• Title/Summary/Keyword: Health economics

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Changes of Lipid Content and Histochemical Observation in Liver of Rats Fed High Fat Diet (고지방식이(高脂肪食餌)에 따른 흰쥐의 간장내(肝臟內) 지질함량변화(脂質含量變化)와 병리조직학적(病理組織學的) 소견(所見))

  • Rhee, Soon-Jae;Park, Hong-Koo
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.113-125
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    • 1984
  • The long-term effects of vegetable and animal high fat diet on the lipid metabolism were investigated in male weaning rats. The rats were fed one of four semipurified diet ad libitum : control diet supplied 12% of calories as fat(control group), low fat diet supplied 3% of calories as fat(3% F group), 45% corn oil diet supplied 45% calories from corn oil(45% C group) and 45% butter fat diet supplied 45% calories from butte. fat(45% B group). The weights of liver, content of triacylglycerol(TG), total cholesterol and phospholipid(PL) in liver were investigated. The weight of liver of rats, fed 45% corn oil at 12 weeks and fed 45% butter fat for all period of diet were higher than that of control group. The contents of TG in liver of rats, fed 45% corn oil from 8 weeks and fed 45% butter fat for all period of diet were higher than that of control group. The levels of TG in liver of rats fed 45% butter fat were higher than those of rats fed 45% corn oil. The contents of total lipid and cholesterol in liver of rats were increased with similar trend of TG level, but contents of PL in liver had no relation with the levels and types of dietary fat and feeding periods. The liver of rats were observed histochemically by light microscope. Mild to severe level of fatty changes in liver of 45% C and 45% B group were observed at 8 and 12 weeks of diet. The liver of rats in control group appeared to be healthy and normal electron-microscopically, but in fatty degenerated hepatocytes of 45% C and 45% B group, nuclear membranes were irregular and a great number of intracytoplasmic fat vacuoles in cells were variable in size and low in electon density. The numbers of lysosome were increased and secondary lysosomes among them were observed on electron microscope.

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Classification of Growth Stages of Business Entities and Management Component Analysis in Forestry Convergence Industry (산림융복합산업 경영체의 성장단계 구분 및 경영요소 분석 연구)

  • Lee, Bohwi;Park, Chang Won;Joung, Dawou;Lee, Chagjun;Lee, Sang-Jin;Kim, Tae-Im;Park, Bum-Jin;Koo, Seungmo;Kim, Sebin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.108 no.3
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    • pp.429-439
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    • 2019
  • The objectives of this study were to gauge the extent of the forestry business through establishing the definition of forestry industry from the perspective of economic convergence and to analyze key components that affect each growth phase of a forestry business entity by classifying them. A total of 1,397 "sixth-sector industry" management entities were certified by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs in South Korea from 2012-2017. Of these, 259 (18.5%) were in the forestry sector. In this study, the 259 forestry management entities were further classified into three phases based on sales distribution: entrance, development, and maturity. The entrance phase (<100 million KRW), development phase (>100 million and <1 billion KRW), and maturity phase (>1 billion KRW) constituted 33.2%, 55.4%, and 12.4% of the total 259 entities, respectively. The results showed that most of the management entities were either in the entrance or development phases, and only a small portion was in the maturity phase. To identify the key variables that affect each of the phases, chi-square analysis was used. We designed the "sixth-sector industry" type as an independent variable, whereas selected region, business organization, manager age group, forest product, processing type, and service type were designated as dependent variables. The results of the analysis showed that the processing and service types influenced all three developmental phases. Moreover, as the phase advanced, processing type showed a higher proportion of health-functional ingredients, such as powder or extract from forest products, which enable to develop and produce a variety of products. Service type also changed from simple experience to integrated experience tourism and finally to tourism education. Distribution and sales channel also turned out to be a significant factor during the development phase. This study provides the basic information needed to guide government support in the implementation of a formal forestry business through convergence as well as to increase the efficiency of business management.

Vietnam in 2017: The Situations and Prospects of Economics, Politics, and International Relations (베트남 2017: 경제, 정치, 대외관계의 현황과 전망)

  • CHAE, Su Hong;LEE, Han Woo
    • The Southeast Asian review
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.21-51
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    • 2018
  • This article takes several approaches in explaining recent developments in Vietnam. First, it draws upon an array of sources that idealize Vietnam's embrace of capitalism and integration into the global market in order to sketch out its economy's progress in 2017. Second, it observes, evaluates, and diagnoses recent changes in the Vietnamese economy in the medium to long term by incorporating conflicting perspectives on Vietnam's performance as a capitalist country. Third, this article traces the power shifts that have risen from internal struggles in the Communist Party over political and social issues. Fourth, it elaborates on the aforementioned impact that foreign relations have had on socio-political developments in Vietnam, as well as the government's response. In so doing, it also attempts to evaluate, however briefly, the significance of the 25th anniversary of South Korea-Vietnam relations. Finally, it examines the public's reaction to the post-reform transitions in light of recent sociocultural changes. 2017 was a memorable year for Vietnam: a continuous march toward capitalism; the resulting expansion of the Vietnamese people's demands; political controversies and government control; the looming instability of United States-China relations and various attempts to address the situation. These events will inevitably replicate themselves in the future as the ostensibly socialist Vietnam adopts a capitalist model. The problem is that it is unclear whether these experiences will continue with the consent of the people of socialist Vietnam or engender resistance. It is difficult to achieve meaningful consent in the status quo of worsening inequalities, widespread corruption, monopoly on power, and sustained use of unskilled low-wage workers. In other words, when concerns such as welfare, public health, and the environment are set aside in favor of economic development and commercialization as they have been, discontent, rather than consent, will prevail. It is thus important to keep a watchful eye on the viability of the nominal economic growth, surface-level political stability, and strategic responses to foreign relations that took place in 2017.

A Study on Estimation of Environmental Value of Tentatively Named 'East-West Trail' Using CVM (CVM기법을 이용한 가칭 '동서트레일'의 환경가치 추정)

  • Kee-Rae Kang;Yoon-Ho Choi;Bo-Kwang Chung;Dong-Pil Kim;Hyun-Kyeong Oh;Woo-Sung Lee;Su-Bok Chae
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.676-683
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    • 2022
  • Due to the effects of rapid changes in the living environment since 2000 and the recent unforeseen pandemic, people are refraining from domestic and international traveling and movement, and outdoor activities for health and the public value of forest trails, called Dullegil Trail in Korea, have become more important. This study estimated the environmental value of the tentatively named "East-West Trail," which connects the forest trails crossing Chungcheong and Gyeongsang Provinces using CVM (Contingent Valuation Method). It surveyed visitors to the East-West Trail, and 725 questionnaires were used for analysis. The average characteristics of respondents were those who exercised 2-3 times per week, visited a forest trail not far from their residence with friends or family, and showed a tendency to spend 50 thousand Korean won or more per visit. Visitors to the Dullegil Trail felt that there was a shortage of information boards on the forest trail, and they preferred a shelter in appropriate locations. We used a double-bounded dichotomous choice (BDDC) logit model proposed by Hanemann to measure the conservation value of the East-West Trail. It was estimated that the environmental value that a visitor to the East-West Trail could obtain was 30,087 won per trip. The estimated environmental value of the East-West Trail can be converted to about 94 billion won total visitors annually based on the population belonging to the direct-use zone near the East-West Trail. As there has been no study on the environmental value of forest trails using CVM, the results of this study will be able to suggest the feasibility of the government policies on forest trails.

Text Mining-Based Emerging Trend Analysis for e-Learning Contents Targeting for CEO (텍스트마이닝을 통한 최고경영자 대상 이러닝 콘텐츠 트렌드 분석)

  • Kyung-Hoon Kim;Myungsin Chae;Byungtae Lee
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2017
  • Original scripts of e-learning lectures for the CEOs of corporation S were analyzed using topic analysis, which is a text mining method. Twenty-two topics were extracted based on the keywords chosen from five-year records that ranged from 2011 to 2015. Research analysis was then conducted on various issues. Promising topics were selected through evaluation and element analysis of the members of each topic. In management and economics, members demonstrated high satisfaction and interest toward topics in marketing strategy, human resource management, and communication. Philosophy, history of war, and history demonstrated high interest and satisfaction in the field of humanities, whereas mind health showed high interest and satisfaction in the field of in lifestyle. Studies were also conducted to identify topics on the proportion of content, but these studies failed to increase member satisfaction. In the field of IT, educational content responds sensitively to change of the times, but it may not increase the interest and satisfaction of members. The present study found that content production for CEOs should draw out deep implications for value innovation through technology application instead of simply ending the technical aspect of information delivery. Previous studies classified contents superficially based on the name of content program when analyzing the status of content operation. However, text mining can derive deep content and subject classification based on the contents of unstructured data script. This approach can examine current shortages and necessary fields if the service contents of the themes are displayed by year. This study was based on data obtained from influential e-learning companies in Korea. Obtaining practical results was difficult because data were not acquired from portal sites or social networking service. The content of e-learning trends of CEOs were analyzed. Data analysis was also conducted on the intellectual interests of CEOs in each field.

The Effectiveness of Fiscal Policies for R&D Investment (R&D 투자 촉진을 위한 재정지원정책의 효과분석)

  • Song, Jong-Guk;Kim, Hyuk-Joon
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-48
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    • 2009
  • Recently we have found some symptoms that R&D fiscal incentives might not work well what it has intended through the analysis of current statistics of firm's R&D data. Firstly, we found that the growth rate of R&D investment in private sector during the recent decade has been slowdown. The average of growth rate (real value) of R&D investment is 7.1% from 1998 to 2005, while it was 13.9% from 1980 to 1997. Secondly, the relative share of R&D investment of SME has been decreased to 21%('05) from 29%('01), even though the tax credit for SME has been more beneficial than large size firm, Thirdly, The R&D expenditure of large size firms (besides 3 leading firms) has not been increased since late of 1990s. We need to find some evidence whether fiscal incentives are effective in increasing firm's R&D investment. To analyse econometric model we use firm level unbalanced panel data for 4 years (from 2002 to 2005) derived from MOST database compiled from the annual survey, "Report on the Survey of Research and Development in Science and Technology". Also we use fixed effect model (Hausman test results accept fixed effect model with 1% of significant level) and estimate the model for all firms, large firms and SME respectively. We have following results from the analysis of econometric model. For large firm: i ) R&D investment responds elastically (1.20) to sales volume. ii) government R&D subsidy induces R&D investment (0.03) not so effectively. iii) Tax price elasticity is almost unity (-0.99). iv) For large firm tax incentive is more effective than R&D subsidy For SME: i ) Sales volume increase R&D investment of SME (0.043) not so effectively. ii ) government R&D subsidy is crowding out R&D investment of SME not seriously (-0.0079) iii) Tax price elasticity is very inelastic (-0.054) To compare with other studies, Koga(2003) has a similar result of tax price elasticity for Japanese firm (-1.0036), Hall((l992) has a unit tax price elasticity, Bloom et al. (2002) has $-0.354{\sim}-0.124$ in the short run. From the results of our analysis we recommend that government R&D subsidy has to focus on such an areas like basic research and public sector (defense, energy, health etc.) not overlapped private R&D sector. For SME government has to focus on establishing R&D infrastructure. To promote tax incentive policy, we need to strengthen the tax incentive scheme for large size firm's R&D investment. We recommend tax credit for large size film be extended to total volume of R&D investment.

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A Survey on Added Sugar Intakes from Snacks and Participation Behaviors of Special Event Days Sharing Sweet Foods among Adolescents in Korea (청소년의 간식을 통한 첨가당섭취량 및 고당류식품 관련 이벤트 데이 참여행동에 대한 조사)

  • Kim, Hyun-Ju;Kim, Sun-Hyo
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.135-145
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    • 2009
  • This study was performed to investigate added sugar intakes from processed food-snacks and participation behaviors of special event days sharing sweet foods among adolescents in Korea. Questionnaire survey (n = 959), dietary survey (n = 71) by food record method for 3 days, and snack survey (n = 230) for 3 days were carried out, and subjects were overlapped among three surveys. As a result, middle school students (MS) preferred milks and fermented milks while high school students (HS) preferred breads and fast foods as a snack (p < 0.01). MS and HS took snacks three to six times a week, and HS took snacks more frequently than MS (p < 0.05). Most subjects participated in special event days sharing sweet foods such as friend's birthday (68.4%), Peppro's day (61.5%) and Valentine's day (42.6%). As for merits of these events, MS said ‘they could get along with their friends' and ‘relieve stress', while HS said ‘they could enjoy their own events' and ‘confess their affection to whom they like' (p < 0.01). A group of cookies, biscuits, breads and, cakes was major source of added sugars followed by beverages, sweet jellies of red bean, chocolates and candies for subjects. For MS and HS, daily total added sugar intakes from whole processed food-snacks were $30.5{\pm}23.5g/d$ (3.0-137.9 g/d) and $31.7{\pm}23.2g/d$ (1.2-126.1 g/d), and ratios of daily total energy taken from added sugars of whole processed food-snacks in proportion to daily total energy taken from diet (energy percent of added sugars from snacks) were $6.3{\pm}4.7%$ (0.6-26.1%) and $6.3{\pm}4.4%$ (0.3-23.9%), respectively. These results showed that subjects frequently participated in special event days sharing sweet foods. In addition, energy percent of added sugars from snacks was more than the UL suggested by WHO/FAO for some subjects. Therefore, it is highly critical to monitor adolescents' sugar intakes on a long-term basis and to take nutritional management on their high sugar intakes.

Coffee consumption behaviors, dietary habits, and dietary nutrient intakes according to coffee intake amount among university students (일부 대학생의 커피섭취량에 따른 커피섭취행동, 식습관 및 식사 영양소 섭취)

  • Kim, Sun-Hyo
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.270-283
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to examine coffee consumption behaviors, dietary habits, and nutrient intakes by coffee intake amount among university students. Methods: Questionnaires were distributed to 300 university students randomly selected in Gongju. Dietary survey was administered during two weekdays by the food record method. Results: Subjects were divided into three groups: NCG (non-coffee group), LCG (low coffee group, 1~2 cups/d), and HCG (high coffee group, 3 cups/d) by coffee intake amount and subjects' distribution. Coffee intake frequency was significantly greater in the HCG compared to the LCG (p < 0.001). The HCG was more likely to intake dripped coffee with or without milk and/or sugar than the LCG (p < 0.05). More than 80% of coffee drinkers chose their favorite coffee or accompanying snacks regardless of energy content. More than 75% of coffee takers did not eat accompanying snacks instead of meals, and the HCG ate them more frequently than LCG (p < 0.05). Breakfast skipping rate was high while vegetable and fruit intakes were very low in most subjects. Subjects who drank carbonated drinks, sweet beverages, or alcohol were significantly greater in number in the LCG and HCG than in the NCG (p < 0.01). Energy intakes from coffee were $0.88{\pm}5.62kcal/d$ and $7.07{\pm}16.93kcal/d$ for the LCG and HCG. For total subjects, daily mean dietary energy intake was low at less than 72% of estimated energy requirement. Levels of vitamin C and calcium were lower than the estimated average requirements while that of vitamin D was low (24~34% of adequate intake). There was no difference in nutrient intakes by coffee intake amount, except protein, vitamin A, and niacin. Conclusion: Coffee intake amount did not affect dietary nutrient intakes. Dietary habits were poor,and most nutrient intakes were lower than recommend levels. High intakes of coffee seemed to be related with high consumption of sweet beverages and alcohol. Therefore, it is necessary to improve nutritional intakes and encourage proper water intake habits, including coffee intake, for improved nutritional status of subjects.