• Title/Summary/Keyword: Height-Map

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Intertidal DEM Generation Using Waterline Extracted from Remotely Sensed Data (원격탐사 자료로부터 해안선 추출에 의한 조간대 DEM 생성)

  • 류주형;조원진;원중선;이인태;전승수
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.221-233
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    • 2000
  • An intertidal topography is continuously changed due to morphodynamics processes. Detection and measurement of topographic change for a tidal flat is important to make an integrated coastal area management plan as well as to carry out sedimentologic study. The objective of this study is to generate intertidal DEM using leveling data and waterlines extracted from optical and microwave remotely sensed data in a relatively short period. Waterline is defined as the border line between exposed tidal flat and water body. The contour of the terrain height in tidal flat is equivalent to the waterline. One can utilize satellite images to generate intertidal DEM over large areas. Extraction of the waterline in a SAR image is a difficult task to perform partly because of the presence of speckle and partly because of similarity between the signal returned from the sea surface and that from the exposed tidal flat surface or land. Waterlines in SAR intensity and coherence map can effectively be extracted with MSP-RoA edge detector. From multiple images obtained over a range of tide elevation, it is possible to build up a set of heighted waterline within intertidal zone, and then a gridded DEM can be interpolated. We have tested the proposed method over the Gomso Bay, and succeeded in generating intertidal DEM with relatively high accuracy.

Wafer bin map failure pattern recognition using hierarchical clustering (계층적 군집분석을 이용한 반도체 웨이퍼의 불량 및 불량 패턴 탐지)

  • Jeong, Joowon;Jung, Yoonsuh
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.407-419
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    • 2022
  • The semiconductor fabrication process is complex and time-consuming. There are sometimes errors in the process, which results in defective die on the wafer bin map (WBM). We can detect the faulty WBM by finding some patterns caused by dies. When one manually seeks the failure on WBM, it takes a long time due to the enormous number of WBMs. We suggest a two-step approach to discover the probable pattern on the WBMs in this paper. The first step is to separate the normal WBMs from the defective WBMs. We adapt a hierarchical clustering for de-noising, which nicely performs this work by wisely tuning the number of minimum points and the cutting height. Once declared as a faulty WBM, then it moves to the next step. In the second step, we classify the patterns among the defective WBMs. For this purpose, we extract features from the WBM. Then machine learning algorithm classifies the pattern. We use a real WBM data set (WM-811K) released by Taiwan semiconductor manufacturing company.

Analysis of Cold Air Flow Characteristics according to Urban Spatial Types to Construct a Wind Road - Focused on Urban Area of Changwon - (바람길 조성을 위한 도시공간유형별 찬공기 유동 특성 분석 - 창원시 도시지역을 중심으로 -)

  • LEE, Su-Ah;SONG, Bong-Geun;PARK, Kyung-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.30-47
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed the characteristics of cold air flow according to spatial types in urban areas of Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do. The spatial types were classified by cluster analysis considering the land use map, building information, and topographic characteristics produced on the Changwon biotope map. The amount of cold air and wind speed were derived by KLAM_21 modeling. As a result, spatial types were classified into a total of 14 types considering the density and height of buildings, land use types, and topographic characteristics. Cold air flow was found to generate cold air in the valley of the forest area outside urban area, move through roads and open spaces, and accumulate in the low-lying national industrial complex, and then spread cold air throughout the urban areas. There was a lot of cold air flow in the tall building area, and the cold air accumulation was less in the slope and ridge areas. The results of this study were able to understand the characteristics of cold air flow according to building density, land use type, and topography, which will be usefully used as basic data for urban wind road construction to mitigate climate and improve air quality in urban areas.

Improvement of Radar Rainfall Estimation Using Radar Reflectivity Data from the Hybrid Lowest Elevation Angles (혼합 최저고도각 반사도 자료를 이용한 레이더 강우추정 정확도 향상)

  • Lyu, Geunsu;Jung, Sung-Hwa;Nam, Kyung-Yeub;Kwon, Soohyun;Lee, Cheong-Ryong;Lee, Gyuwon
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.109-124
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    • 2015
  • A novel approach, hybrid surface rainfall (KNU-HSR) technique developed by Kyungpook Natinal University, was utilized for improving the radar rainfall estimation. The KNU-HSR technique estimates radar rainfall at a 2D hybrid surface consistings of the lowest radar bins that is immune to ground clutter contaminations and significant beam blockage. Two HSR techniques, static and dynamic HSRs, were compared and evaluated in this study. Static HSR technique utilizes beam blockage map and ground clutter map to yield the hybrid surface whereas dynamic HSR technique additionally applies quality index map that are derived from the fuzzy logic algorithm for a quality control in real time. The performances of two HSRs were evaluated by correlation coefficient (CORR), total ratio (RATIO), mean bias (BIAS), normalized standard deviation (NSD), and mean relative error (MRE) for ten rain cases. Dynamic HSR (CORR=0.88, BIAS= $-0.24mm\;hr^{-1}$, NSD=0.41, MRE=37.6%) shows better performances than static HSR without correction of reflectivity calibration bias (CORR=0.87, BIAS= $-2.94mm\;hr^{-1}$, NSD=0.76, MRE=58.4%) for all skill scores. Dynamic HSR technique overestimates surface rainfall at near range whereas it underestimates rainfall at far ranges due to the effects of beam broadening and increasing the radar beam height. In terms of NSD and MRE, dynamic HSR shows the best results regardless of the distance from radar. Static HSR significantly overestimates a surface rainfall at weaker rainfall intensity. However, RATIO of dynamic HSR remains almost 1.0 for all ranges of rainfall intensity. After correcting system bias of reflectivity, NSD and MRE of dynamic HSR are improved by about 20 and 15%, respectively.

Development of Forests Ecosystem Assessment Technique of Environmental Impact Assessment(I) : In the Case of the Sanchong Pumping-up Power Plant of Mt. Chiri (환경영향평가중 삼림생태계 평가기법 개발 (I) : 지리산 산청 양수발전소 건설예정지를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Song-Hyun;Lee, Kyong-Jae
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.71-91
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    • 1995
  • In order to develop an appropriate set of criteria applicable for environmental impact assessment (EIA) of natural forest 8 items are proposed. The criteria are vegetation distribution area (DA), distribution pattern (DP), size (S), diameter of breast height of tree (DBH), humus (H), sustainment (ST), successional stage (SS) and impact of adjacent ecosystem (IAE), Each criterion has an interval which minimum 1 score to maximum 5 score Forest Evaluation Index (FEI) was obtained as the sum of 8 criteria value. Above 70% is considered to be absolutely conservative and from 50% to 70% range of total score is to be considered conservative. In the case of the Sancho˘ng Pumping-up Power Plant of Mt. Chiri, 8 criteria were applied base on actual vegetation map. Pinus densiflora community got 73%(29 scores) and Quercus variabilis - Q. serrata community got 60%(24 scores). This may be said that this local vegetation has high ecological potentiality. These criteria cannot always be absolutely evaluation tool. So it is expected to take the more time to be developed further, and holistically added by the other field such as fauna, geological feature etc.

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A Study of Energy Production Change according to Atmospheric Stability and Equivalent Wind Speed in the Offshore Wind Farm using CFD Program (CFD를 이용한 등가풍속 산정과 대기안정도에 따른 연안풍력단지 발전량 변화 연구)

  • Ryu, Geon-Hwa;Kim, Dong-Hyeok;Lee, Hwa-Woon;Park, Soon-Young;Kim, Hyun-Goo
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.247-257
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    • 2016
  • To predict annual energy production (AEP) accurately in the wind farm where located in Seongsan, Jeju Island, Equivalent wind speed (EQ) which can consider vertical wind shear well than Hub height wind speed (HB) is calculated. AEP is produced by CFD model WindSim from National wind resource map. EQ shows a tendency to be underestimated about 2.7% (0.21 m/s) than HB. The difference becomes to be large at nighttime when wind shear is large. EQ can be also affected by atmospheric stability so that is classified by wind shear exponent (${\alpha}$). AEP is increased by 11% when atmosphere becomes to be stabilized (${\alpha}$ > 0.2) than it is convective (${\alpha}$ < 0.1). However, it is found that extreme wind shear (${\alpha}$ > 0.3) is hazardous for power generation. This results represent that AEP calculated by EQ can provide improved accuracy to short-term wind power forecast and wind resource assessment.

Classification of Wind Sector for Assessment of Wind Resource and Establishment of a Wind Map in South Korea (남한지역 풍력자원 평가 및 바람지도 구축을 위한 바람권역 분류)

  • Jung, Woo-Sik;Lee, Hwa-Woon;Park, Jong-Kil;Kim, Hyun-Goo;Kim, Eun-Byul;Choi, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Dong-Hyuk;Kim, Min-Jung
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.899-910
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    • 2009
  • We classified wind sectors according to the wind features in South Korea. In order to get the information of wind speed and wind direction, we used and improved on the atmospheric numerical model. We made use of detailed topographical data such as terrain height data of an interval of 3 seconds and landuse data produced at ministry of environment, Republic of Korea. The result of simulated wind field was improved. We carried out the cluster analysis to classify the wind sectors using the K-means clustering. South Korea was classified as 8 wind sectors to the annual wind field.

Flow structures around a three-dimensional rectangular body with ground effect

  • Gurlek, Cahit;Sahin, Besir;Ozalp, Coskun;Akilli, Huseyin
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.345-359
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    • 2008
  • An experimental investigation of the flow over the rectangular body located in close proximity to a ground board was reported using the particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique. The present experiments were conducted in a closed-loop open surface water channel with the Reynolds number, $Re_H=1.2{\times}10^4$ based on the model height. In addition to the PIV measurements, flow visualization studies were also carried out. The PIV technique provided instantaneous and time-averaged velocity vectors map, vorticity contours, streamline topology and turbulent quantities at various locations in the near wake. In the vertical symmetry plane, the upperbody flow is separated from the sharp top leading edge of the model and formed a large reverse flow region on the upper surface of the model. The flow structure downstream of the model has asymmetric double vortices. In the horizontal symmetry plane, identical separated flow regions occur on both vertical side walls and a pair of primary recirculatory bubbles dominates the wake region.

Validation and Application of OpenFOAM for Prediction of Livestock Airborne Virus Spread (공기 중 축산질병 확산예측을 위한 오픈폼 도입 및 검증)

  • Roh, Hyun-Seok;Seo, Il-Hwan;Lee, In-Bok
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2014
  • Accurate wind data is essential for predicting airborne spread of virus. OpenFOAM was used for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation procedure which is under GNU GPL (General Public License). Using complex terrain, DEM (Digital Elevation Map) that was prepared from GIS information covering a research site is converted to a three dimensional surface mesh that is composed by quad and full hexahedral space meshes. Around this surface mesh, an extended computational domain volume was designed. Atmospheric flow boundary conditions were used at inlet and roughness height and was considered at terrain by using rough wall function. Two different wind conditions that was relatively stable during certain periods were compared in 3 different locations for validating the accuracy of the CFD computed solution. The result shows about 10 % of difference between the calculated result and measured data. This procedure can simulate a prediction of time-series data for airborne virus spread that can be used to make a web-based forecasting system of airborne virus spread.


  • Ke, Luong Chinh
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.631-634
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    • 2006
  • Three main important sources for establishing GIS are the orthomap in scale 1:5 000 with Ground Sampling Distance of 0,5m; DEM/DTM data with height error of ${\pm}$1,0m and topographic map in scale 1: 10 000. The new era with Very High Resolution Satellite (VHRS) images as IKONOS, QuickBird, EROS, OrbView and other ones having Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) even lower than 1m has been in potential for producing orthomap in large scale 1:5 000, to update existing maps, to compile general-purpose or thematic maps and for GIS. The accuracy of orthomap generated from VHRS image affects strongly on GIS reliability. Nevertheless, orthomap accuracy taken from VHRS image is at first dependent on chosen sensor geometrical models. This paper presents, at fist, theoretical basic of the Rational Polynomial Coefficient (RPC) model installed in the commercial ImageStation Systems, realized for orthorectifying VHRS images. The RPC model of VHRS image is a replacement camera mode that represents the indirect relation between terrain and its image acquired on the flight orbit. At the end of this paper the practical accuracies of IKONOS and QuickBird image orthorectified by RPC model on Canadian PCI Geomatica System have been presented. They are important indication for practical application of producing digital orthomaps.

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