• Title/Summary/Keyword: Graphic Analysis

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Effects of Well Parameters Analysis Techniques on Evaluation of Well Efficiency in Step-Drawdown Test (단계양수시험 해석시 우물상수 산정 방법이 우물효율에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Sang-Yong;Kim, Byung-Woo;Kim, Gyoo-Bum;Kweon, Hae-Woo
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2009
  • Step-drawdown tests were conducted at four pumping Wells, two in porous media and two in fractured rocks, respectively. In general, P = 2.0 suggested by Jacob (1947) is applied to porous media and fractured rocks in terms of drawdowns of step-drawdown test. In an attempt to review problems of linear model (Jacob's graphic method) in interpreting the step-draw down test, the outcomes of well parameters (aquifer loss coefficient (B), well loss coefficient (C) and well loss exponent (P)) calculated from linear and nonlinear model (Labadie and Helweg's least-squares method) were compared and analyzed. The values of C and P calculated from linear and nonlinear models differed according to permeability of aquifer and the conditions of pumping well. The value C obtained from nonlinear models in porous media and fractured rocks is about $10^0{\sim}10^{-2}$ and $10^{-3}{\sim}10^{-6}$ times lower than in their linear models, respectively. The value P of porous media obtained from nonlinear model ranged from 2.123 to 2.775, while it ranged from 3.459 to 5.635 for fractured rocks. In case of nonlinear model, well loss highly depends on the value P. At this time, well efficiencies calculated from linear and nonlinear models were $1.56{\sim}14.89%$ for porous media and $8.73{\sim}24.71%$ for fractured rocks, showing a significant error according to chosen models. In nonlinear model, it was found that the regression analysis using the least squares method was very useful to interpret step-drawdown test in all aquifer.

Early Identification of Gifted Young Children and Dynamic assessment (유아 영재의 판별과 역동적 평가)

  • 장영숙
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.131-153
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    • 2001
  • The importance of identifying gifted children during early childhood is becoming recognized. Nonetheless, most researchers preferred to study the primary and secondary levels where children are already and more clearly demonstrating what talents they have, and where more reliable predictions of gifted may be made. Comparatively lisle work has been done in this area. When we identify giftedness during early childhood, we have to consider the potential of the young children rather than on actual achievement. Giftedness during early childhood is still developing and less stable than that of older children and this prevents us from making firm and accurate predictions based on children's actual achievement. Dynamic assessment, based on Vygotsky's concept of the zone of proximal development(ZPD), suggests a new idea in the way the gifted young children are identified. In light of dynamic assessment, for identifying the potential giftedness of young children. we need to involve measuring both unassisted and assisted performance. Dynamic assessment usually consists of a test-intervene-retest format that focuses attention on the improvement in child performance when an adult provides mediated assistance on how to master the testing task. The advantages of the dynamic assessment are as follows: First, the dynamic assessment approach can provide a useful means for assessing young gifted child who have not demonstrated high ability on traditional identification method. Second, the dynamic assessment approach can assess the learning process of young children. Third, the dynamic assessment can lead an individualized education by the early identification of young gifted children. Fourth, the dynamic assessment can be a more accurate predictor of potential by linking diagnosis and instruction. Thus, it can make us provide an educational treatment effectively for young gifted children.

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Social Tagging-based Recommendation Platform for Patented Technology Transfer (특허의 기술이전 활성화를 위한 소셜 태깅기반 지적재산권 추천플랫폼)

  • Park, Yoon-Joo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.53-77
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    • 2015
  • Korea has witnessed an increasing number of domestic patent applications, but a majority of them are not utilized to their maximum potential but end up becoming obsolete. According to the 2012 National Congress' Inspection of Administration, about 73% of patents possessed by universities and public-funded research institutions failed to lead to creating social values, but remain latent. One of the main problem of this issue is that patent creators such as individual researcher, university, or research institution lack abilities to commercialize their patents into viable businesses with those enterprises that are in need of them. Also, for enterprises side, it is hard to find the appropriate patents by searching keywords on all such occasions. This system proposes a patent recommendation system that can identify and recommend intellectual rights appropriate to users' interested fields among a rapidly accumulating number of patent assets in a more easy and efficient manner. The proposed system extracts core contents and technology sectors from the existing pool of patents, and combines it with secondary social knowledge, which derives from tags information created by users, in order to find the best patents recommended for users. That is to say, in an early stage where there is no accumulated tag information, the recommendation is done by utilizing content characteristics, which are identified through an analysis of key words contained in such parameters as 'Title of Invention' and 'Claim' among the various patent attributes. In order to do this, the suggested system extracts only nouns from patents and assigns a weight to each noun according to the importance of it in all patents by performing TF-IDF analysis. After that, it finds patents which have similar weights with preferred patents by a user. In this paper, this similarity is called a "Domain Similarity". Next, the suggested system extract technology sector's characteristics from patent document by analyzing the international technology classification code (International Patent Classification, IPC). Every patents have more than one IPC, and each user can attach more than one tag to the patents they like. Thus, each user has a set of IPC codes included in tagged patents. The suggested system manages this IPC set to analyze technology preference of each user and find the well-fitted patents for them. In order to do this, the suggeted system calcuates a 'Technology_Similarity' between a set of IPC codes and IPC codes contained in all other patents. After that, when the tag information of multiple users are accumulated, the system expands the recommendations in consideration of other users' social tag information relating to the patent that is tagged by a concerned user. The similarity between tag information of perferred 'patents by user and other patents are called a 'Social Simialrity' in this paper. Lastly, a 'Total Similarity' are calculated by adding these three differenent similarites and patents having the highest 'Total Similarity' are recommended to each user. The suggested system are applied to a total of 1,638 korean patents obtained from the Korea Industrial Property Rights Information Service (KIPRIS) run by the Korea Intellectual Property Office. However, since this original dataset does not include tag information, we create virtual tag information and utilized this to construct the semi-virtual dataset. The proposed recommendation algorithm was implemented with JAVA, a computer programming language, and a prototype graphic user interface was also designed for this study. As the proposed system did not have dependent variables and uses virtual data, it is impossible to verify the recommendation system with a statistical method. Therefore, the study uses a scenario test method to verify the operational feasibility and recommendation effectiveness of the system. The results of this study are expected to improve the possibility of matching promising patents with the best suitable businesses. It is assumed that users' experiential knowledge can be accumulated, managed, and utilized in the As-Is patent system, which currently only manages standardized patent information.

Analysis of Gene for Major Quantitative Characters in Silkworm, Bombyx mori (가잠의 주요 양적 형질에 관한 유전분석)

  • 손봉희;정원복
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 1992
  • In the experiment, gene actions were analyzed for seven silkworm varieties in order to obtain basic information on their genetic improvement by diallel crosses. The results obtained were summarized as follows : in analysis of variance, significantly maternal and reciprocal effects were observed for all character except female cocoon shell percentage and female pupal weight. Over-dominance was shown by Vr-Wr graphic analysis in three characters such as female cocoon weight, female and male pupal weight, and partial dominance in five characters such as male cocoon weight, cocoon shell percentage in both female and male. Component of genetic varience analyzed for five characters such as male cocoon weight, cocoon shell weight, cocoon shell percentage in both female and male showed that additive effects were higher than dominant effects, and female cocoon weight showed dominant effects higher than additive effects. Heritability of narrow sence was higher more than 0.51 and heritability of broad sence was higher more than 0.77 in all characters except for female pupal weight. The directions of dominance were negative for female cocoon shell weight and somewhat higher for female and male cocoon shell percentage. Meanwhile cocoon weight, pupal weight in both female and male showed positive in the direction of dominance.

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Implementation of Medical Information System for Korean by Tissue Mineral Analysis (모발분석 및 처리를 위한 한국형 의료 정보 시스템 구축)

  • 조영임
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.148-160
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    • 2003
  • TMA(Tissue Mineral Analysis) is very popular method in hair mineral analysis for health care professionals in over 48 countries medical center. Assesment of nutritional minerals and toxic elements in the hair is very important not only for determining adequacy, deficiencies and unbalance, but also for assessing their relative relationships in a body. In Korea, there are some problems in TMA method. Because of not haying a medical information database which is suitable for korean to do analyze, the requested TMA has to send to TEI-USA. However, as the TMA results from TEI-USA is composed of English documents and graphic files prohibited to open, its usability is very low and a lot of dollars has to be payed. Also, it can make some problems in the reliability of the TMA results, since the TMA results are based on the database of western health and mineral standards, To solve these problems, I developed the first Medical Information System of TMA in Korea here. The system can analyze the complex tissue mineral data with multiple stage decision tree classifier. It is also constructed with multiple fuzzy database and hence analyze the TMA data by fuzzy inference methods. The effectiveness test of this systems can be shown the increased business efficiency and satisfaction rate 86% and 92% respectively.

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Development of Water Quality Management System in Daecheong Reservoir Using Geographic Information System (GIS를 이용한 저수지의 수질관리시스템 구축)

  • 한건연;백창현
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.13-27
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    • 2004
  • The current industrial development and the increase of population in Daecheong Reservoir basin have produced a rapid increase of wastewater discharge. This has resulted in problem of water quality control and management. Although many efforts have been carried out, reservoir water quality has not significantly improved. In this sense, the development of water quality management system is required to improve reservoir water quality. The goal of this study is to design a GIS-based water quality management system for the scientific water quality control and management in the Daecheong Reservoir. For general water quality analysis, WASP5 model was applied to the Daecheong Reservoir. A sensitivity analysis was made to determine significant parameters and an optimization was made to estimate optimal values. The calibration and verification were performed by using observed water quality data for Daecheong Reservoir. A water quality management system for Daecheong Reservoir was made by connecting the WASP5 model to ArcView. It allows a Windows-based Graphic User Interface(GUI) to implement all operation with regard to water quality analysis. The proposed water quality management system has capability for the on-line data process including water quality simulation, and has a post processor far the reasonable visualization for various output. The modeling system in this study will be an efficient NGIS(National Geographic Information System) far planning of reservoir water quality management.

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Development of a Spectrum Analysis Software for Multipurpose Gamma-ray Detectors (감마선 검출기를 위한 스펙트럼 분석 소프트웨어 개발)

  • Lee, Jong-Myung;Kim, Young-Kwon;Park, Kil-Soon;Kim, Jung-Min;Lee, Ki-Sung;Joung, Jin-Hun
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2010
  • We developed an analysis software that automatically detects incoming isotopes for multi-purpose gamma-ray detectors. The software is divided into three major parts; Network Interface Module (NIM), Spectrum Analysis Module (SAM), and Graphic User Interface Module (GUIM). The main part is SAM that extracts peak information of energy spectrum from the collected data through network and identifies the isotopes by comparing the peaks with pre-calibrated libraries. The proposed peak detection algorithm was utilized to construct libraries of standard isotopes with two peaks and to identify the unknown isotope with the constructed libraries. We tested the software by using GammaPro1410 detector developed by NuCare Medical Systems. The results showed that NIM performed 200K counts per seconds and the most isotopes tested were correctly recognized within 1% error range when only a single unknown isotope was used for detection test. The software is expected to be used for radiation monitoring in various applications such as hospitals, power plants, and research facilities etc.

Decision Making Support System for Water Supply Facilities Planning using Geographic Information System (GIS를 이용한 상수도(上水道) 계획(計劃) 의사결정(意思決定) 지원(支援)시스템 연구(硏究))

  • Ha, Sung-Ryung;Kim, Ju-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.2 s.6
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    • pp.101-113
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    • 1995
  • In pipeline planning, the systematic and reasonal management of topographical and spatial data are needed in order to omprove the availibilities for data analysis and the effective combinations of spatial informations. According to that fact, DBMS (Database Management System) and DSS(Decision making Support System) have to be developed for the planning of water supply system Also, the economic selection for harmonious delivery of water to target area, since the alternatives of pre-designed pipeline are influenced by hydraulic stability and geographic characteristics. In this study, GIS technique for water supply planning and management which stores graphic features and attributes as digital data sets is considered and engineering application programs are integrated for effective planning of water supply system. Decision making support system based on analyzing technical, Social and economical aspects is developed for the extension of water supply facilities and pipeline configurations. Especially, Hydraulic, land-use and economic influences are considered as important factors for the purpose of developing the system. Hydraulic analysis program(SAPID) for pipeline flow which is already developed in Water Resources Research Institute and economic analysis program(ECOVEL) are integrated with GIS for resonable decision making. Every possible aspects in pipeline planning for water supply is reviewed and the applicabilities of developed system into the field are evaluated.

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A Study to Improve the Spatial Data Design of Korean Reach File to Support TMDL Works (TMDL 업무 지원을 위한 Korean Reach File 공간자료 설계 개선 연구)

  • Lee, Chol Young;Kim, Kye Hyun;Park, Yong Gil;Lee, Hyuk
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.345-359
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    • 2013
  • In order to manage water quality efficiently and systematically through TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load), the demand for the construction of spatial data for stream networks has increased for use with GIS-based water quality modeling, data management and spatial analysis. The objective of this study was to present an improved KRF (Korean Reach File) design as framework data for domestic stream networks to be used for various purposes in relation to the TMDL. In order to achieve this goal, the US EPA's RF (River Reach File) was initially reviewed. The improved design of the graphic and attribute data for the KRF based on the design of the EPA's RF was presented. To verify the results, the KRF was created for the Han River Basin. In total, 2,047 stream reaches were divided and the relevant nodes were generated at 2,048 points in the study area. The unique identifiers for each spatial object were input into the KRF without redundancy. This approach can serve as a means of linking the KRF with related database. Also, the enhanced topological information was included as attributes of the KRF. Therefore, the KRF can be used in conjunction with various types of network analysis. The utilization of KRF for water quality modeling, data management and spatial analysis as they pertain to the applicability of the TMDL should be conducted.

An Analysis of Media of Social Studies 1 Textbooks for the Middle School with the Information Processing Model (정보처리모형을 이용한 중학교 『사회 1』 교과서 수록 매체 분석)

  • Song, Gi-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.5-27
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the media of middle school social studies 1 textbooks with the information processing model and to suggest educational information services of teacher librarians under a collaborative Instruction. For this purpose, 1,089 inquiry tasks embedded in 8 types of textbooks for middle school social studies developed under the 2015 revised curriculum were analyzed. The media as an input element was analyzed by the type and the characteristic as a processing element was analyzed by the cognitive behavior types. And the aspect of the output factor of the media utilized the multiple intelligences. As a result of the analysis, the media in the inquiry task solving process mainly consisted of visual media based on photographs and illustrations and general reading materials. The processing method of media is understanding through analysis and inference through structuring. And the output utilized speaking and writing of the language intelligence. Based on the results, it is shown that educational information services that teacher librarians could provide for inquiry activities are composed of developing curriculum map, teaching inquiry processing and skills, and designing work sheets with graphic organizer and multiple intelligences under the information processing steps.