• Title/Summary/Keyword: IT and Business Alignment

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The Development of a Haptic Interface for Interacting with BIM Elements in Mixed Reality

  • Cho, Jaehong;Kim, Sehun;Kim, Namyoung;Kim, Sungpyo;Park, Chaehyeon;Lim, Jiseon;Kang, Sanghyeok
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2022.06a
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    • pp.1179-1186
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    • 2022
  • Building Information Modeling (BIM) is widely used to efficiently share, utilize and manage information generated in every phase of a construction project. Recently, mixed reality (MR) technologies have been introduced to more effectively utilize BIM elements. This study deals with the haptic interactions between humans and BIM elements in MR to improve BIM usability. As the first step in interacting with virtual objects in mixed reality, we challenged moving a virtual object to the desired location using finger-pointing. This paper presents the procedure of developing a haptic interface system where users can interact with a BIM object to move it to the desired location in MR. The interface system consists of an MR-based head-mounted display (HMD) and a mobile application developed using Unity 3D. This study defined two segments to compute the scale factor and rotation angle of the virtual object to be moved. As a result of testing a cuboid, the user can successfully move it to the desired location. The developed MR-based haptic interface can be used for aligning BIM elements overlaid in the real world at the construction site.

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A New Approach to Evaluation of Industrial Informatization (차세대 기업 정보화수준 평가 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Leem, Choon-Seong;Yu, Eun-Jung;Kim, Byeong-Wan;Shin, Seon-Do;Lee, Byeong-Ryul;Cha, Jeong-Hoon
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.125-144
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    • 2008
  • Recently, the main concerns of enterprise management activities is how to strengthen the competitiveness to quickly respond to changes and sustain the growth in business environment. As IT(Information Technology) has become to be viewed as a key driver for the business competitiveness, new paradigms, such as business and IT alignment, IT-driven product/service innovation and so on, are regarded as the hot topic in many industries. However, previous studies related to IT evaluation, which is more critical than any other IT activities, have focused on quantitative IT deployment, utilization and its economical effects. Therefore, this study presents the newly-developed evaluation domains and items based on four pairs of relative concepts in industrial informatization, and their multi-dimensional analysis methodology which explains various types of IT characteristics of enterprises. And finally, pilot tests at 2 companies in financial service sector will be performed in order to verify the practicality of the evaluation system.

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The Effect of Corporate Ownership Structure on Technological Innovation: Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies (기업의 지분구조 특성이 기술 혁신에 미치는 영향: 중국 상장기업을 중심으로)

  • Yuying Chen;Eunjung Yeo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.139-172
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    • 2024
  • Purpose - This study investigates the relationship between corporate ownership structure and technological innovation for Chinese listed firms. Specifically, we analyze four ownership characteristics: concentration, constraints, alignment, and foreign/domestic institutional investor ownership, and use patent applications to measure innovation. Design/methodology/approach - Employing a quantitative research design, this study uses panel data of Chinese listed companies during the period from 2015 to 2021. The empirical analysis relies on multiple regression models, including Tobit models and two-stage least squares estimation, to assess the relationship between corporate ownership structure characteristics and innovation. Robustness checks are conducted using lagged dependent variables and subgroup analyses based on firm age, ownership type, and stock exchange listing. Findings - First, it provides empirical evidence on the non-linear relationship between ownership concentration and innovation, suggesting that there is an optimal level of ownership concentration for promoting innovation. Second, it highlights the importance of equity constraints in influencing innovation, showing that both excessive and insufficient equity constraints can hinder innovation. Third, the study demonstrates the negative impact of aligned ownership and control on innovation, suggesting that separation of ownership and control may be beneficial for fostering innovation. Fourth, it sheds light on the differential impact of domestic and foreign institutional investors on innovation, suggesting that foreign institutional investors may play a more positive role in promoting innovation. Research implications or Originality - The significance of this study's results lies in the fact that we empirically analyze the relationship between corporate ownership characteristics and technological innovation, thereby suggesting the direction of a desirable corporate governance structure that listed companies should pursue depending on their circumstances. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the ownership characteristics that influence technological innovation and provides valuable insights for policymakers and corporate managers.

Strategic Framework for Digital Transformation in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Organizations

  • Jaehyun PARK;Sungkon MOON
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.1145-1152
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    • 2024
  • Digital transformation has become a pivotal focus in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry, driven by an urgent need to enhance productivity and optimize resource management. This transformation plays an essential role throughout the entire project lifecycle, from the early stages of conception to the final phases of completion. The paper underscores the critical importance of aligning digital transformation initiatives with the broader business strategies of AEC organizations. This alignment is key to gaining a competitive edge and fostering sustainable growth within the industry. The paper introduces a comprehensive and adaptable strategic framework for digital transformation. This framework is designed to be flexible, allowing AEC organizations to tailor digital transformation strategies to meet their specific needs and objectives. The framework not only addresses the technological aspects but also considers the cultural and operational shifts required for successful implementation. Moreover, the paper delves into various aspects of digital transformation, such as data management, workflow automation, and the integration of emerging technologies like AI and IoT in AEC processes. It discusses the potential barriers to digital adoption and offers strategies to overcome these challenges. This paper serves as an in-depth guide for AEC organizations looking to seamlessly integrate digital technologies into their business models. It provides valuable insights and methodologies that are crucial for any entity in the AEC industry striving to thrive in an increasingly digitalized world, making it a must-read for leaders and decision-makers within the industry.

A Methodology of Defense IT Convergence and Case Study (국방IT융합 추진방법론 및 사례 연구)

  • Sim, Seungbae;Jung, Hosang;Yoo, Cheonsoo;Jeong, Bongju
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.11 no.sup
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2012
  • Information technology convergence has been recognized one of the key drivers in the industry perspective. Korea government established IT convergence policy in 2008 and has been implementing it to the core industry such as automotive, shipbuilding and defense industries. This research analyzes various IT convergence issues based on an operation of defense IT convergence center, one of the industry IT convergence centers. Defense IT convergence issues are as follows : the methods for introducing rapid changing IT to military area, rapid deployment procedures of verified commercial technologies and products, regulations for using of domestic software promotion and so on. We define the concept of defense IT convergence and propose the framework and processes for applying IT to our defense sector as one of industries. Also, we establish various business models in the military perspective using defense IT convergence framework. In this paper, we focus the development of defense IT convergence through the alignment of national IT convergence policy and propose various business models established through operating a defense IT convergence center.

A Security Metrics Taxonomization Model for Software-Intensive Systems

  • Savola, Reijo M.
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.197-206
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    • 2009
  • We introduce a novel high-level security metrics objective taxonomization model for software- intensive systems. The model systematizes and organizes security metrics development activities. It focuses on the security level and security performance of technical systems while taking into account the alignment of metrics objectives with different business and other management goals. The model emphasizes the roles of security-enforcing mechanisms, the overall security quality of the system under investigation, and secure system lifecycle, project and business management. Security correctness, effectiveness and efficiency are seen as the fundamental measurement objectives, determining the directions for more detailed security metrics development. Integration of the proposed model with riskdriven security metrics development approaches is also discussed.

Development of SiO2/SiNx ALE Process Using Ultra Low Electron Temperature Plasma Source (극저온 전자 온도 플라즈마 소스를 활용한 SiO2/SiNX ALE 공정 개발 연구)

  • Bumsoo On;Gaeun Kim;Eunseong Yu;Ji woon Kwon;Sengmin Lee;Seungik Jung;Taeho Shin
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 2024
  • The semiconductor industry continues to reduce the critical dimension of transistors to achieve high-performance semiconductor devices, and it has now entered the atomic-scale era, beyond the nanoscale. Among the various methods for semiconductor miniaturization, self-aligned contact etching is one of the approaches introduced to improve alignment margins during the photolithography process. This paper presents detailed research conducted by the Semiconductor Division of ICD Co., Ltd., focusing on ultra-low electron temperature plasma source technology. The study aims to lower the electron temperature of the plasma and find optimal process conditions that can prevent damage to SiNx thin films. The study aims to explore the unique characteristics of this plasma source and demonstrate how it can be leveraged to enhance the state-of-the-art capabilities of the self-aligned contact process. The findings suggest that optimizing the process conditions can significantly improve etching performance, contributing to the advancement of semiconductor fabrication technologies.

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The Analysis of the IT-Outsourcing Moderated by Partnership Types (파트너십 관계유형에 따른 아웃소싱의 성과분석)

  • Yeon, Keyong-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2008
  • The classical IT-Outsourcing studies have focused on the factors which a company decides for the IT-Outsourcing strategy. But the main concerns of recent researches are more about the Critical Success Factors determining the Success of the IT-Outsourcing service. Especially, the factors, which enhance the level of Success during and after the implementation of IT-Outsourcing services, are the main field of the recent researches. The study about the Partnership between Outsourcer and Outsourcee are also one of the most frequently researched themes. The result of these studies shows us that the "Reliability" and "Communication" are the main factors for the successful partnership. In this paper we try to find out how the IT-Outsourcing factors (independent variable) have influenced on the Success of IT-Outsourcing strategy (dependent variable) with 4 kinds of parameters. These moderate variables are the 4-types of Partnership by FORT, that is, "Support", "Reliance", "Alignment" and "Alliance".

Information Technology Strategy and Architecture: An Explanatory Contingency Framework (정보기술전략과 정보기술아키텍쳐: 설명적 상황이론 프레임워크)

  • Yum, Ji-Hwan
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.81-94
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    • 2002
  • The study employs the conceptual framework of the strategic success paradigm developed by Ansoff (1990). The strategic success paradigm denotes that optimal performance will be attained when the level of environmental turbulence is aligned with the strategic aggressiveness and organizational capability. Based on the paradigm, authors developed the concept of IT (information technology) aggressiveness (IT aggressiveness henceforth) and capability (IT capability henceforth). In order to clarify the different concept of IT aggressiveness and capability, the author brought the concept of IT architecture. The difference of capability and architecture lies in the depth of technical considerations. Where capability refers attitudinal aspects of managers, architecture emphasizes technical capacity of the organization as a whole. The study validated the need for alignment among IT architecture, environmental turbulence and IT aggressiveness. The imbalance between IT strategy and IT architecture (such as a higher level of IT aggressiveness but a lower level of IT architecture, or vice versa) has a marginal contribution to the organizational IT performance. The alignment among organizational environmental turbulence, IT aggressiveness, and IT architecture resulted in an optimal level of IT performance especially in a turbulent environment.

Domain-Specific Terminology Mapping Methodology Using Supervised Autoencoders (지도학습 오토인코더를 이용한 전문어의 범용어 공간 매핑 방법론)

  • Byung Ho Yoon;Junwoo Kim;Namgyu Kim
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.93-110
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    • 2023
  • Recently, attempts have been made to convert unstructured text into vectors and to analyze vast amounts of natural language for various purposes. In particular, the demand for analyzing texts in specialized domains is rapidly increasing. Therefore, studies are being conducted to analyze specialized and general-purpose documents simultaneously. To analyze specific terms with general terms, it is necessary to align the embedding space of the specific terms with the embedding space of the general terms. So far, attempts have been made to align the embedding of specific terms into the embedding space of general terms through a transformation matrix or mapping function. However, the linear transformation based on the transformation matrix showed a limitation in that it only works well in a local range. To overcome this limitation, various types of nonlinear vector alignment methods have been recently proposed. We propose a vector alignment model that matches the embedding space of specific terms to the embedding space of general terms through end-to-end learning that simultaneously learns the autoencoder and regression model. As a result of experiments with R&D documents in the "Healthcare" field, we confirmed the proposed methodology showed superior performance in terms of accuracy compared to the traditional model.