• 제목/요약/키워드: Identification of chemical substances

검색결과 54건 처리시간 0.025초

REACH 물질 등록 시 분류에 영향을 주는 미량 유해 무기물질의 스크리닝·정량·해석을 위한 체계도 연구 (Study on scheme for screening, quantification and interpretation of trace amounts of hazardous inorganic substances influencing hazard classification of a substance in REACH registration)

  • 권현아;박광서;손승환;최은경;김상헌
    • 분석과학
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    • 제32권6호
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    • pp.233-242
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    • 2019
  • Substance identification is the first step of the REACH registration. It is essential in terms of Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) regulation and because even trace amounts of impurities or additives can affect the classification. In this study, a scheme for the screening, quantification, and interpretation of trace amounts of hazardous inorganic substances is proposed to detect the presence of more than 0.1% hazardous inorganic substances that have been affecting the hazard classification. An exemplary list of hazardous inorganic substances was created from the substances of very high concern (SVHCs) in REACH. Among 201 SVHCs, there were 67 inorganic SVHCs containing at least one or ~2-3 heavy metals, such as As, Cd, Co, Cr, Pb, Sb, and Sn, in their molecular formula. The inorganic SVHCs are listed in excel format with a search function for these heavy metals so that the hazardous inorganic substances, including each heavy metal and the calculated ratio of its atomic weight to molecular weight of the hazardous inorganic substance containing it, can be searched. The case study was conducted to confirm the validity of the established scheme with zinc oxide (ZnO). In a substance that is made of ZnO, Pb was screened by XRF analysis and measured to be 0.04% (w/w) by ICP-OES analysis. After referring to the list, the presence of Pb was interpreted just as an impurity, but not as an impurity relevant for the classification. Future studies are needed to expand on this exemplary list of hazardous inorganic substances using proper regulatory data sources.

잣나무의 天然化學物質이 다른 植物에 미치는 毒性作用 (Phytotoxic Effects of Naturally Occurring Chemicals from Pinus koraiensis on Experimental Species)

  • Kil, Bong-Seop;Kim, Doo-Young;Kim, Young-Sik;Lee, Seung-Yeob
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.149-157
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    • 1991
  • To find out allelopathic potential of naturally occurring substances emitted form pinus korairnsis, water extracts and volatile sudstances of the tree materials werw provided and used for tests such as seed germination and seedling growth test. In general, the more was the concentration of the extracts and essential oils, the worse was growth effects of the selected species. The germination an the growth were inversely proportional to the concentration of the extracts and the essential oils of p. koraiensis. in other words, the chemical substances had the biological toxic activity. gc and gc/ms methods were employed for analysis and identification of phytotoxic substances from the tree leaves. Sixteen chemical compounds were identified from water extracts and nineteen from essential oils of p. koraiensis leaves. Through the experiment on germination and seedling growth test, the chemical substances naturally occurring from p. koraiensis seemed to be responsible for the allelopathic potential in this study.

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개똥쑥의 천연화학물질에 의한 항균효과와 성분확인 (The Antifungal Activity of Chemical Substances from Artemisia annua)

  • 김현철;길봉섭;이영행
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.137-140
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    • 2001
  • 개똥쑥(Artemisia annua)에 함유되어 있는 천연화학물질이 곰팡이에 미치는 항균효과를 조사하고 천연화학물질의 성분을 분석하였다. 개똥쑥의 수용성물질과 휘발성물질로 인한 곰팡이의 생장실험은 곰팡이의 종류에 따라 생장률이 다르게 나타났고 수용성물질과 휘발성물질의 농도가 증가 됨에 따라 곰팡이의 생장률이 억제되었다. 특히 Fusarium oxysporum의 경우 휘발성물질보다 수용성물질에서의 생장 억제가 높았고 반면, Aspergillus nidulans는 수용성물질보다 휘발성물질에서 생장이 더 억제되었다. 따라서 이러한 모든 억제작용을 일으키는 화학물질을 찾기 위해 GC/MS를 사용하여 개똥쑥의 정유를 분석한 결과 2,4-hexadienal, β-pinene, cineole, thujone, camphor, citronellal, (-)-menthone, terpineol, (1R)-(-)myrtenol, mytenol, (S)-(-)-perillaaldehyde, perillalcohol, 4-tert-buthylaniline, eugenol, isosafrole, isoeugenol, α-humulene 등이 동정되었다. 이와 같은 결과로 볼때, 개똥쑥에 함유된 수용성 물질과 휘발성 물질이 실험에 쓰인 곰팡이에 대한 항균효과에 관계된다는 사실을 밝혀내었다.

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화학물질배출이동량 자료를 활용한 화학물질배출량 및 유해기반지수 정량화와 시공간 특성 연구 (A Study on the Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Chemical Discharges and Quantified Hazard-Based Result Scores Using Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Data)

  • 임유라;간순영;배현주
    • 한국환경보건학회지
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    • 제48권5호
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    • pp.272-281
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    • 2022
  • Background: The constant consumption of chemical products owing to expanding industrialization has led to an increase in public interest in chemical substances. As the production and disposal processes for these chemical products cause environmental problems, regional information on the hazard level of chemical substances is required considering their effects on humans and in order to ensure environmental safety. Objectives: This study aimed to identify hazard contribution and spatiotemporal characteristics by region and chemical by calculating a hazard-based result score using pollutant release and transfer register (PRTR) data. Methods: This study calculated the chemical discharge and hazard-based result score from the Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI) model, analyzed their spatiotemporal patterns, and identified hotspot areas where chemical discharges and high hazard-based scores were concentrated. The amount of chemical discharge and hazard-based risk scores for 250 cities and counties across South Korea were calculated using PRTR data from 2011 to 2018. Results: The chemical discharge (high densities in Incheon, Daegu, and Busan) and hazard-based result scores (high densities in Incheon, Chungcheongnam-do, and some areas of Gyeongsangnam-do Province) showed varying spatial patterns. The chemical discharge (A, B) and hazard-based result score (C, D) hotspots were identified. Additionally, identification of the hazard-based result scores revealed differences in the type of chemicals contributing to the discharge. Ethylbenzene accounted for ≥80% of the discharged chemicals in the discharge hotspots, while chromium accounted for >90% of the discharged chemicals in the hazard-based result score hotspots. Conclusions: The RSEI hazard-based result score is a quantitative indicator that considers the degree of impact on human health as a toxicity-weighted value. It can be used for the management of industries discharging chemical substances as well as local environmental health management.

화학적 폐수처리 중 GC/MS에 의한 폐놀생성 규명에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Identification of Phenol Production by GC/MS under Chemical Treatment of Industrial Wastewater)

  • 박선구;고오석;신대윤
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.89-93
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    • 2000
  • Twenty organic chemical substances(Table 2) were isolated from untreated wastewater, as well as treated wastewater, collected at 76 companys of 9 industry group located in the basin of Youngsan River. Those organic compounds were analyzed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry(GC/MS) and confirmed through comparison with each standard reagents. Phenol, which was not detected in the raw wastewater, was identified in the effluent of treatment facility, indicating that phenol is generated from isopropylbenzene of plant wastewater.

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알레로파시 연구의 기초와 전망 (Basic and Prospective Aspects on Allelopathic Research)

  • 길봉섭
    • 한국환경생태학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국환경생태학회 2005년도 정기총회 및 학술대회
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    • pp.3-14
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    • 2005
  • To investigate phytotoxic substances in some donor plants and their biological activities, seed germination and seedling growth of receptor plants were examined at different concentrations of aqueous extracts and essential oils of the donor plants. Germination of some receptor species was inhibited by the extracts, while seedling growth was decreased to a lesser degree than in the germination test. Germination, seedling growth and dry weight growth of Achyranthes japonica grown in pot were proportionally inhibited by the extracts. Volatile substances emitted some donor plants caused inhibitory effects in the germination and seedling growth of the receptor species. Essential oil of the plants extracted by Karlsruker's apparatus Inhibited growth of microorganisms, callus growth and root hair development of receptor plants. The cortical cells at the root tips of Latuca sativa treated with essential oils showed contraction of the cytoplasm, resulting in plasma membranes becoming detached from the cell walls and the cells metamorphosing irregularity. Accumulation of lipid granules Inside contracted cytoplasm and degeneration of mitochondrial cristae were also observed. The GC/MS method was employed for analysis and identification of allelochemicals from donor plants. Sixty-one chemical substances such as camphene, cineole etc. were identified from essential oils of Artemisia argyi.

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Identification of Nandrolone and its Metabolite 5α-Estran-3β, 17α-Diol in Horse Urine after Chemical Derivatization by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry

  • Dubey, Saurabh;Beotra, Alka
    • Mass Spectrometry Letters
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.90-97
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    • 2017
  • Androgenic anabolic steroids (AASs) are synthetic derivatives of testosterone with a common structure containing cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene nucleus. Their use enhances the muscle building capacity and is beneficial during performance. The AASs are one of the most abused group of substances in horse doping. Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry ($LC/MS^n$) has been successfully applied to the detection of anabolic steroids in biological samples. However, the saturated hydroxysteroids viz: nandrolone, $5{\alpha}-estrane-3{\beta}$, $17{\alpha}-diol$ exhibit lower detection responses in electrospray ionisation (ESI) because of their poor ionisation efficiency. To overcome this limitation pre-column chemical derivatization has been introduced to enhance their detection responses in $LC-ESI-MS^n$ analysis. The aim of present study was to develop a sensitive method for identification and confirmation of nandrolone and its metabolite in horse urine incorporating pre-column derivatization using picolinic acid. The method consists of extraction of targeted steroid conjugates by solid phase extraction (SPE). The eluted steroid conjugates were hydrolysed by methanolysis and free steroids were recovered with liquid-liquid extraction. The resulting steroids were derivatized to form picolinoyl esters and identification was done using LC-ESI-MS/MS in positive ionization mode. The picolinated steroid adduct enhanced the detection levels in comparison to underivatized steroids.

Construction of Probability Identification Matrix and Selective Medium for Acidophilic Actinomycetes Using Numerical Classification Data

  • Seong, Chi-Nam;Park, Seok-Kyu;Michael Goodfellow;Kim, Seung-Bum;Hah, Yung-Chil
    • Journal of Microbiology
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 1995
  • A probability identification matrix of acidophilic Streptomyces was constructed. The phenetic data of the strains were derived from numerical classification described by Seong et al. The minimum number of diagnostic characters was determined using computer programs for calculation of different separation indices. The resulting matrix consisted of 25 clusters versus 53 characters. Theoretical evaluation of this matrix was achieved by estimating the chuster overlap and the identification scores for the Hypothetical Median Organisms (HMO) and for the representatives of each cluster. Cluster overlap was found to be relatively small. Identification scores for the HMO and the randomly selected representatives of each cluster were satisfactory. The matrix was assessed practically by applying the matrix to the identification of unknown isolates. Of the unknown isolates, 71.9% were clearly identified to one of eight clusters. The numerical classification data was also used to design a selective isolation medium for antibiotic-producing organisms. Four chemical substances including 2 antibiotics were determined by the DLACHAR program as diagnostic for the isolation of target organisms which have antimicrobial activity against Micrococcus luteus. It was possible to detect the increased rate of selective isolation on the synthesized medium. Theresults show that the numerical phenetic data can be applied to a variety of purposes, such as construction of identification matrix and selective isolation medium for acidophilic antinomycetes.

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물질안전보건자료 및 표시제도의 개선 방향 제안(2) - 유럽연합의 CLP 제도 고찰에 근거하여 (How to Improve the Reliability of MSDS and Labels?(2): A Review on the EU CLP(REGULATION(EC) No 1272/2008))

  • 김신범;이윤근;최영은
    • 한국산업보건학회지
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: The major objectives of this study are to review the EU CLP Regulations to propose ways of improving the reliability of MSDS and labels. Methods: To review the EU CLP Regulations, we used EU documents including directives and regulations on chemical management. In addition, we used EU governmental agency reports to illuminate the history and background of the CLP. We found the EU CLP's instruments for reliable hazard communication and evaluated the operations of the instruments. Results: EU CLP Regulations have four instruments for the EU CLP Regulations to make hazard communication reliable. These instruments are GHS, the harmonized CMR and respiratory sensitive substances classification list, C&L inventory and restriction of trade secrets. These are highly useful for achieving the objectives of REACH and CLP(no data-no market and changing the burden of proof). Conclusions: Changing the burden of proof is a key principle for achieving a society safe from hazardous chemicals. Chemical manufacturers and importers alone should bear the responsibility for reliable MSDS. We recommend benchmarking the EU CLP Regulations in order to change efficiently the burden of proof. Trade secrets should be limited to low-hazard substances and be approved by the government before the chemical product is on the market. Like the C&L inventory, chemical product information including substances identification and hazard properties should be notified, aggregated and be opened to public on the Internet. Finally, we recommend a MSDS registration system once again.

화학물질 소화약제 안전한 사용에 관한 연구 (Study on the Safe use of the Chemical Extinguishing Agent)

  • 조중래
    • 한국화재소방학회논문지
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.118-129
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구는 산업재해예방기관인 안전보건공단(KOSHA)에서 실시한 소화약제 중독 질식 재해사례분석을 통해 소화 약제를 포함한 화학물질의 안전한 취급방안을 제안하기 위함이다. 산업재해통계에 따르면 2011~2016년 산업현장에서 발생한 화학물질 중독 질식재해는 해마다 증가 및 다 변화 양상을 보여주고 있다. 일반 사고성재해와 달리 화학물질 재해는 재해강도가 크고 화학물질 위험성 정보 확인이 어려운 특징이 있다. 화학물질 재해의 예방을 위해서는 화학물질 취급 전 위험성을 평가하는 것이 무엇보다 중요하다. 본 논문은 유해위험성인지와 위험성평가가 어려운 화학물질의 안전한 사용을 위해 안전보건공단에서 개발한 화학물질 필수정보 확인 프로세스(CHEM-i)와 화학물질위험성평가기법(CHARM)의 활용방안을 제시하고자 한다.