• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ground Objects

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A Mission Planning System for Multiple Ballistic Missiles

  • Kim, Jingyu;Song, Chikwon
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.815-821
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    • 2019
  • This paper presents the design and implementation of a Mission Planning System(MPS) for multiple ballistic missiles. MPSs are also a kind of M&S systems in defense domain, and these provide important computations on the ground before flights of flying objects. The proposed MPS in this paper has a new concept which is far from generating a set of waypoints of a flying object and proving the set. In this paper, we firstly discuss the research motivation of our own MPS; then, we introduce the design of our MPS and its functionalities. In order to prove the practicality of our MPS, we have conducted a case study.

Analysis of the Influence of FOD by Aircraft Exhaust Wake (항공기 배기후류가 FOD 발생에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Cho, Hwankee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.12-19
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    • 2022
  • The exhaust wake of an aircraft engine is discharged in a high temperature and high speed, which can damage objects such as an aircraft in the rear. The exhaust wake can lift small foreign substances lying on the ground or falling off, and the floating foreign substances can enter the intake duct of the aircraft moving from the rear and cause engine FOD (Foreign Object Damage). This study experimentally analyzed how the engine exhaust wake generated from military jet fighters affects the movement of foreign substances and evaluated the effects of foreign substances on the damaged area by measuring wake velocity. The simulation and field experimental results confirmed that the effect of exhaust wake increases as the rear position closer, and that foreign substances lifted by the wake can act as FOD to the adjacent rear aircraft.

LiDAR Measurement Analysis in Range Domain

  • Sooyong Lee
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.187-195
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    • 2024
  • Light detection and ranging (LiDAR), a widely used sensor in mobile robots and autonomous vehicles, has its most important function as measuring the range of objects in three-dimensional space and generating point clouds. These point clouds consist of the coordinates of each reflection point and can be used for various tasks, such as obstacle detection and environment recognition. However, several processing steps are required, such as three-dimensional modeling, mesh generation, and rendering. Efficient data processing is crucial because LiDAR provides a large number of real-time measurements with high sampling frequencies. Despite the rapid development of controller computational power, simplifying the computational algorithm is still necessary. This paper presents a method for estimating the presence of curbs, humps, and ground tilt using range measurements from a single horizontal or vertical scan instead of point clouds. These features can be obtained by data segmentation based on linearization. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm was verified by experiments in various environments.

Feasibility of Using Norad Orbital Elements for Pass Programming and Catalog Generation for High Resolution Satellite Images (고해상도 위성영상 촬영계획 수립 및 카탈로그 생성을 위한 NORAD 궤도 데이터의 이용 가능성 연구)

  • 신동석;김탁곤;곽성희;이영란
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.119-130
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    • 1999
  • At present, many ground stations all over the world are using NORAD orbit element data in order to track and communicate with Earth orbiting satellites. The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) observes thousands of Earth orbiting objects on daily basis and provides their orbital information via internet. The orbital data provided by NORAD, which is also called two line element (TLE) sets, allows ground stations to predict the time-varying positions of satellites accurately enough to communicate with the satellites. In order to complete the mission of a high resolution remote sensing satellite which requires very high positional determination and control accuracy, however, a mission control and tracking ground station is dedicated for the observation and positional determination of the satellite rather than using NORAD orbital sets. In the case of KITSAT-3, NORAD orbital elements are currently used for image acquisition planning and for the processing of acquired images due to the absence of a dedicated KITSAT-3 tracking ground system. In this paper, we tested and analyzed the accuracy of NORAD orbital elements and the appropriate prediction model to determine how accurately a satellite acquisites an image of the location of interest and how accurately a ground processing system can generate the catalog of the images.

Extraction of UAV Image Sharpness Index Using Edge Target Analysis (에지 타겟 분석을 통한 무인기 영상의 선명도 지표 추출)

  • Lim, Pyung-Chae;Seo, Junghoon;Kim, Taejung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.6_1
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    • pp.905-923
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    • 2018
  • In order to generate high-resolution products using UAV images, it is necessary to analyze the sharpness of the themselves measured through image analysis. When images that have unclear sharpness of UAV are used in the production, they can have a great influence on operations such as acquisition and mapping of accurate three-dimensional information using UAV. GRD (Ground Resolved Distance) has been used as an indicator of image clarity. GRD is defined as the minimum distance between two identifiable objects in an image and is used as a concept against the GSD (Ground Sampling Distance), which is a spatial sample interval. In this study, GRD is extracted by analyzing the edge target without visual analysis. In particular, GRD to GSD ratio (GRD/GSD), or GRD expressed in pixels, is used as an index for evaluation the relative image sharpness. In this paper, GRD is calculated by analyzing edge targets at various altitudes in various shooting environments using a rotary wing. Using GRD/GSD, it was possible to identify images whose sharpness was significantly lowered, and the appropriateness of the image as an image clarity index was confirmed.

Landscape Object Classification and Attribute Information System for Standardizing Landscape BIM Library (조경 BIM 라이브러리 표준화를 위한 조경객체 및 속성정보 분류체계)

  • Kim, Bok-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.103-119
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    • 2023
  • Since the Korean government has decided to apply the policy of BIM (Building Information Modeling) to the entire construction industry, it has experienced a positive trend in adoption and utilization. BIM can reduce workloads by building model objects into libraries that conform to standards and enable consistent quality, data integrity, and compatibility. In the domestic architecture, civil engineering, and the overseas landscape architecture sectors, many BIM library standardization studies have been conducted, and guidelines have been established based on them. Currently, basic research and attempts to introduce BIM are being made in Korean landscape architecture field, but the diffusion has been delayed due to difficulties in application. This can be addressed by enhancing the efficiency of BIM work using standardized libraries. Therefore, this study aims to provide a starting point for discussions and present a classification system for objects and attribute information that can be referred to when creating landscape libraries in practice. The standardization of landscape BIM library was explored from two directions: object classification and attribute information items. First, the Korean construction information classification system, product inventory classification system, landscape design and construction standards, and BIM object classification of the NLA (Norwegian Association of Landscape Architects) were referred to classify landscape objects. As a result, the objects were divided into 12 subcategories, including 'trees', 'shrubs', 'ground cover and others', 'outdoor installation', 'outdoor lighting facility', 'stairs and ramp', 'outdoor wall', 'outdoor structure', 'pavement', 'curb', 'irrigation', and 'drainage' under five major categories: 'landscape plant', 'landscape facility', 'landscape structure', 'landscape pavement', and 'irrigation and drainage'. Next, the attribute information for the objects was extracted and structured. To do this, the common attribute information items of the KBIMS (Korean BIM Standard) were included, and the object attribute information items that vary according to the type of objects were included by referring to the PDT (Product Data Template) of the LI (UK Landscape Institute). As a result, the common attributes included information on 'identification', 'distribution', 'classification', and 'manufacture and supply' information, while the object attributes included information on 'naming', 'specifications', 'installation or construction', 'performance', 'sustainability', and 'operations and maintenance'. The significance of this study lies in establishing the foundation for the introduction of landscape BIM through the standardization of library objects, which will enhance the efficiency of modeling tasks and improve the data consistency of BIM models across various disciplines in the construction industry.

Establishment of Optimum Photo Condition for the Accurate Monitoring of Cultural Assets and Ground Facilities using Terrestrial Photographs (문화재와 지상시설물의 정밀점검을 위한 지상사진의 최적촬영조건 설정)

  • 손덕재
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 1994
  • The terrestrial phetogrammetry has the relative convenience of selecting the site of photo station in contrast with the aerial photogrammetry, and the flexibility in accuracy prediction of object point positioning. So it has the advantage in designing optimum photo taking system which can fulfill the required accuracy. For the convergent photos which are frequently used for the monitoring of cultural assets and ground facilities, almost all of the traditional studies for the optimum photo condition, both in theoretical or experimental, are basically depend on the symmetrical configuration at the normal direction to the center of the object. However, in many cases the surroundings of the object do not allow the normal photo direction or sufficient convergent angle, even more the object features are not always be seen as one panel like planar. In this paper, the accuracy variation of convergent photos for the multi-planar objects, which are composed by some orthogonal planes, are investigated to establish the optimum photo condition. The results of the accuracy analysis for the photo direction, convergent angle, as well as the object feature are expected to be utilized in system design of geometric configuration of convergent photos, which are adequate for the accurate monitoring of the objects, such as culural assets, facilities, precision instruments, deformation surveying, etc.

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    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.79-82
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    • 2015
  • The physical and chemical properties of prestellar cores, especially massive ones, are still far from being well understood due to the lack of a large sample. The low dust temperature (< 14 K) of Planck cold clumps makes them promising candidates for prestellar objects or for sources at the very initial stages of protostellar collapse. We have been conducting a series of observations toward Planck cold clumps (PCCs) with ground-based radio telescopes. In general, when compared with other star forming samples (e.g. infrared dark clouds), PCCs are more quiescent, suggesting that most of them may be in the earliest phase of star formation. However, some PCCs are associated with protostars and molecular outflows, indicating that not all PCCs are in a prestellar phase. We have identified hundreds of starless dense clumps from a mapping survey with the Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO) 13.7-m telescope. Follow-up observations suggest that these dense clumps are ideal targets to search for prestellar objects.

Surface Water Mapping of Remote Sensing Data Using Pre-Trained Fully Convolutional Network

  • Song, Ah Ram;Jung, Min Young;Kim, Yong Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.423-432
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    • 2018
  • Surface water mapping has been widely used in various remote sensing applications. Water indices have been commonly used to distinguish water bodies from land; however, determining the optimal threshold and discriminating water bodies from similar objects such as shadows and snow is difficult. Deep learning algorithms have greatly advanced image segmentation and classification. In particular, FCN (Fully Convolutional Network) is state-of-the-art in per-pixel image segmentation and are used in most benchmarks such as PASCAL VOC2012 and Microsoft COCO (Common Objects in Context). However, these data sets are designed for daily scenarios and a few studies have conducted on applications of FCN using large scale remotely sensed data set. This paper aims to fine-tune the pre-trained FCN network using the CRMS (Coastwide Reference Monitoring System) data set for surface water mapping. The CRMS provides color infrared aerial photos and ground truth maps for the monitoring and restoration of wetlands in Louisiana, USA. To effectively learn the characteristics of surface water, we used pre-trained the DeepWaterMap network, which classifies water, land, snow, ice, clouds, and shadows using Landsat satellite images. Furthermore, the DeepWaterMap network was fine-tuned for the CRMS data set using two classes: water and land. The fine-tuned network finally classifies surface water without any additional learning process. The experimental results show that the proposed method enables high-quality surface mapping from CRMS data set and show the suitability of pre-trained FCN networks using remote sensing data for surface water mapping.

A Study on the Development of Computer Assisted Instruction for Definite Integral (정적분 단원에 관한 CAI프로그램 개발 연구)

  • 우제환
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.97-109
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    • 1998
  • The activities of teaching and learning are to try to reach the lesson object most closely in many ways. Considering that the lesson objects are to get the principle or law of a concept, to acquire the mathematical function, to master it through repeated exercises and to solve mathematical problems, we need many ways to reach such objects. Among the many ways, we can first think of one: the students will learn with curiosity and according to their own ability or advancing level in learning when teachers study and prepare necessary contents enough in advance by using computers, showing the right program to learners' needs. For example, defining definite integral by measuration by parts will help understand measuration by parts well and know the meaning of definite integral correctly, In teaching and learning by the use of this program, the educational effects are expected as follows. 1. It is thought that this program will stimulate the desire for and interest in learning because it used animation and acoustic effect. And voluntary and positive thinking activity will be shown. 2. It is expected that the conviction of formulas will be got and the concept of definite integral will be remembered firmly by showing how to measure the width of circle with the use of measuration by parts in various other ways instead of the ways used at present. 3. It is expected that students will feel the pleasure of mathematics in life when they recognize mathematical facts scattered really in our life rather than mathematical difficulties. 4. It is expected that the repeated review of programs already designed will remove the fear of incomplete parts and help review again. 5. It is certain that positive attitude in life will be formed as teacher-centered class is changed into learner-centered class and unwilling study is changed into self-oriented study. However, I think this program is insufficient for humanbeing-centered education given directly in contact with students on the ground of the variety in mathematical education and applications in many ways. And mechanically inhuman computers leave some solutions to be desired

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