• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geometric form effect

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Form Generation of Cable-Stayed Structures considering Structural Art - by using Graphic Statics - (구조미를 고려한 사장케이블 구조의 형태설계 - 정력학적 도해법 이용 -)

  • Kim, Namhee;Hong, Sung-Gul
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure & Construction
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.167-174
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    • 2019
  • Cable-stayed structures provide a lot of possibilities toward the development of innovative structural forms regarding their expressiveness and uniqueness. Such cable-stayed structures, as form-active structures, can obtain a family of alternatives by changing parameters for defining geometric shapes. The concept of graphic statics is utilized to explain the relationship between the load path and structural forms because the load path of cable structures has something to do with their structural geometry. Moreover, this structural geometry has a dominant effect on both structural efficiency and structural elegancy. The proposed design method in this study will help designers conceive innovative structural forms considering structural safety, material efficiency, and structural art altogether.

Study on Geometric Figures on Body -Body Art- (신체에 표현된 기하학적 형태에 관한 연구 -바디아트 중심으로-)

  • 임미연
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.75-91
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    • 2003
  • This study analyzed descriptions about dots, lines, and sides which are used as a basic elements to express geometric figures as followings: -In the aspect of formative art, dots form images and feelings through their concurrence when make a slight move to coordinates. The concurrence can bring out either positive or negative images; -Lines have unlimited variation as a core measure in body art. They can make optimal effects with different lines such as straight and curved lines of human body; -Sides express not only effects of texture and perspective but also of space and solid by color effects. Expressive characteristics and geometric shapes can be classified by tattoo, henna and body painting: First, colorful tattoos are favored by Caucasian and original tattoos are mostly used by yellow and colored races in the way of scarification to get decorative effects. Recently, a rapid cycle of fashion change in tattoo figures has developed a tentative method of tattooing and a variety of decoration methods. It has made it a lot easier to change a pattern of a tattoo. Tattoos are now popular among people because they no longer have to suffer from pains when they get their body tattooed for a long time. Since tattoos boast their unique beauty which consists of most dynamic and attractive images among the types of body art. It will be one of the most favored make-up methods in the nearest future. Second, geometric designs used in henna include crosses, dots, straight lines, triangles, date palms, and so on. Henna has been particularly loved as an instant decoration by the public since it gradually disappears as time goes on. Third, body painting enables to draw a three-dimensional effect because of its close relation with body movements in a limited space. Each individual will have a different feeling appealed in their body painting. Body painting has been applied to many different areas, especially to theatrical art using lights, music and performance altogether producing impromptu and experimental works. Unlike other arts such as painting, sculpture, visual and industrial arts, body painting has mobility. Since it is painted on a three-dimensional human body, it can bear originality expressing realistic objects or animals and strengthen creative functions using body lines. Moreover, geometric designs can be diversified by the sexes. As a result of analysis, geometric designs expressed in body art seemed to transcend expressions of beauty and turned out to be another way of decoration. Body art has also been used as a way to express visual integration and consolidation dynamically not by human instinct but by social changes. The needs for body art will grow as the future comes nearer and be recognized as a new and fresh value. Formative elements of geometric figures deliver visual impressions combined with human body and finally create more various types of body art in harmony of body lines.

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Three Dimensional Last Data Generation System Utilizing Cross Sectional Free Form Deformation (단면 분할 FFD를 이용한 3D 라스트 데이터 생성시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Si-Kyung;Park, In-Duck
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.768-773
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    • 2005
  • A new approach for human foot modelling and last design based on the cross sectional method is presented in this paper. The proposed last design method utilizes the dynamic trimmed parametric patches for the foot 3D data and last 3D data. The cross section a surface of 3D foot for the 3D last, design modeling of free form geometric last shapes. The proposed last design scheme wraps the 3D last data surrounding the measured 3D foot data with the effect of deforming the last design rule The last design rule of the FFD is constructed on the FFD lattice based on foot-last shape analysis. In addition, the control points of FFD lattice are constructed with cross sectional data interpolation methods from the a finite set of 3D foot data. The deformed 3D last result obtained from the proposed FFD is saved as a 3D dxf foot data. The experimental results demonstrate that the last designed with the proposed scheme has good performance.

Effect of Maunfacturing Methods on Content Uniformity of Tablets (제제방법(製劑方法)이 정제(錠劑)의 함량균일성(含量均一性)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lee, Min-Hwa;Choi, Hoo-Kyun;Kim, Kil-Soo
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.6-14
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    • 1981
  • Safety, efficacy and reliability are the three basic criteria that define the quality of any well-designed pharmaceutical dosage form. Content uniformity directly bears on each of the three criteria defining the quality of drug product. Effect of manufacturing methods and physicochemical properties of the drug on content uniformity of tablets was investigated. Chlorpheniramine maleate and micronized salicylic acid were used as main ingredients. Three different methods for incorporation of main ingredients with diluents were solvent mixing method, geometric dilution method, and simple mixing method. The solvent mixing method was the best one of the three.

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A size-dependent study on buckling and post-buckling behavior of imperfect piezo-flexomagnetic nano-plate strips

  • Momeni-Khabisi, Hamed;Tahani, Masoud
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.427-440
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    • 2022
  • In the present study, the nonlocal strain gradient theory is used to predict the size-dependent buckling and post-buckling behavior of geometrically imperfect nano-scale piezo-flexomagnetic plate strips in two modes of direct and converse flexomagnetic effects. The first-order shear deformation plate theory is used to analyze analytically nano-strips with simply supported boundary conditions. The nonlinear governing equations of equilibrium and associated boundary conditions are derived using the principle of minimum total potential energy with consideration of the von Kármán-type of geometric nonlinearity. A closed-form solution of governing differential equation is obtained, which is easily usable for engineers and designers. To validate the presented formulations, whenever possible, a comparison with the results found in the open literature is reported for buckling loads. A parametric study is presented to examine the effect of scaling parameters, plate slenderness ratio, temperature, the mid-plane initial rise, flexomagnetic coefficient, different temperature distributions, and magnetic potential, in case of the converse flexomagnetic effect, on buckling and post-buckling loads in detail.

Energy extraction from the motion of an oscillating water column

  • Wang, Hao;Falzarano, Jeffrey M.
    • Ocean Systems Engineering
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.327-348
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    • 2013
  • An Oscillating Water Column (OWC) is a relatively practical and convenient device that converts wave energy to a usable form, which is electricity. The OWC is kept inside a fixed truncated vertical cylinder, which is a hollow structure with one open end submerged in the water and with an air turbine at the top. This research adopts potential theory and Galerkin methods to solve the fluid motion inside the OWC. Using an air-water interaction model, OWC design for energy extraction from regular wave is also explored. The hydrodynamic coefficients of the scattering and radiation potentials are solved for using the Galerkin approximation. The numerical results for the free surface elevation have been verified by a series of experiments conducted in the University of New Orleans towing tank. The effect of varying geometric parameters on the response amplitude operator (RAO) of the OWC is studied and modification of the equation for evaluating the natural frequency of the OWC is made. Using the model of air-water interaction under certain wave parameters and OWC geometric parameters, a computer program is developed to calculate the energy output from the system.

A Study of Training Program Development for Diffusion Expression Power - focused on the students are majoring design - (확산적 표현력 계발을 위한 훈련 프로그램 연구 -디자인 전공 학생을 대상으로-)

  • 강덕구
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.121-130
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    • 2003
  • The diffusion expressive power means the flexibility of which creative power test spheres(fluency, originality) by Torrance is ability making the considerations, thoughts and concepts to the meaningful symbolic change. This study is willing to develop and improve program toward the diffusion expressive power and is to testify training effect of the students are majoring design with the object. The training programs composed of six levels which is based on the theory of Eskild Tjalve. And the parameters of each levels are element, function, number, arrangement, form geometric, size and have to practice 2 weeks at once by 12 weeks. For successful measuring the effective results of this study, 40 undergraduate junior students in the department of design are grouped to excercise with experimental pilot group and regulated group. The standard type of creative paper is used to evaluate the results of student's training. This study give proof that creative power of the experimental pilot and under training group is higher than the regulated and under comparison group at in the conclusion.

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Theoretical Verification on the Motion Error Analysis Method of Hydrostatic Bearing Tables Using a Transfer Function

  • Park, Chun-Hong;Oh, Yoon-Jin;Lee, Chan-Hong;Hong, Joon-Hee
    • International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.64-70
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    • 2003
  • A new method using a transfer function is introduced in the present paper for analyzing the motion errors of hydrostatic bearing tables. The relationship between film reaction force in a single-side hydrostatic pad and the form error of guide rail is derived at various spatial frequencies by finite element analysis, and it is expressed as a transfer function. This transfer function clarifies so called 'the averaging effect of an oil film' quantitively. It is found that the amplitude of film force is reduced as the spatial frequency increases or the relative width of the pocket is reduced. The motion errors of a multi pad type table are estimated using a transfer function, the form errors of a guide rail and the geometric relationship between the pads. The method is named as the Transfer Function Method (TFM). The motion errors calculated by the TFM show good agreement with the motion errors calculated by the Multi Pad Method considering the entire table as an analysis object. From the results, it is confirmed that the proposed TFM is very effective to analyze the motion errors of hydrostatic tables.

Thermal post-buckling analysis of uniform slender functionally graded material beams

  • Anandrao, K. Sanjay;Gupta, R.K.;Ramchandran, P.;Rao, G. Venkateswara
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.545-560
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    • 2010
  • Two or more distinct materials are combined into a single functionally graded material (FGM) where the microstructural composition and properties change gradually. Thermal post-buckling behavior of uniform slender FGM beams is investigated independently using the classical Rayleigh-Ritz (RR) formulation and the versatile Finite Element Analysis (FEA) formulation developed in this paper. The von-Karman strain-displacement relations are used to account for moderately large deflections of FGM beams. Bending-extension coupling arising due to heterogeneity of material through the thickness is included. Simply supported and clamped beams with axially immovable ends are considered in the present study. Post-buckling load versus deflection curves and buckled mode shapes obtained from both the RR and FEA formulations for different volume fraction exponents show an excellent agreement with the available literature results for simply supported ends. Response of the FGM beam with clamped ends is studied for the first time and the results from both the RR and FEA formulations show a very good agreement. Though the response of the FGM beam could have been studied more accurately by FEA formulation alone, the authors aim to apply the RR formulation is to find an approximate closed form post-buckling solutions for the FGM beams. Further, the use of the RR formulation clearly demonstrates the effect of bending-extension coupling on the post-buckling response of the FGM beams.

A Study on the Relation between Light and Ever-changing Space (빛과 공간의 변전에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Sung-De
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2008
  • Light creates ambiance that affects our impression of space. Before the modern age, the role of light is a religious factor and a primitive state to see. In the modern space design, light is used to achieve the continuous transformation and translation of building's image. Ever-changing space is a flexible corresponding of space to its environment, caused by certain dynamic light. The space turn into some other thing from what it was before, or just changing its character. approaching men and society with different meanings. The purpose of this study is to explore the relation between light(natural and artificial) and ever-changing space through the case study. The impacts of light on ever-changing in today's space design can be summarized as follows. 1) Materialization of light in space design. Nowadays light becomes a form itself. The geometric properties of the space form playa secondary role as compared to the importance assigned to light. 2) Pixelization of space by a light effect. The impacts of digital technology on the space design have come through enhancing the 'pixelization' of the surface from which buildings are made their responsiveness and adaptability to changing needs. The surface with ever-changing lights that blur the boundary of space and expand the image of space.

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