• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geography of Korea

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Web-Based Distributed Visualization System for Large Scale Geographic Data (대용량 지형 데이터를 위한 웹 기반 분산 가시화 시스템)

  • Hwang, Gyu-Hyun;Yun, Seong-Min;Park, Sang-Hun
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.835-848
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we propose a client server based distributed/parallel system to effectively visualize huge geographic data. The system consists of a web-based client GUI program and a distributed/parallel server program which runs on multiple PC clusters. To make the client program run on mobile devices as well as PCs, the graphical user interface has been designed by using JOGL, the java-based OpenGL graphics library, and sending the information about current available memory space and maximum display resolution the server can minimize the amount of tasks. PC clusters used to play the role of the server access requested geographic data from distributed disks, and properly re-sample them, then send the results back to the client. To minimize the latency happened in repeatedly access the distributed stored geography data, cache data structures have been maintained in both every nodes of the server and the client.

Regionalwirtschaftliche Effekte der Hochschule: Dargestellt am Beispiel der Deutschen Hochschulen (대학의 지역 경제적 파급효과: 독일 대학의 사례 분석)

  • Ahn, Young-Jin
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.529-547
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    • 2010
  • In den vergangenen Jahren ist im deutschsprachigen Raum eine Reihe von Studien entstanden, die sich mit wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen von Hochschulen beschaeftigen, wobei vor allem die nachfrageorientierten regionaloekonomischen Ausgabeeffekte im Mittelpunkt stehen. Zu diesen Nachfrageeffekten gehoeren Auswirkungen der hochschulbedingten Ausgaben auf den Umsatz, die Beschaeftigung und das Einkommen. Sie lassen sich jeweils in direkte und indirekte Effekte aufgliedern und entstehen in der so genannten Phase der Leistungserstellung der Hochschule. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, angelehnt an bisherige Studien die regionalwirtschaftlich bedeutsamen Effekte der ausgewaehlten deutschen Hochschulen zu identifizieren und nachzuweisen. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung konnte festgestellt werden, dass die deutsche Hochschule einen wirtschaftlichen Stabilitaetsfaktor fuer die Region darstellt und traegt durch die Erhoehung des regionalen Einkommens und der Beschaeftigungseffekte erheblich zum Wohlstand in der Hochschulregion bei.

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'Korean Wave' News Analysis Using News Big Data ('한류' 경향에 관한 국내 언론 기사 빅데이터 분석 연구)

  • Hwang, Seo-I;Park, Jeong-Bae
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2020
  • This study conducted a topic modeling and semantic network analysis of 'korean wave' and its meaning in Korean society from 2000 to 2019 by applying an agenda setting theory. For this purpose, a total of 197,992 newspaper articles which reported 'korean wave' issues were analyzed by applying topic modeling and semantic network analysis. As a result, first, the word 'korean wave' mainly appeared in korean-related regions in the korean press. culture and economy. second, a total of 9 topics related to korean wave issues appeared. This was followed by 'broadcast', 'export', 'domestic and foreign affairs', 'education', 'beauty and fashion', 'music and performance', 'tourism', 'media(platform)', and 'region'. Lastly, korean wave was mainly discussed at the cultural and economic ares. In addition, it was clustered into five characteristics: 'cultural hallyu', 'business hallyu', 'education', 'environment', and 'geography'.

A Study on the Location of Zen Buddhist Temples During the Late Silla Dynasty in Korea - from Feng-shui(風水) Perspective - (신라말 구산선문(九山禪門) 사찰의 입지 연구 - 풍수적 측면을 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Sung-Ho;Sung, Dong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.53-81
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the chracteristics of the location of Zen Buddhist temples which are the Nine-Mountain Sects of Zen(九山禪門) from feng-shui perspective. A large number of temples have been built for about 1600 years since Buddhism had influenced on Korea. They have been built nationwide in different times by different sects of Buddhism. The pattern of location of Buddhist temples is different according to background of the times (political, economic, cultural aspect) and of tenet(difference in sects of Buddhism) when the temples were built. But the general location of Korean Buddhist temples is in accordance with feng-shui theory. Feng-shui is a traditional geographic thought in China and Korea. It is necessary to understand feng-shui in order to understand Korean landscape and cultural geography. It had given a tremendous impact on Korean landscape through choosing site of cities, settlements, houses, mounments, temples, pagodas, and so on. Before feng-shui was prevailing in Korea, Buddhist temples were mostly built on sacred place which was connected with folk beliefs. In the case of the late Silla Dynasty when Zen Buddhism was prevailing, feng-shui became popular and many. temples were built in accordance with feng-shui. The typical examples are found in the site of Nine-Mountain Sects of Zen temples. The interpretation of geomantic site of Nine-Mountain Sects of Zen temples will show us how feng-shui was applied to and reflected in the Korean peninsula. In Zen Buddhism, feng-shui was applied to the choice of the temple site. Also feng-shui theory was usually used to choose the site of stupa(Budo) where the remains of the founder of sect. In this study, I will interpret the geomantic characteristics of Nine-Mountain Sects of Zen temples. The geomantic interpretations of the temples are as follow. 1. The temples are located at the foot of a hill with surrounding mountains and a watercourse in front. Feng-shui texts often describe it as an ideal site. This geomantic situation is well equipped with natural drainage; protection from cold wind from the north or evil spirits; a good view with open space to the front; protection from unnecessary weather damage; and security and protection from strangers and invaders. 2. The sitting and facing direction of the temples correspond to the oncoming dragon's direction. 3. Many feng-shui texts discuss the types of Sa(surrounding mountains) in detail and morphologically describe them with certain animate and inanimate auspicious objects. In case of Nine-Mountain Sects of Zen temples, the geomantic landscape of these can be compared to auspicious objects. This is morphological marker for the description of configulation features of these temples. 4. Most auspicious places are not perfect, but the shortcomings can be overcome by many means. We can observe modification of landscape for the purpose of fulfilling the geomantic harmony of the temple.

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A Study on Japanese and Foreign Place Names in Google Earth Satellite Images and GNS Database on South Korea (구글어스의 위성영상과 미국의 지명데이터베이스에 나타나는 한국내 일본식 및 외국어 지명에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Kyeong;Chang, Eun-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.188-201
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    • 2008
  • With recent rapid globalization, accurate information for the foreign countries is increasingly important. Errors based on inaccurate information and unequal international relationships complicate the situations. In this article, authors analyzed the Japanese place names which appear on the Google Earth images and place name database of the NGA. Google Earth already becomes a tremendous soft power in internet society; therefore, accurate information on the satellite image is more necessary than ever. This article finds that many types of errors exist in the place names in Google Earth image service. Also many place names are listed with Japanese pronunciation in GNS database as variants. The Japanese place names have not been used in topographic maps published since 1910s and 1930s. Japanese place names were widely used in US military maps published in 1946. 1:250,000 maps published in 1954, however, doesn't seem to use Japanese pronunciation any more.

Entwicklungslinie und Forschungsstand der deutschen Geographie der Freizeit und des Tourismus (독일의 여가 및 관광지리학 : 발전과정과 연구동향)

  • Ahn, Young-Jin
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.123-137
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    • 2006
  • Die Geographie der Freizeit und des Tourismus in Deutschland ist eine relative junge Teildisziplin innerhalb der Geographie des Menschen, wenn auch bereits 1905 der Begriff der 'Fremdenverkehrsgeographie' eingefuehrt wurde. Angesichts der Forschungsrichtung hat diese Teildisziplin in dem letzten Jahrhundert mehrere Phasen durchlaufen. In der ersten Phase ihrer Entwicklung, die etwa von den 1920er-bis in die 1960er-Jahre dauerte, herrschte die 'Fremdenverkehrsgeographie' vor. Ab Anfang der 1970er-Jahre hat sich in der zweiten Phase die 'Geographie des Freizeiverhaltens' (Muenchner Schule der Sozialgeographie) durchgesetzt. Darauf folgte die 'Tourismusgeographie' und endlich in der vierten Phase etablierte sich die 'Geographie der Freizeit und des Tourismus'. Die Entwicklung der deutschen Geographie der Freizeit und des Tourismus in den letzten ca. 100 Jahren praesentiert nicht nor einen nachhaltigen Wandel und die Erweiterung in dem inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt der Forschung, sondern stellt auch eine zunehmende Bedeutungsaufschwung der Freizit und des Tourismus in der modernen Gesellschaft dar.

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Defining Homogeneous Weather Forecasting Regions in Southern Parts of Korea (남부지방의 일기예보구역 설정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Il-Kon;Park, Hyun-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.469-488
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    • 1996
  • The defining of weather forecasting regions is possible. since the representativeness of regional weather can by reasonably clarified in terms of weather entropy and the use of information ratio. In this paper, the weather entropy and information ratio were derived numerially from using the information theory. The typical weather characteristics were clarified and defined in the homogeneous weather forecasting regions of the southern parts of Korea. The data used for this study are the daily precipitation and cloudiness during the recent five years (1990-1994) at 42 stations in southern parts of Korea. It is divided into four classes of fine, clear, cloudy and rainy. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The maximum value of weather entropy in study area is 2.009 vits in Yosu in July, and the minimum one is 1.624 bits in Kohung in October. The mean value of weather entropy is maximal in July, on the other hand, minimal in October during four season. The less the value of entropy is, the stabler the weather is. While the bigger the value of entropy is, the more changeable the weather is. 2. The deviation from mean value of weather entropy in southern parts of Korea, with the positive and the negative parts, shows remarkably the distributional tendency of the east (positive) and the west (negative) in January but of the south (positive) and the north (negative) in July. It also clearly shows the distributional tendency of the east (postive) and the west(negative) in the coastal region in April, and of X-type (southern west and northern east: negative) in Chiri Mt. in October. 3. In southern parts, the average information ratio maximaly appear 0.618 in Taegu area in July, whereas minimally 0.550 in Kwangju in October. Particularly the average information ratio of Pusan area is the greatest in April, but the smallest in October. And in Taegu, Kwangju, and Kunsan, it is the greatest in April, January, and July, but the smallest in Jyly, July, and pril. 4.The narrowest appreance of weather representativeness is in July when the Kwangju is the center of the weather forecasting. But the broadest one is in April when Taegu is the center of weather forecasting. 5. The defining of weather forecasting regions in terms of the difference of information ratio most broadly shows up in July in Pusan including the whole Honam area and the southern parts of Youngnam when the Pusan-Taegu is the basis of the application of information ratio. Meanwhile, it appears most broadly in January in Taegu including the whole southern parts except southern coastal area.

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Subgroup Analysis of Global Communication Network on Twitter (트위터에 나타난 국제 커뮤니케이션 네트워크의 하위집단 분석)

  • Seo, Il-Jung;Cho, Jaehee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.671-679
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    • 2016
  • We investigated subgroups within a global communication network to improve the empirical understanding of global communication phenomenon from the social network perspective. We collected global communication data from Twitter and constructed a global communication network. We also added countries' geographic and economic properties used in the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. We analyzed the subgroups' structure within the global communication network using centrality analysis, core-peripheral analysis, and cohesion analysis. We also detected communities embedded within the global communication network with modularity-based community detection methods. We found that the core countries occupy central positions in the global communication network and there is a hierarchical communication structure among the economic subgroups. Futhermore, we discovered some communities within the global communication network and found that countries within the communities can have homophily such as economy, geography, history, culture, and religion.

The Late Quaternary Pollen Analysis of Gokgyo River Basin in Asan-City, Korea - Focused on Vegetation and Climate Environment between the Last Glacial Maximum and the Late Glacial - (충남 아산 곡교천 유역의 제4기 후기 화분분석 - 최종빙기 최성기~만빙기 식생 및 기후환경에 주목하여 -)

  • PARK, Ji-Hoon;KIM, Sung-Tae
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2013
  • The pollen analysis was performed targeting the valley plain alluvium of Jangjae-ri, Asan area in order to clarify the climate and vegetation environment of the Last glacial maximum and the Late glacial in terms of Gokgyo River Watershed In Asan-City, Korea. The sample collection point gets included in the current deciduous broadleaf forest zone (south cool temperate zone). The results are as follows. (1) The vegetation environment of about 19,300-14,100yrB.P. at the investigation area is mainly classified into YJ-I period and YJ-II period while YJ-Ia period is classified once again into YJ-Ia period and YJ-Ib period. YJ-Ia period (19,300-17,500yrB.P.) is correlated with the Last Glacial Maximum while the vegetation at the time has relatively a little wide distribution area of grassland compared to the forest and the forest vegetation of this time period is the mixed conifer and deciduous broad-leaved forest. YJ-Ib period (15,400-14,750yrB.P.) is correlated with the Late glacial (or the Last Glacial Maximum) and the distribution area of grassland became wider compared to the forest. While the forest vegetation of this time period is the mixed conifer and deciduous broad-leaved forest, a difference exists in terms of the dominant tree species. YJ-II period (about 14,650-14,100yrB.P.) is correlated with the Last glacial while the distribution area of grassland became even wider than the forest compared to the YJ-Ib in case of the vegetation at the time and the forest vegetation of this time period is the coniferous forest. (2) Both YJ-I period and YJ-II period were relatively cold and dry compared the End of Late Glacial (about 12,000-10,000yrB.P.)~Early Holocene (10,000-8,500yrB.P.), Also, YJ-II period was relatively colder than the YJ-I period and the YJ-Ib period was relatively more humid than the YJ-Ia period.

The Interrelationship between Riparian Vegetation and Hydraulic Characteristics during the 2020 Summer Extreme Flood in the Seomjin-gang River, South Korea (2020 여름 섬진강 대홍수시 하안식생과 수리 특성의 상호관계)

  • Lee, Cheolho;Lee, Keonhak;Kim, Hwirae;Baek, Donghae;Kim, Won;Kim, Daehyun;Lee, Hyunjae;Woo, Hyoseop;Cho, Kang-Hyun
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2021
  • Because active interactions occur among vegetation, hydrology, and geomorphology in riparian systems, any changes in one of these factors can significantly affect the other two. In this study, we evaluated these interactions at four sites (two in Gajeong and two in Hahan) along the Seomjin-gang River that was substantially devastated by an extreme flood in 2020. We examined the relationship between the riparian vegetation and the hydraulic characteristics of the flood using remote sensing, hydraulic modeling, and field surveys combined. The evaluation results showed that the floods caused a record-breaking rise of up to 43.1 m above sea level at the Yeseong-bridge stage gauge station (zero elevation 27.4 m) located between the Gajeong and Hahan sites, with the shear stress being four times higher in Hahan than in Gajeong. Additionally, the water level during the flood was estimated to be a maximum of 1 m higher depending on the location in the presence of riparian plants. Furthermore, both sites underwent extensive biological damage due to the flood, with 78-80% loss in vegetation, with preferential damage observed in large willow species, compared to Quercus acutissima. The above findings imply that all plant species exhibit different vulnerabilities towards extreme floods and do not induce similar behavior towards events causing a disturbance. In conclusion, we developed strategies for effectively managing riparian trees by minimizing flood hazards that could inevitably cause damage.