• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hybrid Resources Development

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Developmental Speed of Hybrid Fertilized Egg Between Olive Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus Female and Starry Flounder Platichthys stellatus Male at Different Water Temperatures and Larval Growth (넙치(Paralichthys olivaceus) 암컷과 강도다리(Platichthys stellatus) 수컷 잡종에서 수정란의 수온별 발생속도 및 자어 성장)

  • Do, Yong Hyun;Min, Byung Hwa;Choi, Myeoung Lyeoul;Lim, Han Gyu
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.630-636
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    • 2014
  • To investigate the characteristics of hybrid eggs and larva produced by olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus females and starry flounder Platichthys stellatus males, we examined the developmental speed of hybrid eggs at different water temperatures. The developmental speed of hybrid eggs tended to increase with increasing water temperature. Specifically, the hatching times were 91 hrs, 62 hrs and 43 hrs at $10^{\circ}C$, $15^{\circ}C$ and $20^{\circ}C$, respectively. The mean biological minimum temperature of the hybrid was $1.3^{\circ}C$, which is in between that of the olive flounder and the starry flounder. In high water temperatureseasons, slower growth was observed in hybrids of the starry flounder which is a coldwater fish.

Embryonic Development and Hatchability in the Reciprocal Hybrids of Kelp Grouper (Epinephelus bruneus) and Red-Spotted Grouper (Epinephelus akaara)

  • Kang, Min Joo;Noh, Choong Hwan;Choi, Hee Jung;Park, Dae Won;Hur, Sung-Pyo
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.303-311
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    • 2020
  • In this study, the embryonic development and hatchability of eggs fertilized by the reciprocal hybrids of kelp grouper (Epinephelus bruneus) and red-spotted grouper (E. akaara) were evaluated with the goal of establishing a novel hybrid with enhanced growth and viability during the farming period in the temperate waters of Korea. The fertilization rates were lower for hybrids than for maternal purebreds and were significantly higher in the red-spotted grouper ♀ × kelp grouper ♂ hybrid (RGKG, 89.61 ± 1.58%) than in the kelp grouper ♀ × red-spotted grouper ♂ hybrid (KGRG, 74.82 ± 4.23%, p < 0.05). Unlike the fertilization rates, the hatching rates of fertilized eggs were similar between hybrids and maternal purebreds and did not differ significantly between KGRG and RGKG (72.74 ± 3.60% vs. 75.23 ± 2.20%, respectively, p > 0.05). The embryonic development of the hybrids was similar to that of maternal purebreds; however, irregular cleavage and asymmetric blastoderm were noticeable in the developing eggs of KGRG hybrids. The deformity rates of newly hatched larvae were higher in hybrids than in maternal purebreds and were significantly higher in KGRG than in RGKG (17.47 ± 1.28% vs. 7.11 ± 0.54%, respectively, p < 0.05). These results demonstrate the potential to produce viable larvae from these two hybrids. Although the production efficiency of KGRG was lower than that of RGKG, the fertilization, hatching, and deformity rates make both hybrids useful for further comparative studies regarding economic aspects.

Trends in Hybrid Cultured Meat Manufacturing Technology to Improve Sensory Characteristics

  • AMM Nurul Alam;Chan-Jin Kim;So-Hee Kim;Swati Kumari;Seung-Yun Lee;Young-Hwa Hwang;Seon-Tea Joo
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2024
  • The projected growth of global meat production over the next decade is attributed to rising income levels and population expansion. One potentially more pragmatic approach to mitigating the adverse externalities associated with meat production involves implementing alterations to the production process, such as transitioning to cultured meat, hybrid cultured meat, and meat alternatives. Cultured meat (CM) is derived from animal stem cells and undergoes a growth and division process that closely resembles the natural in vivo cellular development. CM is emerging as a widely embraced substitute for traditional protein sources, with the potential to alleviate the future strain on animalderived meat production. To date, the primary emphasis of cultured meat research and production has predominantly been around the ecological advantages and ethical considerations pertaining to animal welfare. However, there exists substantial study potential in exploring consumer preferences with respect to the texture, color, cuts, and sustainable methodologies associated with cultured meat. The potential augmentation of cultured meat's acceptance could be facilitated through the advancement of a wider range of cuts to mimic real muscle fibers. This review examines the prospective commercial trends of hybrid cultured meat. Subsequently, the present state of research pertaining to the advancement of scaffolding, coloration, and muscle fiber development in hybrid cultured meat, encompassing plant-based alternatives designed to emulate authentic meat, has been deliberated. However, this discussion highlights the obstacles that have arisen in current procedures and proposes future research directions for the development of sustainable cultured meat and meat alternatives, such as plant-based meat production.

Bending performance and calculation of reinforced beam with hybrid fiber and CaCO3 whisker

  • Li Li;Yapeng Qin;Mingli Cao;Junfeng Guan;Chaopeng Xie
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.197-206
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, the bending performance of a MSFRHPC (containing steel fiber, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fiber, and CW)-reinforced beam was studied for the first time. Introducing a multiscale fiber system increased the first crack load (up to 150%), yield load (up to 50%), and peak load (up to 15%) of reinforced beams. The multiscale fiber system delays cracking of the reinforced beam, reduces crack width of the reinforced beam in normal use, and improves the durability of the beam. Considering yield load and peak load, the reinforcing effect of multiscale fiber on the high-reinforcement ratio beam (1.00%) is better than that on the low-reinforcement ratio beam (0.57%). Introducing fibers slowed the development of cracks in the reinforced beam under bending. With the added hybrid fiber, the deformation concentration of reinforced beams after yield was more significant with concentration in 1 or 2 cracks. A model for predicting the flexural capacity of MSFRHPC-reinforced beams was proposed, considering the action of multiscale hybrid fibers. This research is helpful for structure application of MSFRHPC-containing CW.

Hybrid Green Roof-Planter Box System Design and Construction for PNU GI/LID Facility

  • Ladani, Hoori Jannesari;Shin, Hyun Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.192-192
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    • 2016
  • Nowadays, stormwaters have been affected by urbanization and climate change. These transition can cause many problems for hydrologic cycle by increasing runoff volume like flood and low water quality. As with other metropolises and peninsulas, Busan has involved with these problems too. Therefore, it is really vital to do some arrangements to solve them by low impact development (LID) technology. In fact, LID has been introduced to reduce runoff by applying some techniques such as green infrastructure (GI). In order to deal with the aforementioned issues in Busan, this study attempts to design and construct a hybrid green roof-planter box system at Pusan National University GI/LID Facility based on local weather. For this purpose, we used experiment and modeling method on some planter boxes and optimized them by trial and error method.

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Hatchability of Fertilized Eggs from Grouper (Subfamily Epinephelinae) Hybrids in Korea: A Mini Review for Selection of Commercially Promising Cross Combinations (우리나라에서 생산한 바리류(Subfamily Epinephelinae) 교잡 수정란의 부화력: 상업적으로 유용한 교배조합 선택을 위한 총설)

  • Noh, Choong Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.479-485
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    • 2020
  • We evaluated the hatchability of fertilized eggs from six hybrid combinations of highly valued grouper species inhabiting temperate and warm waters, with the goal of establishing a novel hybrid with enhanced growth and viability during the culturing period in the temperate waters of Korea. Hybrid combinations with red-spotted grouper females exhibited high hatchability with high a fertilization and hatching rate of fertilized eggs and a low deformity rate of hatched larvae. Conversely, hybrid combinations with kelp grouper females had very low hatching rates and very high deformity rates; commercial production of seed from such crosses would be difficult without improving hatchability. The hatchabilities of convict grouper ♀×giant grouper ♂ and kelp grouper ♀×red-spotted grouper ♂ were lower than those of maternal purebreds, but these two hybrid combinations were expected to produce potentially large quantities of hatched larvae. In the above evaluation, promising hybrid combinations were identified for commercial production of seed. For these hybrids to contribute to the development of Korea's mariculture industry, mass production of fertilized eggs and seeds is necessary, along with the development of advanced rearing techniques, such as the identification of a suitable rearing temperature.

Screening Resistance to Crown Gall Disease by Pathogen Inoculation in Muscadine and Florida Hybrid Grapes (병원균 접종에 의한 Muscadine 및 플로리다 교잡종 포도의 줄기혹병 저항성 검정)

  • Noh, Jung-Ho;Park, Kyo-Sun;Lu, Jiang;Yun, Hae-Keun
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.497-507
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    • 2015
  • It is necessary to evaluate the resistance to disease among genetic resources for development of disease resistant grapes. This study was conducted to screen the resistance to crown gall in muscadine and Florida hybrid bunch grapes by pathogen inoculation. In order to compare the responses to infection with different pathogen strains, muscadine and Florida hybrid grapes were inoculated with 3 strains of Agrobacterium vitis. Although there were different levels crown gall formation among grape cultivars, there little variation in response to inoculated strains. Among 29 muscadine cultivars tested by inoculation of A. vitis 'C4612', most of them were shown to be susceptible, and 'Gold Isle' and 'Africa Queen' were highly susceptible, and two cultivars, 'Welder' and 'Jumbo' were found to be resistant to crown gall disease. Among Florida hybrid grapes, 'Daytona', 'Stover', and 'Swanee' were susceptible and 'Blanc du Bois' was moderately susceptible to crown gall. Because muscadine grapes have been actively utilized as useful genetic resources for development of new grape varieties by intersub-genus cross, this result from the screening of resistance among muscadine grapes can provide valuable information in breeding programs of grape resistant to crown gall.

Development of Hybrid Membrane composed of Organic and Inorganic Polymers for the Desalination of Deep Ocean Water (I) (해양심층수담수화를 위한 유무기계 분리막 개발(1))

  • Kim H.J.;Jung D.H.;Hong Y.K.;Song K.H.
    • Proceedings of the Korea Committee for Ocean Resources and Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2004
  • Desalination system of revers osmosis(RO) membrane has been proven to be the most economical not only for the desalination of water containing salts, but also for the concentration of solute. RO membranes were traditionally made of inorganic polymers such. as cellulose acetate(CA), Polyamide(PA). To retain more minerals in deep ocean water, a new hybrid membrane composed of tourmaline film as organic material onto inorganic layer of CA polymer in asymmetric structure was developed for RO membrane process. The performance tests were carried out in the permeability of pure water and the rejection of NaCl solution to evaluate the adaptability for DOW desalination. The results of these basic tests show possibility to apply the new hybrid RO membrane for the desalination with function control.

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A Research on Dynamic Tension Response of Model Mooring Chain by Forced Oscillation Test (강제동요 시험을 이용한 모형 계류삭의 동적 응답 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Joe;Hong, Sa-Young;Hong, Sup;Cho, Suk-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Committee for Ocean Resources and Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.134-141
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    • 2002
  • A series of forced oscillation test on model mooring chain was carried out to investigate dynamic tension characteristics. The model test was conducted at two different water depth to gather basic data for 'truncated mooring test' and 'hybrid mooring test'. The truncated and hybrid mooring test are highly recommended to overcome the limitation of water depth in model test recently. The resultant tension RAO gives good possibility of approximation of dynamic tension by equivalent weight adjustment for the ratio of water depth in different water depth. Because the hybrid mooring test is the adequate combination of model test and simulation, accurate simulation model on mooring system is essential. The simulation results show good agreement with model test results.

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Dependence of Mouse Embryonic Development in vitro on the Exposed Period to Oviductal Environment (난관체류시간에 따른 생쥐초기배의 체외발생능력)

  • Song, H.B.;Seo, B.B.;Kim, K.S.;Park, S.E.;Lee, S.H.
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.117-123
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    • 1992
  • Development in vitro of 2-cell mouse embryos was examined after appropriate exposure to oviductal milieu to demonstrate biological activity present in the oviducts. ICR and ($C57Bl/6{\times}Balb/c$) $F_1$ hybrid mice were superovulated and mated for the recovery of early embryos. Embryos were recoverd at every 2h intervals from 32h post-hCG(hph) to 56 hph. The proportions of developmental stages were determined in the recovered embryos. Development in vitro of 2-cell embryos was more rapid in $F_1$ hybrid than in ICR, showing high proportions of 4-cell embryo and blastocyst at 120 hph. 100% of blastocyst development was obtained at 38hph in $F_1$ hybrid and at 50 hph in ICR when 2-cell embryos were cultured upto 120hph in vitro. Moreover, in vitro culture of oviducts containing 2-cell embryos in ICR mice for 12h from 34hph to 46hph increased developmental capacity of ICR mouse embryo in vitro. The results indicate that oviductal environment contains substances having mitogenic activity and overcoming early cell block in vitro. The mitogenic activity is effective in vitro as well as in vivo.

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