• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geographic information

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  • Hyong-Bok, Kim
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 1995.12a
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    • pp.9-21
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    • 1995
  • A planning support system enhances our ability to use water capacity expansion as an urban growth management strategy. This paper reports the development of capacity expansion modeling of water supply as part of the continuing development of such a planning support system (PEGASUS: Planning Environment for Generation and Analysis of Spatial Urban Systems) to incorporate water supply, This system is designed from the understanding that land use and development drive the demand for infrastructure and infrastructure can have a significant influence on the ways in which land is developed and used. Capacity expansion Problems of water supply can be solved in two ways: 1) optimal control theory, and 2) mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP). Each method has its strengths and weaknesses. In this study the MINLP approach is used because of its strength of determining expansion sizing and timing simultaneously. A dynamic network optimization model and a water-distribution network analysis model can address the dynamic interdependence between water planning and land use planning. While the water-distribution network analysis model evaluates the performance of generated networks over time, the dynamic optimization model chooses alternatives to meet expanding water needs. In addition, the user and capacity expansion modeling-to-generate-alternatives (MGA) can generate alternatives. A cost benefit analysis module using a normalization technique helps in choosing the most economical among those alternatives. GIS provide a tool for estimating the volume of demanded water and showing results of the capacity expansion model.

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The Object-Oriented Design & Implementation of Spatial Data Transformation System for the 3-D Representation of Underground Utilities (지하시설물의 3차원 표현을 위한 공간 데이터 변환 시스템의 객체 지향적 설계 및 구현)

  • 오승;강병익;정정화
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 1996.06a
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    • pp.79-109
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    • 1996
  • In order to transform the underground utility data into the 3-D spatial objects, this thesis defined the type of the 3-D spatial objects and the storage structure of objects, and developed the spatial data transformation system that transforms the 2-D underground utility data into the pre-defined 3-D spatial objects through the Booch Method, an object-oriented development method. For this sake, the relational data model of ARC/INFO and the storage structure are analyzed, as well as the pre-requisites, required for the 3-D visualization of the underground utilities. Also, the 2-D underground utility data, saved in ARC/INFO, were transformed into the ASCII files through the internal pre-processing procedure, then used as the input data of the transformation system. In addition, to develop the transformation system, the object-oriented development methods are studied first and, then, applied to the system analysis and the design procedure with the Booch Method as a development method. Finally, the results of analysis and design procesure are implemented through AML, a ARC/INFO macro language, and C++, an object-oriented programing language. As a result of this study, the 3-D spatial objects that can visualize the 2-D utilities in 3-D, are acquired, and the adaptation of object-oriented development method to the system development procedure enabled an effective development prodedure.

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SpatioTemporal GIS를 활용한 도시공간모형 적용에 관한 연구 / 인구분포모델링을 중심으로

  • 남광우;이성호;김영섭;최철옹
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2002.03b
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    • pp.127-141
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    • 2002
  • GIS환경에서 도시모형(urban model)의 적용을 목적으로 사회·경제적 데이터(socio-economic data)를 활용하는 과정은 도시현상이 갖는 복잡성과 변동성으로 인해 하나의 특정시간에서의 상황을 그대로 저장한 형태인 스냅샷 모형(snapshot model)만으로는 효율적인 공간분석의 실행이 불가능하다. 또한 도시모형을 적용하는 과정에서 GIS의 대상이 되는 공간, 속성, 시간의 정의는 분석목적에 따라 다르게 정의되어질 수 있으며 이에 따라 상이한 결과가 도출될 수 있다. 본 연구는 30년 간의 부산시 인구분포의 동적 변화과정 관측을 위해 시간개념을 결합한 Temporal GIS를 구축하고 이를 활용하여 인구밀도모형 및 접근성모형을 적용하는 과정을 통해 보다 효율적이고 다양한 결과를 제시할 수 있는 GIS 활용방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 흔히 공간현상의 계량화와 통계적 기법의 적용을 위한 데이터 처리과정은 많은 오차와 오류를 유발할 수 있다. 이러한 문제의 해결을 위해서는 우선적으로 분석목적에 맞는 데이터의 정의(Data Definition), 적용하고자 하는 모형(Model)의 유용성 검증, 적절한 분석단위의 설정, 결과해석의 객관적 접근 등이 요구된다. 이와 더불어 변동성 파악을 위한 시계열 자료의 효율적 처리를 위한 방법론이 마련되어져야 한다. 즉, GIS환경에서의 도시모형의 적용에 따른 효율성과 효과성의 극대화를 위해서는 분석목적에 맞는 데이터모델의 설정과 공간DB의 구축방법이 이루어져야 하며 분석가능한 데이터의 유형에 대한 충분한 고려와 적용과정에서 분석결과에 중대한 영향을 미칠 수 있는 요소들을 미리 검증하여 결정하는 순환적 의사결정과정이 필요하다., 표준패턴을 음표와 비음표의 두개의 그룹으로 나누어 인식함으로써 DP 매칭의 처리 속도를 개선시켰고, 국소적인 변형이 있는 패턴과 특징의 수가 다른 패턴의 경우에도 좋은 인식률을 얻었다.r interferon alfa concentrated solution can be established according to the monograph of EP suggesting the revision of Minimum requirements for biological productss of e-procurement, e-placement, e-payment are also investigated.. monocytogenes, E. coli 및 S. enteritidis에 대한 키토산의 최소저해농도는 각각 0.1461 mg/mL, 0.2419 mg/mL, 0.0980 mg/mL 및 0.0490 mg/mL로 측정되었다. 또한 2%(v/v) 초산 자체의 최소저해농도를 측정한 결과, B. cereus, L. mosocytogenes, E. eoli에 대해서는 control과 비교시 유의적인 항균효과는 나타나지 않았다. 반면에 S. enteritidis의 경우는 배양시간 4시간까지는 항균활성을 나타내었지만, 8시간 이후부터는 S. enteritidis의 성장이 control 보다 높아져 배양시간 20시간에서는 control 보다 약 2배 이상 균주의 성장을 촉진시켰다.차에 따른 개별화 학습을 가능하게 할 뿐만 아니라 능동적인 참여를 유도하여 학습효율을 높일 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.향은 패션마케팅의 정의와 적용범위를 축소시킬 수 있는 위험을 내재한 것으로 보여진다. 그런가 하면, 많이 다루어진 주제라

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Sequence Diversity of Mitochondrial Cytochrome b Gene in Grey Goral Naemorhedus caudatus(Artiodactyla, Bovidae) from Korea (한국의 산양(우제목, 소과)의 미토콘드리아 Cytochrome b 염기서열 다양성)

  • Koh, Hung-Sun;Yang, Byong-Guk;Lee, Bae-Kun;Lee, Jong-Hyong
    • Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2002
  • To add genetic information to the conservation efforts on grey coral (Naemorhedus caudatus) in Korea, we investigated the pattern of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequence (606 bp) of six specimens from two localities in Korea. The corresponding sequences of N. caudatus in China obtained from GenBank were also used. The nucleotide Tamura-Nei distances between each of four haplotypes of N. caudatus in Korea and the haplotype of N. caudatus in China varied from 0.0650 to 0.0803: N. caudatus revealed high level of sequence diversity in Bovidae. In N. caudatus in Korea, the distances among three haplotypes at Yanggu were 0.0151 to 0.0185, and it suggests that the genetic diversity of Yanggu population was decreased in low level. Moreover, the distances between each of three haplotypes at Yanggu and one haplotype at Samcheok were 0.0343 to 0.0489. It indicates that habitat isolation caused the continuous increase of genetic distance with geographic distance in N. caudatus, and various conservation plans for mitigating the loss of genetic diversity in Korea have to be in immediate action. To clarify the taxonomic status of N. caudatus, the sequence (276 bp) of N. goral available from GenBank were also utilized, and n goral was not distinct from N. caudatus. It suggests that they may be conspecific, but further analyses with additional specimens of two species are necessary.

Development of Bivalve Culture Management System based on GIS for Oyster Aquaculture in GeojeHansan Bay (거제한산만 굴 양식장에 대한 GIS 기반 어장관리시스템 개발)

  • Cho, Yoon-Sik;Hong, Sok-Jin;Kim, Hyung-Chul;Choi, Woo-Jeung;Lee, Won-Chan;Lee, Suk-Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2010
  • Oyster production is playing an important role in domestic aquaculture, but facing some problems such as exports decrease, a slowdown in domestic demand and marine environmental deterioration. In order to obtain the suitable and sustainable oyster production, suitable sites selection is an important step in oyster aquaculture. This study was conducted to identify the suitable sites for lunging culture of oyster using Geographic Information System(GIS)-based multi-criteria evaluation methods. Most of the parameters were extracted by Inverse Distance Weighted(IDW) methods in GIS and eight parameters were grouped into two basic sub-models for oyster aquaculture, namely oyster growth sub-model(Sea Temperature, Salinity, Hydrodynamics, Chlorophyll-a) and environment sub-model(Bottom DO, TOC, Sediment AVS, Benthic Diversity). Suitability scores were ranked on a scale from 1(leased suitable) and 8(most suitable), and about 80.1% of the total potential area had the highest scores 5 and 6. These areas were shown to have the optimum condition for oyster culture in GeojeHansan Bay. This method to identify suitable sites for oyster culture may be used to develop bivalve culture management system for supporting a decision making.

Distributed GIS-Based Watershed Rainfall-Runoff Model Development and Its Calibration using Weather Radar (기상레이더와 지형정보시스템을 이용한 분포형 강우-유출 유역모형의 개발과 검정)

  • Skahill, Brian E.;Choi, Woo-Hee;Kim, Min-Hwan;Kim, Sung-Kyun;Johnson, Lynn E.
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.285-300
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    • 2003
  • An event-based, kinematic, infiltration-excess, and distributed rainfall-runoff model using weather radar and Geographic Information System(GIS) was developed to acknowledge and account lot the spatial variability and uncertainty of several parameters relevant to storm surface runoff and surface flow The developed model is compatible with raster GIS and spatially and temporally varied rainfall data. To calibrate the model, Monte Carlo simulation and a likelihood measure are utilized; allowing for a range of possible system responses from the calibrated model. Using rain gauge adjusted radar-rainfall estimates, the developed model was applied and evaluated to a limited number of historical events for the Ralston Creek and Goldsmith Gulch basins within the Denver Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UDFCD) that contain mixed land use classifications. While based on a limited number of Monte Carlo simulations and considered flood events, Nash and Sutcliffe efficiency score ranges of -0.19∼0.95 / -0.75∼0.81 were obtained from the calibrated models for the Ralston Creek and Goldsmith Gulch basins, based on a comparison of observed and simulated hydrographs. For the Ralston Creek and Goldsmith Gulch basins, Nash and Sutcliffe efficiency scores of 0.88/0.10, 0.14/0.71, and 0.99/0.95 for runoff volume, peak discharge, and time to peak, respectively, were obtained from the model.

Estimation or Threshold Runoff on Han River Watershed (한강유역 한강유출량 산정)

  • Kim, Jin-Hoon;Bae, Deg-Hyo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.39 no.2 s.163
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    • pp.151-160
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    • 2006
  • In this study, threshold runoff which is a hydrologic component of flash flood guidance(FFG) is estimated by using Manning's bankfull flow and Geomorphoclimatic Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph(GcIUH) methods on Han River watershed. Geographic Information System(GIS) and 3' Digital Elevation Model database have been used to prepare the basin parameters of a very fine drainage area($1.02\~56.41km^2$), stream length and stream slope for threshold runoff computation. Also, cross-sectional data of basin and stream channel are collected for a statistical analysis of regional regression relationships and then those are used to estimate the stream parameters. The estimated threshold runoff values are ranged from 2 mm/h to 14 mm/6hr on Han River headwater basin with the 1-hour duration values are$97\%$ up to 8mm and the 6-hour values are $98\%$ up to 14mm. The sensitivity analysis shows that threshold runoff is more variative to the stream channel cross-sectional factors such as a stream slope, top width and friction slope than the drainage area. In comparisons between the computed threshold runoffs on this study area and the three other regions in the United States, the computed results on Han River watershed are reasonable.

The Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Gifted Education Units in Seoul (서울시 영재교육기관의 공간적 분포특성 분석)

  • Kim, Sungyeun;Lee, Seon-Young
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.711-729
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    • 2015
  • The purposes of this study are to derive the regions in Seoul that lack gifted education units by analyzing the spatial distribution of the units and to investigate the factors related to the unit locations. The gifted education units are divided into the three following types: the first type is a gifted class at a school, the second type is a gifted education center at a provincial office of education, and the third type is a gifted education center at a university. The results of using a GIS-based spatial analysis were as follows. First, a buffering analysis showed that even though there were gifted educational blind spots in Jongno-gu and in parts of the outskirts of Seoul, the spatial distribution of gifted education units in Seoul seemed homogeneous because they were too small. Second, a special quotient analysis showed that there was a hub unit of gifted education in Guro-gu. Third, an analysis of local Moran's Index showed that Jung-gu was a cold spot and Songa-gu was a hot spot. Fourth, a correlation analysis investigated that the number of gifted education units had generally no statistically significant relationship with economic factors. These results will help to improve the efficiency and equity of the management of the gifted education units in Seoul that will be established or expanded in the future.

Evaluation of GPS and Totalstation Surveying for Facilities Mapping (시설물 현황도 작성을 위한 GPS와 토털스테이션 측량의 적용 및 성과분석)

  • 박병욱;이대근;양경주
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.373-381
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    • 2003
  • This study presents the detailed methods for facilities mapping using GPS and Totalstation. From the control survey by GPS network adjustment, the level of significance fur the height value of fourth order triangulation stations used in this study was estimated about 10cm. According to the result of verification for the transformation coefficients of national coordinate, which were announced by the National Geographic Information Institute, RMSE f coordinate transformation was found out as $\pm$0.546m that can be applied to a map scale less than 1/10,000. The accuracy analysis of height determination by Totalstation for the traverse points spaced average 90m showed that RMSE came out $\pm$9mm on the basis of direct leveling, so it indicated that trigonometric leveling by Totalstation was correct comparatively. The result of accuracy analysis of GPS/RTK surveying on traverse points showed that RMSE came out $\pm$33mm in horizontal location on the basis of Totalstation's outcome and $\pm$15mm in height value on the basis of direct leveling. In the construction survey, GPS/RTK surveying is quicker and more economical than Totalstation surveying in the feasible areas of GPS surveying. but there were many impossible areas for GPS/RTK surveying by the obstacles like a building.

Development of an Application System for Efficient Management of Underground Water Supply Facility - Pilot Study in Chonju City - (상수도 지하시설물의 효율적 관리를 위한 응용시스템 개발 -전주시를 대상으로-)

  • 오권호;진철하;이근상;정승현;조기성
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2000
  • Water, waste, electric and gas facilities are urban based facilities that needed in our life and are often located in underground. Therefore, underground facilities are more difficult to manage efficiently than ground facilities. It is needed to carry out survey/probe into underground facilities and to build database in order to prevent city-misfortunes being occurred because of negligent management and in order to minimize budget-waste and a traffic jam according to repetition of road excavation constructions. Also, the development of application system is required to manage efficiently underground facility. Chonju city has launched underground water supply facility computerizing project as a part of National Geographic Information System project until December 1998 and executed survey/probe into 402.89 km water supply that is 80 mm up inside central town area 39.6 $km^2$. Also, chonju city built database into 537 km water supply that is 80 mm below based on water supply card without other survey/probe works. Also, existing work process each department is changed into GIS applied work process and underground water supply facility management system is developed by its work process basis. Water supply underground facility management system that is developed is composed of sub-system like base-map management, water supply inspect, water supply management and water supply inquiry, construction work management, administration management and map management. This research presents the procedure and method of underground water supply facility survey/probe and problem being occurred during survey/probe procedure and also show the functions of each sub-systems composing underground water supply facility management system.

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