• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geological characteristics

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Generation Characteristics and Prediction of Acid Rock Drainage(ARD) of Road Cut Slopes (건설현장 절취사면의 산성배수 발생특성과 잠재적 산발생능력 평가)

  • Lee, Gyoo-Ho;Kim, Jae-Gon;Lee, Jin-Soo;Chon, Chul-Min;Park, Sam-Gyu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2005.03a
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    • pp.491-498
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    • 2005
  • Acid Rock Drainage(ARD) is the product formed by the atmospheric(i.e. by water, oxygen and carbon dioxide) oxidation of the relatively common iron-sulphur minerals pyrite($FeS_2$). ARD causes the acidification and heavy metal contamination of water and soil and the reduction of slope stability. In this study the generation characteristics and the prediction of ARD of various road cut slopes were studied. An attempt to classify the rocks into several groups according to their acid generation potentials was made. Acid Base Accounting(ABA) tests, commonly used as a screening tool in ARD predictions, were performed. Sixteen rock samples were classified into PAF(potentially acid forming) group and four rock samples into NAF(non-acid forming) group. The chemical analysis of water samples strongly suggested that ARD with high content of heavy metals and low pH could pollute the ground water and/or stream water.

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Development and Characteristics of Thixotropic Grout based on Colloidal Silica (실리카 콜로이드를 이용한 가소성 그라우트의 개발 및 공학적 특성)

  • Ryu, Dong-Sung;Jeong, Gyeong-Hwan;Shin, Min-Sik;Kim, Dong-Hae;Lee, Jun-Seok;Jung, Du-Hwoe
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2005.03a
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    • pp.1283-1290
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    • 2005
  • A thixotropic grout has been newly developed for the use of back-filling a tail void in the shield tunnel and filling up ground voids. The grout developed in the study is a mixture of colloidal silica, cement and some functional additives. Its engineering characteristics was investigated by measuring a viscosity and unconfined compressive strengths. The optimum mixing proportion for an effective thixotropic grout was proposed through several repeated laboratory tests. The various physical properties such as thixotropy, unconfined compressive strengths, and durability of the thixotropic grout and the gels produced from the grout were compared with those of the well-known waterglass grout such as L.W.. The thixotropic grout developed in the study exhibited an excellent performance for back-filling of tail voids, based on experimental results compared to the existing waterglass grout.

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A Study of Relevant System for Developing Eco-friendly Maritime Resort - Focused on Geographical and Geological Characteristics of Golf Courses in Islands Region - (친환경 해양관광시설 조성을 위한 관련 제도에 대한 검토 - 도서지역 골프장입지의 지형, 지질 특수성을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Sehyun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.313-319
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    • 2009
  • A complex maritime resort combined marina and with course of Korea is required to improve international tourism competitiveness by taking advantage of her environmental favorable circumstances. The development of tourism, however, is focused on land-oriented that incurred lower tourism efficiency and international tourism competitiveness. In addition, the regulation of "Preliminary environmental assessment for golf courses" by the Ministry of Environment is emphasized on land geography and geology that can cause damage of tourist attractions in an island region. In particular, the development of 6th or 7th ridges in mountainous island region within 2km from the sea, that holds scenic and academic value, can go against environment-friendly by geographical and geological damage. According to the regulation for consultation for golf courses and forestry is to preserve regional ecosystem over 6th ridge, but it cannot be applicable to island region because that can form excessive slopes where marine ecosystem is required to be maintained. It, therefore, can be desirable that the development of over 6th ridge in an island region. It is suggested that continuous comparative studies of geographical and geological characteristics between land and island region will be carried on to establish feasible and reasonable development model so that balanced development of land and island, and versatile international environment-friendly maritime resort can be achieved and developed.

Deformation and failure mechanism exploration of surrounding rock in huge underground cavern

  • Tian, Zhenhua;Liu, Jian;Wang, Xiaogang;Liu, Lipeng;Lv, Xiaobo;Zhang, Xiaotong
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.72 no.2
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    • pp.275-291
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    • 2019
  • In a super-large underground with "large span and high side wall", it is buried in mountains with uneven lithology, complicated geostress field and developed geological structure. These surrounding rocks are more susceptible to stability issues during the construction period. This paper takes the left bank of Baihetan hydropower station (span is 34m) as a case study example, wherein the deformation mechanism of surrounding rock appears prominent. Through analysis of geological, geophysical, construction and monitoring data, the deformation characteristics and factors are concluded. The failure mechanism, spatial distribution characteristics, and evolution mechanism are also discussed, where rock mechanics theory, $FLAC^{3D}$ numerical simulation, rock creep theory, and the theory of center point are combined. In general, huge underground cavern stability issues has arisen with respect to huge-scale and adverse geological conditions since settling these issues will have milestone significance based on the evolutionary pattern of the surrounding rock and the correlation analyses, the rational structure of the factors, and the method of nonlinear regression modeling with regard to the construction and development of hydropower engineering projects among the worldwide.

Effects of the earth fissure on the seismic response characteristics of a nearby metro station

  • Jiang Chang;Yahong Deng;Huandong Mu
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2023
  • Earth fissures with several kilometers will inevitably approach or cross the metro line, significantly threatening the safety of the underground structure in the earth fissure site. However, the influence of the earth fissure site's amplification effect on the metro station's dynamic response is still unclear. A representative earth fissure in Xi'an was taken as an example to establish a numerical model of a metro station in the earth fissure site. The dynamic response characteristics of the metro stations at different distances from the earth fissure under various seismic waves were calculated. The results show that the existence of the earth fissure significantly amplifies the dynamic response of the nearby underground structures. The responses of the axial force, shear force, bending moment, normal stress, horizontal displacement, inter-story drift, and relative slip of the metro station were all amplified within a specific influence range. The amplification effect increases with the seismic wave intensity. The amplification effect caused by the earth fissure has relatively weak impacts on the axial shear, shear force, bending movement, normal stress, and horizontal movement; slightly larger impacts on the inter-story drift and acceleration; and a significant impact on the relative slip. The influence ranges of the axial force and normal stress are approximately 20 m. The influence ranges of the acceleration and inter-story drift can reach 30 m. Therefore, the seismic fortification level of the underground structure in the earth fissure site needs to be improved.

Presenting Characteristics of Mokpo Natural History Museum and Comparative Analyses to them with Middle School Science Curricula (목포 자연사 박물관의 전시특성 및 중학교 과학교육과정과의 비교 분석)

  • Koh, Yeong-Koo;Kim, Jong-Hee;Park, Chul-Kyu;Oh, Kang-Ho;Youn, Seok-Tai
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2008
  • For teaching-learning to geological region of earth science part in science education, middle school, the practical uses of natural science museum are very effective. So, the appropriate uses of the natural science museum are necessary for the teaching and learning of Science Education. This study aims to consider the presentation characteristics of the natural science museum and to examine how is effective it to geological region in middle school science curricula on those uses. From the results, the natural science museum is low in multi-sided and open-endedness presentation characteristics but high in ones of accessible characteristic. And its presentations are good in multimodal characteristics using supported materials but relatively low in relevant and multimedia ones. In the museum, diorama and self-performing presentation types are not but internet ones are most. The presentations of the natural science museum are mainly assigned to knowledge region linked to basic science concepts but relatively insufficient in STS aspects, on the basis of connection the presentations with middle school science curricula. It is respected that these insufficiencies might be diminished by variable arrangements of and explanations to the presentations for understanding improvements. And, applies to the presentations in STS may be encountered, if multi-sided observations to them is available.

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Failure Characteristics of Cut Slopes of Shale in Ky ngsang Basin (경상분지 셰일 지역에서의 절토사면 파괴 특성)

  • 김경석;유병옥;이상돈
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2002.11b
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    • pp.103-114
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    • 2002
  • Stability of cut-slope is considered to have a deep relationship with rock types since rock has its own engineering and geological characteristic such as shear strength, durability, weathering profile, geological structures. Therefore, analysis of geological and engineering characterisics of rock mass is essential for the evaluation of rock slope stability This paper introduces the statistical data of slope failure cases which was collected from highway slopes constructed in sedimentary rock mainly of shale in Ky ng-sang Basin. Primary failure feature in this area is planar failure along the bedding regardless of slope geometry. Even a disasterous slope failure case due to the thick clay layer between the beddings was reported. Failures and rock fall were reported to ocurred frequently after the completion of cutting due to the weathering, so long-term slope stability should be considered as a important factors in design.

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Analysis of Slope Stability Using GIS in the Northern Area of Chungju Lake (지구정보시스템을 이용한 충주호 북부 지역의 사면 안정 평가)

  • 문상기
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2000
  • As a part of natural hazard assessment, regional slope stability analysis was conducted using Geoscientific Information System (GIS) in the northern area of Chungju Lake. Selected factors which affect the slope stability in the study area were lithology, soil, density of lineament, groundwater level, dip of slope, aspect of slope, and geological engineering properties. Geological structural domains were determined by collected data of joint orientation from about 200 sites in order to produce a slope instability map. Potential type of failure and its direction could be expected through the domains. And a slope instability map was produced, comparing the representative orientations of the domains with the orientations of the slopes which were made through TIN module in ARC/INFO. Under the consideration of environmental geological characteristics of the study area, rating and weighting of each factor of slope stability analysis were decided and spatial analysis of regional slope stability was couducted through overlaying technique of GIS. The result of areal distribution of slope stability showed that the most unstable area was the area between Mt. Pudae and Mt. Jubong, and the northern area of the railway station, Samtan.

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Analysis of Slope Stability by Using Remote Sensing and GIS in Ichon Basin (원격탐사와 지구정보시스템 (GIS)을 이용한 이천분지의 사면안정평가)

  • Won, Jong Suck;Lee, Young-Hoon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.241-248
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    • 1997
  • In this study, Ichon basin is selected as study area and regional analysis of geological structure are done by using lineament analysis. The factors which affects slope stability, are chosen, and integrated to database using GIS (Geoscientific Information System). Landsat TM band 4, 5 and 7 are choosen and processed by various image enhancement technique to analyse the regional geological lineaments. Spatial distribution of lineament is analysed through lineament density map and study area can be divided the eight structural domains. Considering environmental geological characteristics of study area, rating and weighting of each factors for slope stability analysis are determined and spatial analysis of regional slope stability is examined through overlaying technique of GIS. The result of areal distribution of slope stability shows that the most unstable area is all over Mt. Buksung, Mt. Daepo, Mt. Songrim and Mt. Yankak.

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A Study on the Structure of the Yangsan Fault In the southern part of Kyeongju (경주 남부지역의 양산단층의 구조에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yeonghwa;Lee, Kiehwa
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.247-260
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    • 1987
  • As a part of study on the structure of the Yangsan Fault, geological and VLF EM studies have been made in the fault area approximately between Kyeongju and Eonyang. The result provides comparatively clear information on the trace of the fault and extent of fracture zone as well as the structural characteristics of the Yangsan Fault area. The location of fault trace identified from this VLF EM study coincides well in general with that expected from geological information of the area. And the extent of fault fracture zone turn out to be characterized by U shaped low resistivity zone whose width increases from north to south.

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