• Title/Summary/Keyword: Image Edge

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A Study on the Image/Video Data Processing Methods for Edge Computing-Based Object Detection Service (에지 컴퓨팅 기반 객체탐지 서비스를 위한 이미지/동영상 데이터 처리 기법에 관한 연구)

  • Jang Shin Won;Yong-Geun Hong
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.319-328
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    • 2023
  • Unlike cloud computing, edge computing technology analyzes and judges data close to devices and users, providing advantages such as real-time service, sensitive data protection, and reduced network traffic. EdgeX Foundry, a representative open source of edge computing platforms, is an open source-based edge middleware platform that provides services between various devices and IT systems in the real world. EdgeX Foundry provides a service for handling camera devices, along with a service for handling existing sensed data, which only supports simple streaming and camera device management and does not store or process image data obtained from the device inside EdgeX. This paper presents a technique that can store and process image data inside EdgeX by applying some of the services provided by EdgeX Foundry. Based on the proposed technique, a service pipeline for object detection services used core in the field of autonomous driving was created for experiments and performance evaluation, and then compared and analyzed with existing methods.

Image Quality Evaluation of Medical Image Enhancement Parameters in the Digital Radiography System (디지털 방사선시스템에서 영상증강 파라미터의 영상특성 평가)

  • Kim, Chang-Soo;Kang, Se-Sik;Ko, Seong-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.329-335
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    • 2010
  • Digital imaging detectors can use a variety of detection materials to convert X-ray radiation either to light or directly to electron charge. Many detectors such as amorphous silicon flat panels, CCDs, and CMOS photodiode arrays incorporate a scintillator screen to convert x-ray to light. The digital radiography systems based on semiconductor detectors, commonly referred to as flat panel detectors, are gaining popularity in the clinical & hospital. The X-ray detectors are described between a-Silicon based indirect type and a-Selenium based direct type. The DRS of detectors is used to convert the x-ray to electron hole pairs. Image processing is described by specific image features: Latitude compression, Contrast enhancement, Edge enhancement, Look up table, Noise suppression. The image features are tuned independently. The final enhancement result is a combination of all image features. The parameters are altered by using specific image features in the different several hospitals. The image in a radiological report consists of two image evaluation processes: Clinical image parameters and MTF is a descriptor of the spatial resolution of a digital imaging system. We used the edge test phantom and exposure procedure described in the IEC 61267 to obtain an edge spread function from which the MTF is calculated. We can compare image in the processing parameters to change between original and processed image data. The angle of the edge with respect to the axes of detector was varied in order to determine the MTF as a function of direction. Each MTF is integrated within the spatial resolution interval of 1.35-11.70 cycles/mm at the 50% MTF point. Each image enhancement parameters consists of edge, frequency, contrast, LUT, noise, sensitometry curve, threshold level, windows. The digital device is also shown to have good uniformity of MTF and image parameters across its modality. The measurements reported here represent a comprehensive evaluation of digital radiography system designed for use in the DRS. The results indicate that the parameter enables very good image quality in the digital radiography. Of course, the quality of image from a parameter is determined by other digital devices in addition to the proper clinical image.

Image Compression Using Edge Map And Multi-Sided Side Match Finite-State Vector Quantization (윤곽선 맵과 다중 면 사이드 매치 유한상태 벡터 양자화를 이용한 영상 압축)

  • Cho, Seong-Hwan;Kim, Eung-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.1419-1427
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we propose an algorithm which implements a multi-sided side match finite-state vector quantization(MSMVQ). After extracting the edge information from an image and classifying the image into edge blocks or non-edge blocks, we construct an edge map. We subdivide edge blocks into sixteen classes using discrete cosine transform(DCT) AC coefficients. Based on edge map information, a state codebook is made from the master codebook, and side match calculation is done for two-sided or three-sided current block of image. For reducing transmitted bits, a decision is made whether or not to encode the non-edge blocks among the pre-coded blocks by using the master codebook. Also for reducing allocation bits of codeword indices to decoder, a variable length coder is used. Considering the comparison with side match finite-state vector quantization(SMVQ) and two-sided SMVQ(TSMVQ) algorithm about Zelda, Lenna, Bridge and Peppers image, the new algorithm shows better picture quality than SMVQ and TSMVQ respectively.

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Precise Edge Detection Method Using Sigmoid Function in Blurry and Noisy Image for TFT-LCD 2D Critical Dimension Measurement

  • Lee, Seung Woo;Lee, Sin Yong;Pahk, Heui Jae
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2018
  • This paper presents a precise edge detection algorithm for the critical dimension (CD) measurement of a Thin-Film Transistor Liquid-Crystal Display (TFT-LCD) pattern. The sigmoid surface function is proposed to model the blurred step edge. This model can simultaneously find the position and geometry of the edge precisely. The nonlinear least squares fitting method (Levenberg-Marquardt method) is used to model the image intensity distribution into the proposed sigmoid blurred edge model. The suggested algorithm is verified by comparing the CD measurement repeatability from high-magnified blurry and noisy TFT-LCD images with those from the previous Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) based sub-pixel edge detection algorithm and error function fitting method. The proposed fitting-based edge detection algorithm produces more precise results than the previous method. The suggested algorithm can be applied to in-line precision CD measurement for high-resolution display devices.

Edge Detection Using an Ant System Algorithm (개미 시스템 알고리듬을 이용한 윤곽선 검출)

  • 이성열;이창훈
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.38-45
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents a meta-heuristic solution technique, Ant System (AS)algerian to solve edge detection problem. We define the quality of edge in terms of dissimilarity, continuity, thickness and length. We cast edge detection as a problem in cost minimization. This is achieved by the formulation of a cost function that inversely evaluates the quality of edge configuration. Twelve windows for enhancing dissimilarity regions based on the valid edge structures are used. The AS algorithm finds the optimal set of edge pixels based on the cost function. The experimental results show that the properly reduced set of edge pixels could be found regardless how complicated the image is.

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Edge Detection using Enhanced Cost Minimization Methods

  • Seong-Hoon Lee
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.88-93
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    • 2024
  • The main problem with existing edge detection techniques is that they have many limitations in detecting edges for complex and diverse images that exist in the real world. This is because only edges of a defined shape are discovered based on an accurate definition of the edge. One of the methods to solve this problem is the cost minimization method. In the cost minimization method, cost elements and cost functions are defined and used. The cost function calculates the cost for the candidate edge model generated according to the candidate edge generation strategy, and if the cost is found to be satisfactory, the candidate edge model becomes the edge for the image. In this study, we proposed an enhanced candidate edge generation strategy to discover edges for more diverse types of images in order to improve the shortcoming of the cost minimization method, which is that it only discovers edges of a defined type. As a result, improved edge detection results were confirmed.

Speckle Noise Reduction and Edge Enhancement in Ultrasound Images Based on Wavelet Transform

  • Kim, Yong-Sun;Ra, Jong-Beom
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.122-131
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    • 2008
  • For B-mode ultrasound images, we propose an image enhancement algorithm based on a multi-resolution approach, which consists of edge enhancing and noise reducing procedures. Edge enhancement processing is applied sequentially to coarse-to-fine resolution images obtained from wavelet-transformed data. In each resolution, the structural features of each pixel are examined through eigen analysis. Then, if a pixel belongs to an edge region, we perform two-step filtering: that is, directional smoothing is conducted along the tangential direction of the edge to improve continuity and directional sharpening is conducted along the normal direction to enhance the contrast. In addition, speckle noise is alleviated by proper attenuation of the wavelet coefficients of the homogeneous regions at each band. This region-based speckle-reduction scheme is differentiated from other methods that are based on the magnitude statistics of the wavelet coefficients. The proposed algorithm enhances edges regardless of changes in the resolution of an image, and the algorithm efficiently reduces speckle noise without affecting the sharpness of the edge. Hence, compared with existing algorithms, the proposed algorithm considerably improves the subjective image quality without providing any noticeable artifacts.

Automated Edge-based Seamline Extraction for Mosaicking of High-resolution Satellite Images (고해상도 위성영상 모자이킹을 위한 경계선 기반의 접합선 자동 추출)

  • Jin, Kyeong-Hyeok;Song, Yeong-Sun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2009
  • By the advent of the high resolution satellite imagery, a ground-coverage included by a single satellite image is decreased. By the reason, there are increasing needs in image mosaicking technology to use images to various GIS fields. This paper describes an edge-based seamline extraction algorithm using edge information such as rivers, roads, buildings for image mosaicking. For this, we developed a method to track and link discontinuous edges extracted by edge detection operator. To estimate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, we applied the algorithm to IKONOS, KOMPSAT-1 and SPOT-5 satellite images. The experimental results showed that the algorithm successfully dealts with discontinuities caused by geometric differences in two images.

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Comparison of Edge Localization Performance of Moment-Based Operators Using Target Image Data

  • Seo, Suyoung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents a method to evaluate the performance of subpixel localization operators using target image data. Subpixel localization of edges is important to extract the precise shape of objects from images. In this study, each target image was designed to provide reference lines and edges to which the localization operators can be applied. We selected two types of moment-based operators: Gray-level Moment (GM) operator and Spatial Moment (SM) operator for comparison. The original edge localization operators with kernel size 5 are tested and their extended versions with kernel size 7 are also tested. Target images were collected with varying Camera-to-Object Distance (COD). From the target images, reference lines are estimated and edge profiles along the estimated reference lines are accumulated. Then, evaluation of the performance of edge localization operators was performed by comparing the locations calculated by each operator and by superimposing them on edge profiles. Also, enhancement of edge localization by increasing the kernel size was also quantified. The experimental result shows that the SM operator whose kernel size is 7 provides higher accuracy than other operators implemented in this study.

Similar Image Retrieval using Color Histogram and Edge Histogram Descriptor (컬러 히스토그램과 에지 히스토그램 디스크립터를 이용한 영상 검색 기법)

  • Jo, Min-Hyuk;Lee, Sang-Geol;Cha, Eui-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2013.10a
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    • pp.332-335
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we propose an image retrieval method using an EHD (Edge Histogram Descriptor) of MPEG-7 and the color histogram. The EHD algorithm can be used to collect the gradient of edge distribution and to find a similar image. However, if you only search the edge gradient without considering the image color, the color shows a weakness. In order to overcome this problem, we use the color histogram and extract the feature to determine whether a similar image. The proposed method shows that the weakness of existing EHD can be overcome by using the color histogram.

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