• Title/Summary/Keyword: IT산업 전략

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A Study on Eco-friendly Policy and Current State of Japanese Logistics (일본 물류분야에 대한 친환경정책과 현황에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Song-Han
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.253-270
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    • 2011
  • The problem of global warming faced a big turning point due to the adoption of "Kyoto protocol"in 1997. Therefore, by enacting "Act on Advancement of Integration and Streamlining of Distribution Business"and "green logistics partnership council"to reduce $CO_2$ emission, fulfillment of distribution work is comprehensively and effectively supported by Japan. In particular, the green management certification system, which promotes green management based on the independent and planned environmental measures of transportation service of harbor employers, warehouse operators, and trucking employers of logistics sector, is promoted. As such, the Japanese government is actively promoting the eco-friendly green logistics policy to reduce $CO_2$ emission in terms of the prevention of global warming by building the comprehensive and efficient logistics system. Therefore, this thesis studied the status of the green logistics policy of Japan where the eco-friendly logistics system is being built ahead of Korea and as a result, it presented the implications on the green logistics strategy which is eco-friendly and can be developed continuously, the development of eco-friendly green logistics industry, the introduction of green logistics certification system, Departmental roles and responsibility of administrative agencies.

A Study on Evaluation of the Reading Culture Promotion Project and Develpment Direction of Smart Era at the National Library for Children and Young Adults (국립어린이청소년도서관의 독서문화진흥사업 평가와 스마트 시대 발전방향에 대한 연구)

  • Kang, Ji Hei;Cha, Sung-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.203-221
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    • 2020
  • This study closely analyzed changes in the educational environment and changes in the needs of children's and young people's reading culture programs, which are directly beneficiaries of the promotion of reading culture as they enter the fourth industrial revolution. It also comprehensively evaluated the reading culture promotion project for children and adolescents promoted by the National Children and Youth Library and proposed a reading culture promotion project that meets the needs of the smart era. This study investigated the cases of various domestic and foreign reading culture promotion projects to divulge trends. The authors invited experts from public libraries and school libraries with experience of the reading culture promotion projects and performed Focus Group Interviews (FGI). The authors evaluated individual reading culture program based on the PDCA method (Plan, Do, Check, Act). Based on the data obtained through case studies and expert evaluations, the development plan of reading culture promotion project and the strategy of promoting new projects to be pursued in the National Children and Youth Library were presented. By gathering the results of the research, 'Interactive e-book making platform production / distribution business', 'Game-type reading program production / distribution business', 'Habruta reading culture dissemination project using backward learning method', 'Youth coding branding "Teen-Start -Up"' were proposed as new services.

A Study on the Multi-scalar Processes of Gumi Industrial Complex Development, 1969-1973 (구미공단 형성의 다중스케일적 과정에 대한 연구: 1969-73년 구미공단 제1단지 조성과정을 사례로)

  • Hwang, Jin-Tae;Park, Bae-Gyoon
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2014
  • This paper aims at exploring the multi-scalar processes through which the Gumi Industrial Complex was developed in the late 1960s and the early 1970s. Existing studies, influenced by the "Developmental State Thesis", tend to see the industrialization processes of South Korea either by focusing on the socio-politico-economic processes at the national scale or in terms of the plan rationality of the national bureaucrats. This paper, however, denies this perspective on the basis of the strategic relational approach to the state and the multi-scalar perspective. In particular, it argues that the state actions for national industrialization have been the outcome of complex interactions, conflicts and negotiations among social forces, acting in and through the state, and at diverse geographical scales. This paper attempts to empirically prove this argument on the basis of a case study on the construction processes of Gumi Industrial Complex. The development of Gumi Industrial Complex cannot be solely explained in terms of either the plan rationality of the national bureaucrats or the political motivation related to the fact that Gumi was the hometown of President Park Jung-Hee. This paper argues that the development of Gumi Industrial Complex was heavily influenced by the role of the following actors; place-dependent local actors in Gumi and the multi-scalar agents, such as the Korean-Japanese businessmen and the national parliament members elected in the Gumi electoral district.

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A Study on the Determinants of Fans' Team Identification in KBO League : Focused on the Effects of Kids Marketing (프로야구 팬의 팀 동일시에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 응원시작 연령의 효과를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Seung-Nyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.99-110
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    • 2016
  • This study examined the factors affecting the team identification of professional baseball fans. The factors were divided into the fan factor, game factors, and other factors. For the analysis, two investigators visited stadium three times in total and a total number of 297 spectators were sampled using a convenience sampling method from three baseball teams. For the fan factor, a fan who began supporting his/her team from childhood or after childhood was used as a dummy variable. The interaction effects between the fan factor and other variables were investigated to offer a stereoscopic understanding about the role of kids marketing. In addition, three game factors and four non-game factors were analyzed. The results regarding fan variable and interaction effects were obtained. Fans from their childhood have much stronger team identification, and show interaction effects with the players. Regression analysis revealed player, promotion and fan service, price, and regional connection to have positive relations with team identification. This study is especially meaningful in a sense that it has proposed positive results regarding marketing to children, and the results will contribute to both the academic field and the industry.

A Study on the Influencing Factors of Online Word-of-Mouth Adoption in the Mobile Applications Market (모바일 애플리케이션 마켓에서 온라인 구전 수용에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Ha, Na-Yeun;Kim, Kyung-Kyu;Lee, Ho
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.109-134
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    • 2012
  • This study, focusing on process of online Word-of-Mouth(oWOM) adoption in applications market which is a major issue of recent mobile industry, tried to empirically analyze how main characteristics of oWOM affect trust and process of oWOM adoption. To do this, based on understanding about applications market and precedent studies on online communication and Elaboration Likelihood Model(ELM), I developed the research model and proposed seven hypotheses. The subjects were smart phone users who ever used review in mobile applications market. The study method was questionnaire survey. As a result, trust in review was suggested as prerequisite for consumers to accept on-line review in mobile applications market. And it was empirically proved that for the customers to feel trust, these are necessary - positive assessment on argument quality, vividness of delivered explanation, and neutrality of message. The theoretical implications of this study are that based on studies on oWOM, factors affecting trust in review were explored in the environment of mobile applications market with less judgement clues for decision making compared to other on-line media and then, these factors were conceptualized. From the practical view, this study suggested implication on what attributes companies or developers can strategically utilize while investigating prerequisites of oWOM adoption.

The Development of Gangnam and the Formation of Gangnam-style Urbanism : On the Spatial Selectivity of the Anti-Communist Authoritarian Developmental State (강남 개발과 강남적 도시성의 형성 - 반공 권위주의 발전국가의 공간선택성을 중심으로 -)

  • Ji, Joo-Hyoung
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.307-330
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    • 2016
  • This article aims to explain how Gangnam, as a model and standard of compressed urbanization in South Korea, was created. Gangnam and Gangnam-style urbanization need attention not only because they contrast with Korea's urbanization in the past as well as urbanization in the West but also they provide an important model in contemporary Korea's politics, economy and culture. However, there are little studies of how Gangnam's peculiar urbanism was created. To fill this gap, this article will first capture Gangnam's peculiar urbanism as a material landscape and sociocultural lifestyle. Gangnam-style urbanism is (a) materially characterized by high-rise apartment complexes owned by the middle and upper class for dwelling and asset growth and (b) socio-culturally characterized by political conservatism, public indifference, competition over academic performance, appearance, and fashion, and nightlife. Then it will show Gangnam's archetype was created in a spatially and temporally compressed way in and through the spatial selectivity of Korean anti-communist authoritarian developmental state strategies: (1) anti-communism led to the diffusion and accommodation of the population through apartments in Gangnam in the context of its confrontation with North Korea and the fast-growing population of Seoul; (2) military authoritarianism excluded the low-income class and the urban poor from urban development; and (3) the developmental state adopted selective housing policy which treated construction companies and the middle class preferentially through exceptional zoning and price distortions, promoting the construction of apartment in Gangnam and its resultant uneven development.

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A Research on PV-connected ESS dissemination strategy considering the effects of GHG reduction (온실가스감축효과를 고려한 태양광 연계형 에너지저장장치(ESS) 보급전략에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Wongoo;KIM, Kang-Won;KIM, Balho H.
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.94-100
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    • 2016
  • ESS(Energy Storage System) is an important source that keeps power supply stable and utilizes electricity efficiently. For example, ESS contributes to resolve power supply imbalance, stabilize new renewable energy output and regulate frequency. ESS is predicted to be expanded to 55.9GWh of installed capacity by 2023, which is 30 times more than that of 2014. To raise competitiveness of domestic ESS industry in this increasing world market, we have disseminated load-shift ESS for continuous power supply imbalance with FR ESS, and also necessity to secure domestic track record is required. However in case of FR ESS, utility of installing thermal power plant is generally generated within 5% range of rated capacity, so that scalability of domestic market is low without dramatic increase of thermal power plant. Necessity of load-shift ESS dissemination is also decreasing effected by surplus backup power securement policy, raising demand for new dissemination model. New dissemination model is promising for $CO_2$ reduction effect in spite of intermittent output. By stabilizing new renewable energy output in connection with new renewable energy, and regulating system input timing of new renewable energy generation rate, it is prospected model for 'post-2020' regime and energy industry. This research presents a policy alternatives of REC multiplier calculation method to induce investment after outlining PV-connected ESS charge/discharge mode to reduce GHG emission, This alternative is projected to utilize GHG emission reduction methodology for 'Post-2020' regime, big issue of new energy policy.

A Study on the Government's Support Policy of SMEs (국내 중소기업의 정부지원정책에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Young-Woo;Kim, Pan-Jin
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2010
  • This paper is to give Korean small and medium enterprises the direction for strengthening the competitiveness through looking the problems and improvements about the government policy that domestic small and medium enterprises is essential for the growth anc development. To derive these results, the theoretical background was established through considering the existing research literature. This paper has drawn the final policy alternatives through collecting field data and analysing the practical support after meeting with executives that are operating a small business related to research purposes. In this paper in order to strengthen the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises of the government's support policy, it is critical for the financial support policy and the tax support policiest policy. The conclusions in this study are following. SMEs in Korean economic growth contribute greatly to advance industrial structure, regional balanced development, employment opportunities and to alleviate the concentration of economic power. However, there are these positive, and the negative such as the absence of entrepreneurial spirit and passive participation in society. Therefore, SMEs now should have your own a lot of effort to improve their competitiveness. In addition, government believe that SMEs directly impact on the national economy, especially the people, but they still need systematic and aggressive policy support in the future because of the lack of the result. Finally, if they try strategic approach for several issues and improvement of government's support policy that this study suggested for SMEs, the entrance toward developed countries can be through jumping of Korean economy.

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Analysis of Factors for Improvement of Economic Feasibility of Construction Cost to Spread Application of OSC Construction Method for Apartment Housing (공동주택 OSC공법 적용 확산을 위한 공사비 분야 경제성 개선 요인 분석 - PC 부재 설계, 제작, 운송, 시공을 중심으로 -)

  • Yun, WonGun;Shin, Eun-Young;Kang, Tai-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2021
  • Recently, as the problem of the traditional on-site labor-intensive construction production method has been raised due to changes in construction work labor and site conditions, the OSC method is gradually spreading as an alternative to this. Even in apartment houses, the application of the PC method is expanding centered on the underground parking lot, but the high cost structure is a problem compared to the conventional formwork method. In this study, factors affecting the calculation of construction cost in the economic evaluation, which are the core of determining the construction method for apartment buildings, are derived through domestic and foreign literature review and expert advice, the importance was analyzed through an opinion survey targeting industry experts. The measures to reduce construction cost were mainly derived from the improvement of the design and manufacturing process. It is expected that the factors affecting the construction cost and improvement measures of the PC method derived from this study will serve as a direction for technology development to spread the application of the PC method for apartment houses in the future.

Determinants of Hotel Customers' Use of the Contactless Service: Mixed-Method Approach (호텔 고객의 비대면 서비스 이용의도의 영향요인에 대한 연구)

  • Chung, Hee Chung;Koo, Chulmo;Chung, Namho
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.235-252
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    • 2021
  • The development of information and communication technology and COVID-19 have caused an unusual change in the hotel industry, and the demand for the contactless services such as service robots from hotel customers has surged. Therefore, this study investigates the perception of hotel customers on contactless services by applying a mixed-method analysis. Specifically, this study identified the causal correlations between variables through the structural equation model, and further applied the fuzzy set qualitative comparison analysis to derive patterns of variables that form the intention to use the non-face-to-face services. As a result of the analysis, it was shown that service experience co-creation, palyfulness, personalization, and trust had a significant effect on intention to use through the contactless service use desire. On the other hand, in the results of fuzzy-set qualitative comparison analysis, playfulness was derived as a core factor in all patterns. Based on these analysis results, this study provides academic basis for in-depth understanding of hotel customers' perception of contactless service and specific guidelines for hotel managers on the contactless service strategies in the era of COVID-19 pandemic.