• Title/Summary/Keyword: IT Industry Promotion

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A Study on the Continues Use Intention of Artificial Intelligence RPA in the Financial Industry (금융업의 인공지능(AI) RPA 지속사용의도에 관한 연구)

  • Kyeong-Rok Seo;Hyeon-Suk Park
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.55-68
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that influence the intention to continuously use the RPA program used in the financial industry for those working in the financial industry. In particular, the purpose of this study is to understand the will to accept and the perception of acceptance conflict by considering the characteristics of individuals in the relationship between work and information technology. As a result of the study, it can be confirmed that the RPA system based on intelligent process automation including artificial intelligence should be further strengthened in the transformation of a digitalized enterprise rather than the RPA based on simple task automation that is currently most used. In general, the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance was prominent for the adoption of new technology, but the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance did not appear for the continued use of RPA in the financial industry. Able to know. In the future in the financial industry, it is thought that the change in the labor organization will be accelerated as the suitability of repetitive tasks and technologies is increased.

Trends of healthcare industry research institutes (보건산업부문 기업부설 연구소의 동향)

  • Hong Sang-Jin;Kang Tak-Lim
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.36-50
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    • 2002
  • Health industry, a knowledge based high value-added industry, is being considered as a strategic area for the 21C and many advanced countries are making every endeavors for the promotion of health industry along with information technology, new materials, and mechatronics. Korean health industry, however, has been excluded from the governmental supports as well as bound by strict regulation so far, and there is a significant gap in technology compared with advanced countries. In 21C, technology is the main factor of national competitiveness and that is why the role of R&D institutes are so important in the high level of competition to cope with the technology protection policies of advanced countries. In this article, with Directory of Korean R&D Institutes published by Korea Industry Technology Association, I reviewed the trends of R&D institute of health industry. Main findings of the research can be summarized as follows. The portion of health industry R&D institute is 3.6% of total R&D institute but the amount of R&D investment is over than 5% This means health industry are knowledge based and R&D intensified industry, meanwhile the variations of same industry R&D institutes of health industry is huge in R&D investments and other activities. Regional distributions of health industry institutes show some kind of different patterns in each industry areas. Medical devices and Medical informatics's preference of metropolitan region are distinguished with other industry areas. Many of the institutes are located in same site of it's company rather than operating separate building for R&D specific uses. It is better for transforming ideas to products and close cooperation of research body with product lines, but it is a handicap for networking and communicating with other research institutions too. It takes 18.4yrs for bearing R&D institute on the average. For a long times 'copy products' or 'me too products' policies were easy way to maintain business entities. But recently, it is recognized that research activities are essential component of sustaining it's own business firms. This means technology itself is leading power of corporation itself in the high level of competition.

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A Study on the Success Factors of National R&D Commercialization in Agriculture (농업 분야 국가 R&D 기술이전 사업화 성공 요인 분석)

  • Yeongheon Song;Jungin Lee;Junki Kim;Euiung Hwang;Inyong Eom
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.41-58
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    • 2023
  • This study identifies the commercialization success factors that can be an important indicator for the transfer and commercialization of national R&D results in the agricultural sector. Unlike other industries, the agricultural sector has a non-systematically scaled and processed industrial structure, and R&D is led by government rather than the private sector. Although the quantitative performance of national agricultural R&D, especially the number of patents and publications, has increased rapidly with the quantitative expansion of the government R&D budget, the technology commercialization of the results of agricultural R&D has been accompanied by difficulties for SMEs. Therefore, this study summarized the success factors for commercialization of state-owned technologies presented in previous studies, and based on them, analysed the success factors for commercialization specific to the agricultural sector. It also conducted a questionnaire survey using Delphi and focus group interviews (FGI) with experts from academia, research and industry, and a survey of agricultural companies to derive success factors for commercialization in the agricultural sector using logistic regression analysis. As a result, five indicators with positive correlation and three indicators with negative correlation within technology characteristics, suppliers, adopters, policy and market factors were finally derived as key factors for agricultural commercialization. In the future, it is expected that independent factor analysis of the food and seed sectors, which have independent industry characteristics from the agricultural sector, will be needed.

A Study on the Regional Logistic Industry Status in Incheon (인천광역시의 물류산업 현황에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Jung-Hwan;Lee, Doo-Yong;Zhang, Jing-Iun;Jho, Yong-Chul;Choi, Soon-Young;Lee, Chang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2011
  • Incheon port is located near the Seoul metropolitan area and it is gateway port to Korea. It has the efficient location conditions in geography and economics. Many logistics industry had been developed taking the advantage of above conditions. Since Incheon International Airport opened in 2001, the function in logistics had been grown gradually. But most of logistics companies in Incheon are lack of basic usage of logistic information. To identify the status for logistic industry in Incheon we analysed various statistical data and literature in this study. From the survey results, we found that logistic industry has higher weight than other industries. It is sure that logistics industry is the specific industry in Incheon.

Determinants of Corporate R&D Investment: An Empirical Study Comparing Korea's IT Industry with Its Non-IT Industry

  • Lee, Myeong-Ho;Hwang, In-Jeong
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.258-265
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    • 2003
  • In our study, we extracted the market, finance, and government factors determining R&D investment of individual firms in the IT industry in Korea. We collected the financial data of 515 individual firms belonging to IT and non-IT industries between 1980 and 1999 from the Korea Investors Service's database and investigated the empirical relationship between the factors using an ordinary regression model, a fixed effects model, and a random effects model. The main findings of our study are as follows: i) The Herfindahl Index variable representing the degree of market concentration is statistically insignificant in explaining R&D expenditures in the IT manufacturing industry. ii) Assets, which is used as a proxy variable for firm size, have a positive and statistically significant coefficient. These two results suggest that the Schumpeterian Hypothesis may be only partially applied to the IT manufacturing industry in Korea. iii) The dividend variable has a negative value and is statistically significant, indicating that a tendency of high dividends can restrict the internal cash flow for R&D investment. iv) The sales variable representing growth potential shows a positive coefficient. v) The subsidy as a proxy variable for governmental R&D promotion policies is positively correlated with R&D expenditure. This suggests that government policy has played a significant role in promoting R&D activities of IT firms in Korea since 1980. vi) Using a dummy variable, we verified that firms reduced their R&D investments to secure sufficient liquidity under the restructuring pressure during Korea's 1998 and 1999 economic crisis.

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An Exploratory Study on Adoption and Activation of IT for Korean Stone Industry (한국 석재산업의 IT 도입 및 활성화를 위한 탐색적 연구)

  • An, Jaeyoung;Lee, Choong C.;Yun, Haejung
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.83-100
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    • 2018
  • Demand for stone products used as building materials is increasing. The construction industry, the value of the stone industry is sufficient, but the domestic stone industry is very lag regarding IT utilization. However, the overseas stone industry produces high-quality products using IT. In this study, we want to offer an IT application technology priority fit for the stone industries. We identify the current status and production process of the stone industries, then set the priority of various IT, so that obtain competitiveness in the domestic stone industries, and minimize the gap between the overseas stone industries. Therefore, we used AHP method; stone industry production processes were selected as the Enterprise Operation Management, Quarrying, Manufacturing, Construction and Maintenance of first-tier. The second-tier ones are consisted of 30 factors out of IT elements. Focus group interviews were conducted to confirm the validity of each factor. As a result, most important factors of first-tier was selected as the order of Manufacturing, Quarrying, Enterprise Operation Management, and Construction & Maintenance. The top 5 of 30 factors in the second-tier were selected Smart Sensor, Mobile Device, Robot of manufacturing, GIS of quarrying, and SCM of enterprise operation management. And the factor that relatively less important was GPS of construction and maintenance. If properly applied an IT application technology for stone industry, we expect to provide efficient production lines and increase customer satisfaction, which will ultimately expand the promotion for the industry and thus act as positive factor in promoting the stone industry.

A Study on Awareness, Attraction, Satisfaction of Women Customers in Family Restaurant Marketing Activity (패밀리레스토랑의 마케팅 활동에 대한 여성고객의 인지, 매력, 만족에 관한 연구)

  • 이재련
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.81-100
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    • 2003
  • This study performed a analysis of customer purchasing behavior in family restaurant. The type of family restaurant marketing activity was classified to free gift promotion, special menu promotion, discount promotion, membership program, coupon, co-marketing promotion were assumed to stimulus. The awareness of stimulus and exposure, attention, comprehension process was assumed to attraction and the contribution of stimulus was assumed to satisfaction on this study. A sample of study is assigned women customers are core customer group not family restaurant but all of industry. The study has showed co-marketing is the most outstanding marketing activity in family restaurant all of aspects and the awareness and attraction of co-marketing is higher than satisfaction. A result of t-test for awareness and attraction of discount and coupon promotion is attended. Attraction of them is higher than awareness. But satisfaction of them is lower than attraction means that family restaurants should makes an effort to develop the customer satisfaction to ensure customer loyalty through the discount and coupon promotion. On one-way ANOVA of awareness, attraction and satisfaction by age, discount and coupon promotion is related to it Speciality as low age as sensitive in awareness, attraction, satisfaction of discount promotion.

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Line's Development Strategy in the Mobile Instant Messenger Industry

  • So Hyung, Kim
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.389-395
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    • 2022
  • This paper selected 'Line', the messenger application of Korea's leading software-based IT company 'Naver', and performed a case analysis specially in the early stages of the messenger industry. First, this study analyzed what the mobile messenger industry is and the external environment. Next, an internal analysis was carried out through the strengths and weaknesses through Naver Line's resources and capabilities. With this analysis, this study could evaluate the platform strategy, communication strategy, and the user basic strategy that Naver is carrying out. This study gave us more understanding of the mobile instant messenger (MIM) industry and understand Naver's growth strategy, which will provide great implications for the working staff of IT companies.

Factors Influencing Health Promotion Behavior by Students of the College of Maritime Sciences (해사대학 학생의 건강증진행위 영향요인)

  • Kim, Younkyoung;Kim, Nooree
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.889-897
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    • 2018
  • Since students of the College of Maritime Sciences will become professionals contributing to the development of the Korean shipping industry after graduation, they are required to successfully complete school life including theoretical and practical curriculum with health promotion behavior. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing health promotion behavior by students of the College of Maritime Science in order to collect basic data through a survey for the development of health promotion programs. Health promotion behavior by students of the College of Maritime Sciences was less frequent than by other college students, and the levels of health promotion behavior sub-domains were lower in order of interpersonal relations, spiritual growth, stress management, nutrition, physical activity, and health responsibility. The most influential factors for health promotion behavior were learner participation, health promotion self-efficacy, self-esteem, and social support. It is necessary to develop a differentiated health promotion program considering the characteristics of students and to apply it systematically from the time of admission to improve health promotion behavior by students of the College of Maritime Sciences.

A Study on the Influence of the Government's Innovation Promotion Policy on the Innovation Performance of the Service Industry (정부의 혁신 촉진 정책이 서비스 산업의 기술 혁신 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Woo, Jihwan;Kim, YoungJun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.469-482
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    • 2019
  • This paper analyzes the effects of government support systems, regulation, and innovation promotion policy on technological innovation performance of companies in the service industry using 4,000 Korean service industry companies. Multiple and hierarchical multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the correlation between the individual factors and process innovation and product innovation. Government support, regulation and technology innovation in the service industry were tested. In addition, government innovation promotion policy includes government support and regulation and the technological innovation performance of service firms. As a result, the government support system affects both the process innovation and the product innovation performance in the service industry, but affects only the process innovation performance in the case of regulation. Innovation promotion policy was found to regulate the relationship between government support systems and regulation and innovation performance of the service industry. Therefore, these findings provide strategic implications for the management of enterprises in relation to government support systems and innovation policy. It is necessary to reorganize regulations that are outdated to improve the effect of innovation policies on innovation performance.