• Title/Summary/Keyword: Generate Data

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Building of an Vessel Operator Support System Based on ENC (ENC기반 선박운항자 지원시스템의 구축)

  • Hong Tae-ho;Seo Ki-Yeol;Park Gyei-Kark
    • Proceedings of KOSOMES biannual meeting
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.135-140
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    • 2005
  • Currently, ECDIS and GPS plotters are much used as equipment providing operators with route information, but they do not have any function of automatic route creation and route explanation, so available for only experienced operators. Especially, the present situation is tint no study is made of the automatic route creation and route explanation using ENC for ECDIS, substitution system of paper chart. ENC is the electronic navigation chart that is produced using S-52, S-57 standard format required by IHQ. In this paper, an Vessel Operator Support System(VOSS) is proposed to generate an optimal route where ENC and GPS data is fusioned induding the wind direction and speed of an anemometer and tide data. The proposed system was testified by a simulation, and its effectiveness was verified.

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A Study on the Optimal Loan Limit Management Using the Newsvendor Model (뉴스벤더 모델을 이용한 최적 대출금 한도 관리에 관한 연구)

  • Sin, Jeong-Hun;Hwang, Seung-June
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2015
  • In this study, granting the optimal loan limit on SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) loans of financial institutions was proposed using the traditional newsvendor model. This study was the first domestic case study that applied the newsvendor model that was mainly used to calculate the optimum order quantity under some uncertain demands to the calculation of the loan limit (debt ceiling) of institutions. The method presented in this study made it possible to calculate the loan limit (debt ceiling) to maximize the revenue of a financial institution using probability functions, applied the newsvendor model setting the order volume of merchandise goods as the loan product order volume of the financial institution, and proposed, through the analysis of empirical data, the availability of additional loan to the borrower and the reduction of the debt ceiling and a management method for the recovery of the borrower who could not generate profit. In addition, the profit based loan money management model presented in this study also demonstrated that it also contributed to some extent to the prediction of the bankruptcy of the borrowing SME (Small and Medium Enterprise), as well as the calculation of the loan limit based on profit, by deriving the result values that the borrowing SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) actually went through bankruptcy at later times once the model had generated a signal of loan recovery for them during the validation of empirical data. accordingly, The method presented in this study suggested a methodology to generated a signal of loan recovery to reduce the losses by the bankruptcy.

Real-time 3D model generation system using multi-view images (다시점 영상을 이용한 실시간 3D 모델 생성 시스템)

  • Park, Jeong-Sun;Son, Hyung-Jae;Park, Jeung-Chul;Oh, Il-Seok
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.383-392
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    • 2017
  • This paper introduces a real-time 3D model generation system that can process in real time from multi-view image acquisition to image-based 3D model generation. This system describes how to collect, transmit, and manage the HD images input from 18 cameras and explain the background separation and smooth 3D volume model generation process. This paper proposes a new distributed data transmission and reception method for real-time processing of HD images input from 18 cameras. In addition, we describe a codebook-based background separating algorithm and a modified marching cube algorithm using perspective difference interpolation to generate smooth 3D models from multi-view images. The system is currently being built with a throughput rate of 30 frames per second.

Facial Detection using Haar-like Feature and Bezier Curve (Haar-like와 베지어 곡선을 이용한 얼굴 성분 검출)

  • An, Kyeoung-Jun;Lee, Sang-Yong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.311-318
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    • 2013
  • For face detection techniques, the correctness of detection decreases with different lightings and backgrounds so such requires new methods and techniques. This study has aimed to obtain data for reasoning human emotional information by analyzing the components of the eyes and mouth that are critical in expressing emotions. To do this, existing problems in detecting face are addressed and a detection method that has a high detection rate and fast processing speed good at detecting environmental elements is proposed. This method must detect a specific part (eyes and a mouth) by using Haar-like Feature technique with the application of an integral image. After which, binaries detect elements based on color information, dividing the face zone and skin zone. To generate correct shape, the shape of detected elements is generated by using a bezier curve-a curve generation algorithm. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, an experiment was conducted by using data in the Face Recognition Homepage. The result showed that Haar-like technique and bezier curve method were able to detect face elements more elaborately.

ICT and the Changing Nature of Work: Work Fragmentation (ICT와 업무의 변화 - 일의 파편화 관점에서 -)

  • Lee, Seyoon;Park, Jun-Gi;Lee, Jungwoo
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.35-56
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    • 2014
  • Information and communication technologies(ICT) allow and force people to work anywhere, anytime using remote databases and application systems available in real-time twenty four hours a day and seven days a week. With the real time nature of ICT, individual work is becoming more and more fragmented. Instead of working on a similar task repeatedly, individuals are required to respond to e-mails and inquiries through social networks, work on planning documents, work on presentation documents, work on spreadsheets, input necessary data on company databases, generate necessary reports from the database, run teleconference, etc., all maybe in a day's work. Work fragmentation may impact negatively on productivity as the flow is interrupted, but it may increase the productivity by allowing people to handle multiple tasks in a shorter time period. This study explores the types of work fragmentation and their characteristics. An online survey was administered to collect data about work fragmentation and work characteristics including autonomy, complexity, flexibility, usage of ICT, etc. 300 cases were used in the analysis. Analysis of k-mean cluster indicated four different types of work fragmentation: concentrated, temporally distributed, spatially distributed, and fully fragmented.


  • Seong, Seung-Hwan;Kim, Seong-O
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.213-224
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    • 2008
  • The pumping of coolant in a liquid metal fast reactor may be performed with an annular linear induction electro-magnetic (EM) pump. Linear induction pumps use a traveling magnetic field wave created by poly-phase currents, and the induced currents and their associated magnetic field generate a Lorentz force, whose effect can be the pumping of the liquid metal. The flow behaviors in the pump are very complex, including a time-varying Lorentz force and pressure pulsation, because an induction EM pump has time-varying magnetic fields and the induced convective currents that originate from the flow of the liquid metal. These phenomena lead to an instability problem in the pump arising from the changes of the generated Lorentz forces along the pump's geometry. Therefore, a magneto-hydro-dynamics (MHD) analysis is required for the design and operation of a linear induction EM pump. We have developed a time-harmonic 2-dimensional axisymmetry MHD analysis method based on the Maxwell equations. This paper describes the analysis and numerical method for obtaining solutions for some MHD parameters in an induction EM pump. Experimental test results obtained from an induction EM pump of CLIP-150 at the STC "Sintez," D.V. Efremov Institute of Electro-physical Apparatus in St. Petersburg were used to validate the method. In addition, we investigated some characteristics of a linear induction EM pump, such as the effect of the convective current and the double supply frequency (DSF) pressure pulsation. This simple model overestimated the convective eddy current generated from the sodium flow in the pump channel; however, it had a similar tendency for the measured data of the pump performance through a comparison with the experimental data. Considering its simplicity, it could be a base model for designing an EM pump and for evaluating the MHD flow in an EM pump.

Development of an Image Tagging System Based on Crowdsourcing (크라우드소싱 기반 이미지 태깅 시스템 구축 연구)

  • Lee, Hyeyoung;Chang, Yunkeum
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.297-320
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to improve the access and retrieval of images and to find a way to effectively generate tags as a tool for providing explanation of images. To do this, this study investigated the features of human tagging and machine tagging, and compare and analyze them. Machine tags had the highest general attributes, some specific attributes and visual elements, and few abstract attributes. The general attribute of the human tag was the highest, but the specific attribute was high for the object and scene where the human tag constructor can recognize the name. In addition, sentiments and emotions, as well as subjects of abstract concepts, events, places, time, and relationships are represented by various tags. The tag set generated through this study can be used as basic data for constructing training data set to improve the machine learning algorithm.

A Study on the Application of Cost Risk Exposure methods by the Probabilistic Evaluation on the Construction Projects (확률적 평가에 의한 건설공사 비용 위험도 측정의 적용성에 관한 연구)

  • Cho Jea-Ho;Chun Jae-Youl
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.1 no.1 s.1
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 2000
  • The paper considers two non-deterministic methods of analysing the risk exposure in a cost estimate The fist method(referred to as the 'conventional statistical' method) analyses cost data directly, to describe a probability distribution for total cost. The second method(referred to as the 'Monte Carlo simulation' method) interprets cost data directly, to generate a probability distribution for total costs from the descriptions of elemental cost distribution. The common practice of allowing for risk through an all-embracing contingency sum or percentage addition is challenged. Rather than excluding conventional, non-deterministic methods, they are here presented as possibly the only of effective foundation on which to risk management in cost estimating.

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Substream-based out-of-sequence packet scheduling for streaming stored media (저장매체 스트리밍에서 substream에 기초한 비순차 패킷 스케줄링)

  • Choi Su Jeong;Ahn Hee June;Kang Sang Hyuk
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.29 no.10C
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    • pp.1469-1483
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    • 2004
  • We propose a packet scheduling algorithms for streaming media. We assume that the receiver periodically reports back the channel throughput. From the original video data, the importance level of a video packet is determined by its relative position within its group of pictures, taking into account the motion-texture discrimination and temporal scalability. Thus, we generate a number of nested substreams. Using feedback information from the receiver and statistical characteristics of the video, we model the streaming system as a queueing system, compute the run-time decoding failure probability of a Same in each substream based on effective bandwidth approach, and determine the optimum substream to be sent at that moment in time. Since the optimum substream is updated periodically, the resulting sending order is different from the original playback order. From experiments with real video data, we show that our proposed scheduling scheme outperforms the conventional sequential sending scheme.

Low Pass Filtering for the Extraction of Island Detection in Coastal Zone from SPOT Imagery (SPOT 위성영상을 이용한 LPF 기법으로 해안지역의 섬 경계 추출)

  • Choi Hyun;Yoon Hong-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.9 no.8
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    • pp.1787-1792
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    • 2005
  • The join of remote sensing and GIS(Geographic Information System) could be useful in various fields of marine information and land information as well as ITS(Intelligent Transport Systems). This paper is LPF(Low Pass Filtering) for the extraction of island detection in coastal zone Iron SPOT imagery which is 10m resolution photograph. The study area is based on the southern sea in korea. Sobel operator performed the extraction of island detection in coastal zone after the LPF processing by remote sensing. And, GIS was used to generate from raster to vector data. As the result, The best way prove out the 5${\times}$5 convolution mask about the LPF processing of island detection in coastal zone. It is judged the research which it sees with the fact that the presentation of very scientific and reasonable data will be possible from the oceanic dispute will occur from the EEZ(Exclusive Economic Zone).