• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geometrical Nonlinear

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The efficient data-driven solution to nonlinear continuum thermo-mechanics behavior of structural concrete panel reinforced by nanocomposites: Development of building construction in engineering

  • Hengbin Zheng;Wenjun Dai;Zeyu Wang;Adham E. Ragab
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.231-249
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    • 2024
  • When the amplitude of the vibrations is equivalent to that clearance, the vibrations for small amplitudes will really be significantly nonlinear. Nonlinearities will not be significant for amplitudes that are rather modest. Finally, nonlinearities will become crucial once again for big amplitudes. Therefore, the concrete panel system may experience a big amplitude in this work as a result of the high temperature. Based on the 3D modeling of the shell theory, the current work shows the influences of the von Kármán strain-displacement kinematic nonlinearity on the constitutive laws of the structure. The system's governing Equations in the nonlinear form are solved using Kronecker and Hadamard products, the discretization of Equations on the space domain, and Duffing-type Equations. Thermo-elasticity Equations. are used to represent the system's temperature. The harmonic solution technique for the displacement domain and the multiple-scale approach for the time domain are both covered in the section on solution procedures for solving nonlinear Equations. An effective data-driven solution is often utilized to predict how different systems would behave. The number of hidden layers and the learning rate are two hyperparameters for the network that are often chosen manually when required. Additionally, the data-driven method is offered for addressing the nonlinear vibration issue in order to reduce the computing cost of the current study. The conclusions of the present study may be validated by contrasting them with those of data-driven solutions and other published articles. The findings show that certain physical and geometrical characteristics have a significant effect on the existing concrete panel structure's susceptibility to temperature change and GPL weight fraction. For building construction industries, several useful recommendations for improving the thermo-mechanics' behavior of structural concrete panels are presented.

Analytical Study on Behaviour of Plane Steel Frame with Semi-Rigid Beam-to-Column Connection (반강접 접합부를 갖는 평면 강골조의 거동에 관한 해석적 연구)

  • Kim, Jong Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.483-492
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    • 2009
  • In this study, nonlinear analysis of steel plane frame was performed using the refined plastic hinge method of advanced analysis techniques. In deterioration of stiffness in plastic zone, influences by flexural bending, residual stress, geometrical non-linearity, and semi-rigid connection are considered. And also, further reduced tangent modulus was used for geometrical non-linearity, top and seat angle were chosen for semi-rigid connection. Furthermore, 3 parameter power model was used for moment-rotation behaviour of beam to column connection. The loading conditions are combined with axial and lateral force and the inverse triangle distribution of lateral and eight type of analytical models were used in analysis. The results of analyses were compared with semi-rigid and rigid connection on behaviour of numerical analysis models. And also, the behaviors of frame with changes of semi-rigidity were analyzed by using the results obtained from MIIDAS-GENw.

Spatial Post-buckling Analysis of Thin-walled Space Frames based on the Corotational Formulation (대회전을 고려한 공간 박벽 뼈대구조물의 기하 비선형 후좌굴 거동 해석)

  • Lee, Kyoung Chan;Park, Jung Il;Kim, Sung Bo;Chang, Sung Pil
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.599-610
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we described a co-rotational formulation for the geometrical nonlinear analysis of three-dimensional frames. We suggested a new concept called the Zero-Twist-Section Condition (ZTSC) to decide the element coordinate system consistently. According to the ZTSC procedure, it is possible to obtain an element coordinate system and natural deformations consistently when finite displacements and rotations are induced in an element. Based on the developed procedure, numerical examples are investigated to calculate natural rotations while finite displacements are imposed on an element. Also, the developed co-rotational procedure gives accurate results in the analysis of post-buckling problems with finite rotations.

Predicting concrete properties using neural networks (NN) with principal component analysis (PCA) technique

  • Boukhatem, B.;Kenai, S.;Hamou, A.T.;Ziou, Dj.;Ghrici, M.
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.557-573
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    • 2012
  • This paper discusses the combined application of two different techniques, Neural Networks (NN) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), for improved prediction of concrete properties. The combination of these approaches allowed the development of six neural networks models for predicting slump and compressive strength of concrete with mineral additives such as blast furnace slag, fly ash and silica fume. The Back-Propagation Multi-Layer Perceptron (BPMLP) with Bayesian regularization was used in all these models. They are produced to implement the complex nonlinear relationship between the inputs and the output of the network. They are also established through the incorporation of a huge experimental database on concrete organized in the form Mix-Property. Thus, the data comprising the concrete mixtures are much correlated to each others. The PCA is proposed for the compression and the elimination of the correlation between these data. After applying the PCA, the uncorrelated data were used to train the six models. The predictive results of these models were compared with the actual experimental trials. The results showed that the elimination of the correlation between the input parameters using PCA improved the predictive generalisation performance models with smaller architectures and dimensionality reduction. This study showed also that using the developed models for numerical investigations on the parameters affecting the properties of concrete is promising.

A DQ nonlinear bending analysis of skew composite thin plates

  • Malekzadeh, P.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.161-180
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    • 2007
  • A first endeavor is made to exploit the differential quadrature method (DQM) as a simple, accurate, and computationally efficient numerical tool for the large deformation analysis of thin laminated composite skew plates, which has very strong singularity at the obtuse vertex. The geometrical nonlinearity is modeled by using Green's strain and von Karman assumption. A recently developed DQ methodology is used to exactly implement the multiple boundary conditions at the edges of skew plates, which is a major draw back of conventional DQM. Using oblique coordinate system and the DQ methodology, a mapping-DQ discretization rule is developed to simultaneously transform and discretize the equilibrium equations and the related boundary conditions. The effects of skew angle, aspect ratio and different types of boundary conditions on the convergence and accuracy of the presented method are studied. Comparing the results with the available results from other numerical or analytical methods, it is shown that accurate results are obtained even when using only small number of grid points. Finally, numerical results for large deflection behavior of antisymmetric cross ply skew plates with different geometrical parameters and boundary conditions are presented.

A Study on Ex-Formal Expression Observed in Space.Form of Korean Modern Architecture (한국 현대건축의 공간.형태에서 나타난 탈정형적 표현에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Hoon-Ick
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2009
  • In this study, the ex-formal expressions observed in space form of Korean modern architecture are distributed for characteristic analysis based on the period and type. The result of the study is certified by the work analysis and the result is as follows. Initially, due to the limited materials and influence of western brutalism, the works developed during 1960~70 tend to be plastic and contain expressionism. Around 1980's, the works tend to show forms of amusement and popularity. In 1990's the works show significance in deconstructive expression. From after 2000, ecological concept of architecture was introduced and organic expression started increasing Secondly, the ex-formal expressions are found to be in four different types. The organic expression is shown regardless of the period. In modern days, not only the physical properties of materials, but also the ecological concept is combined with the organic expression and is in increase. The plural expression started appearing after the 1980's and the sculptural diversity is enhancing with the addition of decorative factors or modification of geometrical form. The ex-construction and deconstructive expression show significance in some characteristics such as folding, inclination, and geometrical explosion. The free form and nonlinear expression tend to increase dramatically based on the development of structure technology as well as execution and introduce of the digital design technique.

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Thermo-mechanical postbuckling of symmetric S-FGM plates resting on Pasternak elastic foundations using hyperbolic shear deformation theory

  • Chikh, Abdelbaki;Bakora, Ahmed;Heireche, Houari;Houari, Mohammed Sid Ahmed;Tounsi, Abdelouahed;Bedia, E.A. Adda
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.617-639
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    • 2016
  • In this work, an analytical formulation based on both hyperbolic shear deformation theory and stress function, is presented to study the nonlinear post-buckling response of symmetric functionally graded plates supported by elastic foundations and subjected to in-plane compressive, thermal and thermo-mechanical loads. Elastic properties of material are based on sigmoid power law and varying across the thickness of the plate (S-FGM). In the present formulation, Von Karman nonlinearity and initial geometrical imperfection of plate are also taken into account. By utilizing Galerkin procedure, closed-form expressions of buckling loads and post-buckling equilibrium paths for simply supported plates are obtained. The effects of different parameters such as material and geometrical characteristics, temperature, boundary conditions, foundation stiffness and imperfection on the mechanical and thermal buckling and post-buckling loading capacity of the S-FGM plates are investigated.

Conversion of Fisheye Image to Perspective Image Using Nonlinear Scaling Function (비선형 스케일링 함수를 이용한 어안 영상의 원근 변환)

  • Kim, Tae-Woo;Cho, Tae-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.117-121
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    • 2009
  • The fisheye image acquired with a fisheye camera has wider field of view than a general use camera. But large distortion of the object in the image requires conversion of the fisheye image to the perspective image because of user's difficult perception. The existing Ishii's method[1] has the problem that the object can has sire and geometrical distortion in the transformed image because it uses equidistance projection. This paper presented a conversion technique of the fisheye image to the perspective image using sealing function. In the experiments, it was shown that our method reduced size and geometrical distortion by applying the scaling function.

A finite strip method for elasto-plastic analysis of thin-walled structures under pure bending

  • Cheung, M.S.;Akhras, G.;Li, W.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.233-242
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    • 1999
  • In the present study, the elasto-plastic analysis of prismatic plate structures subjected to pure bending is carried out using the finite strip method. The end cross-sections of the structure are assumed to remain plane during deformation, and the compatibility along corner lines is ensured by choosing proper displacement functions. The effects of both the initial geometrical imperfections and residual stresses due to fabrication are included in the combined geometrically and materially nonlinear simulation. The von-Mises yield criterion and the Prandtl-Reuss flow theory of plasticity are applied in modelling the elasto-plastic behavior of material. Newton-Raphson iterations are carried out as the rotation of the end cross sections of the structure is increased step by step. The parameter representing the overall axial strain of structure is adjusted constantly during the iteration process in order to eliminate the resulting overall axial force on any cross-section of the structure in correspondence with the assumption of zero axial force in pure bending. Several numerical examples are presented to validate the present method and to investigate the effects of some material and geometrical parameters.

Comparative study between inelastic compressive buckling analysis and Eurocode 3 for rectangular steel columns under elevated temperatures

  • Seo, Jihye;Won, Deokhee;Kim, Seungjun
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.341-351
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    • 2022
  • This paper presents an inelastic buckling behavior analysis of rectangular hollow steel tubes with geometrical imperfections under elevated temperatures. The main variables are the temperature loads, slenderness ratios, and exposure conditions at high temperatures. The material and structural properties of steels at different temperatures are based on Eurocode (EN 1993-1-2, 2005). In the elastic buckling analysis, the buckling strength decreases linearly with the exposure conditions, whereas the inelastic buckling analysis shows that the buckling strength decreases in clusters based on the exposure conditions of strong and weak axes. The buckling shape of the rectangular steel column in the elastic buckling mode, which depicts geometrical imperfection, shows a shift in the position at which bending buckling occurs when the lower section of the member is exposed to high temperatures. Furthermore, lateral torsional buckling occurs owing to cross-section deformation when the strong axial plane of the model is exposed to high temperatures. The elastic buckling analysis indicates a conservative value when the model is exposed to a relatively low temperature, whereas the inelastic buckling analysis indicates a conservative value at a certain temperature or higher. The comparative results between the inelastic buckling analysis and Eurocode 3 show that a range exists in which the buckling strength in the design equation result is overestimated at elevated temperatures, and the shapes of the buckling curves are different.