Extreme Contour Point based on Sobel Edge

  • Han, Dong-Seok;Kim, Hi-Seok
    • JSTS:Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.800-807
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    • 2016
  • We propose a fast algorithm using Extreme Contour Point (ECP) to detect the angle of rotated images, is implemented by rotation feature of one covered frame image that can be applied to correct the rotated images like in image processing for real time applications, while CORDIC is inefficient to calculate various points like high definition image since it is only possible to detect rotated angle between one point and the other point. The two advantages of this algorithm, namely compatibility to images in preprocessing by using Sobel edge process for pattern recognition. While the other one is its simplicity for rotated angle detection with cyclic shift of two $1{\times}n$ matrix set without complexity in calculation compared with CORDIC algorithm. In ECP, the edge features of the sample image of gray scale were determined using the Sobel Edge Process. Then, it was subjected to binary code conversion of 0 or 1 with circular boundary to constitute the rotation in invariant conditions. The results were extracted to extreme points of the binary image. Its components expressed not just only the features of angle ${\theta}$ but also the square of radius $r^2$ from the origin of the image. The detected angle of this algorithm is limited only to an angle below 10 degrees but it is appropriate for real time application because it can process a 200 degree with an assumption 20 frames per second. ECP algorithm has an O ($n^2$) in Big O notation that improves the execution time about 7 times the performance if CORDIC algorithm is used.

Image Compression and Edge Detection Based on Wavelet Transforms (웨이블릿 기반의 영상 압축 및 에지 검출)

  • Jung il Hong;Kim Young Soon
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2005
  • The basis function of wavelet transform used in this paper is constructed by using lifting scheme, which is different from general wavelet transform. Lifting scheme is a new biorthogonal wavelet con-structing method, that does not use Fourier transform for constructing its basis function. In this paper, an image compression and reconstruction method using the lifting scheme was proposed. And this method improves data visualization by supporting a partial reconstruction and a local reconstruction. Approx- imations at various resolutions allow extracting various sizes of feature from an image or signal with a small amount of original information. An approximation with small size of scaling coefficients gives a brief outline of features at fast. Image compression and edge detection techniques provide good frame- works for data management and visualization in multimedia database.

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A Study on Improved Denoising Algorithm for Edge Preservation in AWGN Environments (AWGN환경에서 에지보호를 위한 개선된 잡음제거 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • Yinyu, Gao;Kim, Nam-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.1773-1778
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    • 2012
  • Nowadays, the high quality of image is required with the demand for digital image processing devices is rapidly increasing. But image always damaged by many kinds of noises and it is necessary to remove noise and the denoising becomes one of the most important fields. In many cases image is corrupted by AWGN(additive white Gaussian noise). In this paper, we proposed an improved denoising algorithm with edge preservation. The proposed algorithm averages values processed by spatial weighted filter and self adaptive weighted filter. Then we add the value which is computed by the equation considering variance of mask and the estimated noise variance. Through the experience, the proposed filter performs well on noise suppression and edge preservation properties and improves the image visual quality.