• Title/Summary/Keyword: Geo/D/1/1

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SLM using GIS data formats for 3D virtual model of research (SLM 포맷을 이용한 GIS 데이터의 3D 가상모델에 대한 연구)

  • Han, Jeong-Ah;Seo, Laiwon
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2014
  • In recent years, devices using the smart ponwa IT service is activated, to research how the fusion of two or more devices will be able to be interest in the soybeans. One of them in the mobile sector through the development of network and hardware digital geo-spatial map of the rapid advances being made and the computer, how do you map data to efficiently simulate a 3D environment, providing services through a virtual environment focused on whether be. In this study, augmented reality and GIS (Geographic Information System), SLM (Static LOD Model) that combines augmented reality technology on the basis of the basic concepts and approaches in geographic space and how Augmented Reality Based on this interpretation of the relevant content What to do in the development and utilization has a purpose. In this study, the conventional SLM 3DS model data structure of a data format conversion of the proposed possibilities for analyzing and, SLM model generation and format of the existing three-dimensional visualization tools SLM model format for converting a format to a model function, and visualization features. In addition, 3D virtual model to propose a format for efficiently making.

Geometric Corrections of Inaccessible Area Imagery by Employing a Correlative Method

  • Lee, Hong-Shik;Park, Jun-Ku;Lim, Sam-Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.10 no.5 s.23
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2002
  • The geometriccorrection of a satellite imagery is performed by making a systematic correction with satellite ephemerides and attitude angles followed by employing the Ground Control Points (GCSs) or Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). In a remote area or an inaccessible area, however, GCPs are unavailable to be surveyed and thus they can be obtained only by reading maps, which are not accurate in reality. In this study, we performed the systematic correction process to the inaccessible area and the precise geometric correction process to the adjacent accessible area by using GCPs. Then we analyzed the correlation between the two geo-referenced Korea Multiurpose Satellite (KOMPSAT-1 EOC) images. A new geometrical correction for the inaccessible area imagery is achieved by applying the correlation to the inaccessibleimagery. By employing this new method, the accuracy of the inaccessible area imagery is significantly improved absolutely and relatively.

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Mapping 3D Shorelines Using KOMPSAT-2 Imagery and Airborne LiDAR Data (KOMPSAT-2 영상과 항공 LiDAR 자료를 이용한 3차원 해안선 매핑)

  • Choung, Yun Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2015
  • A shoreline mapping is essential for describing coastal areas, estimating coastal erosions and managing coastal properties. This study has planned to map the 3D shorelines with the airborne LiDAR(Light Detection and Ranging) data and the KOMPSAT-2 imagery, acquired in Uljin, Korea. Following to the study, the DSM(Digital Surface Model) is generated firstly with the given LiDAR data, while the NDWI(Normalized Difference Water Index) imagery is generated by the given KOMPSAT-2 imagery. The classification method is employed to generate water and land clusters from the NDWI imagery, as the 2D shorelines are selected from the boundaries between the two clusters. Lastly, the 3D shorelines are constructed by adding the elevation information obtained from the DSM into the generated 2D shorelines. As a result, the constructed 3D shorelines have had 0.90m horizontal accuracy and 0.10m vertical accuracy. This statistical results could be concluded in that the generated 3D shorelines shows the relatively high accuracy on classified water and land surfaces, but relatively low accuracies on unclassified water and land surfaces.

Extraction of 3D Objects Around Roads Using MMS LiDAR Data (MMS LiDAR 자료를 이용한 도로 주변 3차원 객체 추출)

  • CHOUNG, Yun-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.152-161
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    • 2017
  • Making precise 3D maps using Mobile Mapping System (MMS) sensors are essential for the development of self-driving cars. This paper conducts research on the extraction of 3D objects around the roads using the point cloud acquired by the MMS Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensor through the following steps. First, the digital surface model (DSM) is generated using MMS LiDAR data, and then the slope map is generated from the DSM. Next, the 3D objects around the roads are identified using the slope information. Finally, 97% of the 3D objects around the roads are extracted using the morphological filtering technique. This research contributes a plan for the application of automated driving technology by extracting the 3D objects around the roads using spatial information data acquired by the MMS sensor.

Constructing the integrated information system for the coast disaster area management using 3D web GIS technology

  • Jo Myung-Hee;Shin Dong-Ho;Pak Hyeon-Cheol;Hae Young-Jin;Kim Hyoung-Sub;Kim Jin-Sub
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.318-321
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    • 2004
  • The damage scale and damage area in the coast have been increased dramatically because of calamities such as typhoon. tidal wave. flood and storm. Especially. 409 cases. which reach to about $40.9\%$ of natural disasters of 1,000 cases for the recent 15 years have happened on coast area. More than $40\%$ of natural disasters also occurred every year is happening in coastland. Therefore, there is a great need to construct all related GIS database such as atmospheric phenomena (typhoon. tidal wave, flood and storm). harbor facility, harbor traffic and ebb and flow. Furthermore. the certain system should be developed and integrated with NDMS (National Disaster Management System) by using 3D web GIS technology. In this study. the coast disaster area management system was designed and developed by using 3D web GIS technique so that the coast disaster area could be monitored and managed in real time and in visual. Finally. the future disaster in coast area could be predicted scientifically.

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3D GSIS Application for Managing Flood Disaster (홍수재해관리를 위한 3차원 GSIS적용)

  • Yoo, Hwan-Hee;Kim, Uk-Nam;Kim, Seong-Sam;Chung, Dong-Ki
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.12 no.1 s.28
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2004
  • Floods are disastrous natural phenomena which result in numerous losses of life and property. It is possible to minimize the potential risk by adopting a disaster management system. Nowadays, Geo-Spatial Information System(GSIS) and computer-modelling techniques have assisted scientists and engineers with determining flood disaster assessments, GIS technologies especially have the advantage of performing spatial analysis as well as generating the model for a flood hazard. Therefore, this paper presents the flood management system based on 3D GSIS that can cope with natural disasters actively and manage flood hazard systematically by constructing the database using hydrological data, digital map, DEM, and high-resolution satellite images.

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Seepage-Advection-Dispersion Numerical Analysis of Offshore Rubble Mound Revetment Landfill Under Transient Flow (비정상류 조건에서 경사식호안매립장에 대한 침투이류 분산해석)

  • Hwang, Woong-Ki;Kim, Hyang-Eun;Kim, Tae-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzes contaminant movement under transient flow in a rubble mound revetment offshore waste landfill barrier system that prevents contaminant runoff. The barrier system consists of bottom layer and side barrier. For the bottom layer system, impermeable clay layer is used. For the side barrier system, the HDPE barrier sheet (primary element) plays the main role, and the intermediate protection layer (supplementary element) is responsible for the barrier. Seepage, advection, dispersion numerical analysis was carried out using SEEP / W and CTRAN / W programs. As a result, under abnormal conditions considering the fluctuation in tidal range, the volume and direction of the flow velocity vector of the pore water change with time and the dispersion concentration of the contaminant changes. When comparing the case of 2 m tidal range and 8 m tidal range, the larger the tide value, the higher the concentration of contaminant under abnormal conditions. It was found that the rate of change of the concentration of the contaminant changed depending on the change in the tidal range, and as a result, the outflow of the pollutant was smaller than that in the steady flow state.

Structural-Health Evaluation for Core Zones of Fill Dams in Korea using Electrical Resistivity Survey and No Water Boring Method (전기비저항 탐사와 무수보링을 이용한 국내 필 댐 코어존의 건전성 평가)

  • Lee, Sangjong;Lim, Heuidae;Park, Dongsoon
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.21-35
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    • 2015
  • Electrical resistivity survey (2D and 3D) were employed for detection of possible weak zone of core zones of three central core earth-rockfill dams in Korea. In the 2D results, the core zones is lower resistivity zone with less than $50{\sim}400ohm{\cdot}m$, and the basement is relatively higher resistivity zone with over $1,000ohm{\cdot}m$. In the 3D results, especially, the weak zone with under $100ohm{\cdot}m$ was detected spatial distribution area in the dam. We also drilled boreholes to collect soil samples of core zones of each dam. Water was not used during boring, because water for rotary wash boring could cause structural damages in earth dams. We found that the soil samples of core zones from all of the boreholes correspond to CL (USCS), but we also found that the fluidized or water-saturated soil samples were found in lower resistivity zones. Therefore, the electrical resistivity survey and drilling method without water are a quick and efficient method for structural-health evaluation which is detection of possible weak zones in earth core rockfill dams.

A Study on the Field Application of a Small Dynamic Cone Penetration Tester Using Hammer Automatic Strike and Penetration Measurement (해머 타격과 관입량 측정이 자동화된 소형 동적콘관입시험기의 현장 적용성 연구)

  • Hwiyoung Chae ;Soondal Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.24 no.12
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    • pp.5-11
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    • 2023
  • Economic damage is occurring due to landslides and debris flows that occur when the ground artificially created for roads or photovoltaic power generation facilities is weakened by rainfall such as torrential rain. In order to understand the stability of the artificially created ground, it is very important to check the ground information such as the compositional state and mechanical characteristics of the stratum. However, since most of the investigation sites are steep slopes or there are no access roads, it is not easy to enter the drilling equipment commonly used to check ground information and perform standard penetration tests. In this study, a dynamic cone penetration test (DCP) device using a miniaturized auger drilling equipment and an automatic drop device was developed to check the cone resistance value and the dynamic cone penetration test value and analyze the correlation with the standard penetration test value to confirm its applicability at the mountain solar power generation site. As a result, the cone resistance value is qd = 0.46 N and the dynamic cone penetration test value is Nd = 1.58 N, confirming a value similar to the results of existing researchers to secure its reliability.

The Statistical Optimization of TCE Dechlorination by Geobacter lovleyi Using Box-Behnken Design (Box-Behnken법을 이용한 Geobacter lovleyi의 TCE 탈염소화 공정 최적화 연구)

  • Cha, Jaehun;An, Sangwoo;Chun, sukyoung;Park, Jaewoo;Chang, Soonwoong
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 2012
  • This study investigated the use of Geobacter lovleyi with TBOS(Tetrabutoxysilane) for TCE(Trichloroethylene) dechlorination. The TCE dechlorination by Geobacter lovleiy was mathematically described as the independent variables such as initial concentration of TCE, protein mass of Geobacter lovleyi and initial concentration of TOBS, and these were modeled by the use of response surface methodology(RSM). These experiments were carried out as a Box-Behnken Design(BBD) consisting of 15 experiments. The application of RSM yielded the following equation, which is empirical relationship for the dechlorination efficiency($Y_1$, %) of TCE and first order kinetic constant of TCE($Y_2,\;d^{-1}$) by independent variables in coded unit : $Y_1=-11.50X_1$(initial concentration of TCE) + $4.25X_2$(protein mass as Geobacter lovleyi injected mass) - $4.75X_3$(initial concentration of TBOS) - ${6.58X_1}^2$ - ${8.58X_2}^2$ + 93.67, $Y_2=-10.92X_1+5.06X_2-4.89X_3-{4.93X_3}^2-2.19X_1X_2+2.54X_1X_3-2.19X_2X_3+16.71$. In this case, the value of the adjusted determination coefficient(adjusted $R^2$= 0.975 and 0.934) were closed to 1, showing a high significance of the model. Statistical results showed the order of TCE dechlorination at experimental factors to be initial TCE concentration > initial TBOS concentration > protein mass, but the interaction effects were non-significant.