• Title/Summary/Keyword: Global Education Design

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A Study on the Development of an Synchronous Machine Design and Education Package Using JAVA (JAVA를 이용한 동기기 교육, 설계 패키지 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Min;Lee, Jong-Huck;Ho, Won
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1997.11a
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    • pp.16-18
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    • 1997
  • There have been great advances in communication and networking in recent times. It is necessary to take advantage of this information infrastructure for the purpose of developing an engineering education system. But the networking system was expensive or hard to develop. The current international networking is converging to the use of the World Wide Web system. It has become a new standard for global network communication. But there are not a great number of applications which take full advantage of this environment. In this Imper, an interactive education system for engineering education using the World Wide Web will be presented. This can be used as a supplementary kit for engineering education of synchronous machine design. The system is developed using JAVA and can be accessed using Web browsers.

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A Study on the Development of an Education and Design Package for Transformer and Induction Motor Using JAVA (JAVA를 이용한 변압기, 유도전동기, 교육 및 설계 패키지 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Gwang-Hun;Kim, Young-Min;Ho, Won
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1998.07a
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    • pp.312-315
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    • 1998
  • There have been great advances in communication and networking in recent times. It is necessary to take advantage of this information infrastructure for the purpose of developing an engineering education system. But the networking system was expensive or hard to develop. The current international networking is converging to the use of the World Wide Web system. It has become a new standard for global network communication. But there are not a great number of applications which take full advantage of this environment. In this paper an interactive education system for engineering education using the World Wide Web will be presented. This can be used as a supplementary kit for engineering education of transformer induction motor design. The system is developed using JAVA and can be accessed using Web browsers.

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Design of Online Web Counseling System for Emotional Development of Science-Gifted Students (과학영재의 정서 발달을 위한 온라인 상담 시스템 설계)

  • Kim, Seong-Won;Jeong, Yuri;Ryu, Jiyoung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2019.07a
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    • pp.205-206
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    • 2019
  • 과학영재의 인지적 영역을 발달시키기 위한 연구는 활발하게 진행되었지만, 과학영재가 겪고 있는 사회-정서적 어려움과 어려움을 해결하기 위한 지원 체계에 대한 연구는 부족하다. 과학영재는 낮은 자아존중감으로 인하여 정서적 민감성, 과흥분성, 완벽주의, 실존적 우울감 등 다양한 정서적 어려움을 겪고 있다. 선행연구에서는 과학영재의 정서적 어려움을 지원하기 위해서는 지속적이고 개별화된 상담이 필요하다고 말하였다. 하지만, 시공간적 한계로 인하여 지속적이고 개별화된 상담을 진행하는 데 많은 어려움이 존재한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 과학영재에게 지속적이고 개별화된 상담을 제공하기 위하여 온라인 상담 시스템을 설계하였다. 온라인 상담 시스템은 과학영재가 내인적 요인에 따른 상담을 신청하면, 상담 전문가가 Peterson과 Moon(2008)의 상담 모형을 기반으로 상담을 지원하도록 설계하였다. 향후 연구에서는 이러한 상담 시스템을 구축 및 실행하여 시스템에 대한 과학영재의 만족도와 자아효능감의 변화를 관찰하고자 한다.

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Developing Design Education Program concerning Sustainable Fashion (지속가능 패션 실용화를 위한 디자인 교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Lee, Youngsun;Choy, Hyonsook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.64 no.2
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    • pp.50-69
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    • 2014
  • Sustainability has been a big issue over the whole global industry lately and is an important fashion trend that reflects the modern phase of the time. The concept of sustainable fashion includes physical fashion products made from eco-friendly or recycle materials as well as ethical value such as corporate social responsibility for environment, labor or working condition. Fashion companies of advanced countries who are aware of the geo-environmental and ethical issues found that generating profits by setting trends and pursuing external beauty can no longer be the ultimate goal of fashion companies, and started to recognize the importance of sustainable fashion as a future-oriented trend. Not only fashion industry but also governments of advanced countries have been playing a leading role to educate the people regarding the importance of sustainable fashion and making large investments to foster industry specialists in educational institution. The aim of this study is to propose sustainable fashion design education program that fits the domestic university curriculum and government-leading education program in order to set the foundation for sustainable fashion industry. Thus, this study investigates successful cases of foreign government-led sustainable fashion education that can be introduced to improve domestic sustainable fashion education. The empirical study of the research is developing 12-15 week university level education program to foster specialists in sustainable fashion. The survey carried out by the students who participated in the program shows the change of perception on sustainable fashion. Developed university level program can be spread to municipal corporation, school of continuing education, and etc. in order to derive participation and problem perception of the citizens on sustainability. Developing systemized sustainable fashion design education program would be the first step of sustainable fashion by educating students who will take the leading role in the future fashion industry. Moreover, it can strongly influence future customer education as well as a special education inducing interest on sustainability in everyday life. A follow-up study is expected to serve as a foundation for sustainable fashion to take root successfully in the fashion industry.

Model Development of Capstone Design for Technological and Humanities Convergence by Using Idea Box (아이디어박스를 활용한 기술인문융합형 캡스톤디자인 모형개발)

  • Kyung, Jong-soo;Choi, Chang-ha
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2018
  • In many universities, the Capstone Design course aims to educate creativity, teamwork and leadership, and ultimately aims to cultivate practitioners with practical ability required in the industry. Since the introduction of capstone design as a regular course, it has spread not only to engineering but also to the humanities and social sciences. A typical capstone design is usually carried out within a limited range of schedules and budgets within the scope of a major and a subject. In the case of a special-purpose capstone design, it is necessary to find out excellent items aiming at start-up and commercialization at an early stage, It contributes to the achievement of international convention participation, start-up and commercialization. The teaching styles of capstone design such as multidisciplinary capstone design, fusion capstone design, and global capstone design are developed and operated in various ways. Depending on each type, objectives, curriculum, scope of participation, operation method, performance and so on. In the case of capstone design, it is contributing to increase the achievements such as participation in international conventions, establishment of business and commercialization by early detection of excellent items aiming at start-up and commercialization, development and establishment of support process. Technological and Humanities Convergence Capstone Design Moel is named as the process of designing a four-level idea called "Idea Factory-based Technology-Humannities Fusion Capstone Design Process", and it is used to generate ideas, elaborate ideas, advanced ideas, and commercialization.

Landscape Planning and Design for Education Culture Center on Revealing Locality, Suncheon (지역 정체성 구현을 위한 순천 교육문화 공간 조경계획)

  • Jeong, Yeong-Jin;Jeong, Wook-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to discuss issues on how locality can be revealed through landscape planning and design especially in the local environment. Over the past decade, there has been substantial increase in architects and landscape architects working internationally. There are many that believe this may lead to a unifying global brand of design that overlooks the identity and specificity of place. This lead us to think opportunities and challenges for designers working internationally to understand and create a unique sense of place. Relations between contemporary design trend and local identity will be studied through case studies. Design strategies and languages on revealing locality will be also discussed with the Suncheon Education Culture Center project.

Global Health Project for Maternal Child Health in a Developing Country: Case Study in Tigray, Ethiopia (저개발국 모자보건 수준 향상을 위한 국제보건사업 전략 : 에티오피아 티그라이주 사례를 중심으로)

  • Bang, Kyung-Sook;Lee, Insook;Park, Young-Sook;Chae, Sun-Mi;Kang, Hyunju;Yu, Juyoun;Park, Ji-Sun;Oh, Sang-Jun
    • Perspectives in Nursing Science
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to demonstrate a two-year global health project to improve maternal and child health (MCH) in Ethiopia. Methods: This is a descriptive case study. The target area is Kilte Awlaelo Woreda in Tigray Regional State, Ethiopia. A baseline survey was conducted to identify the needs of community residents and health care professionals. A MCH program was developed according to a project design matrix that included: infrastructure renovation of health centers; continuing education for midwives, nurses, and health extension workers (HEWs); and improvement of residents' MCH awareness. Project evaluation will examine the structure, process, and outcomes of the program. Results: The baseline survey showed low rates of family planning (31%) and antenatal and postnatal care use (36.1% and 69%, respectively). The institutional birth rate was 13.5%. Midwives and nurses received 2~4 educational programs about family planning and perinatal care. HEWs were also given practical education. Water and electrical infrastructure of all five health centers in the Kilte Awlaelo Woreda were renovated. Additionally, medical supplies and equipment were provided. Community health education on perinatal care, family planning, and personal hygiene was presented. Conclusion: This study highlights the role of nursing in global health and provides basic information on the development and outcomes of the global health project.

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Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment and Effect of HRD in Logistics Industry

  • KIM, Boine;KIM, Byoung-Goo
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This exploratory research is to give managerial implication to sales personal management. This study focused on antecedents of job satisfaction and organizational commitment specially in HRD programs and system by participation and effect toward job. Research design, data and methodology: This research focuses on relationship analysis among job satisfaction, organizational commitment and HRD programs of logistics and sales personnel in Korea. HRD program consider two parts one is participation and other is effect toward job. And three HRD program is included education & training, system and self-directed Learning. This study used 7th HCCP data from KRIVET and 748 employee data is analyzed. SPSS18 is used and frequency, reliability, correlation and regression analysis are conducted. Results: Result shows that job satisfaction is positively affected by education & training participation, HRD system participation and HRD system effect toward job. Organizational commitment is positively affected by education & training participation, HRD system participation, education & training effect toward job and HRD system effect toward job. However self-directed Learning participation negatively affect organizational commitment. Lastly job satisfaction partially mediates between HRD and organizational commitment. Conclusions: Based on the results, this paper provide implication to academic, practical HRD and suggest feature research.

A Study on the Development of an Educational DC Machine Design Package Using JAVA (JAVA를 이용한 직류기 교육, 설계 패키지 작성에 관한 연구)

  • Ho, Won;Lee, Jong-Huck
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1997.07a
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    • pp.27-29
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    • 1997
  • There have been great advances in communication and networking in recent times. It is necessary to take advantage of this information infrastructure for the purpose of developing an engineering education system, but the networking system was expensive or hard to develop. The current international networking is converging to the use of the World Wide Web system. It has become a new standard for global network communication. But there are not a great number of applications which take full advantage of this environment. In this paper, an interactive education system for engineering education using the World Wide Web will be presented. This can be used as a supplementary kit for engineering education of DC machine design. The system is developed using JAVA and can be accessed using Web browsers.

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A Study on Optimum design of Corrugated web girder using Eurocode (유로코드를 이용한 주름웨브보의 최적설계 연구)

  • Shon, Su-Deok;Yoo, Mi-Na;Lee, Seung-Jae
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2012
  • This paper describes the structural design and optimization of sinusoidally corrugated web girder by using EUROCODE (EN 1993-1-5). The optimum design methodology and characteristics of the optimal cross-section are discussed. We investigate a shear buckling and the concerned standards for corrugated web and explain the equations to obtain a critical stress according to buckling type. In order to perform optimization, we consider an objective function as minimum weight of the girder and use the constraint functions as slenderness ratio and stresses of flanges as well as corrugated web and deflection. Genetic Algorithm is adopted to search a global optimum solution for this mathematical model. For numerical example, the clamped girder under the concentrated load is considered, while the optimum cross-sectional area and design variables are analyzed. From the results of the adopted example, the optimum design program of the sinusoidally corrugated web girder is able to find the suitable solution which satisfied a condition subject to constraint functions. The optimum design shows the tendency to decrease the cross-sectional area with the yielding strength increase and increase the areas with load increase. Moreover, the corrugated web thickness shows a stable increase concerning the load.