• 제목/요약/키워드: Health-concerned

검색결과 689건 처리시간 0.024초

Proposed Data-Driven Approach for Occupational Risk Management of Aircrew Fatigue

  • Seah, Benjamin Zhi Qiang;Gan, Wee Hoe;Wong, Sheau Hwa;Lim, Mei Ann;Goh, Poh Hui;Singh, Jarnail;Koh, David Soo Quee
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.462-470
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    • 2021
  • Background: Fatigue is pervasive, under-reported, and potentially deadly where flight operations are concerned. The aviation industry appears to lack a standardized, practical, and easily replicable protocol for fatigue risk assessment which can be consistently applied across operators. Aim: Our paper sought to present a framework, supported by real-world data with subjective and objective parameters, to monitor aircrew fatigue and performance, and to determine the safe crew configuration for commercial airline operations. Methods: Our protocol identified risk factors for fatigue-induced performance degradation as triggers for fatigue risk and performance assessment. Using both subjective and objective measurements of sleep, fatigue, and performance in the form of instruments such as the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale, Samn-Perelli Crew Status Check, Psychomotor Vigilance Task, sleep logs, and a wearable actigraph for sleep log correlation and sleep duration and quality charting, a workflow flagging fatigue-prone flight operations for risk mitigation was developed and trialed. Results: In an operational study aimed at occupational assessment of fatigue and performance in airline pilots on a three-men crew versus a four-men crew for a long-haul flight, we affirmed the technical feasibility of our proposed framework and approach, the validity of the battery of assessment instruments, and the meaningful interpretation of fatigue and work performance indicators to enable the formulation of safe work recommendations. Conclusion: A standardized occupational assessment protocol like ours is useful to achieve consistency and objectivity in the occupational assessment of fatigue and work performance.

근로자들의 건강증진 생활양식에 따른 구강건강 실천요인 (Relationship of health-promotion life style to the factors of oral-health practice among workers)

  • 송지연;박지영;김남송
    • 한국치위생학회지
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.621-629
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to examine the influential factors for the oral-health practice of adult workers and the relationship of their health-promotion life style to the factors of oral-health practice in an attempt to determine the impact of health-promotion life style. Methods : The subjects in this study were 160 workers who worked in Seoul, North-Jeolla and South-Jeolla Province, and were at the age of 20 and up. The survey was conducted from February 1 to July 20, 2011. Results : As for the relationship of the general characteristics of the workers to the factors of their health-promotion practice, gender made statistically significant differences to toothbrushing female (3.24), and there were statistically significant differences in education/concern according to more than college(2.72) scored higher academic credential(p<0.05). The group of the workers whose health-promotion life style was better in terms of all the toothbrushing(3.35), use of oral hygiene supplies(2.19), regular dental-clinic visit(2.70), dietary control(2.84) and education/concern(3.20) scored higher, and there were statistically significant differences in the factors of education/concern(p<0.05). Their health-promotion life style had an impact on regular dental-clinic visit among the factors of oral-health practice(p<0.05), and there was a positive correlation between health-promotion life style and tooth brushing, dietary control(p<0.05), regular dental-clinic visit, education and concern(p<0.01) the factors of oral-health practice. Conclusions : Workers should be stimulated to get into sound life habits to change their behavior, and they should be urged to improve their preventive health care, to get a dental checkup and ultimately to promote their health as well. Companies should take measures to accelerate the oral health promotion of workers and provide more dental checkup programs for them to be more concerned about their oral health, to promote their oral health and to maintain the best oral health.

일부 보건과 비보건계열 대학생의 구강보건 행태 및 관리수준에 관한 비교조사연구 (A Study on the Oral Health and Oral-Health Care of Some Health-Related and Health-Unrelated Majors)

  • 이민영;유자혜
    • 한국치위생학회지
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.141-151
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the oral health awareness and oral health care of health-related and health-unrelated majors in an attempt to stress the importance of oral health education and boost the efficiency of oral health care. The subjects in this study were 363 college students. Out of the selected students, 174 were health-related majors, and 189 weren't. After a survey was conducted, the collected data were analyzed for the purpose of comparison, and the following findings were given: 1. Concerning daily mean toothbrushing frequency, the largest number of the male students who accounted for 55.2 percent brushed their teeth once a day on average, and the greatest number of the female students who represented 52.9 percent did that twice a day. As for the influence of their major, the largest group of the health-related majors who numbered 89(51.1%) brushed their teeth twice a day, and the greatest group of the health-unrelated majors who numbered 93(49.2%) did that once a day. The gaps between them were statistically significant(p<0.05). 2. As to the length of toothbrushing time by gender, it took more than two or three minutes for the largest groups of the male and female students that respectively numbered 96(76.8%) and 184(77.3%) to do toothbrushing(p<0.01). The greatest groups of the male and female students that respectively numbered 72(57.6%) and 183(76.9%) brushed their teeth after meals. 3. In regard to oral hygiene supplies, the largest groups of the health-related and health-unrelated majors that respectively numbered 78(44.8%) and 115(60.8%) had chewing gum and candy with them. As to the use of oral hygiene supplies, 99 health-related majors(56.9%) and 133 health-unrelated majors(70.4%) didn't put oral hygiene supplies to use. Thus, the use of oral hygiene supplies was statistically less common among the health-unrelated majors, and the gap between the two was significant(p<0.01). 4. As for health-related concern by gender, the largest group of the male students that numbered 56(44.8%) showed the most interest in preventing dental caries, and the greatest group of the female students that numbered 103(43.3%) were most concerned about tooth whitening. The gap between the male and female students was statistically significant(p<0.05), but the track of their major made no statistically significant difference to that. 5. Regarding the experience and awareness of scaling, the largest number of the students never got their teeth scaled regardless of gender and major, and the greatest group didn't care about scaling irrespective of gender and major, either, though they considered it advisable to do.

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베이비부머의 건강에 대한 인식 및 노후의료비 준비에 관한 연구 (Health Beliefs and Elderly Medical Expense Preparation for Baby Boomers)

  • 조혜진
    • 가족자원경영과 정책
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.123-143
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    • 2012
  • This study, based on a health belief model, examines how baby boomers perceive health and how they are financially preparing for future medical expenses. In addition, the study analyzes which factors influence baby boomers' preparation behaviors for future medical expenses and their perceived sufficiency of the preparation for medical expenses. Through such activities, this study examines baby boomers' current preparation status for future medical expenses, and based on this outcome, will turn the attention of individuals and society toward becoming more concerned with health and increasing health expectancy. For this study, an online survey was conducted targeted at men and women who were born between 1955 and 1963 and live nationwide, and its resultant data were collected. After conducting a 15-day survey in November 2011, a total of 418 questionnaire responses were used for the final analysis. The major findings of this study and their implications are as follows: First, baby boomers' health beliefs and their perceptions of health identified by subjective health conditions were very positive. Second, while there were some partial differences in the influencing factors, health beliefs and perceived health influenced the sufficiency of future medical expenses in the three groups, which were segmented according to how they prepare for future medical expenses-insurance-based, pension-based, and insufficiently prepared groups. Third, the baby boomers selected the national health insurance as the primary means of preparing for post-retirement medical expenses, and backed it up with private health insurance or the national pension. In addition, when baby boomers' perceived sufficiency of future medical expenses were examined, 57.6% of the respondents expressed that their old-age medical expenses were not sufficient. Fourth, in terms of baby boomers' preparation behaviors for future medical expenses, it was revealed that as one recognizes old-age health more seriously, he/she has a higher chance of using insurance and lower chance of using a pension to prepare for medical expenses. Fifth, regarding baby boomers' sufficiency of preparations for future medical expenses, economic factors such as total assets, the sufficiency of retirement assets, and the number of insurance policies, as well as health perceptions, including health beliefs and subjective health conditions, were important influencing factors.

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일부지역 중학생들의 구강건강인식, 지식 및 실천정도 분석 (The Analysis of the Oral Health Awareness, Knowledge and Actual Oral Health Care of Middle Schoolers in Some Regions)

  • 이춘선;이선미
    • 치위생과학회지
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.117-122
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    • 2008
  • 중학교 학생들의 구강보건교육 활성화에 대한 기초자료를 제공하여 학교구강보건사업의 질적 향상을 위한 방안을 모색해 보고자 시도한 본 연구는 중학교 재학생 430명을 대상으로 구강보건인식 지식 및 실천정도를 분석하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 구강건강에 대한 관심정도에 있어 관심이 있는 경우가 56.7%인 반면, 별로 관심이 없거나 전혀 관심이 없는 경우도 43.2%나 되었다. 2. 현재 인지하고 있는 구강상태 정도는 '건강하다' 가 36.7%, '무언가 이상이 있거나 충치 및 잇몸병이 있다' 응답한 경우가 63.3%로 나타났으며, 구강에 나타나는 증상 및 증후의 자기평가 정도는 턱관절 관련 25.8%, 잇몸질환 관련이 30% 정도 인지하고 있었다. 3. 잇솔질 습관과 관련하여 점심식사 후 잇솔질을 하는 경우에 있어 여학생(45.2%)이 남학생(13.6%)에 비해 통계적으로 매우 유의하게 높게 나타났으며, 잇솔질 방법과 잇솔질하는 부위에 있어서는 남녀간에 약간의 차이를 확인할 수 있었다. 4. 구강보건지식에 있어서는 여학생(7.05점)이 남학생(6.36점)보다 유의하게 높게 나타났고, 구강건강에 대한 관심정도가 높을수록 지식점수도 유의하게 높게 나타났다. 5. 치과방문경험에 있어서 당분섭취제한 및 주기적 검진의 실천정도는 방문경험이 있는 경우(2.62점, 2.50점)가 방문경험이 없는 경우(2.32점, 1.74점)에 비해 유의하게 높게 나타났다.

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일 지역 대학생의 피로와 건강증진 생활양식과의 관계분석 (The correlation analysis between fatigue and health promoting life style among a rural college students)

  • 장희정
    • 기본간호학회지
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.477-492
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    • 1999
  • The disease patterns among the Korean was shifted from acute and infectious diseases to chronic diseases. According to the these disease patterns trends, people have concerned about the health promotion and health behaviors. Pender's(1996) revised health promotion model(HPM) is consist of three categories; Individual characteristics and experiences, Behavior-specific cognitions and affect, behavioral outcome. Of these categories, individual characteristics and experiences, this category of variables is considered to be of biological, psychological and socio-cultural personal factors, especially, individual fatigue. Futhermore. these variables constitute a critical core for nursing intervention, as they are subject to modification through nursing actions. But there is no few the research of the relationship between the fatigue and health promotion. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation between the fatigue and health promoting life style among a rural college students. Additionally, this descriptive correlational study identified the relation of demographic factors and fatigue, health promoting life style. From June 20 to 26, 1998, a convenience sample of 270 college students completed the questionnaire of the fatigue and health promoting life style profile which were developed by the Yoshitake(1978) and Walker, et al.(1987), respectively. The descriptive correlational statistics, mean, t-test, ANONA, Pearson correlation coefficient were used to analyze the data gathered with SAS pc+ program. The results were as it follows: 1. The average fatigue score of the subjects was $64.93{\pm}12.89$. Fatigue scores by subcategory were physical symptoms($23.5{\pm}4.87$). psychological symptoms($22.11{\pm}4.66$) and neuro-sensory symptoms($19.32{\pm}5.14$). With the respect to the demographic characteristics of the subjects, there were statistically significant differences between the demographic factors and fatigue, especially, sex(t==3.69 p<0.01), major(t=-2.89 p<0.01). the experience of family illness(t=2.76 p<0.01). 2. The average health promoting life style item score of the subjects was $2.33{\pm}0.33$. In the subcategories, the highest degree of performance was self-actualization(2.94), following interpersonal support(2.81). stress management(2.33), exercise(2.20), nutrition(2.10), and the lowest degree was health responsibility(1.73). There were the significant differences on the learning of health education(t=2.00 p<0.01). religion(F=3.01, p<0.05), circle activity(t=2.07, p<0.05), nutrition control(t=5.25, p<0.01) of demographical factors with the health promoting life style. 3. The correlation between the fatigue and health promoting life style made statistically no significance(r=-0.09731, p>0.05). But there was negative significant relationship between health promoting life style and psychological symptom as a fatigue subcategory(r=-0.15721, p<0.05). The self-actualization showed negative significant correlation with all fatigue subcategory. The health responsibility showed significant relationship with total fatigue(r=0.13050. p<0.05). For further research, it suggests to replicate the correlational and causal study between the fatigue and the health promoting life style using the another fatigue scale which is able to measure the subjective and objective fatigue degree. And it needs to develop the nursing intervention program for maintaining and promoting the health behavior as well as for decreasing the college students's fatigue.

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의료 서비스에 대한 만족도 측정 도구의 개발 (The Development of Satisfaction Tool to Health Care Services - focused on Patients and their families -)

  • 강소영;이선미
    • 한국의료질향상학회지
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.104-124
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    • 1996
  • Background : In these days, the health care organizations have concerned about customer-centered care in order to empower the competitiveness on the health care markets. The departments working for quality management of the hospitals have used health care quality indicators in terms of medical areas as well as service areas of the hospitals. However, there were insufficient efforts to develop the credible measurement to seek the customers' needs, their expectations and their satisfaction levels related to health care services because various kinds of challenges were in the process of scale development to measure customers' satisfaction in health care. The purpose of this study was to develop the satisfaction scale to health care services in a Korea health care organization and to test its tool with validity and reliability. Method : The concept of this tool was acceptability that one of the components of health care quality defined by Donabedian. Acceptability has the five dimensions of concept: Accessibility; Patient-Practitioner Relations; Amenities; Patient Preferences as to the effects of care; and Patient Preferences as to the costs of care. The Satisfaction Tool to Health Care Services was reviewed by expert panel with five researchers, including hospital managers and a professor related to quality management of the hospitals. As a result, the content validity index was .84 in the outpatient satisfaction tool. The inpatient satisfaction tool had .87 of the content validity index. The Satisfaction Tools to Health Care Services finally consisted of 44 items for outpatients/their families and of 60 items for inpatients/their families. Study subjects of the construct validity test were 479 outpatients/their families and 561 inpatients/their families who visited or admitted at a University hospital from July 1, 1996 through August 10, 1996. The data were examined by Factor Analysis with SPSS. Result : The items of Satisfaction tools for outpatients/their families were categorized by eleven factors with eigenvalue greater than 1.0 accounting for 64.2 percent of the variation in item scores. Also, the items of inpatient tool had eleven factors with eigenvalue greater than 1.0 accounting for 60.3 percent of the variation in item scores. The reliability of overall scale were .95 and .96 for the outpatients/their families satisfaction scores and inpatient/their families satisfaction scores. The internal consistency reliability with eleven factors was ranged from .30 to .94 for inpatients/their families. The Satisfaction Tool with eleven factors for inpatients/their families had internal consistency reliability ranged from .53 to .89. Conclusion : The Satisfaction Tools to Health Care Services focused on outpatients/their families and inpatients/their families developed in this study had a high reliability and the strong evidence of content validity and construct validity based on quality concept. Therefore, this tool would be utilized as a credible quality indicator of health care services to assess the quality problems and to monitor the quality improvement activities in Korean Health Care Organizations.

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Does Breast Cancer Drive the Building of Survival Probability Models among States? An Assessment of Goodness of Fit for Patient Data from SEER Registries

  • Khan, Hafiz;Saxena, Anshul;Perisetti, Abhilash;Rafiq, Aamrin;Gabbidon, Kemesha;Mende, Sarah;Lyuksyutova, Maria;Quesada, Kandi;Blakely, Summre;Torres, Tiffany;Afesse, Mahlet
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제17권12호
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    • pp.5287-5294
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    • 2016
  • Background: Breast cancer is a worldwide public health concern and is the most prevalent type of cancer in women in the United States. This study concerned the best fit of statistical probability models on the basis of survival times for nine state cancer registries: California, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Michigan, New Mexico, Utah, and Washington. Materials and Methods: A probability random sampling method was applied to select and extract records of 2,000 breast cancer patients from the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) database for each of the nine state cancer registries used in this study. EasyFit software was utilized to identify the best probability models by using goodness of fit tests, and to estimate parameters for various statistical probability distributions that fit survival data. Results: Statistical analysis for the summary of statistics is reported for each of the states for the years 1973 to 2012. Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Anderson-Darling, and Chi-squared goodness of fit test values were used for survival data, the highest values of goodness of fit statistics being considered indicative of the best fit survival model for each state. Conclusions: It was found that California, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, New Mexico, and Washington followed the Burr probability distribution, while the Dagum probability distribution gave the best fit for Michigan and Utah, and Hawaii followed the Gamma probability distribution. These findings highlight differences between states through selected sociodemographic variables and also demonstrate probability modeling differences in breast cancer survival times. The results of this study can be used to guide healthcare providers and researchers for further investigations into social and environmental factors in order to reduce the occurrence of and mortality due to breast cancer.

서울시 대중교통 내 SARS-CoV-2 RNA와 PM-2.5 오염도 실증연구 (Investigation on the SARS-CoV-2 RNA and PM-2.5 inside Public Transportations in Seoul)

  • 서민정;홍주희;이호준;박진솔;임학명;박명규;민병철;박은선;이상훈;김한준;하광태;권승미;신진호;이재인;황영옥;오영희;신용승
    • 한국입자에어로졸학회지
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2022
  • Recently, passengers using public transport are concerned about the effects of COVID-19 and fine dust. Therefore, from February 2020 to February 2021, we investigated whether SARS-CoV-2 RNA was detected even after disinfection in 55 public transportation places visited by confirmed patients in Seoul. 34 air samples and 702 object surface samples were collected and tested with RT-PCR, one surface sample was positive. In addition, preemptive investigations were conducted in 22 subway trains that passengers were being on board at that time. 1,018 preemptive tests were performed, and all were negative. Although PM-2.5 is dangerous in itself, it can be a potential carrier of viruses. It seemed that a solution was needed as one line continuously exceeded the criteria of PM-2.5. Through this study, it is judged that cluster infection in public transportation can be prevented if efforts to reduce the concentration of fine dust, appropriate disinfection management, and personal disinfection such as wearing a mask in public transportations.

고혈압 관리 교육 참가자의 특성과 교육 참가의 예측 인자 : 제4기(2008) 국민건강영양조사를 중심으로 (Predictors of Participation in Hypertension Management Education Programs Using Data From the 2008 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey)

  • 강경희;임준
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.414-424
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to describe the characteristics associated with the hypertension educated population, and to develop and analyze a simple predictive model of the hypertension management education status. Based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in 2008, a cross-sectional design was used in this study. An effective 1.165 adults(${\geq}30$) sample was divided into a participation group (n=66) and a non-participation group(n=1,099), and to compare demographic, socio-economic and health characteristics between two groups. Moreover, predictors associated with participation in hypertension education programs were identified by the logistic regression analysis. The participation rate in hypertension education in Korea is only 5.7% which is vastly low given the various programs were provided, and there are statistically significant differences between a participation group and a non-participation group in age(p=0.050), marital status(p=0.002), education level(p=0.000), and residence area(p=0.037). Furthermore, age for 40-49 years(OR : 0.207), education level of high school(OR : 2.579) and college(OR : 6.417), duration of hypertension(OR : 1.044), CVA(OR : 2.463), and blood pressure(OR : 1.041) are statistically significant predictors associated with the participation in hypertension education programs. To increase the participation of hypertension education program, variables such as age, education level, duration of hypertension, CVA, and blood pressure are more concerned. And, high-risk patients and family members need targeted outreach programs.