• Title/Summary/Keyword: High-efficient power

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Combustion Characteristics of the SOFC Products for SOFC/Gas Turbine Hybrid Power Generation System (SOFC/가스터빈 혼합발전을 위한 SOFC 생성물의 연소특성)

  • Lee, Byeong Jun;Bae, Chul Han
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Combustion
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.44-52
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    • 2014
  • Solid oxide fuel cell(SOFC) makes electric power using hydrogen or reformed from methane and emits high temperature products that contain flammable species like hydrogen, carbon monoxide and methane which varies with operation condition. SOFC/gas turbine integrated system which uses thermal and chemical energy of the discharges is more efficient than SOFC itself. Burning character of the SOFC products will affect the efficiency and stability of the system. Experiments were conducted to know the characteristics of the flame for two typical composition of SOFC products, i.e. start-up and steady state composition. When coflowing air temperature was higher than $600^{\circ}C$, auto-ignitin occurred for both fuels. Though start-up fuel has higher contents of hydrogen, it makes longer flame than steady state composition. It was inferred that the amount of oxidizer necessary to burn makes this phenomenon. Steady state composition fuel was unstable since it contains lots of water. Nozzle that had 6 holes, distance between each hole was 16.7 times of hole diameter, improved the stability of the flame.

The Implementation of IED for Diagnosis of Electric Devices (전력 설비 진단을 위한 IED 의 구현)

  • Oh, Jae-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2007.07a
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    • pp.1110-1111
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    • 2007
  • These days, the concerns about maintenance and repair of electric facilities for stable and reliable electric power supply are increasing day by day. Because, we can have enormous damages economically and socially from a problem of the facilities, no matter how it is a small one. Especially, electric facilities in our country had been built abruptly from 40 years ago, so it can be thought that here are great amount of old facilities that must be repaired or replaced with new one, and the number would be increased time by time. On this situation, many researchers are studying the efficient and reliable method of maintenance for electric facilities and the results are applied on the facilities gradually by growing interests of operators and managers of the facilities. In this paper, the IED(Intelligent Electronic Devices) for Diagnosis system of electric machines are described. It takes analog data from a sensing device and operates digital processor to get a optimum digital data for diagnosis system. Now, this device is applied on several high voltage substations to diagnose and maintain GIS. Brief schematic of total diagnosis system and the construction of the IED are included in this paper.

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A Study on the Development of Guide Line Measurement System in the Driving Condition (주행상태에서의 가이드라인 계측 시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Bok
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.91-96
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    • 2011
  • The handling ability of containers at the terminal strongly depends on the performance of the cargo handling system such as RTGC(Rubber Tired Gantry Crane) and RMGC(Rail Mounted Gantry Crane). This paper introduces a guide line measurement system on the operating condition, in which two camera are installed to detect the guide line. Because the line tracking is the basic technique for control system design of RTGC, it is necessary to develop a useful and reliable measurement system. If the displacement and angle of the RTGC relative to a guide line as the trajectory to follow is obtained, the position of RTGC is automatically calculated. Therefore, in this paper, a camera-based measurement system is introduced. The proposed measurement system is robust against light fluctuation and cracks of the guide line. This system consists of two camera and a PC which are installed at the lower side of the RTGC. Two edges of the guide line are detected from an input image taken by the cameras in the moving state, and these positions are determined in a Hough parameter space by using the Hough transformation method. From the experimental results, the accuracy and usefulness of the proposed system is evaluated by comparing other instruments.

Development of Onshore Offshore Tower Elevator with load distribution endless winder and integrated control panel (하중 분산형 엔드리스 와인더와 통합형 제어반을 적용한 육상 해상 풍력타워 승강기 개발)

  • Lee, Sang-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.711-719
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    • 2019
  • At present, wind power is the fastest growing technology in the world. The domestic market depends heavily on imports for wind tower lift. so it manage through the overseas maker. The lift manufacture, establishment and maintenance utility is increasing, localization development of one wind tower lift is necessary with domestic fundamental base technique. In this paper, we will study the components necessary for the development of onshore offshore wind tower elevators, which are currently dependent on total imports, in line with the high growth of the wind market and the enlargement of the wind power generators. First of all, endless winders and cabins, which are the core components of the offshore wind tower lift, were examined for the components that affect the structural safety. Structural analysis was performed on Sheave, which is responsible for most of the lift lifting loads, and Block Stop, a safety device that prevents the cabin from falling in an emergency. The structural suitability was evaluated by comparing with the safety factor. In addition, the on-board control panel combines the control panel of the elevator and the drive motor driving the endless winder for efficient control of the offshore wind tower lift. The addition of features improves ride comfort at departure.

A Parallel Combinatory OFDM System with Weighted Phase Subcarriers

  • Zheng, Hui;Shrestha, Robin;Hwang, Jae-Ho;Kim, Jae-Mong
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.322-340
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    • 2012
  • Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is usually regarded as a spectral efficient multicarrier modulation technique, yet it suffers from a high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) problem. Among all the existing PAPR reduction techniques in OFDM systems, side information based PAPR reduction techniques such as partial transmit sequence (PTS) and selective mapping (SLM) schemes, have attracted the most attention. However, the transmission of side information results in somewhat spectral loss and this does not significantly improve the bit error rate (BER) performance. Parallel combinatory (PC) OFDM yields higher spectral efficiency (SE) and better BER performance on Gaussian channels,while is a little but not obvious PAPR improvement over the ordinary OFDM system. This investigation aimed to design a 'perfect' OFDM system. We introduce the side information to rotate the subcarrier phases of our novel PC-OFDM system structure, and call this new system the SIPC(Side information based Parallel Combinatory)-OFDM system. The proposed system achieves better PAPR and SE performance. In addition, considering the tradeoff of system parameters, the proposed system also has the properties of a higher BER.

A Study on the Efficient Technique of LCD Brightness Control in the Mobile System (모바일 제품의 효율적인 LCD 밝기 조절 기법에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, JongDae;Park, YoungJoon;Kim, YoungKil
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.451-454
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    • 2009
  • There are a lot of multimedia functions getting included in mobile devices recently, not only simple audio but visual functions as well, such as video playing, game and web browsing. Such the visual multimedia functions brought the strong requirement for much bigger LCD Display and high resolution. And the brightness of LCD is also one of major requirements and it is required to be more bright However, LCD brightness is limited to increase because of power consumption. It occupies nearly 30% of the whole system power. This thesis suggests an effective and simple method of adjusting the LCD backlight brightness, considering a characteristic of battery and user pattern.

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Reduced-mass Adaptive TMD for Tall Buildings Damping

  • Weber, Felix;Huber, Peter;Spensberger, Simon;Distl, Johann;Braun, Christian
    • International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.117-123
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    • 2019
  • Tall buildings are prone to wind-induced vibrations due to their slenderness whereby peak structural accelerations may be higher than the recommended maximum value. The common countermeasure is the installation of a tuned mass damper (TMD) near the highest occupied floor. Due to the extremely large modal mass of tall buildings and because of the narrow to broad band type of wind excitation the TMD mass may become inacceptable large - in extreme cases up to 2000 metric tons. It is therefore a need to develop more efficient TMD concepts which provide the same damping to the building but with reduced mass. The adaptive TMD concept described in this paper represents a solution to this problem. Frequency and damping of the adaptive TMD are controlled in real-time by semi-active oil dampers according to the actual structural acceleration. The resulting enhanced TMD efficiency allows reducing its mass by up to 20% compared to the classical passive TMD. The adaptive TMD system is fully fail-safe thanks to a smart valve system of the semi-active oil dampers. In contrast to active TMD solutions the adaptive TMD is unconditionally stable and its power consumption on the order of 1 kW is negligible small as controllable oil dampers are semi-active devices. The adaptive TMD with reduced mass, stable behavior and lowest power consumption is therefore a preferable and cost saving damping tool for tall buildings.

Classification method for failure modes of RC columns based on key characteristic parameters

  • Yu, Bo;Yu, Zecheng;Li, Qiming;Li, Bing
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.84 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2022
  • An efficient and accurate classification method for failure modes of reinforced concrete (RC) columns was proposed based on key characteristic parameters. The weight coefficients of seven characteristic parameters for failure modes of RC columns were determined first based on the support vector machine-recursive feature elimination. Then key characteristic parameters for classifying flexure, flexure-shear and shear failure modes of RC columns were selected respectively. Subsequently, a support vector machine with key characteristic parameters (SVM-K) was proposed to classify three types of failure modes of RC columns. The optimal parameters of SVM-K were determined by using the ten-fold cross-validation and the grid-search algorithm based on 270 sets of available experimental data. Results indicate that the proposed SVM-K has high overall accuracy, recall and precision (e.g., accuracy>95%, recall>90%, precision>90%), which means that the proposed SVM-K has superior performance for classification of failure modes of RC columns. Based on the selected key characteristic parameters for different types of failure modes of RC columns, the accuracy of SVM-K is improved and the decision function of SVM-K is simplified by reducing the dimensions and number of support vectors.

A Systems Engineering Approach to Ex-Vessel Cooling Strategy for APR1400 under Extended Station Blackout Conditions

  • Saja Rababah;Aya Diab
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Systems Engineering
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.32-45
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    • 2023
  • Implementing Severe Accident Management (SAM) strategies is crucial for enhancing a nuclear power plant's resilience and safety against severe accidents conditions represented in the analysis of Station Blackout (SBO) event. Among these critical approaches, the In-Vessel Retention (IVR) through External Reactor Vessel Cooling (IVR-ERVC) strategy plays a key role in preventing vessel failure. This work is designed to evaluate the efficacy of the IVR strategy for a high-power density reactor APR1400. The APR1400's plant is represented and simulated under steady-state and transient conditions for a station blackout (SBO) accident scenario using the computer code, ASYST. The APR1400's thermal-hydraulic response is analyzed to assess its performance as it progresses toward a severe accident scenario during an extended SBO. The effectiveness of emergency operating procedures (EOPs) and severe accident management guidelines (SAMGs) are systematically examined to assess their ability to mitigate the accident. A group of associated key phenomena selected based on Phenomenon Identification and Ranking Tables (PIRT) and uncertain parameters are identified accordingly and then propagated within DAKOTA Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) framework until a statistically representative sample is obtained and hence determine the uncertainty bands of key system parameters. The Systems Engineering methodology is applied to direct the progression of work, ensuring systematic and efficient execution.

A DQN-based Two-Stage Scheduling Method for Real-Time Large-Scale EVs Charging Service

  • Tianyang Li;Yingnan Han;Xiaolong Li
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.551-569
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    • 2024
  • With the rapid development of electric vehicles (EVs) industry, EV charging service becomes more and more important. Especially, in the case of suddenly drop of air temperature or open holidays that large-scale EVs seeking for charging devices (CDs) in a short time. In such scenario, inefficient EV charging scheduling algorithm might lead to a bad service quality, for example, long queueing times for EVs and unreasonable idling time for charging devices. To deal with this issue, this paper propose a Deep-Q-Network (DQN) based two-stage scheduling method for the large-scale EVs charging service. Fine-grained states with two delicate neural networks are proposed to optimize the sequencing of EVs and charging station (CS) arrangement. Two efficient algorithms are presented to obtain the optimal EVs charging scheduling scheme for large-scale EVs charging demand. Three case studies show the superiority of our proposal, in terms of a high service quality (minimized average queuing time of EVs and maximized charging performance at both EV and CS sides) and achieve greater scheduling efficiency. The code and data are available at THE CODE AND DATA.