• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hierarchical algorithm

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Evolutionary Computation-based Hybird Clustring Technique for Manufacuring Time Series Data (제조 시계열 데이터를 위한 진화 연산 기반의 하이브리드 클러스터링 기법)

  • Oh, Sanghoun;Ahn, Chang Wook
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2021
  • Although the manufacturing time series data clustering technique is an important grouping solution in the field of detecting and improving manufacturing large data-based equipment and process defects, it has a disadvantage of low accuracy when applying the existing static data target clustering technique to time series data. In this paper, an evolutionary computation-based time series cluster analysis approach is presented to improve the coherence of existing clustering techniques. To this end, first, the image shape resulting from the manufacturing process is converted into one-dimensional time series data using linear scanning, and the optimal sub-clusters for hierarchical cluster analysis and split cluster analysis are derived based on the Pearson distance metric as the target of the transformation data. Finally, by using a genetic algorithm, an optimal cluster combination with minimal similarity is derived for the two cluster analysis results. And the performance superiority of the proposed clustering is verified by comparing the performance with the existing clustering technique for the actual manufacturing process image.

Robust Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network for Critical Control System (크리티컬한 제어 시스템용 고강건 무선 센서 액추에이터 네트워크)

  • Park, Pangun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.24 no.11
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    • pp.1477-1483
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    • 2020
  • The stability guarantee of wireless network based control systems is still challenging due to the lossy links and node failures. This paper proposes a hierarchical cluster-based network protocol called robust wireless sensor and actuator network (R-WSAN) by combining time, channel, and space resource diversity. R-WSAN includes a scheduling algorithm to support the network resource allocation and a control task sharing scheme to maintain the control stability of multiple plants. R-WSAN was implemented on a real test-bed using Zolertia RE-Mote embedded hardware platform running the Contiki-NG operating system. Our experimental results demonstrate that R-WSAN provides highly reliable and robust performance against lossy links and node failures. Furthermore, the proposed scheduling algorithm and the task sharing scheme meet the stability requirement of control systems, even if the controller fails to support the control task.

Robust Estimation of Hand Poses Based on Learning (학습을 이용한 손 자세의 강인한 추정)

  • Kim, Sul-Ho;Jang, Seok-Woo;Kim, Gye-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.23 no.12
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    • pp.1528-1534
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    • 2019
  • Recently, due to the popularization of 3D depth cameras, new researches and opportunities have been made in research conducted on RGB images, but estimation of human hand pose is still classified as one of the difficult topics. In this paper, we propose a robust estimation method of human hand pose from various input 3D depth images using a learning algorithm. The proposed approach first generates a skeleton-based hand model and then aligns the generated hand model with three-dimensional point cloud data. Then, using a random forest-based learning algorithm, the hand pose is strongly estimated from the aligned hand model. Experimental results in this paper show that the proposed hierarchical approach makes robust and fast estimation of human hand posture from input depth images captured in various indoor and outdoor environments.

The Effect of Process Models on Short-term Prediction of Moving Objects for Autonomous Driving

  • Madhavan Raj;Schlenoff Craig
    • International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.509-523
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    • 2005
  • We are developing a novel framework, PRIDE (PRediction In Dynamic Environments), to perform moving object prediction (MOP) for autonomous ground vehicles. The underlying concept is based upon a multi-resolutional, hierarchical approach which incorporates multiple prediction algorithms into a single, unifying framework. The lower levels of the framework utilize estimation-theoretic short-term predictions while the upper levels utilize a probabilistic prediction approach based on situation recognition with an underlying cost model. The estimation-theoretic short-term prediction is via an extended Kalman filter-based algorithm using sensor data to predict the future location of moving objects with an associated confidence measure. The proposed estimation-theoretic approach does not incorporate a priori knowledge such as road networks and traffic signage and assumes uninfluenced constant trajectory and is thus suited for short-term prediction in both on-road and off-road driving. In this article, we analyze the complementary role played by vehicle kinematic models in such short-term prediction of moving objects. In particular, the importance of vehicle process models and their effect on predicting the positions and orientations of moving objects for autonomous ground vehicle navigation are examined. We present results using field data obtained from different autonomous ground vehicles operating in outdoor environments.

Recognition of Roads and Districts from Maps (지도에서 도로와 블록 인식)

  • Jang, Kyung-Shik;Kim, Jai-Hie
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.9
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    • pp.2289-2298
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    • 1997
  • This paper proposes a new method to recognize map. In order to minimize the ripple effect of one recognition result affecting another, the structural information is represented with a hierarchical model. and the model is used in both the recognition and verification process. Furthermore, lines related to an entity are searched in a used in both the recognition and verification process. Furthermore, lines related to an entity are searched in a reduced search space by defining some relations between lines. When there is a mis-recognition after verificaiton, recognition process will be retired. In the process, the accurate result can obtained through the change of the parameter values used in the algorithm. As a result, the search space is reduced effectively, and even objects that embodies the broken lines and the crossed lines are recognized.

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Video Segmentation and Video Browsing using the Edge and Color Distribution (윤곽선과 컬러 분포를 이용한 비디오 분할과 비디오 브라우징)

  • Heo, Seoung;Kim, Woo-Saeng
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.9
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    • pp.2197-2207
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, we propose a video data segmentation method using edge and color distribution of video frames and also develop a video browser by using the proposed algorithm. To segment a video, we use a 644-bin HSV color histogram and the edge information which generated with automatic threshold method. We consider scene's characteristics by using positions and colo distributions of object in each frame. We develop a hierarchical and a shot-based browser for video browsing. We also show that our proposed method is less sensitive to light effects and more robust to motion effects than previous ones like a histogram-based method by testing with various video data.

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A novel approach for the design of multi-class reentrant manufacturing systems

  • Yoo, Dong-Joon;Jung, Jae-Hak;Lee, In-Beum;Lee, Euy-Soo;Yi, Gyeong-beom
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.08a
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    • pp.710-715
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    • 2004
  • The design problem of manufacturing system is addressed, adopting the closed queueing network model with multiple loops and re-entrant flows. The entire design problem is divided into two hierarchical sub-problems of (1) determining the station configuration and (2) optimizing the lot constitution; then they are tackled by neighbor search algorithm (NSA) and greedy mean value analysis (GMVA), respectively. Unlike the conventional MVA concerning multi-class closed queueing networks, the GMVA doesn't stick to a fixed lot proportion; rather it tries to find the optimal balance. The NSA, on the other hand, improves the object function value by altering the station configuration successively with its superior neighbor. The moderate time complexity, presented in big-${o}$ notation, enables us to apply the method even to the large-size practical cases, and the CPU time of an enlarged problem can be approximated by the same equation. The validity of our analytic approach is backed up by simulation studies with a widespread simulation package.

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A Study on the Feature Extraction for High Speed Character Recognition -By Using Interative Extraction and Hierarchical Formation of Directional Information- (고속 문자 인식을 위한 특징량 추출에 관한 연구 - 방향정보의 반복적 추출과 특징량의 계층성을 이용하여 -)

  • 강선미;이기용;양윤모;양윤모;김덕진
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics B
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    • v.29B no.11
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    • pp.102-110
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    • 1992
  • In this paper, a new method of character recognition is proposed. It uses density information, in addition to positional and directional information generally used, to recognize a character. Four directional feature primitives are extracted from the thinning templates on the observation that the output of the templates have directional property in general. A simple and fast feature extraction scheme is possible. Features are organized from recursive nonary tree(N-tree) that corresponds to normalized character area. Each node of the N-tree has four directional features that are sum of the features of it's nine sub-nodes. Every feature primitive from the templates are added to the corresponding leaf and then summed to the upper nodes successively. Recognition can be accomplished by using appropriate feature level of N-tree. Also, effectiveness of each node's feature vector was tested by experiment. A method to implement the proposed feature vector organization algorithm into hardware is proposed as well. The third generation node, which is 4$\times$4, is used as a unit processing element to extract features, and it was implemented in hardware. As a result, we could observe that it is possible to extract feature vector for real-time processing.

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A Theoretical Study on Indexing Methods using the Metadata for the Automatic Construction of a Thesaurus Browser (시소러스 브라우저 자동구현을 위한 Metadata를 이용한 색인어 처리방안에 대한 연구)

  • Seo , Whee
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.451-467
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    • 2004
  • This paper is intended to present the theoretical analyses on automatic indexing, which is vital in the process of constructing a thesaurus browser, and clustering algorithms to construct hierarchical relations among terms as well as the methods for the automatic construction of a thesaurus browser. The methods to select the index term automatically in the web documents are studied by surveying the methods for analyzing and processing metadata which conforms to bibliographical roles of traditional paper documents in web documents. Also, the result of the study suggests to adding or involving the metadata in web documents, using the metadata automatic editor because metadata is not listed in most of the web documents.

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Metamorphosis Hierarchical Motion Vector Estimation Algorithm (변형계층적 모션벡터 추정알고리즘)

  • Kim Jeong-Woong;Yang Hae-Sool
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.709-712
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    • 2006
  • 다양한 종류의 컴퓨터가 사람, 사물, 환경 속에 내재되어 있고, 이들이 서로 연결되어, 필요한 곳에서 활용할 수 있는 유비쿼터스 환경에서는 홈 네트워크를 통해 이 기종 기기간 다양한 데이터 교환을 요구한다. 더욱이 원활한 영상 데이터의 처리, 전송, 모니터링 기술은 핵심적 요소가 아닐 수 없다. 공간 및 시간적인 해상도, 컬러의 표현 그리고 화질의 측정방법 등 고전적 영상 처리 연구 분야뿐만 아니라 국한된 대역폭을 갖는 홈네트워크의 전송체계에서 전송률 문제에 대한 심도 있는 연구가 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 홈네트워크 상황에서 콘텐츠의 중심이 되는 영상 데이터의 전송과 처리 그리고 제어를 위하여 새로운 움직임 추정 알고리즘을 제안한다. 각도, 거리등 다양한 환경에서 전송되어지는 스테레오 카메라의 영상데이터들은 축소, 확대, 이동, 보정 등 전처리 후 제안된 변형계층 모션벡터 추정 알고리즘을 이용하여 압축 처리, 전송된다. 기존 모션벡터 추정 알고리즘의 장점을 계승하고 단점을 보완한 변형계층 알고리즘은 비정형, 소형 매크로 블록을 이용하여 휘도의 편차가 큰 영상의 효율적 움직임 추정에 이용된다. 본 논문에서 제안한 변형계층 알고리즘과 이를 이용해 구현된 영상시스템은 유비쿼터스 환경에서 다양하게 활용될 수 있다.

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